dated December 18, 2012 N 1060


Introduce into the federal state educational standard of primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 N 373 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2009, registration N 15785), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 N 1241 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2011, registration N 19707) and dated September 22, 2011 N 2357 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2011, registration N 22540), the following changes:

1. In the first paragraph of clause 12.4:

the words “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” should be replaced with the words “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics<*>";

add a footnote<*>the following content:

"<*>At the choice of parents (legal representatives), the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, the fundamentals of Jewish culture, the fundamentals of Buddhist culture, the fundamentals of Islamic culture, the fundamentals of world religious cultures, and the fundamentals of secular ethics are studied."






In accordance with paragraph 16 of the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 N 23 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 4, Art. 293; 2014, N 39, Art. 5266 ), I order:

Approve the attached professional standard "Worker of a workshop for sorting solid household waste."



by order of the Ministry of Labor

and social protection

Russian Federation


Solid waste sorting workshop worker

The main goal of the type of professional activity:

Group of classes:

Garbage sorters



Attribution to types of economic activity:

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard (functional map of the type of professional activity)

Generalized labor functions

Labor functions


skill level


level (sublevel) of qualification

Conducting the solid waste sorting process

Performing auxiliary operations when sorting solid waste

Sorting, selection and calibration of solid waste

Performing related work in the solid waste sorting workshop

Maintenance of solid waste sorting equipment

Ensuring packaging, storage and disposal of solid waste sorting products

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions

3.1. Generalized labor function

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Waste collectors and recyclers

Garbage sorters

3.1.1. Labor function

Labor actions

Checking the functionality of tools, equipment, mechanization and personal protective equipment

Determining the location for unloading solid waste from a garbage truck to a special site

Ensuring uninterrupted supply of waste to the sorting line

Required skills

Determine the serviceability of tools, equipment, mechanization and personal protective equipment

Rational distribution of solid waste arriving at a special site

Monitor the uniform supply of solid waste to the sorting line

Use mechanization when loading solid waste onto an inclined conveyor

Required knowledge

Operating principle of solid waste sorting workshop equipment

Requirements for the placement of solid waste on a special site

Rules for the use of mechanization when loading solid waste onto an inclined conveyor

Mode of supply of solid waste to the sorting line

Other characteristics

3.1.2. Labor function

Labor actions

Receiving a shift assignment for work

Checking the serviceability of personal protective equipment

Preparation of the workplace in accordance with labor protection, environmental, fire and industrial safety requirements

Determination of the presence of useful fractions (waste paper, metal, glass) in waste moved on the sorting line

Selection, calibration and transfer of useful fractions into sorting funnels

Ensuring the supply of residual waste mass to press compactors

Cleaning the workplace

Required skills

Follow the work schedule when working on the sorting line

Determine the serviceability of personal protective equipment

Visually identify useful fractions moving along the sorting line

Control the movement of residual waste mass to press compactors

Required knowledge

Morphological composition (fractions) of solid waste

Design and purpose of units and elements of the sorting line

Requirements for various fractions of solid waste, determining their suitability for recycling

Sorting line operating mode

Solid waste processing technology

Requirements of sanitary norms and rules, labor protection, industrial and fire safety during work

Other characteristics

3.2. Generalized labor function

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the basic group, position (profession) or specialty

Waste collectors and recyclers

Garbage sorters

Helper worker (2nd category)

Loading and unloading plant operator

3.2.1. Labor function

Labor actions

Receiving a shift assignment for work

Preparation of the workplace in accordance with labor protection, environmental, fire and industrial safety requirements

Checking the functionality of tools, devices and personal protective equipment

Inspection of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Carrying out routine maintenance of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation

Recording in the operation log of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Cleaning the workplace

Required skills

Determine the serviceability of tools, devices and personal protective equipment

Analyze the technical condition of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Identify visible deviations in the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Comply with the requirements of technical regulations when servicing the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Maintain reporting documentation

Required knowledge

Design and technical characteristics of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Rules for the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Technical regulations for the maintenance of main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop

Fundamentals of mechanical assembly and metalwork production

Requirements for maintaining reporting documentation

Requirements of sanitary norms and rules, labor protection, industrial and fire safety during work

Other characteristics

3.2.2. Labor function

Labor actions

Receiving a shift assignment for work

Preparation of the workplace in accordance with labor protection, environmental, fire and industrial safety requirements

Checking the functionality of tools, main and auxiliary equipment of the solid waste sorting workshop and personal protective equipment

Compaction of sorted waste mass in press compactors

Loading, using mechanization, press containers with a sorted mass of waste for transporting them to the disposal site

Pressing calibrated useful waste fractions into bales

Collection of useful waste fractions that do not require compaction into containers

Storing packaged useful waste fractions for storage

Required skills

Follow the work schedule

Determine the serviceability of tools, main and auxiliary equipment and personal protective equipment

Operate press compactors to compact the sorted mass of solid waste

Set up operating modes of equipment responsible for pressing useful fractions of solid waste

Observe the storage regime for packaged useful waste fractions

Required knowledge

Types and rules of operation of main and auxiliary equipment responsible for compaction, pressing and transportation of solid waste sorting products

Requirements for the quality of compaction and pressing of solid waste sorting products

Physico-mechanical properties of various fractions of solid waste

Rules for storing useful solid waste sorting products

Requirements of sanitary norms and rules, labor protection, industrial and fire safety during work

Other characteristics

IV. Information about the organizations that developed the professional standard

4.1. Responsible development organization

4.2. Names of development organizations

See also: Decision of the EEC Board of 08/28/2018 N 142 "On the form of declaration of goods for express cargo and the procedure for filling it out."

As part of the implementation of the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 17, 2017 N Pr-1604 on creating conditions for the development of the e-commerce industry, improving customs administration mechanisms in this area, as well as in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 260 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (Appendix No. 1 to the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union) and taking into account the preparation of a draft decision of the Commission of the Eurasian Economic Union on the use as a passenger customs declaration of a register of express cargo of goods for personal use delivered by a carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals, containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, and obtaining practice in its use, I ORDER:

1. Conduct from July 5 to July 1, 2019 in the region of activity of the Far Eastern, Volga, Northwestern, Siberian, Ural, Central, Southern, North Caucasus customs departments, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Moscow regional customs an experiment on customs operations in accordance with the Procedure for using as a passenger customs declaration the register of express cargo of goods for personal use, delivered by the carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals, containing the information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, using the Unified Automated Information System customs authorities (hereinafter - the Procedure) (hereinafter - UAIS TO), given in this order.

1. Conduct from July 5 to December 31, 2018 in the region of activity of the Far Eastern, Volga, Northwestern, Siberian, Ural, Central, Southern, North Caucasus customs departments, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Moscow regional customs an experiment on customs operations in accordance with the Procedure for using as a passenger customs declaration the register of express cargo of goods for personal use, delivered by the carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals, containing the information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, using the Unified Automated Information System customs authorities (hereinafter - the Procedure) (hereinafter - UAIS TO), given in this order.

2. The Central Information and Technical Customs Administration (D.V. Tereshchenko), the Main Directorate of Information Technologies of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (G.V. Peschanskikh) with the participation of the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (D.B. Zhukov) shall provide:

1) interdepartmental electronic interaction of the UAIS TO with the electronic service “Service Hub” in accordance with clause 20 of the Procedure;

2) providing the Federal Customs Service of Russia, regional customs departments, customs houses with access to a database containing information provided within the framework of the Procedure, in accordance with applications from structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, regional customs departments and customs offices.

3. To the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (A.A. Yudintsev):

1) until the completion of the finalization of the UAIS TO information and software tools in accordance with the Procedure in order to increase control over the reliability of information about identity documents of individuals declared in registers used as passenger customs declarations submitted by the customs representative on behalf and on behalf of individuals persons - recipients of goods in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the register), conduct a quarterly analysis of passport data specified in the registers in order to generate draft risk profiles and (or) proposals for updating risk profiles containing a list of invalid Russian passports, and their further sending to Department for Customs Risk Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

2) upon identifying established facts indicating that the customs representative has indicated in the register information about invalid Russian passports, ensure the submission of such information to the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

4. The Directorate for Control of Customs Risks of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (F.A. Zolotnitsky) together with the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (D.B. Zhukov), the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (A.A. Yudintsev) if necessary, ensure the development of risk profiles and (or) proposals for updating/cancelling risk profiles.

