Short form of the name Lily. Lee, Leela, Lilike.
Synonyms for Lily. Lily, Lila, Liliana, Lily, Lilith, Leah, Leila, Liana, Lilly.
Origin of the name Lily The name Lily is Muslim, Catholic.

The name Lily was originally a short form for many female names beginning with "lili" (Liliya, Liliana, Liana, Lilith). Over time, in Europe, the name Lily became an independent name. Most often, as an independent name, it began to be used in the UK, Australia, the USA and France.

But also Lily is often used as an affectionate appeal to the names Alice, Carolina, Eliana, Melissa, Evangeline and others.

The name Lily can also be found among Muslim women, but in this case, the name Lily appeared as the original short form of the name Leila.

In some cases, the name Lily is identical to the names Lilya and Lila, they are considered related and interchangeable names. All of the listed names in modern times have become independent and independent, but they continue to be used as affectionate addresses. But there is still a preference for which short form is used with which name. The name Leela is more often used when referring to owners with the names Lilia, Dalida and Leon, and Lily - Liliana, Elizabeth, Lydia, Leah, Rachel and, of course, Lilia and Leila.

The name Leela is also an Indian name, translated from Sanskrit as "divine game", "fun", "beauty".

The owner of the name Lily is a rather sensitive and emotional person, for whom emotional comfort is very important. Feeling loved, she can also give her love, as soon as this connection is broken, then Lily loses self-confidence, the beautiful world becomes gray, and life becomes bleak. Lily loves communication, big companies, hospitable and hospitable hostess.

She may have to learn to navigate in a changing world, given her indecision and impressionability, learn to filter and pay attention only to those things that can affect her personally. Lily is a perfectionist, with a certain amount of fussiness, not indifferent to beauty, its manifestations in aesthetics and art. Harmony in the family, sensual comfort are necessary for her emotional well-being. Emotional stress can have a significant impact on her balance, making her withdrawn.

Her life motivation is based on feelings and inner harmony. Therefore, care must be taken in expressing love, especially if Lily is still a child, a balance must be found so as not to overdo it and not to underdo it. It is also extremely important to teach her independence and responsibility in a balanced way, so as not to leave the girl dependent and not to provide too much freedom.

You should also not give her the opportunity to feel obligated in all aspects to her parents, because then in the future, the parents themselves will suffer from the overprotection of their own daughter. After all, for Lily it will be mandatory - to monitor the well-being of her own parents, take part in all their affairs, actively intervene and regulate any actions.

Lily is a creative person, she can see art even where most people don't notice. But it’s hard to call her creative, coming up with something completely new is not her job. To sing well, to play roles well, to clearly draw details - her strength is in honing her own skills. She does not scatter on many things at once, she chooses one.

The owner of the name Lily is an adherent of the “path of least resistance”, this is not a fighter for rights, she prefers to step by step solve problems when they arise, rather than take it in a rush and come up with the only right solution right here and now. Deep down, Lily, far from materialistic, tends to live her life in accordance with her spiritual values. Therefore, Lily will definitely have her own way so that she can get away from reality, in which sometimes there can be a lot of pain, worries and problems. Often these can be travels that add positive emotions to her, break the monotony of life and give fresh breaths of air.

Targeting life in this way towards emotional perception can make Lily a very romantic person who believes in a prince on a white horse. Once she finds him, she is ready to idealize her lover, which usually leads to disappointment when she discovers that this man is far from the perfection she expects. On the other hand, starting a family is of paramount importance to her, so she can fluctuate greatly at a fateful moment. For her, this will be a rather difficult decision, Lily can become patient and understanding if she loves selflessly.

Her family life is likely to be her number one priority, although she may be tempted to pursue a career in a creative environment, in medicine, healthcare, zoology or environmental science, or in professions that require attention to detail.

Name day Lily

Lily doesn't celebrate birthdays.

