If the left side of the lower abdomen in women hurts, what could be the reasons? Topographically, several organs are projected onto the left iliac region:

  • sigmoid colon - part of the large intestine preceding the beginning of the rectum;
  • left ureter;
  • left appendage.

And pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women indicates inflammation of these particular organs.

Pain of intestinal origin

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen may be inflammation of the sigmoid colon. The pathological condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • severe pain preceding the release of the intestines, and aggravated by prolonged standing and shaky driving;
  • acute pain is accompanied by tenesmus (a false and very painful desire to empty the intestines);
  • painful syndrome is combined with severe diarrhea;
  • the stool visually resembles meat slop due to the presence of blood impurities in its composition, and also has a very unpleasant odor;
  • in the composition of the feces, you can notice various pathological inclusions - purulent mucous and blood.

The sigmoid colon looks like an S-curved part of the intestinal tract, located before the rectum. And it is the isolated inflammation of this section of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that is diagnosed in exceptional cases. Very often, the rectum following it is also involved in the pathological process.

The specific structure of the sigmoid colon causes stagnation of the intestinal contents. And so the formation of fecal masses is completed here. But it is the physiological curves that cause the development of all kinds of pathologies - tumor, inflammatory and degenerative processes.

Pain syndrome may be associated with pathologies in this area.

Most often, pain in the left side is due to the following diseases of the sigmoid colon:

  • infectious pathology - dysentery and conditions resembling it;
  • colitis of non-ulcer origin;
  • nonspecific inflammation;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ischemic sigmoiditis;
  • oncopathology of the sigmoid colon.

Dysentery and related infections

The causative agents of dysentery are most often Shigella, other microorganisms cause the disease much less frequently. The toxins they release can provoke the development of ulcers in the terminal colon.

This causes the development of acute sigmoiditis, accompanied by characteristic symptoms: frequent diarrhea, tenesmus, cramping pain in the left side of the abdomen, the presence of blood, pus and mucus in the feces. With too frequent stools, the patient's feces are mucus, including pus and blood.

The transmission of dysentery and similar intestinal pathologies is possible in several ways: through food, contaminated hands, and water. Quite often, infectious agents enter the external environment from carriers of pathological bacteria. Such people do not have signs of the disease, but are carriers of bacteria. Dysentery has an acute onset.

In the initial stage, the symptomatology of the pathology resembles gastroenteritis:

  • bouts of nausea ending in vomiting;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • soreness in the abdomen, but a person cannot indicate the exact place where it hurts;
  • an increase in body temperature to serious values;
  • signs of intoxication - headaches, muscle pain, drowsiness, general weakness.

Typical symptoms of acute sigmoiditis are formed on the second or third day from the onset of the disease.

With the development of a characteristic clinical picture, it is necessary to obtain qualified medical advice. In the absence of adequate therapy, dysentery can become chronic. In this case, it is characterized by frequent relapses.

Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis

Chronically flowing non-ulcerative sigmoiditis is included in the group of polyetiological diseases, that is, provoked by several factors at once. Violation of the intestinal microflora plays an important role in the formation of the disease. That is why the occurrence of pathology can contribute to:

  • prolonged use of drugs from the category of antibiotics;
  • previous severe gastrointestinal infections;
  • giardiasis;
  • toxic infections.

The main cause of the development of ulcerative sigmoiditis is gastrointestinal dysbacteriosis.

For these conditions, the development of intestinal dysbiosis is typical. The pathology is characterized by a sharp arching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the inguinal region and often felt in the perineum. Pain increases during physical exertion and when making sudden movements.

The difference between chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis and other pathological conditions of the sigmoid colon is the alternation of persistent constipation with diarrhea. With prolonged periods of exacerbation, the patient may develop cerebrovascular disease.

Signs of exhaustion of the nervous system are:

  • headache;
  • irritation;
  • increased fatigue;
  • development of phobias and depressive conditions;
  • decrease in performance.

Nonspecific inflammation of the sigmoid colon

Cramping pain, capturing the abdomen from the bottom left, develops in the presence of ulcers on the walls of the sigmoid colon. Their appearance is not associated with the vital activity of pathological bacteria. A painful syndrome with a similar diagnosis occurs with an exacerbation of any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and is accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • frequent loose stools with a terrible smell;
  • the presence of pure blood in the feces;
  • signs of intoxication of the body - feverish conditions, headaches, weakness, etc.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis belongs to the group of severe pathologies of the large intestine. For the disease, the formation of superficial ulcers on the intestinal mucosa is typical.

Ulcerative colitis is characterized by the formation of painful ulcers on the intestinal mucosa.

The disease is diagnosed in young people aged 20–40 years and is always difficult. Its main symptom is the development of frequent diarrhea. At the same time, liquid feces include a large amount of blood. If the stomach starts to hurt constantly, then this indicates the appearance of local complications - perforation of ulcers, toxic expansion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Crohn's disease

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women may indicate the development of Crohn's disease. This pathology is a severe disease in which a segmental lesion of the gastrointestinal tract is fixed. On the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon, inflammatory infiltrates are formed, transforming into deep cracks.

In the future, scars form on this place, fistulas and adhesions may occur.

In case of damage to the sigmoid colon, the abdomen hurts at the bottom left. Soreness occurs periodically and is manifested by throbbing pain that precedes the release of the intestine and disappears after emptying. Dull aching pain of a permanent nature indicates the formation of adhesions in the pelvic region. A sign of the condition is an increase in pain when changing the position of the body.

Ischemic sigmoiditis

The reason why the left lower side of the abdomen hurts is ischemia (impaired local circulation) of the sigmoid colon. Pathology is diagnosed in old age and, as a rule, is accompanied by confirmed diseases associated with the presence of atherosclerotic plaques.

Ischemic sigmoiditis passes in an isolated form. Violations of local blood circulation cause the appearance of non-healing ulcers, which later turn into scars. The result is a narrowing of the lumen of the sigmoid colon.

The clinical picture of ischemic sigmoiditis resembles the course of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, but, nevertheless, has its own characteristic features. In particular, pain occurs after a heavy meal, which is due to the need of the sigmoid colon for good blood circulation, and it is impossible with this disease.

It is paroxysmal in nature, and the attack itself can last quite a long time - up to 3 hours. The disease is accompanied by severe pain. To avoid their development, the patient consciously begins to take a smaller amount of food.

