Many townspeople enjoy spending time in their summer cottages, not only in the summer months, but also on winter weekends. So that life in a country house does not differ in comfort from the city, it is necessary to equip your site with all possible communication systems. The most important thing for a summer residence is an uninterrupted supply of water. Indeed, without this liquid it is impossible to grow plants, and living itself cannot be considered comfortable. This article will discuss how to organize water supply in the country with your own hands.

Choice of water source

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the water supply system, it is worth deciding on the source of water. If the village has a central water supply, then the best option would be to connect to it. But such communications are not available in all dacha cooperatives. Therefore, it is worth considering other options, namely:

  • well;
  • open source;
  • special tank;
  • well.

Each of them has its positive and negative sides. The most traditional way of obtaining water in rural areas can be considered a well. In fact, this is a simple deep pit, the bottom of which reaches the aquifer. To get water from a well, it is enough to lower a bucket there or equip a pumping station (hose and pump).

But this method has its drawbacks. Firstly, if there is no well in the summer cottage, then it must be dug. Such work is quite laborious and costly. Secondly, the quality of water from the well is not always the right level. Of course, it is quite acceptable to use such a source for watering the garden, but it is not quite suitable for drinking (it is necessary to additionally use cleaning and filtration systems).

Another source of water can be an open reservoir. If your cottage is located on the banks of a river or lake, then simply lower the hose there and connect it to the pumping station. Such a source is great for watering, but it is not suitable for drinking and cooking. In addition, you must obtain permission to use water from a river or lake for irrigation.

You can place a tank on the site. It will collect water from the drainage system or septic tank. Such a source is perfect for watering the garden and garden, but not for drinking. In addition, the collected water may not always be enough even for technical needs, so it is necessary to bring it in by cars.

Note! The most optimal and convenient way to provide a summer cottage and a house with water is a well. It is this method that is most often found in country houses. The water from the well is quite clean, and if it is properly drilled, then there will be enough water for all needs.

Of course, this method is not without its drawbacks. The fact is that for the organization of water supply from a well, quite large costs are required. First, the help of geologists is required. It is necessary to accurately determine the location and depth of the aquifer. Of course, costs can be reduced if your neighbors have already set up such a system. You can just find out all the parameters from them. Secondly, you are unlikely to be able to drill the well itself with your own hands. Here you can not do without special equipment. In addition, the pipes themselves for the well can be quite expensive. But still, this method is considered the most reliable and popular.

Plumbing system for summer and winter

For many summer residents, names such as summer and winter plumbing are familiar. Everyone knows perfectly well that each season has its own needs for water. In the summer, the need for liquid increases significantly, because plants need it.

Summer water supply can be made stationary or collapsible, it all depends on the desire of the summer resident. In the first case, it is better to use metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. With their help, a network of pipes is created in the country house, through which water enters the right places. Such communications can be buried in shallow trenches so that the pipes do not interfere with movement around the site.

Note! If there is no desire to lay a large number of pipes, then you can create a collapsible summer water supply. Ordinary hoses are perfect for these purposes, which are connected to water distribution points. In this case, when the cold season sets in, the hoses are simply removed to the garage or shed.

If you live in a summer cottage in winter (or visit your country house on weekends), then you need to equip winter water supply as well. But such a system would require a lot of effort. First, you need to carefully consider the location of the pipes. It is worth considering the installation of access points to the water supply both in the house itself and on the site. Secondly, it is important to choose the right material and all equipment. In addition, you need to think about ways to insulate communications, otherwise the pipes will simply freeze.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to equip your country house or the entire plot with a stationary water supply system, then the first thing you need to think about is the very layout of communications. First, the owner must decide on the source of water. As noted above, a well can be considered the best option.

After that, all the necessary equipment is thought out. If you use the water supply only for watering, then you only need a pump. If you will use the system for domestic needs, then it is necessary to provide a water filtration and purification system, as well as devices for automatically turning on and off the pumping station.

Next, a drawing of the location of all devices and pipe laying is drawn up. The location of the water supply points to the premises and on the site itself is being considered. Also, at the stage of drawing up the scheme, it is necessary to clearly define the materials used and work out a plan for the upcoming work.

