Telegram is very sensible about user data - if you suddenly delete something, you can be sure that neither you nor anyone else will ever restore this data. In the same way, there is no point in storing the information of users who have left the messenger or switched to another profile. Therefore, such a phenomenon as a remote Telegram account appears. We'll talk about him.

What does the notification “Deleted Telegram account” mean?

What does deleted Telegram account mean? Like this? This happens if the user has not logged into the network for a long time or decided to completely get rid of the profile. In the settings, you can even set the time period after which your data will be deleted. But this does not mean that the number is lost for the Cart forever - after some time you can make a new account, which will suffer the same fate if you do not use it for a long time. What does a deleted Telegram account look like? In the same way as the usual one - you see the correspondence, all attachments are in place. But there is no name or username, so even understanding who you were talking to can sometimes be difficult.

What can channel admins do with deleted accounts?

So, let's say you have your own channel, and it looks deplorable in terms of activity due to the large number of "remote" - the number of subscribers is large, but there is almost no activity. It seems like you've got yourself an audience and your reputation is suffering. What can you do about it? Firstly, block him from entering Telegram groups, and secondly, of course, no one will forbid you to remove him from the channel.

Failure in this regard can only come out if such a profile was the creator of the channel - then nothing can be done. Also, if you suddenly think about how to wind up the audience through such remotes, you should know that you won’t be able to add them either to the channel or to the conversation. This means that they are of no value for promotion.

How to delete a profile?

Automatic account deletion

So, we figured out what a deleted Telegram account means and looks like. But above, I mentioned that you can set the time after which the page will be deleted without your activity. I will add a small instruction on how to set it up.

That's all. If you are not online for a long time, your data will be erased. How much time you need is up to you. For me personally, the information in the account is not compromising evidence, and on the contrary, I would like to have access to it as long as possible if I leave the Cart. Therefore, I set the maximum time.

See also step-by-step instructions in the corresponding article.


So, Telegram deletes user accounts that do not log in for a long time. And this is indeed a sound decision - if you do not need the data, why should someone else store it? Therefore, if you value something from the messenger, I strongly recommend making backup copies from time to time. Fortunately, this is done easily and simply with the help of special buttons in the application interface.

What to do:



- Remote, full time.

Search for bloggers on Instagram, Youtube, Telegram according to specified criteria, negotiate with bloggers, read Telegram chats throughout the day and complete tasks from the manager.

Customer service operator

What to do:
- Receiving incoming and making outgoing calls to bank customers who ordered the card;
- Coordination of the parameters of the meeting with the representative of the bank for the delivery of cards;
- Advising clients on bank products;
- Entering information received during telephone conversations into the system.

- PC or laptop (windows version 7 or higher, tablets and smartphones are not suitable);
- Headset (headphones with a microphone in one device, put on the head, headsets from phones are not suitable);
- Silence on the line while communicating with the client;
- Stable, uninterrupted internet connection.

- Applications fall from 10:00 to 21:00 (Moscow time), daily;
- Minimum work: 20 hours per week. No restrictions on the number of days per week on the line;
- Remote, full time.

What to do:
— Calling incoming requests according to the script (no cold calls and no sales);
— Work with CRM system and instant messengers;
- Prepare reports on their work for the head.

- Competent Russian speech;
— Quiet environment near the workplace;
— The presence of a wired headset with a microphone / headphones;
— Stable home Internet;
- Knowledge of CRM (preferably AmoCRM) will be an advantage;
- Independence;
- Ability to set deadlines and stick to them;
- Feel comfortable working remotely.

- Distant work;
- Schedule 6/1, 3-5 hours a day in the morning, Moscow time;
- RFP: from 15.000 rubles. on your hands.

Response: [email protected]

Full Time Sales Manager at Free Publicity School Online School
from 15000 rubles

Calling warm and hot incoming applications, product consulting, handling possible objections, maintaining a client base, filling out reports on applications and clients.

Operator for the sale of investment products in Tinkoff Bank

What to do:
- Active sales - making outgoing calls to potential customers of the Bank in order to sell the investment service Tinkoff Investments;
- Motivating clients to open a brokerage account;
- Entering the data provided by the client into the system;
- Assisting clients in product design;
- Encouraging customers to actively use the product.

- PC or laptop (windows version 7 or higher, tablets and smartphones are not suitable);
- Headset (headphones with a microphone in one device, put on the head, headsets from phones are not suitable);
- Silence on the line while communicating with the client;
- Stable, uninterrupted internet connection.

- Main employment, combination with additional employment is possible;
- Applications fall on weekdays from 9:00 to 22:00, weekends from 10:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time);
- Minimum production: from 30 hours per week.

What to do:
– Introduce the client to us and demonstrate the company's capabilities online.

- Talent easily find a common language with strangers;
— Have a computer/laptop and stable internet at home;
- Silence during work is required;
— Competent Russian speech, without defects and violations of diction;
- If you are good at school mathematics, it will help you earn more;
- Experience as a repeater or call center operator is a plus.

There is a lot of work in Telegram - I have collected 42 channels with constant updates of vacancies in the office, remote work and freelance projects. If you are already looking for a job through Telegram, take a look at this selection for new cool channels, they appear regularly.