Oncopathology of the sigmoid colon

The lower abdomen on the left of a woman diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer hurts due to the development of concomitant complications. These may be:

  • Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. With the development of obstruction, a person develops cramping pains that occur against the background of moving constipation and diarrhea.
  • The collapse of the tumor, accompanied by the formation of a bleeding ulcer.
  • Strengthening of the inflammatory process, aggravated by the addition of a secondary infection. The reason for this is trauma to the neoplasm with feces. And then the pain in the left side of the abdomen is accompanied by a change in the appearance of the stool: it contains pus, mucus and blood.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon is one of the most severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If such symptoms appear, the doctor may suspect the patient has oncopathology of the sigmoid colon and prescribe appropriate tests and instrumental studies.

Pain of a pulling nature with damage to the gastrointestinal tract

Drawing pain can disturb a woman with the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Its signs can be: spasmodic pain, loose stools, flatulence. There is an increase in symptoms in stressful situations. In the absence of qualified medical care, the disease becomes chronic and requires more complex treatment.

Diseases of the spleen

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the left may occur due to diseases of the spleen. It can be:

  • Lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia. Pathology passes in three stages. Soreness appears during the transition of the disease to the second stage and intensifies in the third. The disease is accompanied by aching pain, spreading through the lower abdomen. It gives to the inguinal lymph nodes, joint and pelvic bones.
  • Abscess. With the formation of small foci, self-healing is not excluded. If there are large-sized abscesses, then they can be opened with the outflow of purulent contents into the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis develops, for which severe diffuse pains are typical, which are determined in the lower abdomen on the left. There are also other signs of inflammation.
  • Volvulus of the spleen. Pathology is formed due to stretching of the ligaments holding the organ as a result of injury or a hereditary factor. Pathology is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, spreading to the inguinal region. In addition, vomiting, problems with bowel movements, and increased gas formation join it. The strength of the pain depends on the angle of the twist.

Causes of a gynecological nature

In a girl / woman, pain in the lower abdomen on the left may accompany some gynecological problems. In this case, in addition to the painful syndrome, additional symptoms are observed: menstrual irregularities, pathological vaginal discharge.

Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen in women may indicate the development of a gynecological disease

It is possible that the woman had an ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the reproductive system, or surgery on the uterus and / or appendages.

It is customary to distinguish two types of pathological conditions:

  • Acute. It is characterized by the development of severe cutting pains spreading along the lower abdomen.
  • Chronic. Accompanied by dull aching pain.

Pain in the left lower square of the abdomen can cause: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, torsion of the cystic formation, fibroids, left-sided endometriosis.

Ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, the attachment of the fetal egg occurs most often in the fallopian tube. Atypical gestation is characterized by paroxysmal pain. The rupture of the tube is accompanied by severe pain and massive bleeding.

In some cases, when ovulation or too actively committed sexual intercourse occurs rupture of the ovary. The pathological condition is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Additionally, the following symptoms join: blanching of the skin, a drop in blood pressure, fainting. Treatment consists of emergency surgery.

Ovarian apoplexy is accompanied by very severe pain provoked by its rupture

Torsion of the cystic pedicle

Twisting of the cyst leg is the next gynecological cause of pain in the left lower abdomen. Sharply perfect turns of the body, inclinations, excessive physical exertion are capable of provoking the condition.

Signs of partial twisting are aching pain in the inguinal region, due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood. With complete twisting, the symptoms of an "acute" abdomen develop, a sign of which becomes a sharp cutting pain. In this case, the woman needs urgent medical attention.

Myoma formation

Pressing pain is formed with a significant increase in the myomatous node, since it begins to put pressure on the organs located in the immediate area.

Left-sided endometriosis

Endometriosis is a pathological proliferation of endometrial cells and its exit from the organ. Such a pathology leads to the formation of adhesions, as well as disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Treatment involves taking hormonal drugs.

Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen during pregnancy

If the left lower abdomen aches or hurts in pregnant women, the reasons may be different. The physiological factor in the development of pain can be the attachment of the fetal egg to the left wall of the uterus, which is felt by the woman as a slight aching pain.

Attachment of the fetal egg may be accompanied by slight aching pains.

The pathological causes of the formation of pain include:

  • state of uterine hypertonicity;
  • the onset of a miscarriage;
  • development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Braxton-Higgs contractions;
  • disorders of the digestive process.

Pain in left-sided renal colic

Soreness in the left side of the abdomen may occur during the passage of left-sided renal colic. For her, the strongest pain syndrome is typical, caused by complete / partial overlap of the lumen of the ureter.

A sign of colic is a strong cramping pain that does not disappear with a change in body position: a person constantly rushes around the room, trying to find a position that alleviates the painful syndrome. With the development of pain in the left lower abdomen, and especially when pathological symptoms are attached, a woman is advised to consult a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

Different intensity and frequency of pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women cause many diseases. These can be problems with the intestines, the reproductive system, changes in the functioning of the urinary system, or pathologies of the spine and joints. In most cases, the pain caused by a certain group of diseases has its own characteristic features; you can recognize its main (common) cause yourself. This will make it possible to contact the necessary narrow-profile specialist, save time for medical consultations.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women - causes

Often, women do not pay attention to the onset of pain in the lower abdomen, they endure it, stop it with analgesics, antispasmodics, and resort to self-medication. Meanwhile, the appearance of pain, recurring regularly, with increasing force - this is a reason to go to the doctor. It is much easier to treat the disease at the initial stage, which has not passed into an advanced form and does not provoke complications. Self-treatment of acute symptoms in the lower abdomen can be hazardous to health, entail irreversible consequences.

Unpleasant sensations of a moderate or weak nature can cause both diseases and physiological conditions that are not pathologies.

On a note! Severe incessant pain is provoked only by diseases in an acute form, if it occurs, it is necessary to urgently call for medical help.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left is caused by dysfunction of the organs located in the pelvis: the female excretory and reproductive systems, intestines. Symptoms can cause bone pathologies.

There are only a few common causes of somatic pain:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • infections;
  • destructive changes (atrophy, bleeding);
  • neoplasms.

In addition, the occurrence of moderate pain in the lower abdomen in women is caused by a number of physiological conditions that are not pathological, these are:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Girls and young women of asthenic constitution are more susceptible.
  2. Period of menstruation (dysmenorrhea). It occurs as a response of the body to the processes occurring in the uterus. Passes on its own after the disappearance of menstrual flow. For their relief, antispasmodics are used (No-Shpa, Drotaverin 2 tablets once, no more than 4 tablets / day).
  3. In the middle of the menstrual cycle. There are stabbing, pulling sensations in the region of one ovary. Duration up to 2 days. This is the period when the follicle leaves the ovary (approximately 10% of women of childbearing age suffer).
  4. Pregnancy period. Women who are carrying a child periodically feel a pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen, throbbing or slightly tingling when turning the torso. Doctors associate them with physiological changes (stretching of muscles, ligaments). Pain is rare and goes away on its own. A woman needs to inform her gynecologist about their existence.

