Published 12/22/16 10:26

The funeral of Russian Ambassador Karlov, who was killed in Turkey, in Moscow on December 22, 2016: the coffin with the ambassador’s body was brought to the Foreign Ministry, they are awaiting the arrival of President Putin.

Funeral of Andrei Karlov in Moscow December 22, 2016: Lavrov, Putin and Medvedev came to the civil funeral service

Moscow will bid farewell to Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov today. A civil funeral service will take place in the Foreign Ministry building, and then Patriarch Kirill will perform the funeral service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Vladimir Putin will take part in the mourning events, Vesti reports.

Andrei Karlov - posthumously Hero of Russia. As Topnews wrote, he was awarded the title the day before “for the steadfastness and courage shown in office, and for his great contribution to the implementation of the country’s foreign policy.” Therefore, farewell with all honors.

Ceremony in Moscow intkbbee began with a civil funeral service on Smolenskaya Square, then there was a funeral service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The service was led by Patriarch Kirill.

“KP” is conducting a text broadcast of the funeral: “The farewell ceremony for Andrei Karlov: in the hall there are only relatives, friends, colleagues, employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the foyer hangs a memorial plaque “To employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who died in the line of duty”: the inscription “Karlov” has already appeared on it A.G."

The entire leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, parliamentary factions, and the presidential administration were present at the farewell ceremony for Andrei Karlov. Sergei Lavrov presented the son of Andrei Karlov with the Star of the Hero of Russia, which the diplomat was awarded.

Dmitry Medvedev came to the civil memorial service for Andrei Karlov before the funeral service. 20 minutes later, Vladimir Putin came to say goodbye to diplomat Andrei Karlov, who was killed in Ankara.

A farewell ceremony for Ambassador Andrei Karlov took place in Ankara. There is an honor guard at the coffin. Among those nearby are relatives of the Russian diplomat, Turkish colleagues and the leadership of the city and country. The body of the ambassador killed by the terrorist will be delivered to Moscow today on the same plane that Russian investigators arrived in Ankara.

The farewell ceremony for Andrei Karlov ended at Ankara airport. The plane with the diplomat's body has already taken off for Moscow. Many of his colleagues from other diplomatic missions, as well as employees of the Russian embassy, ​​came to see off the Russian ambassador. Present on the Turkish side are the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Mayor of Ankara and other officials. The ceremony began with a minute of silence.

A guard of honor lined up on the airfield in front of the Russian plane. Turkish soldiers held a portrait of Andrei Karlov in a mourning frame. The diplomat's widow, Marina Karlova, was also present. Near the coffin there are numerous wreaths, including those from Turkish President Erdogan. Officials made farewell speeches.

“We have lost a very close friend. From the very moment Andrei Karlov took up his duties, he did everything possible to develop Russian-Turkish relations and represented his people and his country in the most worthy manner,” said Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Tugrul Türkeş.

Security measures have been strengthened at Ankara Airport today, as well as in the city itself. Many diplomatic missions are placed under tight security, including the Russian embassy. Russian investigators arrived in Ankara today and have already started work. Witnesses must be interviewed. More than a hundred people were invited to the exhibition at the Center for Contemporary Art the day before. Among them are the ambassadors of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Everything happened before their eyes.

According to media reports, five people have been detained as part of the investigation into the murder of the Russian ambassador, including the parents and sister of the criminal. One of the main tasks of law enforcement agencies is to establish whether the killer Andrei Karlov had accomplices.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs quickly identified the killer himself; he turned out to be Turkish citizen Mevlüt Mert Altintas. He worked in law enforcement for two and a half years. The day before, with reference to the special services, the press received information that Altintas was fired from the police in the summer after the coup attempt in Turkey, but today almost all Turkish media deny this. The newspapers write that Altintas was an active member of the Turkish police special forces at the time of the crime. The shooter entered the Center for Contemporary Art using his police ID.

The Turkish newspaper Hüriyet emphasizes that Altıntaş was a follower of Fethullah Gülen, a preacher whom Turkish authorities accuse of attempting a coup. The question arises, journalists note, why he was not really fired from the police after the coup attempt, like thousands of other so-called “Gülenists.”

“Judging by the slogans that the killer shouted, he is related to a terrorist group and is unlikely to have acted alone. Most likely, he had accomplices. Yesterday's events horrified me. I personally knew Mr. Karlov. He was a true professional and a wonderful person. No one imagined that such events could happen here in the city center,” says political scientist Salih Yilmaz.

This is one of the issues that is being actively discussed in Ankara. The Center for Contemporary Art is located in the so-called government quarter. After the coup attempt, a state of emergency continues to operate in Turkey. This means that security measures must be strengthened everywhere. At the same time, the video footage shows that the criminal, after shooting at the ambassador, brandished a pistol for at least 50 seconds, and only after that fired several more bullets at Andrei Karlov. It is unclear where the security and other police officers were at that time. Some Turkish newspapers report that the shooter was killed after 15 minutes, others that only after 40. Judging by photographs from the scene of the tragedy, he was shot when he had already left the building.