If we talk about materials, then, as a rule, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used for laying water pipes. Their cross section will depend on the individual characteristics of the water supply. Here it is worth considering the pump power, water pressure, length of communications and other factors.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pump. The choice will depend on the source of water and your financial capabilities. For example, if you take water from a well, then you will need a submersible pump. For a well, you need to choose a deep unit. The best, but also the most expensive option, can be considered the purchase of a pumping station. Such a unit is already equipped with all the necessary devices for automation and water purification.

Work on the arrangement of the water supply system in the country

When the scheme is drawn up and all the necessary materials and devices are prepared, you can begin the work itself on creating a water supply system. The first step is to mark the laying of pipes and equipment installation sites.

Then trenches are dug for laying communications. Here it is important to maintain the depth correctly, it should be below the freezing level of the soil (if you are going to use the water supply in the winter).

Do not forget about the place for laying the armored cable from which the pump will be powered. It can be laid in the same trench with pipes or make a separate line. If the water source is located near the house, then it is better to make an air line.

Note! Connection of pumping equipment must be carried out using a separate machine, the power of which meets the requirements of the equipment operating instructions.

Next is the installation and connection of the pump. Everything will depend on the chosen source of water. In each case, the installation of pumping equipment, and, accordingly, the procedure for connecting it, will be different.

After installing the pumping equipment, the water pipes are connected. Then the tightness and performance of the entire system is checked. After that, you can fill up the trenches.

About warming

If you are going to use the water supply system in the winter, then you should think about the insulation of communications and all equipment. Without such additional protection, the plumbing will not function.

In order to receive water during the winter period, the following rules must be observed during installation:

  • The depth of pipe laying should be below the freezing level of the soil. This indicator can be obtained from construction companies or obtained information in special directories.
  • Conduct pipe insulation. Various materials can be used for these purposes. The main thing is that they easily endure the impact of aggressive environments and do not rot. Quite often, mineral or glass wool is used as a heater. Recently, a new way to protect pipes from freezing has appeared - this is polystyrene foam shell. Such material tightly fits the pipes, is easy to install and does not rot. You can also use a heating cable, but this method will require additional costs during operation.
  • In addition to pipes, it is imperative to insulate the equipment used, as well as the water source. If a wooden well is used as such, then additional thermal insulation is not needed. But concrete structures must be insulated without fail. As a rule, a pit is dug around the source of water to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Then it is filled with thermal insulation material.

If the whole system is done correctly and the insulation is done, then the plumbing will work smoothly. But, nevertheless, during abnormal cold weather it is better to take advice from specialists. During this period, it is better to leave the tap open. A small trickle of water will create movement in the pipes, which will prevent the water from freezing.

An independent water supply system will allow you to forget about the main inconvenience of country life - the lack or lack of water. But it is quite simple to arrange water supply in a country house from a well, especially since a water intake for one land plot does not have to have a large debit. After all, I would like to receive water on my own plot, right?

After reviewing the information presented for consideration, you will be able to independently make an autonomous water supply system. It will reliably deliver water to places convenient for use. Those who wish to increase the level of country comfort with our help will easily cope with the arrangement of the system.

We described in detail the equipment required for assembly and installation, analyzed the principle of operation and the purpose of each device. In the article presented by us, the technology for carrying out work with step-by-step detailing is described in detail. Valuable information and recommendations are supplemented with photo collections, diagrams and video reviews.

The well is a working of a circular section, drilled without human access to the bottom. The diameter of such a working is always much smaller than its depth. Two types of wells are used for water intake.

Filter or "wells on the sand"

The depth of such workings does not exceed 35 m. Filtering on a closely lying aquifer, which is located in sandy soils.

Such a well is a casing string assembled from pipes with a diameter of 127 to 133 mm. It is usually equipped with a braided mesh filter, but there may be other options. Filter wells are distinguished by a small debit, most often it does not exceed one cubic meter of water per hour.

Sand well construction is much simpler than limestone well construction. The depth of the sand excavation is less, it costs less, but it does not last as long as a limestone well (click to enlarge the picture)

The advantage of such structures is the speed and relative cheapness of their drilling. Experts will cope with the work in just a day or two. The main disadvantage is the tendency to silt.

Therefore, it is very important to use such a well regularly, the life of the structure depends on it. Depending on the thickness of the aquifer and the intensity of use of the well, it can last up to 15 years, in some cases even longer.