Pathologies of the abdominal organs

Among the common causes of pain in the lower abdomen (about 50%), doctors diagnose diseases of the intestinal tract. Common constipation, flatulence can cause discomfort. At the same time, pulling or acute attacks are observed in the lower abdomen, often on the left. Treatment in such cases is not required, the symptoms disappear after a natural bowel movement.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they turn to a general practitioner or directly to a gastroenterologist. Intestinal pathologies can provoke severe attacks of colic (acute paroxysmal pain) on the left side of the lower abdomen, more precisely:

  1. irritable bowel syndrome. The causes of the disease are not completely clear, it is known that women are more likely to suffer from it (2 out of 3 patients). Among the factors of occurrence are psychological discomfort, stress. Pathology manifests itself with pain (more often on the left side) along the intestines below, flatulence, constipation, however, morphological changes in the walls of the large intestine are not observed.

  2. Appendicitis. Infectious inflammation of the appendix is ​​characterized by acute colic in the iliac region, pain in the right hypochondrium, with a strong inflammatory process, the symptoms acquire a local character, can be given to the lower abdomen on the left. Among other signs: frequent vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, constant fatigue.

  3. Infectious diseases. In case of damage to the intestines and dislocation of inflammation in the kinks of the small intestine on the left, acute paroxysmal or pulling pains in the left side are possible. They are accompanied by nausea, a sharp increase in body temperature, severe vomiting, general weakness, signs of intoxication.
  4. Polyps in the colon. Neoplasms cause problems with defecation (loose stools or constipation), pain during bowel movements, colic in the side is given to the anus. In advanced stages, intestinal bleeding and exhaustion occur.
  5. Intestinal bleeding. This is a dangerous pathology that requires surgical intervention, occurs as a result of peptic ulcer, inflammatory pathologies. In addition to pain, often radiating to the back, dizziness, loss of consciousness, pallor of the skin, low blood pressure, weakness and cold sweat are observed. A characteristic sign of pathology is a sharp pain that appears at the time of sitting on a chair.

Gynecological diseases

Gynecological diseases that cause colic in the lower left side of the abdomen in women compete with the pathologies of the digestive system in their frequency. More than 50% are inflammatory processes caused by colds, among others: organ dysfunctions, neoplasms, external factors.

Name of pathology, somaticsImageSymptomsMethods of treatment
Endometriosis - uncontrolled growth of the mucous tissue of the uterus in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines, can be left-sided or right-sided Causes bleeding, inflammation of surrounding tissues. Pain occurs during urination, intercourse, defecation. Menstruation becomes too heavy or scantyIt is more common in women of childbearing age up to 35 years.
Treatment at the gynecologist
Adhesive disease. As a result of inflammation, connective tissue grows in the tubes, cervix, ovaries, adhesions occur. Adhesive disease often accompanies abortions, can capture one ovary (left or right) or both Irregular aching pain in the left side is one of the most characteristic symptoms.Causes ectopic pregnancies.
Drug therapy is carried out by a gynecologist, when diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, urgent surgical intervention is necessary
Ovarian cyst. Formed as a result of hormonal imbalance When the left ovary is affected, there are pulling pains in the left side. The menstrual cycle is shortened, the discharge during menstruation becomes too scarce or plentifulTreatment depends on the type of neoplasm. Cysts can be functional (resolve themselves) or non-functional (remove surgically)
Torsion, suppuration of the cyst leg. It occurs as a result of active physical exercises, sudden movements with a neoplasm that is too long. Distinguish between partial and complete torsion The body temperature rises sharply, there are acute (dagger) persistent pains, accompanied by nausea and vomitingTorsion, suppuration of the cyst leg is often accompanied by peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum).
The condition requires urgent surgical intervention, it is dangerous by the occurrence of a condition that threatens the life of the patient
Apoplexy, rupture of the vessels of the ovary during ovulation. Blood enters the ovary and abdominal cavity With hemorrhage in the ovary itself, moderate pulling pain occurs. If blood enters the abdominal cavity, inflammation occurs, causing severe pain, extensive bleeding. Blood pressure drops, loss of consciousness, anemia are likelyOccurs in the middle of ovulation, as a result of heavy physical exertion, sudden movements, after sex (not found in all women)
Emergency surgery required
Inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes (adnexitis, salpingitis). Initially, an inflammatory process occurs in the fallopian tubes, then spreads to the ovaries There are sharp pains (lumbago) in the region of the ovary, extending into the rectum.
Characterized by the appearance of purulent discharge, lack of menstruation, frequent painful urination
Frequent causes of the disease are insufficient hygiene, colds, medical manipulations with insufficient sterility.
Treated with medication
Adenomyosis - growth and ingrowth of the endometrium into the myometrium Pain during menstruation, changes in the amount of discharge during menstruation, the appearance of discharge between periodsThe causes of the disease are curettage, hormonal disruptions, IUDs.
Medical treatment required
Endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium), has an infectious nature Backaches are accompanied by fever, odorous discharge, cycle disorders, bleedingThe causes are colds, foci of infection in the body, weak immunity.
Requires drug therapy
Myoma is a benign tumor Acute cramping pains, copious discharge during menstruation, cycle disturbances are characteristicThe reason is hormonal imbalance. With rapid growth, it presses on the ovaries, the bladder, which causes pulling pains.
In case of violation of the functions of the intestines and bladder, surgical removal is indicated.
Polyps (uncontrolled growth of the endometrium involving mucous tissue) Characterized by constant aching or pulling pains, cycle disordersThe reasons may be hormonal disruptions, hyperplasia, curettage, infections.
In some cases, medical treatment is indicated

Attention! Treatment of gynecological diseases is carried out by a gynecologist, who, if necessary, can refer to a surgeon.

Pathologies of the urinary system

Common pathologies include diseases of the urinary tract. In the presence of kidney pathologies, it is necessary to seek advice from a nephrologist. Acute renal colic requires a call to emergency medical care. Treatment of pathologies of the bladder in women is carried out by gynecologists or urologists.

The following conditions can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left side:

  1. Stones in the left kidney or ureters. In this case, acute renal colic occurs (pain in the left side, radiating to the back). Along with colic, there is fever, lethargy (secondary pyelonephritis), urination is difficult, blood may appear in the urine, nausea, and vomiting are present. The attacks are so severe that the patient cannot sit or lie down. Renal colic requires urgent hospital treatment.

  2. Pyelonephritis. The inflammatory process in the kidneys does not always provoke urolithiasis, it can be of an infectious nature. In such cases, along with pain radiating to the back, swelling of the lower extremities, fever (39.8), fatigue, headache, severe nausea, and vomiting will appear.