5. The Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (D.B. Zhukov) ensure that the list of invalid Russian passports for use during customs control, compiled in accordance with paragraph 3 of this order and submitted in the prescribed manner by the Main Directorate, is communicated to the customs authorities on combating smuggling by the Federal Customs Service of Russia (A.A. Yudintsev).

6. Far Eastern Customs Administration (Yu.M. Ladygin), Volga Customs Administration (S.V. Rybkin), Northwestern Customs Administration (A.N. Getman), Siberian Customs Administration (K.R. Kozlov), Ural Customs management (M.V. Chmora), Central Customs Administration (S.N. Prusov), Southern Customs Administration (S.V. Pashko), North Caucasus Customs Administration (A.I. Ashkalov), Sheremetyevo Customs (A.V. . Reason), Vnukovo customs (A.V. Timofeev), Domodedovo customs (A.A. Berzan), Moscow regional customs (V.I. Goloskokov) provide:

1) taking into account the compliance of customs representatives with the criteria given in this order, conducting an experiment in accordance with the Procedure;

2) submission of comments (if identified) and proposals for the application of the Procedure to the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Main Directorate of Information Technologies of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Department of Trade Restrictions, Currency and export control by the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Central Information and Technical Customs Administration;

3) informing within 24 hours the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia at the following email addresses: [email protected] And [email protected] when identifying reasons that impede the implementation of the experiment, in accordance with the Procedure;

4) submission to the Federal Customs Service of Russia on a monthly basis, before the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, information on the results of the experiment provided for by the Procedure;

5) within the framework of the risk management system, the development and application of risk profiles aimed at eliminating violations of the law of the Eurasian Economic Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs when applying the Procedure;

6) direction in accordance with the Procedure for providing customs officials with access to information resources of the central database of UAIS TO and ensuring the security of information during the operation of the central database of UAIS TO, approved by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated July 28, 2015 N 1508 (as amended Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 24, 2017 N 454), applications for access to the database containing information provided within the framework of the Procedure.

7. The Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (D.B. Zhukov) together with the Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (E.V. Yagodkina), the Directorate for Control of Customs Risks of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (F.A. Zolotnitsky), the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (A.A. Yudintsev), the Main Directorate for Control after the Release of Goods (V.I. Seleznev), the Main Directorate of Information Technologies of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (G.V. Peschanskikh) and the Central Information Technology technical customs department (D.V. Tereshchenko) to ensure the preparation and submission to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of proposals for improving the Procedure, as well as criteria for inclusion and exclusion in the list of organizations participating in the experiment conducted in accordance with the Procedure.

8. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia R.V. Davydova.

V.I. Bulavin

use as a passenger customs declaration
for personal use,
delivered by the carrier (freight forwarding company
or by courier delivery service) to individuals,
containing information necessary for the release of goods
for personal use, using the Unified
automated information system of customs authorities

I. General provisions

1. The procedure for using, as a passenger customs declaration, a register of express cargo of goods for personal use, delivered by a carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals, containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, using the Unified Automated Information System system of customs authorities (hereinafter - the Procedure), determines the sequence of actions for the use of the Unified Automated Information System of Customs Authorities (hereinafter - UAIS TO) when submitting documents and information in electronic form to the customs authorities as a passenger customs declaration when performing customs operations related to customs declaration goods for personal use purchased by individuals in foreign online stores and delivered to them by freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services (hereinafter referred to as goods), including upon acceptance, registration (refusal of registration) of an application drawn up in the form of a register of goods for personal use, delivered by a carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals and used as a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter referred to as the register), submitted by a customs representative on behalf of and on behalf of an individual recipient of goods in electronic form (to Procedure), when making a decision on the release (refusal to release) of goods.

2. The register is not used for customs declaration of the following goods for personal use:

1) cash and (or) monetary instruments;

2) goods for personal use, in respect of which exemption from customs duties and taxes is granted1;


1 Appendix No. 3 to the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 20, 2017 No. 107 “On certain issues related to goods for personal use.”

3) indivisible goods for personal use;

4) goods for personal use transported in international mail;

5) vehicles for personal use;

6) goods, customs operations in respect of which are carried out in accordance with the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated May 20, 2010 N 263 “On the procedure for using transport (transportation), commercial and (or) other documents as a declaration for goods” (official website Commission of the Customs Union, June 2, 2010), as amended by decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union dated August 17, 2010 N 359 (official website of the Commission of the Customs Union http://www.tsouz. ru/, August 23, 2010), dated December 8, 2010 N 508 (official website of the Customs Union Commission, December 23, 2010), dated March 2, 2011 N 593 (official website of the Customs Union Commission, March 25, 2011), decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated July 12, 2012 N 109 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission , July 16, 2012), dated December 20, 2012 N 281 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, December 20, 2012), dated January 21, 2014 N 6 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, January 22, 2014), dated February 3, 2015 N 6 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, February 4, 2015), dated April 27, 2015 N 38 October 6, 2015 N 129 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union, October 7, 2015), dated February 7, 2017 N 14 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union Economic Union, February 8, 2017).

3. When declaring goods through customs, the register submitted by the customs representative must contain the following information:

1) about the customs representative (name and location; taxpayer identification number (TIN), All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) and reason code for registration (KPP), number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of customs representatives);

2) number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of temporary storage warehouses;

3) about the sender of the goods (name of the organization or surname, name, patronymic of the sender, country of departure);

4) last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient of the goods, address of the individual receiving the goods2, as well as information about the identity document of the recipient of the goods (passport details);


2 The delivery address for the goods specified in the individual invoice is indicated.

5) TIN of the recipient of goods for citizens of the Russian Federation;

6) a unique identification number (hereinafter referred to as UIN) assigned to each individual invoice using software (hereinafter referred to as specialized software) that has been tested in the manner determined by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated January 24, 2008 N 52 “On the introduction of information technology for presentation information to customs authorities in electronic form for the purposes of customs clearance of goods, including using the international association of Internet networks (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 21, 2008, registration No. 11201) (hereinafter referred to as Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 52);

7) for each product:

name (trade, commercial or other traditional name of the product with the addition of information about the trademark, brand, model of the product) (classification code in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU TN FEA) in the event that customs duties are payable payments);

quantity and weight;

unit of measurement;

cost in euros and rubles;

information about documents confirming compliance with prohibitions and restrictions;

9) number of the general air waybill;

10) number of the waybill (when transporting goods by road);

11) total weight of the item;

12) the amounts of customs duties, taxes, and customs fees payable;

13) about the customs payments reservation identifier3 (if available).


3 A customs duties reservation identifier can be generated when ordering goods in an online store and transmitted along with information about the goods to the customs representative. Indication of the customs duties reservation identifier indicates that funds are reserved in the bank account of the individual recipient of the goods for the purpose of paying customs duties.

The register should not contain information regarding goods delivered in more than 500 shipments (individual invoices).

4. When declaring goods through customs, it is mandatory to provide the register with information about the email address (link) for the purchased product indicated on the website of the online store.

5. When filling out the register, reference books and classifiers are used that are part of the resources of the unified system of normative and reference information of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as directories and classifiers used for customs purposes, formed and subject to application in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The register contains information of a technical nature necessary for automated processing of the register, generated by the information system of the customs authority. The composition of the specified information is determined by the description of the electronic structure of the register.

7. The interaction of customs representatives with customs authorities during customs declaration and release of goods, taking into account the Procedure, is carried out through an electronic method of information exchange using electronic signatures (hereinafter - ES) in the manner prescribed by Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On electronic signature" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036, N 27, Art. 3880; 2012, N 29, Art. 3988; 2013, N 14, Art. 1668, N 27, Art. 3463, Article 3477; 2014, No. 11, Article 1098, No. 26 (Part 1), Article 3390; 2016, No. 1 (Part 1), Article 65; No. 26 (Part 1), Article 3889 ).