Notable people named Lily

  • Leela Naidu ((1940-2009) Indian actress, won the title of "Miss India" in 1954)
  • Leela Chitnis ((1909-2003) Indian actress)
  • Lila Downes ((born 1968) Mexican singer, composer, sings in many languages, but more often in Spanish and English. Winner of the 2013 Grammy Award for Best Mexican Album and two Latin Grammy Awards.)
  • Lila James ((born 1983) American soul and R&B singer)
  • Lily Bganba ((born 1937) Abkhazian economist, public figure)
  • Lily Cooper ((born 1985) English singer and actress, also TV presenter, fashion designer)
  • Lily Cahill ((1888-1955) American theater actress, starred in silent films)
  • Lily Mo Shin ((born 1999) English child actress)
  • Lili Monori ((born 1945) Hungarian actress)
  • Lily Owsley ((born 1994) English athlete (field hockey), winner of the gold of the 2016 Olympics as part of the team)
  • Lily Darvas ((1906/1902-1974) Hungarian and then American actress)
  • Lillian "Lily" Sobieski ((born 1983) American actress)
  • Lily Chukasyan ((1921-2012) American opera singer (contralto), known throughout the world, performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York for more than 20 years)
  • Lily Rabe ((born 1982) American actress, was nominated for Tony in 2011)
  • Lily de Alvarez ((1905-1998) Spanish tennis player, won the Wimbledon Cup three times, also a journalist and writer)
  • Lily Ann Taylor ((born 1967) American actress)
  • Lily Laskin ((1893-1988) French harpist who played for more than 30 years in the Comedie Francaise, concentrated a lot. She was a teacher. An international harp competition was established in her name.)
  • Lily Mae Loveless ((born 1990) British actress)
  • Lily Boulanger ((1893-1918) French composer)
  • Lily-Rose Melody Depp ((born 1999) American actress and model, her parents are famous world actors)

According to Popov

To make Lily's heart beat faster, you don't have to call her to the snowy Everest. She will prefer an easy chair to the romance of a mountain peak. And not a word about love! Just sensually touch her palm. Lily appreciates not a clever compliment, but a skillful touch.

According to Mendelev

Good, beautiful, safe name. Its owner is a bright and charming woman. She is always surrounded by people, it seems that her femininity has some kind of especially good power. But her will is weak, and her suggestibility is quite high and can be used by other, not very clean people, even for their own purposes. Lily intuitively feels mood swings and the state of mind of other people.

A business woman does not work out of her, the spheres of business and entrepreneurship are far from her - for this she is kind and not strong enough, and she is too inclined to succumb to other people's influence. However, Lily is unlikely to agree to remain only a housewife - she needs to stay among people, she does not think of herself alone.

Faithful to her friends, she will never “wash the bones” to her friends and acquaintances. He loves to read sentimental, sentimental novels about unhappy love. He perceives endless television series in the same spirit with a smile, but watches with pleasure.

In family life, love accompanies her, and part of the household chores, generally traditionally female, is taken over by the husband. Rarely has more than one child; if this is a son, he loves him blindly, to the point of unconsciousness.

Lily is very similar to Lily, but is braver and, perhaps, more active, more prone to adventures, adventures and all sorts of surprises. With age, this tendency decreases, but never completely disappears.

The name is not very common. Its popularity is higher among the Turkic-speaking peoples, but in Russian families you can sometimes meet girls with this name.

The color characteristic of the name is a blue field with a bright scarlet stripe.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Lilia has no shortage of fans, she is flirtatious, knows how to present herself, amorous and temperamental. Lily is capricious and capricious. Usually she is very picky in choosing a partner, does not reduce sex only to a biological necessity; love, tenderness and sexual satisfaction are closely related to each other. At the same time, Lily is sometimes able, “according to her mood,” to enter into an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar person simply in order to relieve sexual tension.

Lily is not strong in sexual games, but she loves to win over her partner. She is very receptive to male caresses, without them she cannot reach the climax. For her, the highest pleasure is to reach orgasm at the same time as a partner, but for this, her friend must arm himself with great patience. In general, Lily's sexual behavior largely depends on the sincerity and delicacy of her partner. Often a man who is not very experienced, but affectionate and gentle, can give her much more pleasure than the one who owns the entire arsenal of sex techniques.

Lilia is a person of mood, and that says it all. If she is not disposed to intimacy, it is useless for a man to seek her, Lily cannot be forced to do anything against her will. A person who loves her should always be able to feel her. Lily herself needs to feel the need for physical intimacy and experience a slight sexual hunger. She is difficult to adapt to a partner, so she tries to deal with one man for a long time and breaks contact with him only if serious circumstances force her to do so.

Having married, she does not particularly care about being faithful to her husband all her life, but she cheats extremely carefully, without losing her head. Attaches great importance to intimate relationships in marriage. If her husband does not live up to her sexual expectations, she withdraws into herself, becomes angry, irritable and sees no sin in seeking satisfaction on the side.

By Higiru

The name is given by the name of the flower.

She is most often outwardly pretty and fragile, seems calm and unpretentious. In fact, she is stubborn and uncontrollable.

Lily is a little tyrant. There seems to be no limit to her imagination. She likes to appear weak and offended by everyone, in every conflict situation she pretends to be sick.