  3. Cystitis(inflammation of the bladder). The disease is among the frequent problems of a domestic nature, causing attacks of pulling, acute, paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen on the left. Other signs of pathology will be difficulty, pain, cramps during urination, fever, cloudy, sometimes with blood impurities, urine.

Diseases of the spleen

The anatomical location of the spleen (lower left of the stomach) determines the nature of the pain in the presence of its pathologies. In acute diseases, colic can radiate down the abdomen on the left side.

Among the pathologies that cause these symptoms will be:

On a note! Pathologies of the spleen are diagnosed by instrumental studies (ultrasound, MRI, CT). Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, it is necessary to contact a therapist.

Video - Pain in the lower abdomen in women

Problems with the spine

Among the diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, there will be a hernia of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar. At the same time, cystitis and pathologies of the reproductive organs occur in women in the later stages. They are noted along with backaches, numbness of certain areas of the skin on the thigh, and limited mobility of the back. Among the complications of a herniated disc is scoliosis. Such diseases require surgical treatment. For their therapy, they turn to an orthopedist, if there is no such specialist, then to a therapist.

Important! A visit to the doctor will always be required with prolonged incessant pain, if the intensity of backache increases, the symptoms repeat during physical exertion, during menstruation. Sharp, dagger pain is always a reason for an urgent call for emergency medical care.

With the help of pain, the body signals the presence of certain problems. They may be ideological in nature, but in most cases they appear as a result of pathology. It is important to be able to recognize the disease in time and begin its treatment.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women on the left

Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of an infectious inflammatory process or other pathologies. To understand the cause that provoked the onset of pain, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​localization and the form of unpleasant sensations. Most often, women experience the following types of pain:

  • dull or sharp;
  • intense or weak;
  • pulling or aching;
  • constant or paroxysmal;
  • pulsating.

According to the group of factors that provoke the occurrence of pain, functional and organic varieties are distinguished. The first category includes an unpleasant sensation that occurs during menstruation or complicated ovulation. The second group includes various kinds of pathologies that are inflammatory in nature, diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems, as well as a neoplasm in the pelvic organs. It is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of occurrence of pain syndrome. If it does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Causes of pain depending on the nature

Diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological diseases, the use of contraception, as well as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left. It is important to pay attention not only to the place of localization of unpleasant sensations, but also to their nature. On it, you can suspect the root cause of the pain.

The pain is sharp

If the pain is sharp, this may indicate the development of pathologies of the most important organs. To provoke such a phenomenon is capable of inflammation of the kidneys, acute pancreatitis, giardiasis, or an increase in the size of the bladder. Soreness of a sharp nature can occur in the case of a breakthrough of a cyst, or an accumulation of purulent contents in the fallopian tubes.

Blunt pain

Soreness of this nature does not lead to severe discomfort in the patient. However, a disease whose symptom is soreness can pose a threat to a person's health or even life. Often such pain occurs with inflammation of the spleen or irritable bowel syndrome. Other pathologies that affect this organ can also cause dull pain. Intestinal diseases are accompanied by nausea and a feeling of heaviness.

However, dull pain can also occur as a result of physiological causes. Overeating, increased physical activity, indigestion or overexertion can lead to their appearance.

Nagging pain

Drawing pain often appears as a result of overexertion and hypothermia. A similar symptom is sprained inguinal ligaments, hernias, chronic inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms also occur in the case of cyst development, as well as bleeding.

Aching and throbbing pain

Usually, aching pain occurs with various gynecological pathologies of the ovaries and uterus. Unpleasant sensations can occur at rest or during physical exertion. In addition to them, bloody discharge from the genitals may be observed. In some cases, painful sensations of a aching nature can indicate the development of chronic, the appearance of a tumor, inflammation of the hemorrhoid vein, intestinal defects, and varicose veins.

Disease of the spleen, ulcers and hernia can also present with a similar symptom. Often, the above conditions are accompanied by nausea and flatulence. If throbbing pain occurs in the left side below the navel, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, pathologies of the urinary tract.

Cutting and stabbing pain

Stitching pain accompanies the pathology of the kidneys and intestines. It can occur during the passage of stones through the left ureter. Inflammation of the joints, cartilage, or lumbar region can also lead to the development of stabbing pain. Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left may indicate:

  • dysentery;
  • intestinal lesions;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Cutting pain also signals the formation of inflammatory processes. In this case, unpleasant sensations intensify during movement. However, the rule is not always followed. Cutting pain may occur with bleeding. The appearance of such a symptom during pregnancy is very dangerous. The condition in which it occurs can lead to miscarriage.

Strong pain

The occurrence of severe pain requires urgent hospitalization. You should not hesitate to call an ambulance if the soreness is accompanied by a strong fever, nausea, and. In some cases, immediate surgery may be required. This is possible in the following situations:

  1. There has been an infringement. The condition occurs suddenly. Most often it occurs due to strong physical stress. Initially, infringement may be manifested by nausea, and loose stools. Over time, the rejection of gases stops and the occurrence occurs. At this point, the patient's condition worsens greatly.
  2. There was a torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst. Severe pain occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the neoplasm. Blood stops flowing into the cyst. This leads to its death. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, and fever.
  3. Has arisen. When the disease occurs, hemorrhage into the peritoneum. There is blood loss. In addition to severe pain, localized in the lower abdomen, the woman feels weakness, dizziness, and nausea.
  4. There was a sudden retention of urine. This can happen as a result of bladder stones or the development of cancer. The person feels the urge to urinate. He is tormented by the feeling that the bladder is full. The condition is accompanied by severe pain.
  5. Developed. The woman feels severe pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. Usually manifests itself as pain on the right side. However, its atypical location can lead to the fact that discomfort occurs on the left sides. The patient experiences nausea with. Sometimes there is a fever.
  6. Sometimes surgery is prescribed for inflammation occurring in the intestines. Pathology is accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence. So, the indication for surgery is intestinal obstruction.

acute pain

Acute pain is often accompanied by severe swelling. They may indicate torsion of the cyst stem, ovarian abscess, or acute. During the last situation, there is a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition. It is accompanied by nausea and. The temperature rises. If appropriate therapy is not available, peritonitis may develop. Acute pain is also characteristic of the following pathologies:

  • Renal colic;
  • volvulus of the spleen;
  • inflammation of the digestive organs or sigmoid colon;
  • rupture of the fallopian tube.

Ideological reasons are also capable of provoking phenomena. So, acute pain in the left lower abdomen may appear in an untrained person after exercise. In this case, therapy is not required. The discomfort will disappear on its own.

Pain during pregnancy

During soreness in the left side or lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage or. The appearance on the left during pregnancy may also indicate the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Hypertension of the uterus;
  • disorder of the digestive process;
  • development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • braxton hicks contraction;
  • the beginning of a miscarriage.