II. Customs representative

8. The performance by a customs representative of customs operations in relation to goods for personal use delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals - recipients of goods, in accordance with the Procedure, is permitted if the customs representative complies with the criteria for ensuring participation in the experiment on the use as a passenger customs declaration of documents containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals who receive the goods (hereinafter referred to as the experiment).

Customs representatives who, before the entry into force of this order, carried out customs operations using, as a passenger customs declaration, documents containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals - recipients of goods , using the Unified Automated Information System of Customs Authorities, are considered included in the experiment conducted in accordance with this order.

9. The customs representative, when using documents containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals who are recipients of goods, as a passenger customs declaration, performs customs operations on behalf of and on behalf of on behalf of such individuals.

When performing customs operations, a customs representative has the same rights as the individual on whose behalf he performs customs operations.

10. The duties of a customs representative when performing customs operations are determined by the requirements and conditions established by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs.

The duties of a customs representative cannot be limited by an agreement with the person represented.

11. When performing customs operations, the customs representative bears a joint obligation to pay customs duties and taxes with the payer of customs duties and taxes in the full amount of the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes.

12. If during customs control of goods it is established that the goods do not meet the criteria for classification as goods for personal use, customs operations with these goods are carried out in the manner established by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs.

13. The customs representative is obliged:

1) when carrying out their activities, submit to the customs authority for the purposes of carrying out customs operations in relation to goods for personal use moved to an individual in the framework of online trading, documents and information necessary for customs purposes, including those containing information constituting commercial , banking and other secrets protected by law, or other confidential information, within a time frame that ensures compliance with the requirements established by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs;

2) inform the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the customs authority in the region of whose activity it operates within the framework of this order (hereinafter referred to as the customs authority), about changes in the information declared by it when included in the participants of the experiment, within 5 (five) working days from the date changes to such information;

3) collect, process and transfer to the customs authority data on individuals on whose behalf and on behalf of whom customs operations are carried out in relation to goods for personal use purchased via the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as senders, addresses for receiving goods;

4) collect, process and transfer to the customs authority data on goods declared on behalf and on behalf of individuals for personal use, necessary for carrying out customs operations with such goods, determining their value, the amount of customs duties payable, as well as for the purposes of customs control ;

5) carry out customs operations in relation to goods for personal use, transported within the framework of online trade to the address of an individual - the recipient of the goods, on behalf of and on behalf of such an individual;

6) provide authorized customs officials with access to the information resources of the customs representative containing information about the persons to whom the import of goods transported within the framework of online trade was carried out, as well as about the goods transported by them, with the possibility of generating requests for various information contained in the registry.

The technical implementation of this subclause can be carried out, including through the use of the Internet information and telecommunications network using a dedicated workplace;

7) carry out operations to return unclaimed (not accepted by the recipient) goods to the sender in the manner prescribed by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs;

8) submit to the customs authority electronically in real time payment documents confirming the payment of customs duties by individuals - recipients of goods for each express cargo (goods specified in each individual invoice), in accordance with the Procedure;

9) comply with the conditions and requirements established by the law of the EAEU when moving goods across the customs border of the EAEU;

10) submit to the customs authority documents and information confirming the authority of the customs representative submitting an application on behalf of the individual recipient of the goods (agreement on customs operations in relation to goods for personal use, concluded by the customs representative with the represented individual);

11) submit to the customs authority documents confirming the execution of the order for goods and their payment by the represented individual4.


4 Links to the Internet pages of online stores or “screenshots” of such pages, printed samples of documents received by email or mobile device of the individual recipient of the goods, invoices, checks, bills, receipts indicating that the buyer of the goods is a person , specified in the register of express cargo, and other documents that can be used to confirm the order of goods and their payment.

III. Placing goods in a temporary storage warehouse

14. Customs operations related to the placement of goods for temporary storage are carried out in the manner determined by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated December 29, 2012 N 2688 “On approval of the Procedure for submitting documents and information to the customs authority when placing goods in a temporary storage warehouse (other places temporary storage of goods), placement (issue) of goods in a temporary storage warehouse (from a warehouse) and other places of temporary storage, reporting on goods in temporary storage, as well as the procedure and conditions for issuing permission from the customs authority for temporary storage of goods in other places "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 25, 2013, registration N 28894) (hereinafter referred to as the order).

Temporary storage of goods is carried out in a temporary storage warehouse (hereinafter referred to as temporary storage warehouse) at the location of the customs authority where such goods are declared.

When goods are placed in a temporary storage warehouse, goods and accompanying documents are presented by temporary storage warehouse employees to officials of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the temporary storage warehouse is located, in order to carry out customs operations and carry out customs control.

The placement of all arrived goods in the temporary storage warehouse is carried out under customs control in the form of customs surveillance, including the use of technical means (inspection X-ray equipment).

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the procedure approved by the order, goods may not be placed in temporary storage if customs operations related to the customs declaration of such goods in accordance with the customs procedure are completed within three hours.

IV. Use of UAIS TO when submitting to customs
documents and information in electronic form to authorities

15. The register and documents and information accompanying the register (to the Procedure) (hereinafter referred to as accompanying documents and information) in the form of electronic documents using software are presented by customs representatives according to the structure and in formats determined by the Federal Customs Service of Russia in accordance with Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 52, as well as subject to other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. If there are electronic forms of accompanying documents and information in the Album of formats of electronic document forms, developed in accordance with the procedure approved by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 52 (hereinafter referred to as the Album of Format), the documents are submitted to the customs authority in a formalized form in accordance with the Album of Format. In the absence of electronic forms of accompanying documents and information in the Album of Format, they are presented in the form of electronic documents of any form or scanned images of accompanying documents and information on paper, if it is necessary to control marks and stamps.

17. The register and accompanying documents and information in electronic form are documents and information necessary for the release of goods in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure, and are certified by the ES of the customs representative.

18. When submitting the register to the customs authority, the accompanying documents and information necessary for carrying out customs operations can be placed by the customs representative in the electronic archive of the declarant’s documents located in the UAIS TO (hereinafter referred to as EAIS TO).

Each individual electronic document placed in the EADD is automatically assigned an identifier, which is sent to the customs representative via electronic message.

The customs authority accepts accompanying documents and information in the form of a list of electronic documents posted in the EADD, indicating the identifier of each electronic document (hereinafter referred to as the list of accompanying documents and information).

19. The register, accompanying documents and information (list of accompanying documents and information) are subject to simultaneous submission by the customs representative to the UAIS TO using specialized software.

V. Use of UAIS TO during admission,
registration (refusal of registration) of the register

20. When submitting the register to the UAIS TO, format and logical control of the received data is carried out automatically for compliance with the structure and format of the data established by the Album of Formats (hereinafter referred to as the FLC), as well as checking the authenticity of the customs representative’s electronic signature.

21. In order to monitor the reliability of information about individuals declared in the register by the customs representative (series, number of the identity document, date of issue), the customs authority automatically checks such information within the framework of the risk management system using information and software tools information by sending a request through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction to information resources containing information about invalid Russian passports, in order to establish the status of identification documents of individuals - recipients of goods, as well as to identify false information declared in the register about the series, passport number and date issuance.

Until the completion of the finalization of the UAIS TO information and software tools in accordance with the Procedure and this order, customs officials manually compare information about identity documents of individuals - recipients of goods, declared by the customs representative in registers, with information that is in the public domain on information resources containing information about invalid Russian passports, as well as communicated to customs authorities in accordance with paragraph 5 of this order.

Such manual verification of passport data must be at least 5 percent of the total number of goods declared in the register of recipients of goods.

22. If errors are identified during the FLC process, an electronic message containing a list of identified errors is automatically sent to the customs representative from the UAIS TO, for the customs representative to eliminate them and re-submit the register.

Until the identified errors are eliminated and the FLC is successfully completed, the register is considered unsubmitted.