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For many, a dacha is not just a place where you can grow any vegetables and fruits, but also a place of rest. In both cases, water supply in the country is simply necessary. It often happens that there is no central water supply, so you have to arrange water supply from a well or well.

Purposes of plumbing

This is a rather important question, since, depending on the purpose, a water supply scheme in the country can be chosen.

Country water supply can be:

  • seasonal;
  • Permanent.

In addition, you need to decide on the amount of water consumed. You also need to take into account the number of collapsible points, that is, washbasins, a sanitary unit, as well as watering the site.
Often, country water supply is only constructed for the purpose of watering the site.

One way or another, when calculating for normal water consumption, including all consumers, it is generally accepted that a family of 4 people can consume no more than 3 cubic meters of liquid per hour.

Permanent plumbing device

Before you make plumbing in the country, you should choose a source of water supply:

  • Central water supply;
  • Well;
  • Well.

Each of these sources of water supply in the country has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, by making the water supply of a dacha from the central water supply system, you make it dependent on it. But the big advantage is that there is no need to develop the source yourself. All that's left is to simply dig a trench, lay the pipeline and connect it.

If we talk about wells, then often they are not able to provide the family with the necessary amount of water. In addition, surface water is quite polluted.

As for the well, then it is a completely different matter. Water is always in the right amount, it is clean, and you don’t need to take care of the well itself, provided that it was originally designed and equipped correctly.

Perhaps one of the drawbacks of the well is its equipment.

What are the wells and how they are equipped

All wells are usually divided into three main types, depending on the material that is at their bottom:

  • sandy;
  • Clay;
  • Limestone.

The water supply of the cottage can be carried out from any of them. However, there is one nuance that should be understood. Drilling is carried out to a certain depth, and each of the three materials has its own approximate depth. For example, sands lie at a depth of 1 meter, clay is a little deeper.

For this reason, limestone developments are considered the best and cleanest, since their depth starts from 50 meters and can reach 150 meters in the country, or even more when it comes to industrial wells.

Such deep developments can be done only once and forgotten about for life. The main thing in this matter is the right equipment.

Inside the drilled hole, a pipe is lowered, which is called casing. It will prevent the shedding of the soil, as well as the penetration of the water that lies on the higher layers of the soil.

This issue also has its own nuances. It's about the pipe itself. For small diameters, the pipes are suitable in size, that is, their diameters coincide with the diameter of the development, but in the case of large diameters, everything is not so. Pipes are usually slightly smaller, which leads to the need to make additional reinforcement by filling the cavity between the pipe and the walls of the well with crushed stone or cement.

The simplest scheme of country water supply may contain the following elements:

  • Source;
  • Plumbing to the cottage;
  • Shutoff valves, which can shut off the water supply throughout the country;
  • Tee;
  • filtering device;
  • Automatic control unit with adapter;
  • Hydraulic accumulator.

It should be noted right away that a private circuit may not contain some elements, for example, a hydraulic accumulator. It can be done if there is such a need, for example, the pressure in the system is weak or there are power outages.

It should also be noted that the scheme may contain additional elements, for example, another filter. Often the water supply in the country has not only a circuit with cold water, but also with hot.

In this case, the circuit will contain a heating element, to which a water pipe is laid.

So, the only thing that remains unchanged is the source hardware:

  • Well equipment, i.e. casing pipe and tip;
  • Submersible pump;
  • A nipple with a check valve is installed on the pump. This valve prevents water from entering the pump back;
  • Water adapter - from it the laying of water supply to the dacha is carried out;
  • Among other things, the pump is equipped with a steel cable, with which this pump is lowered into and out of the drilled hole;
  • The pump power cable is also brought out and connected to a power source.

Installation of equipment

So, as it has already become clear, the dacha water supply system begins with a source, or rather, with its equipment. The pump is lowered into the equipped source already completely ready, that is, with a part of the pipeline, with a fixed check valve and nipple, and so on.

So, from the pump, the water supply is laid to the dacha itself. In this case, the water supply must be in the ground. In addition, it should be insulated.

Advice! The depth to which the water supply is laid depends on the maximum depth of soil freezing. For this reason, it is better to know this figure for each individual district in advance.