At a later date, pulling sensations become normal. They result from the pressure of the uterus on other organs and muscle strain. Therapeutic intervention is not required.

If the pains are intense, acute and localized in the left side of the lower abdomen, this may indicate placental abruption. This is an alarming symptom that requires immediate attention.

Diagnostic studies

If a woman is faced with the occurrence of abdominal pain on the right, diagnostic studies will have to be performed. Only with their help will it be possible to find out the causes of pain. The doctor may refer the patient to undergo:

  1. General blood test. It will allow you to identify the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes. If present, the analysis will show an increased number of leukocytes in the blood.
  2. . Allows you to determine whether there is a pathology in the genitourinary system.
  3. Test for . The study is performed without fail if there is even the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. ultrasound. It is the main source of information for finding out the cause of the appearance in women. During the study, an ectopic pregnancy, tumors of the appendages, or inflammation of the pelvic organs can be detected.
  5. Laparoscopy. Allows you to visualize the state of the small pelvis. This makes it possible in the future to choose the most effective treatment.

First of all, you need to contact a therapist or gynecologist. They will refer the patient for a diagnostic test. Based on the data received, the woman can be redirected to other specialists.

Treatment of pathology

Severe unbearable pain often requires surgical intervention. It may not be possible to get rid of them in any other way. The use of analgesics for pain relief is not recommended. This group of drugs has a large number of side effects and contraindications. If the pain occurs with intestinal colic, the doctor may prescribe:

If pain occurs during menstruation, hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed. Their reception must be coordinated with the attending physician. Groups of drugs have side effects. Additionally, it is worth considering the existing contraindications for use. Rectal suppositories with belladonna can quickly relieve pain during menstruation.

Preventive measures

The best preventive measure is a timely visit to a specialist. Treating the disease at an early stage is much easier. This will minimize the chance of complications. To prevent the recurrence of intestinal diseases, you will need to follow a diet. Usually it is enough to adhere to the norms of proper nutrition. Prevention and diseases of the urinary system usually consists of observing the rules of hygiene. Additionally, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Most gynecological diseases at an early stage are asymptomatic. It's hard to spot them on your own.

Pregnancy should take place completely under the supervision of a doctor. You need to register on time. A woman should undergo all preventive examinations. You should not refuse hospitalization, even if the doctor recommends it for preventive purposes or with a slight threat.

In general, pain in this area can become one of the main symptoms for many diseases. Sometimes this can be due to inflammation of the appendix. Despite the fact that it is located in a completely different area. In addition, sometimes a sharp pain in the lower abdomen may indicate that a person has intestinal disorders. The reason for this can be the use of irritating or low-quality food. Often, pain appears due to the fact that a person is cold or simply has problems with the kidneys. This phenomenon is quite common. In most cases, such pain still speaks of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, you need to pay attention to the accompanying factors in order to accurately understand that we are talking about this phenomenon. This can happen due to weight loss, stress and other adverse factors.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in men

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in men can indicate the presence of both serious problems and temporary violations of some body functions. Basically, this indicates the presence of problems with the genitourinary system. It is simply impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. It is necessary to undergo an examination, on the basis of which everything will become known. Sometimes, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a harbinger of prostatitis. This problem cannot be left to chance. You should immediately consult a doctor, because in the future the problem can worsen. When there is acute pain, which is more pronounced when urinating, then we are talking about a severe form of prostatitis. It is clearly not worth delaying treatment, the situation can worsen. But this is far from all that it can, says such pain. It is also a harbinger of hernia, inflammation of the testicles, and even problems with the pancreas. If we are talking about the latter phenomenon, then it is worth limiting the use of coarse food, which causes this kind of irritation. The main thing is to consult a doctor for help in time.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy can signal the presence of various problems. If we are talking about early terms, then this phenomenon is often associated with the implantation of the embryo. In this case, you should not worry, this is normal. Sometimes pain can occur due to increased uterine tone or insufficiency in the cervix. Sometimes a sharp pain with bloody discharge signals a miscarriage. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. If the gestational age is quite long, then the pain may indicate training contractions. This phenomenon also does not carry anything negative. Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen on the left also speaks of intestinal disorders. A pregnant woman often suffers from this phenomenon. Well and at last, it is quite probable that there was a cystitis. It manifests itself as acute pain and discomfort during urination. In any case, you need to visit a doctor. After all, it’s good if such pain does not bode well. It is not always a harbinger of serious problems.

How is the pain in the lower abdomen on the left manifested?

Symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen on the left is directly the pain itself. It can be moderate, dull, cutting and sharp. In this case, it all depends on the cause of its occurrence. It is likely that the person has an ordinary indigestion. but not always as easy as one would like. Maybe it's about something more serious. The first step is to pay attention to its character, and only after that try to determine what it is. The gender of the patient also plays an important role. After all, in men, acute pain can talk about prostatitis, and in women about cystitis. In any case, there is no need to delay treatment. If the pain is moderate, it is likely that there are some problems with the intestines. Acute pain can be the very signal to action. After all, it can be problems with the intestines, pancreas and kidneys. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to delay the visit to the doctor. After all, there were cases when acute pain in the lower abdomen on the left spoke of inflammation of the appendicitis.

Drawing pain in lower left abdomen

Pulling pain in the left lower abdomen can symbolize the onset of kidney problems. But not always everything happens that way, sometimes we are talking about the intestines and reproductive organs. In general, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a harbinger of either a serious illness or simply a disorder of some bowel functions. So, in most cases, we are talking about irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, if you do not take action, then this condition can last 12 weeks. Therefore, it is clearly not worth postponing a trip to the doctor. Why do we need unnecessary problems and aggravation of the situation? So, irritable bowel syndrome is also accompanied by a change in the frequency of defecation. This criterion is worth paying attention to. After all, if it is present, then it is clearly worth asking for help. This phenomenon does not cause any particular inconvenience to a person, but for the time being. Further, the situation can worsen at times. In this case, you will have to undergo a longer and more complex treatment. Moreover, it is worth noting that the syndrome is able to disappear by itself, but only for a short time. Then everything comes back again and with more serious symptoms.