23. After successfully completing the FLC, the register is automatically registered using the UAIS TO information and software tool and is assigned a registration number.

The assignment of a registration number to the register is carried out at the central level of the UAIS TO using a single counter.

The registration number of the register is formed as follows:

ХХХХХХХХ/ХХХХХХ/ХХХХХХХ ─────── ────── ──────── 1 2 3 , where

element 1 - code of the customs authority that registered the register, in accordance with the Classifier of customs authorities of the Russian Federation and their structural divisions;

element 2 - date of registration of the register (day, month, last two digits of the year);

element 3 - serial number according to the register log, at the beginning of which the capital letter “P” is placed as the first character.

After registering the register, an authorized message containing his registration number is automatically sent to the customs representative from the UAIS TO.

Refusal to register the register is carried out in the cases provided for in paragraph 6 of the Instruction on the procedure for performing customs operations in relation to goods for personal use moved by individuals across the customs border, and reflecting the fact of recognition of such goods as not under customs control, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated 18 June 2010 N 311 (official website of the Customs Union Commission, June 29, 2010) as amended by decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 2, 2012 N 183 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission commission, October 4, 2012), dated January 21, 2014 N 7 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission http://www.euа, January 22, 2014), dated April 27, 2015 N 38 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union, April 28, 2015), dated August 18, 2015 N 90 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union http://www., August 20, 2015), from (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union, September 2, 2015), from October 6, 2015 N 129 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union http ://, October 7, 2015), Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated March 3, 2017 N 34 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union, July 17, 2017 ), as well as in case of discrepancy between the UIN of the previous individual invoice declared in the submitted register and the UIN of the individual invoice assigned in the previously submitted register.

A message about the refusal to register the register to the customs representative is sent automatically by the information and software tools of the UAIS TO.

VI. Using the UAIS TO when accepting
decisions on the release (refusal to release) of goods

24. Information declared in the register can be changed or supplemented before the release (refusal to release) of goods with the permission of the customs authority upon a reasoned application for making changes to the register of goods for personal use delivered by the carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals persons (hereinafter referred to as an application for updating information) (to the Procedure), if the changes and additions made do not affect the decision to release (refuse to release) goods and do not entail the need to change information that affects the determination of the amount of customs duties and compliance with prohibitions and restrictions.

An application for updating information is submitted by the customs representative electronically in accordance with paragraphs 15 - 17 of the Procedure.

25. If, before making a decision on release (refusal to release), the customs authority identifies information that is subject to adjustment, the customs authority sends to the customs representative, using the UAIS TO information and software tool, a request for adjustment of information indicating the information that is subject to adjustment (hereinafter referred to as the Request for Correction of Information).

The customs representative, in response to the Request for correction of information, sends to the customs authority an application for correction of information in accordance with paragraphs 15 - 17 of the Procedure.

If the customs representative fails to submit an application for correction of information within three hours of working time from the moment of receipt of the Request for correction of information, the customs authority makes a decision provided for in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure.

26. The decision made regarding the application for adjustment of information is sent to the customs representative using the information EAIS TO software.

27. The customs authority, through the information and software tools of the UAIS TO, checks the information declared during customs declaration by comparing the information reflected in the register with the information contained in the accompanying documents and information, using the information (information) contained in the information resources of the UAIS TO, and also based on information and other data available to the customs authority.

28. In cases where, when checking the information declared in the register, the customs authority revealed that accompanying documents and information are not at its disposal or discrepancies are identified between the information declared in the register and information from such documents located in the information resources of the UAIS TO, documents are requested by the customs authority from the customs representative by sending to him, using the UAIS TO information and software tool, a corresponding request in the form of an authorized message (hereinafter referred to as the Document Request).

29. When performing customs operations and carrying out customs control, the customs authority has the right to motivatedly request additional documents and information in electronic form in order to verify the information contained in customs documents by sending a Document Request to the customs representative using the UAIS TO information and software tool.

30. The customs representative, in response to the Request for Documents, using specialized software, sends the necessary documents and (or) information signed by electronic signature to the customs authority in electronic form.

31. Using the UAIS TO information and software tools, the following data contained in the register, as well as in the list of documents and information accompanying the register, are stored and analyzed at the central level of the UAIS TO:

1) last name, first name, patronymic of the individual - recipient of the goods;

2) information about the identity document of the individual - the recipient of the goods, and his details;

3) TIN of the recipient of goods for citizens of the Russian Federation;

4) address of the individual - recipient of the goods;

5) the cost of goods transferred to the address of the individual recipient of the goods, in euros and rubles;

6) the total weight of goods transported to the address of the individual recipient of the goods;

7) the total cost (in euros) and the total weight of goods for the calendar month previously received by the individual recipient of the goods;

8) the number of names of goods and the number of goods of the same name transferred to the address of an individual - the recipient of the goods;

9) frequency of movement of goods to the individual recipient of the goods;

11) paid amounts of customs duties, taxes, customs fees;

12) mobile phone number of the recipient of the goods;

13) information about the sender of the goods;

14) information about the online store where the goods were ordered (country, page address on the Internet information and telecommunications network);

32. After registering the register at the central level of the UAIS TO, information is automatically requested from the UAIS TO about the frequency of movement and cost of goods moved to the address of the individual recipient of the goods during the 6 months preceding the date of registration of the register.

As criteria for identifying an individual who is the recipient of goods, the details of his identity document, as well as the taxpayer identification number for citizens of the Russian Federation, are used.

The frequency of movement of goods is calculated by the customs authority on the date of registration of the express cargo register.

33. When conducting customs control, authorized customs officials identify risks, the description of which is contained in automatic, automated and (or) informal risk profiles, apply measures to minimize risks, and also take into account their results in the prescribed manner.

34. If, based on the results of checking the information declared in the register and accompanying documents and information, the customs authority decided to apply a measure to minimize the risk, involving the submission of paper copies of the register, accompanying documents and information previously submitted in electronic form, such documents are requested by the customs authority at the customs representative using the information and software tool UAIS TO.

The customs representative, in response to a request, submits to the customs authority, within three hours of working hours from the receipt of such a request, paper copies of the register, accompanying documents and information.

After checking the documents and information additionally requested by the customs authority submitted by the customs representative, the customs authority makes the relevant decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure.

If the customs representative fails to submit additionally requested documents and information within the time limits established by paragraph two of this paragraph, the customs authority makes a decision provided for in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure.

35. Based on the verification of the received documents and information in accordance with paragraphs 28 - 34 of the Procedure, the customs authority makes one of the following decisions:

1) refusal to release goods (payment of customs duties is required);

2) release of goods without paying customs duties;

3) release of goods;

4) refusal to release goods due to recognition of the consignment as commercial or not related to goods for personal use;

5) refusal to release goods due to the lack of necessary documents for the purposes of customs control or the lack of documents confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to pay customs duties;

6) refusal to release goods due to a technical nature (duplication of registers, incorrect filling of fields);

7) refusal to release goods if there is a discrepancy between the passport data specified in the registers and the information contained in the documents allowing the identification of the individual recipient of the goods;

8) refusal to release goods if it is established that a document allowing identification of the individual recipient of the goods is included in the list of invalid Russian passports;

9) refusal to release goods (in other cases);

10) release of exported goods.

36. The decisions of the customs authority provided for in paragraph 35 of the Procedure are made in relation to each shipment (individual consignment note) specified in the register.

In the case of declaring simultaneously in the register of goods delivered to the address of one individual - the recipient of the goods in several shipments (according to several individual invoices), the customs authority makes one decision regarding such shipments (according to the number of the identity document of the individual - the recipient of the goods).

For goods in respect of which a decision was made in accordance with subparagraph 4 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, customs operations are carried out in the manner established by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs.

If a decision is made in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, repeated declaration is allowed only in the manner provided for in paragraphs 38 - 40 of the Procedure.