In the ground, laying is carried out until the dacha itself. Already inside the premises, the water supply is connected to the shut-off valves. It is recommended to use the simplest and most reliable ball valve. It is needed in order to be able to completely shut off the water, if necessary.

From the shutoff valves, the water supply is connected to the filtering device.

Often, the water supply to the cottage is done with two filters - coarse and fine filters. But in the event that water is supplied from a well, the depth of which is large enough, then one filter can be dispensed with.

From this five, the water supply moves directly to consumers and to the accumulator, if any.

In the case when a hot water supply system is being installed, then from the fiver, that part of the water supply that goes to consumers is divided into two branches using a tee.

One branch is used to supply cold water, while the other branch is connected to a heating element, such as a boiler.

It turns out that both cold and hot water are supplied directly, and water is supplied from the reserve, that is, from the accumulator. Since the boiler itself also has a certain volume, we can say that this water supply system forms a certain supply of both hot and cold water.

If the volume of the boiler is small, then you can do this: from the accumulator, the volume of which is usually quite large, the water supply is again divided into two branches using a tee. One of these branches is supplied to the cold water supply system, the other to the boiler.

Connection and selection of pipes

Before you make plumbing in the country, you need to decide on the materials. For example, if we are talking about a pump, then it is best to use a submersible for a well. For a well, an ordinary one is also suitable.

As for the pipes, then there should not be any problems when choosing. Of course, copper, and iron, and plastic, and many others are produced today.

To make a water pipe yourself, it is best to use plastic pipes, polypropylene.

In the case when the total length of the water supply in the country does not exceed 30 meters, pipes with diameters from 10 to 20 mm are used.

Connection methods for different pipes are different:

  • Copper and metal parts of the water supply are connected using threads and special fittings. At the same time, a FUM tape is glued onto the thread, or flax is wound, which is coated with a sealant;
  • Metal-plastic pipes can be connected in the same way;
  • Polypropylene pipes are connected by soldering. For this, a special tool is used, which is called an iron or soldering iron.

I must say that the use of polypropylene pipes will allow you to quickly and easily make water supply to the dacha. Because the soldering process itself is very short and simple, not requiring any special skills and knowledge from the person performing it.

The soldering process is as follows:

  • The material is cut into pieces of the desired size, for which special scissors are used;
  • Further, all soldering points are degreased - this is approximately 16-20 mm away from the end;
  • After that, the fat-free ends of the segments are placed in a soldering iron and heated;
  • After 5-7 seconds, both parts are removed and joined together. In this position, they are held for about 10 seconds.

Advice! In order not to damage the material, when placing it on the nozzle of the soldering iron, it is not recommended to make any rotational movements.

In addition, immediately before use, the soldering iron turns on and warms up to the required temperature, that is, about 260 degrees.

Advice! For hot water supply, it is necessary to choose polypropylene materials reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum. At the same time, the process of their welding is similar.

“Water is life,” said the ancients. And indeed it is. But so that the dacha does not become a lifeless desert, you need to make some efforts, build and equip a proper water supply system.


The water supply in the country should be powerful, because it supplies liquid not only for domestic and technical needs, but also for watering plants. And this means that every day you have to spend several hundred liters of water. Even seemingly modest land areas often consume it in huge quantities, although this is imperceptible at first. But in addition to your own needs, you need to remember about the availability of technical conditions for connection. The list of these conditions and their severity are entirely determined by the resolutions of local authorities and self-government.

For those who have not encountered the paperwork for a new water supply before, it becomes a real revelation - how much needs to be done. Importantly, without collecting the full package, the connection to the sewer will not work either. You can understand the representatives of the authorities, the comfort of living people depends on the quality of water supply networks. And the plumbing is a strategic object, because it must work more clearly than a Swiss watch. You need to be prepared that registration and approval will take several weeks.

Projects should include:

  • how the sewer will be discharged;
  • how much water will be needed;
  • whether the system will work all year round;
  • how exactly they organize the discharge of water and the suspension of its supply.


It is necessary to deal with SES, a water utility, plans and schemes after the nuances of the water supply of a country house have been studied, and an appropriate method of organizing it has been chosen. There are three main types of sources to choose from:

  • well;
  • central water supply;
  • artesian well.