Severe pain in the left lower abdomen

Severe pain in the left lower abdomen can appear for a number of reasons. Moreover, it is important to note that in this case, the gender of the person, as well as the presence of pregnancy, is of great importance. Because it is difficult to talk about this problem in general terms. But if we are talking about men separately, then it can be both inflammation of the testicles and prostatitis. In general, you need to consult a doctor in order for him to make an accurate diagnosis. After all, it is difficult to talk about such things in general terms. If you take a woman separately, then in this case it may be cystitis or problems with the genitourinary system. In a pregnant girl, pain in the lower abdomen on the left can characterize the presence of both a disease and more serious problems. So, for example, we can talk about cystitis or just implantation of the embryo. In more severe cases, this indicates a threat of miscarriage. The gestational age also plays a big role here. In general, there can be quite a few reasons for the development of pain. The main thing is not to delay the trip to the doctor. So that the situation does not worsen, especially in the case of a pregnant girl. Here the risk is highest.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left in most cases indicates the presence of problems with the intestines or kidneys. What could it be? Basically, if we talk specifically about the intestines, then there are quite a few reasons for the development of such a phenomenon. This may be an ordinary disorder of his work. This happens in the case of eating poor-quality food or one that can cause irritation. Therefore, it is always necessary to monitor what is used. If we talk about the kidneys, then most likely this happened due to hypothermia or the presence of an infection in them. This can only be determined by an experienced doctor after the examination. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Moreover, it is not recommended to drink painkillers, because in this way you can easily hide the pain that signals a complex inflammatory process that occurs in the body. Most likely, ordinary hypothermia was the cause of this phenomenon. Especially if the pain occurred in the fair sex.

Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

A sharp pain in the left lower abdomen symbolizes serious problems, in most cases. Under no circumstances should it be ignored. Yes, and taking painkillers is also not recommended. It is better to seek help from a doctor. What can symbolize such pain? Most of the time it could be kidney problems. Most likely there is a place for an infectious disease. Basically, they behave in this way. But it may be that we are talking about the pancreas. But such pain, as a rule, although strong, is short-lived. If it does not go away for a long time, then something more serious has happened. This can be the first symptom of cystitis in women and the same symptom of prostatitis in men. Sometimes this can be a harbinger of appendicitis, despite the fact that the pain appeared in a completely different direction. If we are talking about a systemic form of inflammation, then the first signs can appear anywhere, and even in the navel area. Leaving everything to chance is prohibited. After all, if it is appendicitis, then the consequences can be extremely severe.

Stitching pains in the left lower abdomen

Stitching pains in the left lower abdomen occur mainly in inflammation of the large intestine. This may occur due to the intake of poor-quality food or with a lot of seasonings. So, this phenomenon is also accompanied by a strong swelling. It is advisable for a certain period to refuse food that can irritate the intestines. But you can find out about this only after consulting a doctor. Self-diagnosis is not necessary. If the matter is not in the intestines, then the genitourinary system should be checked. You don't have to start fighting right away. The situation can get out of control at any moment. If the stabbing pain is accompanied by fever and vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to immediately call an ambulance and not try to cope with the situation on your own. These can be serious problems that sometimes require surgery. This condition indicates that a cyst has formed, which must be removed immediately.

Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

Acute pain in the left lower abdomen is a consequence of the development of many diseases. Moreover, it is simply impossible to identify what it is about, only by this symptom. The first step is to determine the source of pain, and then, based on this, try to figure out what is the reason for this. It is necessary to be able to distinguish pain during menstruation, from pain in other cases. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left and this is normal. So there is nothing to worry about in this case. In all other cases, you need to think about what is happening. If acute pain occurs along with bleeding, then most likely it is a problem with the genitourinary system. It is likely that inflammation is occurring there, which needs to be dealt with quickly. But sometimes the gastrointestinal tract behaves in a similar way. If there is a state of shock, which is accompanied by fainting, then this is most likely the problem. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. After all, the consequences can be aggravating. If chills are also observed, then most likely these are problems with the pelvic organs.

Dull pain in lower left abdomen

Dull pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a consequence of problems with the pancreas, intestines, gallbladder and genitourinary system. It all depends on the additional symptoms and the duration of the pain. So, if you experience pain, you can judge that we are talking about problems with the intestines. Most likely there is a place for irritable bowel syndrome. This phenomenon is rather insidious. It can arise and then disappear without a trace after a while, and then begin to torment a person with renewed vigor. Therefore, it is recommended that if you experience pain of varying intensity, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. In general, it should be understood that such pain sometimes indicates the presence of pregnancy. Therefore, self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited. Only doctors should do this. After all, harming your own body is quite simple. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. Indeed, in the early stages, in many cases this can be avoided.

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen on the left often occurs due to various intestinal pathologies. The main thing is to determine how often this feeling manifests itself in order to understand whether everything is so scary. Basically, such pain characterizes intestinal obstruction. Moreover, this is manifested not only in the presence of pain, but also in the absence of a chair. If we are talking about a diverticulum, then a feverish state is also added to everything that happens. In general, it is impossible to determine “by eye” what is happening. Only an experienced doctor can do this, and in this way he will only make a preliminary diagnosis. It is always necessary to take a series of tests to find out exactly what is happening to a person. Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates inflammation of the appendages. But at the same time, there is also a sharp increase in temperature. If such a phenomenon has arisen, you should immediately call a doctor, because who knows what it could be. You don't have to risk your health, that's for sure.

Cramping pains in the lower abdomen on the left

Cramping pains in the lower abdomen on the left in women are associated either with pregnancy or with gynecology. What can not be said about men. After all, the pain that arises in them can be of any nature. Starting from prostatitis and ending with the gastrointestinal tract. If you experience cramping pain in a woman, it is most likely worth checking the pelvic organs. Most likely the infection hid somewhere in the genitourinary system. If you do not start to deal with this in time, then problems can arise quite serious. When the pain in the lower abdomen on the left is accompanied by vomiting and fever, then you definitely need to call a doctor. After all, it can be both inflammation of the cyst and appendicitis. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates an ectopic pregnancy. This is very serious! Therefore, you should never put off a visit to the doctor. After all, all this can end in death. Sometimes such pain indicates problems in the large intestine. In this case, you just need to exclude irritating components from food. If there is no relief, you need to seek help from the hospital.

Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left is due to problems with the intestines. In some cases, this may indicate the presence of inflammation of the appendages. If we dwell directly on problems with the intestines, then most likely we are talking about colitis. Such pain in the lower abdomen on the left sometimes speaks of intestinal obstruction. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor. If it hurts, they appear directly on the left, then this may also indicate the presence of intestinal cancer. Sometimes pain is a harbinger of cyst inflammation. If a similar situation occurs in a man, then you should also rely on problems with the intestines. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician. Sometimes such pain in women can signal a rupture of the fallopian tube. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. This phenomenon occurs during an ectopic pregnancy. In any case, it is impossible to delay calling an ambulance, this can end very badly.