37. If it follows from the information received by the customs authority that the movement of goods is carried out without exceeding the norms for the import of goods for personal use, within which such goods can be imported without paying customs duties and taxes or with an exemption from paying customs duties and taxes in accordance with the law of the EAEU, the customs authority makes a decision on the release of goods without paying customs duties (subparagraph 2 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure) within the time limits provided for in Article 119 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (Federal Law of November 14, 2017 N 317-FZ “On Ratification of the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, No. 47, Art. 6843) (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Code of the Union), reflecting the decision made through the information and software tools of the UAIS TO in the corresponding column of the register (column 22) with indicating the date of the decision.

38. If the customs authority makes a decision provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, such a decision, using the information and software tools of the UAIS TO, is reflected in the corresponding column of the register (column 18) indicating the basis for calculating customs duties and taxes (the amount in excess of the cost norm not subject to customs payments (in euros), weight in excess of the weight norm not subject to customs duties (in kg) and is transferred to the customs representative.

Invoices, in respect of which the customs authority has made a decision provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, are formed by the customs representative using specialized software into a register filled in on the basis of information received from the customs authority, in accordance with paragraph one of this paragraph, columns 8, 11, 12, 14, 15 (hereinafter referred to as the paid register) and are sent to the customs authority.

Each invoice from the paid register must additionally indicate (transferred from the previous invoice) the UIN of the previous invoice, information about the goods declared in the previous invoice, information on the basis for calculating customs duties and taxes, indicated by the authorized official of the customs authority when making a decision on the previous invoice. For each invoice of the paid register, all goods previously declared in previous invoices are indicated.

The paid register is submitted in respect of goods sent to one individual - the recipient of the goods, including under various individual invoices (various shipments).

In the case of declaring goods in respect of which customs duties and taxes are subject to payment at uniform rates, the indication of the product code in accordance with the EAEU Commodity Code for Foreign Economic Activity in column 8 of the register by the customs representative is carried out at the level of 4 characters.

Registration of the paid register is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 23 of the Procedure.

After the FLC has passed the information declared in the paid register, the customs operations specified in paragraphs 27 - 30, 32 - 34 of the Procedure are not carried out.

39. To reflect the calculation and (or) payment of customs duties using the information and software tools of the UAIS TO, the customs authority generates a customs receipt order (hereinafter - CPO) in accordance with the procedure for filling out and applying the customs receipt order, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18 2010 N 288 “On the form of a customs receipt order and the procedure for filling out and applying a customs receipt order” (official website of the Customs Union Commission, June 25, 2010), as amended by decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated August 23, 2012 N 135 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, August 23, 2012) and dated June 2, 2016 N 56 (official website of the Eurasian Economic Union http:/ /, June 3, 2016), as well as a receipt containing in text and encoded form (bar code) payment details sufficient to make payment and unambiguously identify payments calculated in TPO, and register details, based on which the customs declaration of goods was carried out (hereinafter referred to as the payer's receipt).

When calculating customs duties, a separate TPO and the corresponding payer's receipt are subject to registration in relation to goods delivered to the address of an individual - the recipient of the goods, for each individual invoice.

When calculating customs duties in respect of goods delivered to one individual - the recipient of goods in several shipments (according to several individual invoices) and declared in one register, one CPO and the corresponding payer's receipt are subject to registration.

At the same time, for each shipment, the following information is downloaded from the submitted register in an automated mode for registration of the TPO:

1) individual invoice number;

2) sender/sender information;

3) recipient/information about the recipient, including full name, information about the identity document, TIN for citizens of the Russian Federation, address of the individual recipient of the goods;

4) product name/product code according to the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

5) quantity of goods in units of measurement;

6) total weight of the item in kilograms;

7) cost in rubles (euros);

8) the total cost and total weight of goods for the calendar month previously received by the recipients;

9) type of payment and amount of customs duties and taxes;

10) type of payment and amount of customs duties;

11) customs payments reservation identifier (if available).

The TPO is considered formed subject to successful completion of the FLC and completion of all fields required to generate the payer’s receipt.

When generating an electronic copy of the technical specification, in the third section of the reference number, the serial number according to continuous numbering within the calendar year is indicated, at the beginning of which the capital letter “E” is entered as the first character.

40. The procedure for actions of customs officials during remote payment of customs duties in relation to goods for personal use delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals is determined by a separate legal act of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

41. After paying customs duties and debiting funds from the payer’s personal account, the TPO details are reflected in the corresponding column of the register (column 18) using the UAIS TO information and software tools.

After completing the registration of the customs authority, the customs official prints the customs authority on A4 sheets for storage purposes in the files of the customs authority along with the documents submitted to the customs authority during the customs declaration.

42. The decision on the release of goods subject to payment of customs duties (subparagraph 3 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure) is made after receipt of information about the fulfillment of the obligation to pay customs duties in relation to the goods contained in the shipment, within 10 days inclusive from the date of registration of the register submitted to in accordance with Chapter III of the Procedure. This decision is reflected in the corresponding column of the register (column 22) using the UAIS TO information and software tools, indicating the date the decision was made.

43. If the customs authority, when performing customs operations and carrying out customs control, reveals that the conditions for the release of goods listed in paragraph 1 of Article 118 of the Customs Code of the Union are not met, including if, before the expiration of the deadline for the release of goods to the customs authority If a document confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to pay customs duties has not been received, the customs authority, within the time limits provided for in Article 119 of the Customs Code of the Union, makes a decision to refuse the release of goods (subparagraph 5 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure) with the reflection of the decision made in the corresponding column of the register (column 22) with the date of the decision.

Goods for which release was refused due to the fact that before the expiration of the deadline for the release of goods the customs authority did not receive a document confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to pay customs duties, can be declared again in accordance with the Procedure.

When re-declaring such goods, the decision on release is made only after customs duties have been paid.

44. In the case of export from the customs territory of the EAEU of previously released goods (hereinafter referred to as exported goods), in respect of which the customs authority made decisions provided for in subparagraphs 2, 3 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, the customs representative creates and sends, using specialized software, a register of exported goods for personal use (hereinafter referred to as the register of exported goods) (to the Procedure) (indicating the registration number of the register in which these goods were previously declared, and the serial number of the shipment (individual invoice) which contains the exported goods).

Registration of the register of exported goods is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 23 of the Procedure.

When the customs authority establishes the absence of violations of the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs, if the goods are not seized in accordance with the administrative and (or) criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation, within the time limits provided for in Article 119 of the Customs Code of the Union, a decision on the release of exported goods (subclause 10 of clause 35 of the Procedure) with the reflection of the decision made using the UAIS TO information and software tool in the corresponding column of the register of exported goods (column 10) with the date of the decision being indicated.

If the customs authority makes a decision provided for in subparagraphs 4 - 9 of paragraph 35 of the Procedure, the register reflecting such a decision is used as a register of exported goods.

45. After the release or refusal to release goods, an authorized message containing the decision made by the customs authority, as well as the register specified in paragraph 44 of the Procedure, with the corresponding marks of the customs authorities, is sent to the customs representative using the UAIS TO information and software tool.

46. ​​Customs. fees for customs operations are paid simultaneously with the payment of customs duties and taxes in respect of goods specified in the paid register.

47. If emergency situations arise in the operation of the UAIS TO information and software tools, operations are not carried out in accordance with the Procedure.

In relation to goods declared in the submitted and registered register, customs operations are carried out using a paper register generated using the information and software tools of the UAIS TO.