Alas, the quality of water in open reservoirs and in the upper soil horizons is very low. Sometimes it is simply dangerous to health in terms of chemical and microbiological composition. It is recommended to focus on the experience of the owners of neighboring sites. If they ordered the drilling of wells, then this is the path that should be considered in the first place.

It makes sense to dig wells if the aquifer is 4-15 m from the surface. The fee must be paid only for materials, and all work can be done by hand.

A well-designed well lasts up to 50 years; even if there is a sudden power outage, a simple bucket will allow you to get at least some water. As for the risk of perch water getting into the mine, it is not so great. If everything is done correctly, all joints and pipe entry points are properly sealed, there should be no problems at all. A number of places are difficult, and there you have to drill wells. It is important to distinguish between two types: "on the sand" and artesian.

Sand drilling captures the upper levels of sandy horizons. It is there that the water closest to the surface suitable for drinking purposes is located. The location on top of a layer of high-density loam helps to effectively filter many contaminants. Due to differences in the geological structure of individual areas, a sand well can have a 10-50 m borehole. The problem is that in many cases, after five years, the filters are inevitably clogged with silt and sand.

But here you have to rely on chance. If you are lucky, and the drill leads into an underground river, the flow rate will be almost unlimited, and the risk of clogging the channel with sand will become zero. It is recommended to work manually, because this method increases the chances of finding a quality aquifer. Mechanized drills often skip past him, trying to get deeper. No wonder, because commercial drillers are paid not for satisfying the interests of clients, but for the meters traveled. When there are no aquifers near the surface at all, an artesian well has to be drilled.

It takes water from lime layers, the depth of which varies from 35 to 1000 m, sometimes even more. But for domestic purposes, it is extremely rare to drill wells over 135 m. Each such object is drilled with the permission of the authorities and is subject to official registration. At great depths, everything is considered federal property, and landowners become mere users. An equally important reason is the exceptional high cost and duration of drilling very deep passages.

Usually, to save money, artesian wells are ordered by the owners of several neighboring sites. Such a source is completely devoid of the risk of getting perched. The period of uninterrupted operation is very long, so the initial costs are fully justified. The parameters of artesian wells are calculated in advance, since the necessary equipment depends on their flow rate and other properties. A surface pump will only do well with some shallow wells "on the sand" and with wells, in other cases a submersible apparatus is needed.

In addition to the source of water and means of pumping, it is useful to consider the type of pipes.

Many cottage owners prefer pipelines made of plastic material (PVC). Plastic is light and relatively strong, and if chosen correctly, it does not pose any danger to drinking water users.

Important: despite the high resistance of polymer pipes to frost and sunlight, it is better not to lay them on the ground, but to bury them deep.

It is strictly forbidden to use metal-plastic pipelines with an aluminum-based reinforcing layer for country water supply. They are more expensive than simple polymer solutions and must be continuously filled in summer, and unconditionally empty in winter.


Non-freezing water supply in the country is needed even if it will be visited only periodically during the cold season. This type of communication is all the more relevant for country houses, where it is planned to settle for some time. The advantage of this solution is that you do not have to pour water out of the pipes every time to prevent them from freezing and subsequent destruction. Laying the pipeline at a depth of 2 m is the most reliable way to protect against frost.

A typical system, in addition to pipes, includes:

  • pump (submersible or surface-mounted);
  • drain valve;
  • relay measuring pressure;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • cable for heating water.

They will last a long time and will not let in too much heat. The solid acoustic insulation of such structures will also be an undoubted advantage. Thermal welding is a reliable and modern way of connecting pipes, it guarantees the perfect integrity and stability of their work. According to connoisseurs, a submersible pump is not only better protected, but also more economical than surface counterparts.

The pouring valve in the winter water supply is placed next to the pump. Drainage can be organized in any body of water or in a well. When the "cold" circuit is laid near the house, the pour valve is often replaced by a bypass pipe. The pressure switch is important because it will allow you to provide a strictly specified pressure range in the system. The hydraulic accumulator not only creates a reserve of fluid in case of a sudden shutdown, but also helps to avoid devastating blows.


Depending on the type of pipes used, you can either leave them on the ground or lay them in shallow ditches. Underground installation is laborious and time consuming, but such a scheme is more reliable than a surface one. Before installation, the pipes must be stretched and laid out over the site in order to once again verify all the nuances and subtleties. When the system is assembled, you need to start the pump and check whether the joints are well-mounted.