Periodic pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Periodic pains in the lower abdomen on the left are due to all the same problems in the intestines or the genitourinary tract. In principle, nothing else can be. After all, this part of the abdomen is responsible only for the soreness of these organs. Naturally, such pain can be hidden. Simply put, something more serious may be hiding behind it. But this does not happen in all cases. Naturally, you should not guess, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Sometimes even arthritis manifests itself in this way. But often the problem lies precisely in problems with the intestines. It is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which disappears and reappears after a while. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe competent treatment. Otherwise, the situation could worsen. Sometimes appendicitis manifests itself in this way. He can get sick a little and then return with renewed vigor. Only now the second time it will be peritonitis, which must be dealt with immediately.

Constant pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Constant pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates the presence of diseases or any pathologies. In any case, only an experienced doctor can deal with this. There is a kind of pain that gradually increases or subsides, but does not go away at all. Most likely in this case there are problems with the genitourinary system. There is even such a thing as chronic pelvic disease syndrome. It is quite difficult to cope with them, you can only maintain the general condition of the body and nothing more. This can be determined only after a complete examination and passing certain tests. What is most interesting, this can also occur due to stressful situations. Sometimes it can also be benign and malignant tumors. Sometimes pain provokes even ordinary constipation. Getting rid of this is quite simple, you need to change the diet. In general, in any case, you should seek help from a doctor.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a symptom of intestinal obstruction or its irritation. In both cases, you need to see a doctor. After all, the first symptom is not so serious, but still requires the intervention of an experienced doctor. If you do not start to deal with it in time, serious problems can arise. First of all, it is recommended to change the diet and follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In the second case, you should also review the food you eat. After all, it is likely that it is she who causes such a state. Therefore, it is better to refuse sufficiently acidic and salty foods. In some cases, this symptom indicates the presence of problems with the genitourinary system. It can be both banal hypothermia and a serious infection. This phenomenon is fraught with consequences for women. If all this is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as fever and vomiting, you should immediately call a doctor.

The first step is to donate blood and urine. Based on the results of these analyzes, the further course is determined. After all, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a rather vague symptom that can hide many unpleasant phenomena. It is also necessary to do an ultrasound to exclude all kinds of neoplasms. Only after this is quality treatment prescribed. Diagnosis directly depends on the main symptom and its accompanying phenomena. In addition, many patients are assigned directly to a standard examination. But only in the case when the inflammation of appendicitis is completely excluded.

Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen on the left is prescribed only by a doctor. After all, to begin with, you should determine the cause of the pain. They can be varied and not interconnected.

If we talk separately about intestinal obstruction, then in this case the diet changes completely, and drug treatment is prescribed. The same goes for irritable bowel syndrome. True, here you can do without medicines, it is enough just to limit the use of certain products.

If we are talking about inflammation of appendicitis, then it must be removed immediately and bed rest with a certain diet should be observed for several days. It is also impossible to do without medicines. With a cyst, surgical intervention is also required. After that, medication is prescribed. It all depends on the nature of the pain. After all, it is impossible to speak in general about this. All this is determined by the attending physician, after examination and testing.

Prevention of pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Prevention of pain in the lower abdomen on the left depends on many factors. So, in order to avoid pain in the pancreas, it is necessary not to overstrain, not to abuse fatty and spicy foods. The same can be said about irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, it is better to refuse acidic foods, spicy and fatty. These recommendations can also be obtained from a doctor. To prevent pain in the genitourinary system, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. After all, this environment is the most favorable for viruses. In general, if any symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. After all, if you do not pay attention to all this, you can worsen the situation several times. If we are talking about the prevention of cysts, then in this case it is also necessary to adhere to several basic rules. They are, of course, related to the rules of personal hygiene. In general, you need to take care of your health. In order for pain in the lower abdomen on the left to never occur, you should simply pay more attention to your own health.

The organs located in the peritoneum and the pelvic area play an important role in the human body - no less important than the heart and brain. A painful syndrome in the left lower abdomen may be the result of pathological processes of the organs located here. Pain can manifest itself and radiate to various parts of the body due to:

  • pathological processes in the pancreas;
  • dysfunction in the left kidney;
  • various diseases of the spleen and stomach;
  • diseases of the intestines and the genitourinary system.

Common causes of lower abdominal pain

Why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt in women?

Soreness with a certain degree of periodicity is manifested not only in women, it is also characteristic of men. The causes of the first plan are due to heart attack, volvulus, pathologies of the spleen, kidneys, gall and bladder organ, dysfunctions in the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract systems, oncological and benign neoplasms, autoimmune and inflammatory pathologies.

The next most frequent causes are due to diseases associated with the spine - herniated intervertebral formations, scoliotic curvature and infringement of the nerve roots. All this may be accompanied by girdle pain, with left-sided radiating to the side and lower abdomen.

Pathologies of blood vessels and the heart, as a result of which the processes of anemia develop, are no exception. Lack of oxygen supply to tissues and organs is a precursor to cramps and muscle pain in this area.

The diseases listed above are the same for women and men. And now we will consider only those that are manifested by pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women, and indicate problems in the reproductive organs.

It should be noted right away that the main causes of the manifestation of left-sided pain syndrome in women in the lower abdomen are pathological processes in the pelvic organs. Their development is due to surgical, gynecological, or neurological nature. To distinguish these diseases and differentiate one from the other, it is desirable to know what caused their manifestation and pay attention to the very nature of the pain.

What is physiological female pain?

This is the simplest and easiest reason

Physiological are those pains that are not dangerous, and do not require outside intervention - they go away on their own. For example:

  • During the period of ovulation, the female body is rebuilt, updated and prepared for fertilization. This pain symptom is quite common. The same effect is manifested when the ovulation process is disturbed. Each woman has a different intensity of pain, but it always increases with physical exertion.
  • With changes in the menstrual cycle, pain is characteristic both during the menstrual cycle itself and after it ends. On the other hand, it can occur as a consequence of neurological disorders. In intensity and duration, such pains are completely different.
  • During the period of bearing a child, the woman's body creates the most “comfortable” conditions for the unborn child, gradually stretching the pelvic floor. Which is reflected by left-sided pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.

8 causes of dangerous left-sided pain in the lower abdomen

Dangerous pain in the left lower abdomen in a woman

When pains in the lower abdomen and in the left side of women appear, their true cause can be assumed by localization and character. They can manifest themselves acutely, constantly or periodically, be unbearable, pulling or dull. Accompanied by hemorrhagic or purulent vaginal discharge. It is by the signs and sensations that a woman experiences that one can confidently judge the presence of gynecological pathology.

The main diseases that cause such pain include:

1) Inflammatory reactions in the fallopian tubes. It manifests itself in two forms - salpingo-oophoritis and salpingitis. In the first case, inflammatory reactions affect not only the structure of the fallopian tubes, but also spread to adjacent organs (appendages). In the second case, the disease is manifested by pathological processes both in the tissue structure of the pipes itself and in their integrity.