Head of the Main Department

and customs control
D.B. Zhukov

Appendix No. 1
to the Order of Use

register of express cargo goods
for personal use,
containing the information necessary
for the release of goods for personal use,
delivered by carriers

using the Unified
automated information system
customs authorities

REGISTER OF GOODS FOR PERSONAL USE DELIVERED BY A CARRIER (TRANSPORT FORWARDING COMPANY OR COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE) TO INDIVIDUALS N______________________ _________________________________________________ (name of the customs representative and his location; taxpayer identification number (TIN), all-Russian class identifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO) and reason code registration (KPP), number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of customs representatives, number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of temporary storage warehouses of the temporary storage warehouse where the goods are placed)

Individual invoice number

UIN (unique identification number assigned to each individual invoice)

General air waybill number

Bill of lading number (when transporting goods by road)

Sender (name of organization or full name of sender, country of departure)

FULL NAME. recipient

Information about the recipient’s identity document1

Address of the individual - recipient of the goods

Taxpayer identification number2

Product name, product code according to the EAEU HS3

Quantity of goods

Product unit of measurement

Total weight of the item, kg

Cost in euros, rubles

The total cost and total weight of goods for the calendar month previously received at the recipient's address

Calculation of customs duties

Application of prohibitions and restrictions4

Customs duties reservation identifier (if available)


Euro rub Customs duties, taxes Customs duties


1 For residents, the passport number of a citizen of the Russian Federation is indicated. For non-residents, passport data is indicated together (without separating the series and number).

2 Taxpayer identification number (TIN) for citizens of the Russian Federation.

3 If the column “Calculation of customs duties” is completed.

4 The presence of goods subject to prohibitions and restrictions is indicated. If such goods are available, information about documents confirming compliance with prohibitions and restrictions (type, number and date of issue of the document) is indicated.

5 The “Note” column may indicate the number of the customs receipt order and other information used by the customs authority to make a decision on the release of goods, as well as the decision made by the customs authority.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of Use
as a passenger customs declaration
register of express cargo goods
for personal use,
containing information necessary for the release
goods for personal use,
delivered by carriers
(transport forwarding companies
and courier delivery services)
addressed to individuals - recipients of goods,

customs systems

documents and information accompanying the express cargo register
goods for personal use

1. Documents1 or information allowing to identify the individual recipient of the goods.

2. Documents1 or information confirming the authority of the customs representative submitting the application on behalf of the individual recipient of the goods2.

3. Documents1 and information about the taxpayer identification number for citizens of the Russian Federation.

4. Transport (shipping) documents:

general air waybill;

individual invoice3;

waybill (when transporting goods by road).

5 . Documents1 or information about the identification characteristics of goods4.

6. Commercial documents (invoice for payment and (or) delivery of goods, invoice, proforma invoice, invoice, other commercial documents).

7. Documents confirming compliance with restrictions, except for technical regulation measures.

8. Information about the online store where the goods were ordered (country, page address on the Internet).

9. Mobile phone number of the recipient of the goods.

If necessary, the submission of an application may be accompanied by other documents that are used (can be used) by the customs authority to make a decision on the release of goods5.


2 Agreement for the provision of services as a customs representative (submission in electronic form is allowed).

If an agreement is concluded between the customs representative and the recipient of the goods on the basis of a public offer, links to the Internet pages of online stores, “screenshots” or a warrant are provided confirming the acceptance of such an agreement by the recipient of the goods.

3 On the reverse side of the individual invoice, the text of the contract in accordance with which the cargo is transported is indicated.

4 The following technical descriptions, passports, etc. with the goods can be accepted as documents containing information about the identification features of goods; links to the Internet pages of online stores, “screenshots” can be accepted as information about the identification features of goods.

5 As additional documents confirming the cost of goods and the amount of payment, “screenshots” or links to the Internet pages of online stores with publicly posted information about the cost of goods, catalogs of online stores in electronic form can be accepted.

Appendix No. 3
to the Order of Use
as a passenger customs declaration
register of express cargo goods
for personal use containing information,
necessary for the entry of goods
for personal use,
delivered by carriers
(transport forwarding companies
and courier delivery services)
addressed to individuals - recipients of goods
using the Unified Automated
information system of customs authorities

Application for amendments to the register of express cargo of goods for personal use delivered by the carrier (freight forwarding company or courier delivery service) to individuals (name and location of the customs representative, INN, OKPO, number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of customs representatives) Grounds for correcting the information contained in the register of goods for personal use delivered by express carrier to individuals N____ (check as appropriate): technical error; typo; addition of missing information.

necessary for the release of goods
for personal use,
delivered by carriers
(transport forwarding companies
and courier delivery services)
addressed to individuals - recipients of goods,
using the Unified
automated information system
customs authorities

Register of exported goods for personal use N _______________ __________________________________________ (name of the customs representative, number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of customs representatives, number of the certificate of inclusion in the register of temporary storage warehouses where the goods are placed)

Register registration number

Serial number of the item (individual waybill)

Individual invoice number

Bill of lading number (when transporting goods by road)

addressed to individuals - recipients of goods,
using the Unified Automated Information System
customs authorities

1. Availability of a written application from a customs representative for inclusion in the experiment participants (hereinafter referred to as the application) indicating the name of the customs authorities in the region of activity of which it is planned to provide services as a customs representative, readiness to ensure compliance with the requirements stipulated by the Procedure for using documents as a passenger customs declaration , containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) to individuals - recipients of goods, using the Unified Automated Information System of customs authorities.

2. As of the date of registration of the application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia for inclusion in the composition of the experiment participants for at least two years continuously in the register of customs representatives.

3. As of the date of registration, the applicant does not have an application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia for inclusion in the list of participants in the experiment of an unfulfilled obligation to pay customs duties, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest, penalties, except for cases where the deadline established in the notification of unpaid the established period for the amounts of customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest and penalties has not expired.

4. As of the date of the applicant’s application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, there are no facts of being in the process of liquidation and being declared bankrupt by a decision of the arbitration court with the opening of bankruptcy proceedings.

5. As of the date of the application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the applicant has no debt on accrued taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

6. As of the date of the application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia for inclusion in the list of participants in the experiment, the applicant did not have an unfulfilled obligation to pay an administrative fine imposed on a legal entity on the basis of one or more decisions that entered into legal force in cases of administrative offenses, the proceedings for which were carried out by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. Federation, except in cases where the deadline for execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine, established by Part 1 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, has not expired.

7. Availability of an information system that provides:

interaction with the Unified Automated Information System of customs authorities in accordance with established technical requirements and sending in real time electronic documents and (or) information about individuals purchasing goods for personal use as part of online trading, as well as about goods for personal use, moved within the framework of online commerce, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature;

interaction with the information system of the customs duties operator in order to transfer amounts of customs duties to the federal budget.

8. The presence of a customs representative in the ownership, economic management, operational management or lease of structures, premises (parts of premises) and (or) open areas (parts of open areas) intended for the temporary storage of goods for personal use, moved within the framework of online trade.

9. Availability in the electronic information system for organizing and tracking transportation of information about the actual location of goods after their arrival on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (about the name of the customs authority), as well as about decisions made by customs authorities regarding goods when they are declared to the customs authority.

Head of the Main Department
organization of customs clearance
and customs control
D.B. Zhukov

inclusion (exclusion) in (from) the composition (s) of participants
experiment of customs representatives on the use
Procedure for use as a passenger customs declaration
register of express cargo of goods for personal use,
containing information necessary for the release of goods
for personal use, delivered by carriers
(freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services)
addressed to individuals - recipients of goods, using
Unified automated information system
customs authorities

(as amended by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated December 19, 2018 N 2073)

1. Procedure for including a customs representative
included in the experiment

1. Before submitting an application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia in order to include it in the participants of the experiment on the application of the Procedure for using as a passenger customs declaration documents containing information necessary for the release of goods for personal use, delivered by carriers (freight forwarding companies and courier delivery services) in address of individuals - recipients of goods, using the Unified Automated Information System of Customs Authorities (hereinafter - the Procedure), the customs representative sends requests to regional customs departments and customs offices directly subordinate to the Federal Customs Service of Russia (hereinafter - customs authorities), to obtain an opinion on the scope of work in relation to goods for personal use for each customs authority.

2. The customs authorities, after 5 working days after receiving the request in accordance with paragraph 1 of this appendix, send a conclusion to the customs representative.

3. After receiving conclusions in accordance with paragraph 2 of this appendix, the customs representative sends an application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia in order to include him in the list of participants in the experiment on the application of the Procedure with the attachment of such conclusions.