A civil memorial service for the ambassador killed in Turkey is being held at the Russian Foreign Ministry building in Moscow. Andrey Karlov. Condolences are expressed by colleagues, friends and acquaintances who remember the deceased as a brave, intelligent man who loved his job.

The coffin with the diplomat's body is installed in the lobby of the central building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The guard of honor is carried by soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Those who came to say goodbye to Karloff lined up, all carrying scarlet roses.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov First of all, he noted Karlov’s personal qualities and his contribution to the development of relations between Russia and Turkey. “But the most important thing is that Andrei will forever remain in our memory, and we will never forget him,” Lavrov added. Also, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry handed over the Star of the Hero of Russia to the relatives of the killed diplomat. Karloff's son laid the award at his father's coffin.

The representative of the Russian diplomatic department for human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov, said that all those involved in the murder of the ambassador must be found and punished.

“Andrey Karlov was a professional and a brilliant person. He devoted himself entirely to diplomatic service. This is a personal loss for each of us,” Dolgov added.

MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov recalled Karlov’s work in North Korea, where they first met and almost never separated, despite the fact that they lived in different countries.

“Andrey made his career in very difficult countries, primarily in the DPRK. He managed to make not only a career there, but also create a circle of good friends. One of the few ambassadors who had good contact with the leader of the country. For North Korea, this is generally an exceptional case,” Torkunov noted.

When Karlov went to Turkey, this work became a serious challenge for him. And in many ways, the ambassador’s courage and steadfastness did not allow Russian-Turkish relations to collapse, says the rector of MGIMO.

His colleague, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry Evgeny Bazhanov, also noted Karlov’s enormous contribution to the development of ties with Turkey. According to Bazhanov, just a few weeks before the murder, the diplomat agreed on a training program for Turkish students at the Diplomatic Academy, the first group of whom arrived in Moscow the day before Karlov’s death.

The head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, spoke about Karlov’s heroism. According to him, the diplomat accomplished a feat, giving his life for Russia.

“We are seeing off on his last journey not just a diplomat, not just an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, we are seeing off on his last journey a man who gave his life for his homeland, for Russia. The title of Hero of Russia is probably the minimum that can be given to Andrei Gennadievich as a sign of respect for the feat that he, unwillingly, accomplished, representing his country with great dignity until the last minute of his life,” Kosachev said.

According to him, those who interrupted Karlov’s life will never be able to interrupt Russia’s aspirations to interact with other countries in the fight against international terrorism.

Consul General of the Russian Federation in Istanbul Andrey Podyelyshev spoke about work under the leadership of Karlov. According to Podyelyshev, the ambassador was always his senior comrade, not his boss. It was a pleasure not only to work with him, but also to talk about life. Therefore, now everyone who knew Karlov is experiencing a feeling of deep sorrow. The Consul General noted that the memory of the murdered diplomat will be immortalized.

“All those who come after us will be able to read his biography and understand that he worked here, defended the interests of our country. A man is alive as long as his memory is alive,” Podyelyshev noted.

Karlov’s name is immortalized on a memorial plaque dedicated to employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry who died in the line of duty. The street in Ankara and the exhibition hall where Karlov died will also be named after the ambassador. In all Russian embassies abroad today, flags are lowered at half-mast and books of condolences are open.

The President of Russia also came to say goodbye to the ambassador Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov and many others. After the end of the civil memorial service, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill will perform the funeral service for the deceased in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On December 19, in Ankara, while speaking at the opening of a photo exhibition dedicated to Russia, Karlov was shot several times in the back. The killer was a law enforcement officer, so he easily approached the diplomat. The criminal was eliminated on the spot. The Russian Foreign Ministry called Karlov's murder a terrorist act.

According to him, Karlov's trip as Russian ambassador to Turkey was a "huge challenge." “I went when relations with Turkey were on the rise. Soon a lot of dramatic events happened in the international situation, in bilateral relations. He showed a lot of courage and perseverance in order not to allow these relations to collapse. He brought a lot of personal into this work,” Torkunov said to journalists at a civil memorial service.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at the building on Smolenskaya Square around noon, he laid a bouquet of dark roses at the coffin, said goodbye to the diplomat and offered condolences to the family. The head of state spoke with the widow and son of the murdered ambassador. The President, who was personally acquainted with Karlov, called him a brilliant diplomat, an intelligent and kind person.

"Leaders listened to him"

The diplomat's funeral took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. When the funeral cortege arrived at the temple grounds, a bell sounded. On the steps of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, an Orthodox cross was laid out from candles in memory of the murdered Russian diplomat. Not only his former colleagues, but also parishioners who were in the temple during the ceremony were able to say goodbye to the diplomat in the cathedral. EU Ambassador to Russia Vygaudas Ušackas and Estonian Ambassador to Russia Arti Hilpus also came to pay tribute to Karlov.