The scheme of the water supply network necessarily implies taking into account such a parameter as water loss. After all, country water supply is responsible not only for the communal convenience of residents, but safety in case of fire depends on it. The norm provides for the connection of fire pumps (2 pcs.) On neighboring hydrants. Tying the pumps to hydrants with soft hoses helps prevent vacuums. The hose lines laid down in the project are calculated for a diameter of 6.6 cm or more.

Trunks with nozzles from 1.9 cm should be connected to them. The water loss test is carried out in two modes: first they try to supply water to the ridge of the highest building, and then they check what the pressure will be when pulling fire hoses along the ground.

Helps to increase water loss:

  • sealing of pipe joints;
  • timely elimination of all failures;
  • ensuring the serviceability of the pumps and pumping stations used;
  • timely repair of bypass lines;
  • cleaning of pipelines from pollution and deposits of various nature.

Country water supply, in addition to supplying water for domestic and technical needs, to deal with emergencies, is also obliged to ensure the normal operation of the sewerage system or septic tank.

Important: Cesspools are not only unaesthetic and create an unpleasant odor, they inevitably lead over time to microbial contamination of wells. Even the observance of all sanitary standards and distances only postpones this moment, but cannot completely prevent it. When using septic tanks, it is worth providing a special water circuit through which water will flow to flush them as needed. It is not recommended to use handicraft septic tanks in summer cottages, sooner or later it will turn out that they are not airtight enough.

The supply of water for irrigation, not to mention the supply of drinking water to summer residents, requires strict compliance of the liquid with sanitary standards. Given the quality of the water coming from most wells and even wells, this means the need to use filters. Drip irrigation is even more demanding on the purity of the liquid than usual. The direction of installation of the filter system in this case is not important.

Homemade filters for irrigation are not recommended. The cost of factory-made products is relatively low, while it has a very good cleaning area, which cannot be achieved in products assembled at home. If you plan to organize a year-round water supply, you should buy a special compressor to purge it in anticipation of winter.

Even frost-sensitive plastics recover relatively easily, provided they are dry like a desert on the inside. The presence of even a small amount of water, combined with cold, forms an almost explosive mixture that can break even strong metals.

Purging is required not only for plumbing, but also for:

  • pumping equipment;
  • pipes remaining in an unheated room;
  • means of external automatic watering;
  • pipeline supplying the street pool;
  • automated feeders and drinkers.

Draining by opening a tap is unreliable and does not differ in uniformity. Even a long wait and a scrupulous calculation of the volume of liquid does not allow you to be sure of success. It is another matter if the circuit is blown with compressed air, which confidently climbs into the most remote corners and displaces even single drops of water. Of course, before purging, you should disconnect all heating and plumbing equipment, remove any plugs and open the taps at full power. If blockages are known to exist in the pipes and circuit, they should be cleared before connecting the compressor.

It is necessary to turn off the device after only air comes out of all the conclusions without the slightest trace of liquid water.

How to do?

Do-it-yourself installation of a country water supply can be done by any more or less competent person. The necessary scheme is thought out simultaneously with the design of the house as a whole. A detailed estimate is formed, according to which devices and materials, consumables are purchased.

It is not at all necessary to buy metal pipes; metal-plastic or polypropylene lines perform just as well. Before digging a trench, a thorough marking of the future route is carried out. When measuring, in addition to a tape measure, it is worth using stakes and twine.

It is worthwhile during the design to determine the need for:

  • pipes;
  • corners;
  • valves and daily used faucets;
  • fittings and other fittings.

The simplest summer water supply (collapsible) is mounted from rubber or silicone pipes connected by adapters. It is easy to buy the necessary components at any hardware store. For connecting pipes, it is recommended to choose products from galvanized steels. Their high cost compared to plastic versions is fully justified by improved practical properties.

You should not dig a very deep trench for a permanent water supply, this does not justify itself.

For your information: each pipe must slope towards the connection to the supply line. A drain valve is installed at the inlet. Electrical cables supplying pumps and other energy-dependent infrastructure are allowed, according to the rules of the device, to be placed in a common casing with pipes. In order to conduct insulation according to the rules, it will be necessary not only to remove 0.6-1 m of soil, but also to backfill the insulating material by 30 cm. Expanded clay and foam plastic crumbs are most often chosen as insulation.