4. After receiving the application submitted by the customs representative in accordance with paragraph 3 of this procedure, the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application in the prescribed manner sends requests to the Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation Federal Customs Service of Russia, Department of Customs Investigations and Inquiry of the Federal Customs Service of Russia to prepare a conclusion on the compliance of customs representatives with criteria 2 - b specified in this order (hereinafter referred to as the request).

5. The Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Department of Customs Investigations and Inquiry of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, no later than 10 days after receipt (registration) of the request, send a conclusion to the Main Directorate of Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in accordance with the request.

The period for preparing the conclusion may be extended in agreement with the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, depending on the need for the applicant to provide the customs authority with the necessary documents confirming the compliance of the customs representative with the criteria specified in this order.

6. The Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, after receiving (registration) of the conclusion, within a period of no more than 10 days, prepares a report containing proposals on the possibility of including a customs representative among the participants in the experiment, and submits it to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Before submitting a memorandum to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, it is endorsed by the heads (or persons replacing them) of the Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Directorate of Customs Investigations and Inquiry of the Federal Customs Service of Russia within 24 hours after its submission by the Main Directorate of Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service Russia.

(paragraph introduced by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated December 19, 2018 N 2073)

7. The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia makes a decision on the inclusion of a customs representative among the participants in the experiment (or his refusal) by imposing a resolution on a memorandum.

This decision is communicated to the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, customs authorities and the customs representative by letter from the Federal Customs Service of Russia within 5 days from the date of its adoption.

II. Procedure for excluding a customs representative
from the participants of the experiment

8. Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenue and Tariff Regulation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the event of a failure by the customs representative to fulfill the obligation to pay customs duties, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest, penalties within the period established in the notification of amounts of customs duties not paid within the established period , taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest and penalties, no later than three working days from the day following the day of such detection, informs the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia about the identified fact.

9. Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Directorate for Control of Customs Risks of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and customs authorities, if information is available:

1) on the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings against the customs representative;

2) about the customs representative’s failure to fulfill, in accordance with the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU) and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, the obligation to pay customs duties, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest, penalties within the period established in the notification of unpaid within the prescribed period, the amounts of customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, interest and penalties;

3) about the presence of an obligation to pay administrative fines imposed on a person under one or more resolutions in cases of administrative offenses, the proceedings for which were carried out by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, not fulfilled by the customs representative within the time limit established by Part 1 of Article 32.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses ;

4) about the absence of the customs representative in the ownership, economic management, operational management or lease of structures, premises (parts of premises) and (or) open areas (parts of open areas) intended for the temporary storage of goods for personal use, transported within the Internet trade;

5) about the absence in the temporary storage warehouse used by the customs representative for customs operations of the conditions provided for by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs for storage, accounting, as well as customs control in relation to goods for personal use moved via the Internet -trade;

6) about false declaration of goods, which resulted in non-payment of customs duties and penalties, as well as failure to comply with the prohibitions and restrictions established in relation to goods by the law of the EAEU;

7) about the unreliable declaration by the customs representative of information about individuals moving goods, as well as about the details of documents proving their identity, on behalf of and on behalf of whom the customs representative carries out the declaration of goods;

8) about the non-compliance of the customs representative with the criteria provided for this order;

9) on non-compliance with the provisions provided for in Chapter II of the Procedure, a written conclusion on the violations committed by the customs representative is sent to the Main Directorate of Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia within no more than 5 working days from the date of detection of the violation.

10. The Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, after receiving (registration) of the conclusion in accordance with paragraph 8 of this appendix to the order, within a period of no more than 10 days, prepares a memorandum containing proposals on the possibility of excluding the customs representative from the participants in the experiment, or proposals to suspend the activities of the customs representative on the application of the Procedure and submits it to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

11. A proposal to exclude a customs representative is prepared if the facts specified in paragraphs 8, 9 of Chapter II of Appendix No. 3 to this order are revealed, as well as if there is a written application from the customs representative to exclude him from the participants in the experiment, sent to the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

A proposal to suspend the activities of a customs representative is prepared in the event of failure by the customs representative to comply with subparagraphs 4, 5 and 8 of paragraph 9 of Chapter II of Appendix No. 3 to this order.

12. The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia makes a decision to exclude a customs representative from the participants in the experiment (or to apply a procedure for suspending his activities in applying the Procedure) by imposing a resolution on a memorandum.

13. In case of suspension of the activities of a customs representative on the application of the Procedure, the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, within 5 days from the date of such decision, sends a written conclusion to the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia specified in paragraph 4 of the Procedure, the customs authorities and the customs representative about the decision made, indicating the grounds for suspension, and also informs the customs representative about the need (indicating a specific date) for completing customs operations carried out in accordance with the Procedure, and also determines the deadline for eliminating identified deficiencies.

The maximum period for eliminating deficiencies is no more than 60 days from the date of sending the notification of suspension of the activities of the customs representative in applying the Procedure.

From the date of suspension of the activities of the customs representative on the application of the Procedure, customs declaration of goods for personal use delivered by the carrier as part of online trade is carried out in accordance with the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs.

14. The customs authority, after receiving a written instruction from the Federal Customs Service of Russia to suspend the activities of a customs representative in applying the Procedure, exercises control over the activities of the customs representative, as well as over the elimination of shortcomings on the basis of which such a decision was made.

15. Upon receipt from the customs authority of a written conclusion on the elimination of identified deficiencies by the customs representative, the Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, within no more than 5 days after receiving the conclusion (registration), prepares a memorandum containing proposals on the possibility of resuming the activities of the customs representative on application of the Procedure, and presents it to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

16. The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia makes a decision by imposing a resolution on a memorandum.

This decision is communicated to the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia specified in paragraph 4 of the Procedure, customs authorities and the customs representative by letter from the Federal Customs Service of Russia within 5 days from the date of its adoption.

17. Failure by the customs representative to eliminate identified deficiencies within the prescribed period is grounds for his exclusion from the participants in the experiment.

Within no more than 5 days from the date of expiration of the period established for eliminating deficiencies, the customs authority prepares a conclusion on the failure of the customs representative to eliminate the identified deficiencies and sends it to the Main Directorate of Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The Main Directorate for the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, after receiving (registration) a conclusion from the customs authority, within a period of no more than 10 days, prepares a memorandum containing proposals on the possibility of excluding the customs representative.

18. The decision to exclude a customs representative from the participants in the experiment is made by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Informing such a customs representative, structural units of the Federal Customs Service of Russia specified in paragraph 4 of the Procedure, and customs authorities is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 16 of Appendix No. 3 to this order.

19. Re-examination by the Federal Customs Service of Russia of an application to include a customs representative among the participants in the experiment is allowed no earlier than 12 months after the decision is made to exclude him from the participants in the experiment.

20. Re-examination by the Federal Customs Service of Russia of an application to include a customs representative among the participants in the experiment after its refusal due to non-compliance with the criteria provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this order is allowed no earlier than 6 months after such a decision is made.

Head of the Main Department
organization of customs clearance
and customs control
D.B. Zhukov

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
dated September 12, 2013 No. 1060

Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
October 14, 2013 Registration No. 30160

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326) and subclause 5.2.1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386), I order:

1. Approve:

a list of areas of higher education training used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education - master's programs containing information constituting a state secret or proprietary information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 1);

a list of higher education specialties used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education - specialty programs containing information constituting a state secret or proprietary information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 2);

a list of areas of training for higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education containing information constituting a state secret or proprietary information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 3);

a list of areas of higher education preparation - training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education containing information constituting a state secret or proprietary information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 4).

2. Organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of higher education containing information constituting state secrets or official information of limited distribution, have the right to use a list of areas of training for higher professional education, confirming the assignment of a master’s qualification (degree) to a person, used in the implementation of educational programs higher professional education containing information constituting a state secret or official information of limited distribution, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 No. 731-dsp (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 18, 2010, registration No. 18745) , and a list of areas of training for higher professional education, confirming the assignment of a qualification (degree) to a person “bachelor”, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher professional education containing information constituting a state secret or official information of limited distribution, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2011 No. 2016-dsp (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2011, registration No. 21503) (hereinafter referred to as the lists) until the completion of training of persons previously admitted to the areas of training specified in the lists.