He was killed by an armed terrorist in Ankara. The diplomat was buried at the Khimki cemetery in Moscow with military honors due to a Hero of Russia. , and the entire leadership of the country gathered for the civil funeral service (it took place in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

The Hero of Russia, Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, is seen off on his last journey with military honors. Three volleys, a guard of honor, the national anthem - in memory of a man who, in every sense, served his Motherland until the last second.

Farewell to Andrei Karlov began early in the morning. It’s still dark in Moscow, but streams of people with flowers are already approaching the Foreign Ministry building. There are black ribbons on the flags at the entrance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Funeral wreaths from the Turkish Embassy were also delivered here.

In the main hall of the Foreign Ministry skyscraper there is a memorial plaque with the names of diplomats who died in the line of duty: “December 2016 - Andrei Gennadievich Karlov.” At noon, the Russian President arrives to bid farewell to the diplomat. The President, with words of condolences and support, approaches Andrei Karlov’s relatives - his mother, widow, son. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov hands over the Hero of Russia star to his family.

“We see off on his last journey our comrade, friend, Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, who at a combat post became the victim of a vile, vile terrorist act,” says the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry. “Andrei Gennadievich loved life all his professional, human life, loved his work. In accordance "With the instructions of the president, we have prepared events and proposals to perpetuate the memory of Andrei Gennadievich. But the most important thing is that Andrei will forever remain in our memory, and we will never forget him."

“All those guilty of this atrocity, those guilty of the murder of the Russian ambassador, must be identified and receive the most severe punishment,” emphasizes, in turn, Konstantin Dolgov, Commissioner of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. “This is a matter of honor.”

Prime Minister Medvedev, heads of both chambers of parliament Matvienko and Volodin, leaders of leading parties. And today is the day when there simply cannot be political disagreements: the murder of the Russian ambassador is a provocation for which its organizers will have to answer.

“This is a blow to the country. The ambassador represents the country. You shot at the country!” says the head of the DDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. “Not you, but some specific murderer. But in this case, international relations are different. And this is already a system For 500 years they have been pitting us against each other, for 500 years they have been provoking us."

“The murder of an ambassador is always an emergency,” adds Gennady Zyuganov, chairman of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. “In this case, it’s not just a murder, it’s a major provocation. I’m sure that very influential forces are behind this murder. But don’t give in to emotions. "We must continue the line of energetically fighting bandits and terrorists, because if they take over the Middle East, our entire southern underbelly will be set on fire. We must understand perfectly well that on the distant approaches our ambassadors, diplomats, and military personnel protect the security of our country."

“And for this, Andrei Gennadievich Karlov gave his life, and this absolutely means that he did not give his life in vain,” notes the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev. “Eternal memory.”

The press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, also laid flowers - he himself worked at the Russian embassy in Turkey in the 90s. Colleagues of Andrei Karlov say that he always perceived his work as an ambassador as a real opportunity to help different countries get to know and understand each other better. And therefore, even despite the recent dramatic events in relations between Russia and Turkey, despite the very difficult situation in Turkey itself, I traveled, met, communicated, argued, convinced, built a dialogue - I worked.

“They call you to speak at an exhibition - go to an exhibition, they call you to speak at a university - go to a university, they call you to do an interview - and he gave an interview,” says Alexey Erkhov, director of the department of the situational crisis center of the Russian Foreign Ministry, former Consul General Russian Federation in Istanbul.

“He, of course, did not spare himself and did not hide behind the walls of the embassy, ​​in his office,” continues Georgy Toloraya, director of the Center for Russian Strategy in Asia at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, former minister-counselor of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Korea.

“At the same time, I served in very difficult capitals and always did it so professionally, so talentedly,” recalls Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rector of MGIMO, political scientist Anatoly Torkunov. “So, of course, today is a very difficult day for us all.”

In the summer, when Andrei Karlov came to Moscow for a meeting of all Russian ambassadors, he sincerely rejoiced in an interview with Vesti about the resuscitation of Russian-Turkish relations.

“I say: well, how are you? He says: everything is fine, come. I say: I’m afraid. He says: don’t be afraid, it’s normal there,” recalls Lyudmila Vysotskaya, an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry clinic.

During the farewell, Andrei Karlov’s widow Marina Mikhailovna, who went through his whole life with him, changing countries and cities after her husband, holds on and does not give vent to her feelings.

Gun to gun, hand to hand - an honor guard is lined up at the exit from the Foreign Ministry building to escort the coffin with the body of Andrei Karlov to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. I no longer have the strength to hold back before saying goodbye forever. Patriarch Kirill, who married Marina and Andrei Karlov 10 years ago, while still the head of the Synodal Department, performed the funeral service today.

“He will go down in the history of our Fatherland as the Russian ambassador who died at a combat post,” says the patriarch. “Forever in the history of our people. And in this sense, in human life categories, this death immortalized him. May the prayerful memory of him be preserved for many years to come, for many years among our people. Let us pray for him."

Bells in memory of Andrei Karlov also rang today in distant Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, in the Russian Trinity Church, built with the help of Ambassador Andrei Karlov.