A pit is being prepared next to the well, it is a square with a side of 700 and a depth of 1000 mm. It is there that it is recommended to put the pump, laying out the walls of strong boards, bricks or concrete rings. Wood is supposed to be treated with antiseptics in advance. The bottom of the excavation is poured with concrete or at least covered with gravel.

Regardless of the arrangement of the summer or winter water supply, any part of it must be made in such a way that it is possible to eliminate defects without total dismantling.

Checking the internal fire tank and related communications is mandatory, even if a successful solution has been chosen that has proven itself repeatedly in practice. A real hydrant can not be equipped everywhere, a lot depends on the pressure. If it is insufficient, it is better to put a large container, 15-25 cubic meters. m. The water accumulated in the reservoir will be a real help for the rescuers who have arrived at the call.

Important: for an all-weather fire pipeline, it is required to equip a circuit with an internal heating cable.

To equip a warm pipeline, you need to take into account a few more nuances. Basalt wool, glass wool and expanded polystyrene are often taken as heaters. Glass wool is recommended mainly for metal-plastic ducts. Be sure to cover it from the outside with other materials. Basalt wool, collected in cylinders, is mounted very easily and is mechanically strong. The protective properties of the material fully justify its high price.

To fill the water seals of toilets and septic tanks for the winter, it is recommended to use not antifreeze, but a strong solution of table salt. It is much safer and performs its function just as reliably. When laying a capital pipeline, its deepening under the freezing line is done by 0.2-0.25 m. It is unsafe above, and excessive deepening will only bring unjustified costs. Even if the country water supply will be created only for watering a small garden, you still need to prepare full-fledged drawings, so it is much easier to take into account the nuances and prevent errors.

Simple and reliable - these are the main arguments for making plumbing in the country with your own hands from a well. Less labor intensity and the ability to do without the involvement of specialists will save time and money.

Features of water supply from a well

A well as a source of water supply has a number of advantages.

  • The large (compared to a well) diameter of the shaft allows the use of submersible pumps, they are easy to install, remove and, if necessary, maintain and repair.
  • Any well makes it possible to raise water manually, therefore, for the owner of such a water supply system, a power outage is not critical.
  • The intensity of silting and sanding of a well, with its proper arrangement, is lower than that of a well. At the same time, you can do it yourself, while cleaning and pumping a well requires the involvement of qualified specialists.
  • It is easier to preserve a system with a well than to perform similar work with a well scheme, since in the second case the small diameter of the casing well is a complicating factor.
  • In well water, there are fewer impurities of iron and hardness salts, however, it should be remembered that it is better to install a filter in any case, this will allow you to use guaranteed clean water for drinking and cooking.

Water supply scheme from a well

One of the advantages that plumbing has in a country house from a well is a simple scheme for its construction. It includes pumping equipment (pumping station with intake pipe or submersible pump with controls brought out to the outside) and a system of water pipes. The most advanced schemes are equipped with a storage tank, which provides uninterrupted water supply in the absence of electricity.

When deciding how to make a water pipe in a country house from a well, you should, first of all, decide on the mode of its operation. Winter and summer schemes have significant differences. In the first case, it is possible to work at sub-zero temperatures.

We talked about how to do it in a separate article.

You may also be interested to know what they are, what are their features and scope.

Features of the winter water supply system

The device of a water supply system in the country from a well with the possibility of using it in the winter requires, first of all, protection against freezing.

This is achieved in the following way:

  • Underground utilities are laid at a slight slope towards the well below frost level. If this is not possible for any reason, the pipes must be thermally insulated.
  • thermal insulation required for the well itself.
  • You can also protect pipes from freezing by laying water heating cable along the highway. This method is the most reliable, since it works flawlessly even in extreme cold and in extreme situations, but it is also the most expensive.

Summer systems

Requirements for summer water supply schemes are less stringent. An economical and practical solution for a summer system can be the use of braided flexible hoses. At the end of the summer season, such a system is easily drained, dismantled and can be compactly stored in a utility room.