Telegram channels with vacancies in all areas

Remote&Freelance - a channel about freelance and remote work. Sometimes I post vacancies and freelancing projects, and the rest of the time I write life hacks, tips and articles: about finding clients and communicating with customers, about portfolio design and freelancing pitfalls, about productivity and money. Subscribe to read about freelancing and telecommuting every day.

Bounty hunter - vacancies with remote work from all over the Russian Internet.

Antislavery - the best vacancies, selected by hand. There is a remote.

Work norms - understandable vacancies in digital. Mainly for writing people: authors, copywriters, editors, journalists. Often there is remote work and freelancing.

Remote workers - vacancies only for remote work.

Remote work 2.0 - vacancies with remote work, project work, boring texts.

Vacancies with a salary above 50 thousand - a good specialist should earn good money. “Good” cannot be less than 50 thousand. On this channel you will find just such vacancies. There is a remote.

Remote work - a tape of vacancies with remote work.

Distantsiya - channel of the project "Distance". They publish current remote vacancies and freelance projects.

Work At Home - vacancies for remote and project work.

We will call you back - fresh vacancies from digital and media with direct contacts of employers. There is a remote.

FREELANCERS - vacancies are published every day in which employers are looking for employees to work remotely.

Choose a job - vacancies in different directions, remote work occurs.

Digital HR - juicy vacancies in Digital. They publish only those vacancies that deserve trust (according to admins).

Digital vacancies in Telegram - office, freelance, telecommuting in the field of digital.

The first step is vacancies and internships for those who have little or no experience.

Recruit is another channel with remote work, which is recruited with absolutely no or minimal experience.

EverywhereWorker - remote vacancies in various fields.

Joblist - vacancies and resumes for remote and in the office.

Digital Human - vacancies and resumes in the field of IT, digital, marketing, remote work.

Juniors - vacancies for beginners (assistant, content managers), remote work available.

Thematic and specialized telegram channels with work

Mediajobs - vacancies for creative people: in digital, cinema, TV, radio, press, SMM, PR, advertising, design and copywriting. There is remote work and freelancing.

Work in the media - vacancies in the media for journalists, editors, presenters, smm-specialists, analysts. There is a remote.

Edujobs - vacancies in the field of online education (e-learning), remote work available.

EdMarket Club Job is another channel with vacancies and projects in the field of e-learning.

DL Marketplace - and-and-and another channel with vacancies, projects and resumes in online education.

Directory of work for the editor - work for copywriters, journalists and editors, there is a remote work.

Vacancies No Flame No Game - announcements of cool product vacancies (product management) in Russia and abroad.

Game Development Jobs - vacancies in game development (game industry), there are remote jobs.

pro.JVM Jobs - jobs for JAVA developers.

DIGITAL Tender - vacancies in the field of online advertising, SEO, SMM, web analytics, development.

DNative - vacancies in SMM and Digital.

JobPower - jobs in the fashion industry.

All creative work in the world - vacancies, side jobs and hack work in the creative field from direct employers.

CG Freelance - vacancies in the field of CG, VFX, 3D graphics, remote work and freelance.

Sell ​​Me a Pen - telecommuting in sales and customer service.

Not every “deleted account” on Telegram is actually deleted. Often they are used to deceive either the buyer of the channel or the seller. But sometimes the guarantors of deals themselves become victims. This happened in early October with the guarantor Vasily Susov, who has been conducting transactions for more than five years. How did it happen? I will tell about this.

How do transactions usually go?

Selling a channel, chat or bot in Telegram is not the most transparent process. Until it became possible to transfer the rights of the creator of the channel, it was necessary to provide the buyer with the creator's account along with the channel.

But where there is money, there are always scammers. Guarantors regularly face different schemes of deception from both buyers and sellers. Therefore, the order of the transaction is strictly defined and does not change.

Sometimes scammers offer the seller to conduct a transaction through a third-party guarantor or without him at all, so as not to pay for his services. For the sake of economy, some admins agree, but in the end they are left without money and without a channel. If they don't remember in time.

What happened?

On October 4, information began to appear in the admin chats that Susov, during the transaction, scammed the Media admin for 550 thousand rubles for the Adam's Apple channel. The affected admin created a separate channel, where he showed the correspondence with the guarantor and described in his own words what happened.

The administrator demanded the guarantor to return the money. At the same time, administrators from the community began to seriously doubt the integrity of the guarantor. It was worth starting to understand, and interesting details surfaced.

For example, everyone was surprised that an offer to sell the channel was found on Avito. This is a very rare occurrence in Telegram, and few people have experienced it. Offers to buy and sell channels are placed on the respective channels or through bots in Telegram itself - on the so-called exchanges.

The channel itself turned out to be of dubious subject matter. It was advertised in posts mentioning porn, prostitution, cheating. For 60 thousand subscribers, the channel cost of 550 thousand rubles is clearly too high.

The admin community did not really know the seller and the buyer. Media stated that he was new to Telegram, but was already turning over a deal for half a million rubles through the Payeer payment system, which is unpopular in this environment.

The buyer also raised suspicions when he agreed too quickly to compensate for only part of the "lost" money. Because of all this, the admins began to look for additional information and found a lot of interesting things.

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