Appendix No. 1


Codes of enlarged groups of areas of training. Codes of areas of training


Military Administration

National security and state defense

Management of military units and formations

Management of combat support for troops (forces)

Management of technical support for troops (forces)

Information security management of control bodies of military systems and complexes

Management of production and development of weapons and military equipment

Management of the use of atomic energy and ensuring nuclear safety in the field of military nuclear installations

Management of logistics support for troops (forces)

Organization of moral and psychological support

Management of financial support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Management of medical support for troops (forces)

Military and administrative control

Public management in the border area

Appendix No. 2



Codes of enlarged groups of specialties. Specialty codes

Names of enlarged groups of specialties. Names of specialties


Math and Science


Special purpose meteorology

Military cartography

Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

Information Security


Countering technical intelligence

Information protection specialist

Application and operation of special monitoring tools and systems

Infocommunication technologies of special communication systems

Electrical and thermal power engineering

Heat and electricity supply for special technical systems and facilities

Special electromechanical systems

Nuclear energy and technology

Electronics and automation of physical installations

Physicist engineer

Weapons and weapon systems

Technologies of substances and materials in weapons and military equipment

Process engineer

Management in technical systems

Metrological support of weapons and military equipment

Metrology engineer

Defense and security of the state. Military Sciences

Military Administration

Logistics support


Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Specialist in the field of radiation, chemical and biological protection

Service-applied physical training

Specialist in physical education and sports

Personnel management (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)

Management Specialist

War journalism


Ensuring state security

Border activities

Border Management Specialist

Appendix No. 3




Appendix No. 4


Codes of enlarged groups of areas of training. Training direction codes

Names of enlarged groups of training areas. Names of areas of training


Engineering, technology and technical sciences

Construction equipment and technologies

Informatics and Computer Science

Informatics and Computer Science

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Information security and countering technical intelligence

Information Security

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Weapons and weapon systems

Weapons and weapon systems

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Chemical technology

Chemical Technology

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Equipment and technologies of ground transport

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Aviation, rocket and space technology

Aviation equipment and technology

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Rocket and space engineering and technologies

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Equipment and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Social Sciences

Psychological Sciences

Psychological Sciences

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Economics and Management


Researcher. Lecturer-researcher



Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Legal support of state security

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Education and pedagogical sciences

Education and pedagogical sciences

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Humanitarian sciences

Historical Sciences and Archeology

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Defense and security of the state. Military Sciences

Military Administration

Military Sciences

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher

Ensuring state security

Ensuring state security

Researcher. Lecturer-researcher



In accordance with Part 8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326) and subclause 5.2.1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386), I order:

1. Approve:

a list of areas of higher education training, applicable education - master's programs containing information that is limited in distribution (Appendix No. 1);

list of higher education specialties used - specialty programs containing information constituting state secrets or official information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 2);

a list of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education, state secrets or official information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 3);

a list of areas of training for higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher education containing information constituting a state secret or proprietary information of limited distribution (Appendix No. 4).

2. Organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of higher education containing information constituting state secrets or official information of limited distribution, have the right to use a list of areas of training for higher professional education, confirming the assignment of a master’s qualification (degree) to a person, used in the implementation of educational programs higher professional education containing information constituting a state secret or official information of limited distribution, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 N 731-dsp (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 18, 2010, registration N 18745) , and a list of areas of training for higher professional education, confirming the assignment of a qualification (degree) to a person “bachelor”, used in the implementation of educational programs of higher professional education containing information constituting a state secret or official information of limited distribution, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2011 N 2016-dsp (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2011, registration N 21503) (hereinafter referred to as the lists) until the completion of training of persons previously admitted to the areas of training specified in the lists.


Appendix No. 1


Codes of enlarged groups of areas of training. Codes of areas of training Qualification 56.00.00 Military Administration 56.04.01 National security and state defense master 56.04.02 Management of military units and formations master 56.04.03 Management of combat support for troops (forces) master 56.04.04 Management of technical support for troops (forces) master 56.04.05 Information security management of control bodies of military systems and complexes master 56.04.06 Management of production and development of weapons and military equipment master 56.04.07 Management of the use of atomic energy and ensuring nuclear safety in the field of military nuclear installations master 56.04.08 Management of logistics support for troops (forces) master 56.04.09 Organization of moral and psychological support master 56.04.10 Management of financial support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation master 56.04.11 Management of medical support for troops (forces) master 56.04.12 Military and administrative control master 57.00.00 master 57.04.01 Public management in the border area master

Appendix No. 2


Codes of enlarged groups of specialties. Specialty codes Names of enlarged groups of specialties. Names of specialties Qualification Math and Science 05.00.00 Geosciences 05.05.01 Special purpose meteorology Engineer 05.05.02 Military cartography Engineer 09.00.00 09.05.01 Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes Engineer 10.00.00 Information Security 10.05.06 Cryptography 10.05.07 Countering technical intelligence Information protection specialist 11.00.00 11.05.03 Application and operation of special monitoring tools and systems Engineer 11.05.04 Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems Engineer 13.00.00 Electrical and thermal power engineering 13.05.01 Heat and electricity supply for special technical systems and facilities Engineer 13.05.02 Special electromechanical systems Engineer 14.00.00 Nuclear energy and technology 14.05.04 Electronics and automation of physical installations Physicist engineer 15.05.02 Robotics for military and special purposes Engineer 17.00.00 Weapons and weapon systems 17.05.04 Technologies of substances and materials in weapons and military equipment Process engineer 27.00.00 Management in technical systems 27.05.02 Metrological support of weapons and military equipment Metrology engineer Defense and security of the state. Military Sciences 56.00.00 Military Administration 56.05.01 Logistics support Specialist 56.05.02 Radiation, chemical and biological protection Specialist in the field of radiation, chemical and biological protection 56.05.03 Service-applied physical training Specialist in physical education and sports 56.05.04 Personnel management (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation) Management Specialist 56.05.05 War journalism Journalist 56.05.06 Information protection at military informatization facilities Information protection specialist 56.05.07 Construction and operation of buildings and structures for military and special purposes Construction and Operations Engineer 57.00.00 Ensuring state security 57.05.01 Border activities Border Management Specialist 57.05.02 State security Specialist in the field of state security 57.05.03 Technological support for national security and defense Process engineer

Appendix No. 3


Appendix No. 4


Codes of enlarged groups of areas of training. Training direction codes Names of enlarged groups of training areas. Names of areas of training Qualification Engineering, technology and technical sciences 08.00.00 08.07.01 Construction equipment and technologies 09.00.00 Informatics and Computer Science 09.07.01 Informatics and Computer Science Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 10.00.00 Information security and countering technical intelligence 10.07.01 Information Security Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 11.00.00 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems 11.07.01 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 17.00.00 Weapons and weapon systems 17.07.01 Weapons and weapon systems Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 18.00.00 Chemical technology 18.07.01 Chemical Technology Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 23.00.00 23.07.01 Equipment and technologies of ground transport Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 24.00.00 Aviation, rocket and space technology 24.07.01 Aviation equipment and technology Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 24.07.02 Rocket and space engineering and technologies Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 26.00.00 26.07.01 Equipment and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport Researcher. Lecturer-researcher Social Sciences 37.00.00 Psychological Sciences 37.07.01 Psychological Sciences Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 38.00.00 Economics and Management 38.07.01 Economy Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 40.00.00 Jurisprudence 40.07.01 Jurisprudence Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 40.07.02 Legal support of state security Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 44.00.00 Education and pedagogical sciences 44.07.01 Education and pedagogical sciences Researcher. Lecturer-researcher Humanitarian sciences 46.00.00 46.07.01 Historical Sciences and Archeology Researcher. Lecturer-researcher Defense and security of the state. Military Sciences 56.00.00 Military Administration 56.07.01 Military Sciences Researcher. Lecturer-researcher 57.00.00 Ensuring state security 57.07.01 Ensuring state security Researcher. Lecturer-researcher