In any mode of use of the water supply system, provide for the possibility of equipment conservation. This is true for long breaks in use, for example, if the owners of the house go on vacation. Summer systems are preserved before the onset of cold weather. The process of preserving a system with a well is much simpler. With any pipe diameter, water is drained exactly into the well due to the large diameter of the shaft.

Equipment selection

If you decide to provide water supply to the cottage from the well with your own hands, it is important to choose the right pumping unit - the efficiency of the system will depend on its operation.

Using a submersible pump with a hydraulic accumulator is a good option to run water into the house from a well

Such units have a number of advantages:

  • low (compared to) noise level,
  • large lifting depth (a pumping station without an ejector cannot operate at a depth of more than 8 meters),
  • lower cost
  • due to being in the water environment, the submersible pump is effectively cooled in a natural way, which reduces the risk of overheating and the associated equipment failure.

On a note: Many experts do not recommend installation due to the negative impact of vibration on the structure of the well (destruction of the sandy layer, causing sanding of the source, compaction of the soil and a decrease in its ability to pass water).

When choosing a system using a pumping station, the well is equipped with a water intake head and a check valve on it. To prevent debris from entering the water supply system, the water intake is equipped with a mesh filter.

The pumping device and the automatic control and protection system of the equipment can be installed at a certain distance from the source, in a heated room, in a house. A damper tank is also installed there. If the pumping station has a soft start function, the need to install a buffer tank disappears, although it will be useful in any case to reserve a certain amount of liquid.

The choice of braided hoses for the installation of summer systems was mentioned above. For winter systems, it is better to choose pipes made of modern polymeric materials (the best option is HDPE low pressure polyethylene), durable and resistant to corrosion.

  • If you do the installation of a water supply system in a country house with your own hands from a well, the water temperature will not be high, so the choice of pipe material is practically unlimited. In some cases, it is recommended to make sections of the highway from cast iron, but only if communications are laid under sidewalks or paths with a heavy load.
  • When installing a pipeline from a well to a house, one should be guided by the rule that is fair for all engineering systems - the smaller the number of joints, the higher the reliability of the structure as a whole.
  • Methods for connecting pipes and fittings during installation of the line are selected depending on the material of the pipes. In any case, all connections must be hermetically sealed. Detachable and permanent connections of polymer pipes with the help of heating (partially melting material) equipment and modern ones do not let water through and provide high reliability of joints.

With or without it, you need to pay attention to certain parameters. Which? Read about it in our separate article.

About that, read in another article. In it you will find a description of the various methods.

We have about the popular Aquarius submersible pump with its description and characteristics.

Sealing the entry point of the pipeline

In most cases, concrete walls of the well are arranged for drinking water supply systems. Plastic options are more suitable for sources designed to meet domestic and technical needs. In this regard, it is necessary to consider in detail the location of the tie-in of the water supply line into the concrete wall.

The main requirements for such a connection are reliability and tightness, which prevents the entry of perched water with harmful impurities contained in it into the well through the cracks.

The easiest way is to use mounting foam. This is quick and easy, but the water supply system in the country house from the well in this case will not be reliable and safe, since the hardened polyurethane foam does not provide 100% tightness, and in addition, this material becomes more brittle over time under the influence of external factors, begins to crumble .

Experts recommend using the method of crimping mechanical sealing during installation. This will require inch brass shackle required length and fibrorubber. The squeegee is installed in the hole and coated with fibrorubber. For additional insulation outside and inside, rubber gaskets and metal washers are installed on the shackle, and mechanical crimping is performed using nuts installed on both sides of the entry point.

After that, the drive is connected to a fitting of the required diameter and the actual water pipe.

Practice shows that such a method is the only way to protect the tie-in from leaks with a high degree of reliability.

After reviewing the description of the work, the rules for choosing equipment and the nuances of its installation, it is easy to understand that creating a water supply system from a well with your own hands is not difficult. If a well is already on your site, this is a resource that must be rationally used. If there is no individual source, digging a well is in most cases cheaper than drilling a well. At the same time, the quality and composition of the liquid from the well, with its proper arrangement, is not lower, and in some cases even higher than in the well. In order to verify this, it is advisable to conduct an analysis. Its results will also help you decide on the choice of filtering equipment that will be installed in the system.

There are some more useful tips on the topic of our article in the video.