In the acute phase, the manifestation of a strong painful syndrome in the lower abdomen is characteristic, with pain spreading to the coccyx area and the left side.

The chronic phase is less intense - periodic soreness of the aching and pulling nature is characteristic. In the absence of timely treatment and weak immunity, there is a high risk of spreading inflammatory reactions to other tissues and adjacent organs, which can lead to the death of the patient.

2) Manifestations of adnexitis. As an independent pathology, it develops extremely rarely. It often manifests itself as a result of a rapid, diffuse inflammatory reaction in the tubes of the uterus, which extends beyond its limits. The pain in the lower abdomen is intense, pulling, fettering the whole body, constantly intensifying and giving in the hypochondrium on the left side of the body.

In a chronic course, the pain syndrome manifests itself with any (even local) decrease in immunity, for example, sitting in a cold or draft. Contribute to the development of the disease frequent abortions, intrauterine devices and conditions associated with hormonal imbalances.

3) Endometriosis processes. The disease is characterized by the growth of uterine epithelial tissues outside the uterus due to uncontrolled secretion of PS hormones. The disease is generally observed in overweight patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, or with a genetic predisposition. The provoking factor is early abortions and chronic inflammatory processes - they contribute to the attachment of the uterine epithelium to the tissues of various organs.

The pains are manifested by a pulling and aching character, intensified during the menstrual and ovulation cycles. A characteristic symptom of the disease is profuse hemorrhage and soreness during the menstrual cycle, hypotension and chronic fatigue.

4) Torsion of the appendages. This is a complex condition that requires urgent medical attention. Torsion and compression of the fallopian tubes causes a disturbance in the blood flow of large vessels and arteries, with the subsequent development of tissue necrosis and extensive inflammatory reactions.

Nerve fibers are also subjected to torsion, manifested by pain in the left lower abdomen, or in the lumbar region. The pain is diffuse and encircles the abdomen, as in attacks of appendicitis. In this case, left-sided swelling of the side is noted. Patients can hardly manage full deep breathing. Signs of hypertension and tachycardia are characteristic.

The development of the pathological process is preceded by stretching of the ligaments that hold the fallopian tubes in the anatomical position. The ovaries enlarged by various neoplasms, supplementing the load on the ligamentous apparatus, exacerbate the situation.

5) Cystic growths on the left ovary women are manifested by pain in the lower abdomen and in the left side. The nature of pain depends on the size and localization of cystic growths. Symptoms for a long time can be lethargic, sometimes manifesting as dull or nagging pains, which are significantly increased during menstruation.

Large cystic neoplasms or active mass growth (polycystic) can provoke rupture of ovarian tissues. In this case, the pains are acute (dagger-like), and sometimes lead to painful shock.

6) Rupture (apoplexy) of the ovaries- a consequence of the development of destructive processes in the ovaries. At the same time, large vessels rupture and bleed into the peritoneum. All this is accompanied by severe pain and bloating. The pain covers the entire left-sided region of the peritoneum, spreading to the very lumbar zone. Blood flowing from damaged vessels fills the entire peritoneum and can cause death.

7) Ectopic pregnancy(ectopic). It is caused by the attachment of a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but in its tubes. Soreness is provoked by embryonic growth and incredible stretching of the tube cavity. The pain grows and covers the entire lower and lateral zone on the left side of the abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region. Stretching causes the formation of cracks in the walls of the tube, which is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, toxicosis and a feverish state. Pain in the rupture of pipes becomes unbearable, and hemorrhages intensify.

8) Tumor neoplasms. They are characterized by acute, unbearable, almost non-stop pain, provoked by tumor growths. Left-sided pains in the side and lower abdomen are the result of the development of oncological neoplasms in the uterus, on its neck and tubes, ovaries and vagina. Tumors compress adjacent organs and tissues, causing discomfort and pain. At the same time, the pain is spastic, and is felt even in the lower back. There may be slight swelling on the left side.

Could this be pregnancy?

The pain syndrome on the left in the side and lower abdomen in women during the period of bearing a child is due to the physiological state itself, which is being reconstructed to new conditions of the body. The cause of pain, in most cases, is the growing fetus, which causes increased intra-abdominal pressure and compression of neighboring organs.

For example, such a reaction can be caused by the accumulation of gases due to the squeezing of intestinal loops by a grown fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy. Or the development of flatulence, due to dysbacteriosis, provoked by changes in the diet of pregnant women, which is quite justified. Diarrhea or constipation is accompanied by cramps and soreness in the side and lower abdomen.

Pain syndrome can also be caused by stretching of the abdominal walls in the last period of pregnancy. Such symptoms are temporary and do not need medical intervention. Although it is impossible to completely exclude gynecological and other pathologies. Among the frequent diseases that manifest in pregnant women with pain in the side and lower abdomen, note:

  • Adhesive formations in the uterus that prevent it from stretching;
  • Stagnation of blood in the spleen, formed as a result of squeezing the organ by a grown fetus;
  • Compression and inflammation of the intestine, causing the development of diverticulosis;
  • Limited intestinal mobility by adhesions, preventing intestinal loops from rising up when squeezed by the fetus;
  • Left-sided formation of stones in the kidney or its omission.

This is just a small list of reasons that can affect acute pain during pregnancy. All of them can present a certain problem for both the fetus and the expectant mother. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause and begin treatment immediately.

Which doctor will help solve the problem?

Since the pain syndrome in the lower abdomen can be caused by a variety of pathologies, it is simply impossible to identify them 100% accurately on your own. The manifestation of such symptoms requires a qualified diagnosis.

To determine the cause, you should first consult with a therapist. If necessary, he will refer the patient for a consultation with a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist or gynecologist, traumatologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon.

About treatment and recovery

There is not and cannot be a single scheme for the therapeutic treatment of such symptoms, I think you have already understood this. In one particular case, drug therapy helps, in the other - surgery or a simple diet correction. Therapeutic appointments are determined by the doctor, according to the identified pathology and the approved protocol for its treatment.

For gynecological problems - complex therapy, including, in addition to medication, immunomodulatory therapy, monitoring the patient's personal hygiene and refraining from intimate relationships.

Most often, treatment includes three areas:

  • Conservative methods, including medications and medical recommendations:
  • Surgical interventions used only with a clear danger of death (abundant internal hemorrhages, violations of the integrity of organs, oncology, etc.).
  • Methods of physiotherapeutic procedures used in the treatment of female pathologies (laser, magneto and ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis with drugs, infrared and ultraviolet irradiation, gynecological massage, etc.)

As for the prognosis, it completely depends on the severity of the detected disease and the timeliness of its treatment. Therefore, if you feel pain in your side, especially acute, do not hesitate to consult a doctor!