In her youth, Lily's communication with others becomes more even. She hardly finds fault with her relatives, if quarrels break out in the family from time to time, then mostly around Lilia's demands to have the most fashionable clothes. In such cases, she again turns into a little capricious girl. Lilia usually has a lot of admirers, the guys are attracted by her charm, flirtatiousness, ability to dress brightly. Lilia is kind and unforgiving, in any company she feels relaxed, knows how to laugh and have fun from the heart. Likes to flirt, temperamental. She has many girlfriends who are jealous of her ability to manage men and are trying to learn this from Lily, not averse to slandering about this. She is amorous, but not enough to follow her chosen one to the ends of the world.

Lily's mother has long given up on the late return of her daughter home and her countless admirers, and, consoling herself with the saying "A girl is not a grass, she will not grow up without glory," she hopes for the best. Most often this is what happens. Lily usually marries well. It is desirable that Lilia's husband be older and wiser than her, ready to endure her whims in advance. From the very beginning of family life, he will have to get used to the fact that Lily's mood changes every minute. Minor shortcomings of Lilia are compensated by her gentle nature, compassion. The husband usually loves his Lily very much, does not limit her in dresses and gifts, does not notice her mismanagement and carelessness. Her mother-in-law arranges periodic scandals about this, but Liliya, fortunately, has the property of “not hearing” what is unpleasant for her. Sometimes she finds inspiration, and she begins to raise children, but after a while she can completely forget about them, having gone shopping with her girlfriend. On occasion, Lilia can cheat on her husband, but, feeling that this threatens her family well-being, she immediately refuses the compromising relationship.

He will find his happiness with Yuri, Vladimir, Evgeny, Viktor, Vadim, Stanislav, Felix. A happy marriage with Nikolai, Cyril, Pavel, Edward, Ignat is unlikely.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna, "white lily, lotus"

Name energy and character: if parents give a child such a beautiful and fragile name as Lily, then most likely they intend to pretty spoil their daughter with their immoderate love of love. However, even if this good-hearted impulse passes after the first bitter fruits of such an upbringing, the beautiful name will still do its job. Alas, the energy of the name Lily is able to drag a person into its sweet whirlpool, it fascinates and suggests thoughts about the subtle mental organization of the bearer of this name, about her defenselessness, and in general, about everything that is understood by the term "weaker sex" and that cannot destroy no emancipation. In a word, it is very likely that Lilya will grow up to be an amazingly narcissistic and capricious woman.

Of course, life will gradually wean Lily from this, provoking conflict situations every now and then, but here, most likely, another feature of the energy of the name will work - mobility, which will primarily affect the liveliness of Lily's mind, and therefore, resourcefulness and ingenuity . Needless to say, a living mind can be used more worthy, but this requires serious educational efforts, more often Lily, left to herself, from childhood begins to use this quality in order to achieve what she wants from her parents and from others. She can skillfully use tears, can become affectionate and obedient, can learn to cheat early, and all this to achieve her main goal. Moreover, such a quality is unlikely to disappear with age, for sure Lilia will find a way to subordinate her desires and whims of some next candidate for her hand and heart.

Sometimes in the character of Lily, authority begins to appear too clearly. This, by the way, is easy to guess if she prefers to call herself Liliana. In this case, she may not be limited to the role of a purely family queen and, quite possibly, will direct her efforts to some kind of career. I don’t know how Lilin’s parents feel about such a prospect, but if they want to avoid their daughter’s excessive selfishness, it is advisable for them to start educating at a very early age and try to instill in her the ability to notice other people’s problems and respect not only their own, but also other people’s desires. Yes, and Lila herself is unlikely to interfere, because, after all, youth is not eternal, desires sooner or later begin to fade, and withering can become a truly global catastrophe for her. At the same time, having learned to give people real deep love, Lily can find in it a reliable refuge from the coming emptiness, old age and loneliness.

Secrets of communication: If you have an idea about purely female tricks and tricks, then Lilin's character will not be a mystery to you. However, she herself becomes a victim of her own cunning, when a skillfully presented gift and the ability of a man to show indifference in time can push Lily into rash steps.

The trace of a name in history:

The legend of the lily

The ancients said that a broken lily flower deprives a girl of innocence, and this poetic image once again confirms that our ancestors, who put their own special meaning into each flower, firmly associated the lily with love, innocence, and youth. In Christianity, this beautiful flower is an attribute of some saints (usually virgins), and Semitic legends say that the lily came from the tears of the inconsolably weeping foremother of mankind Eve, who was forever expelled from paradise.

However, there is another, no less beautiful legend about the origin of this delicate flower. The ancient Romans believed that at the time when the beautiful Alcmene, the mother of the legendary hero Hercules, was trying to hide her newborn son from the revenge of the jealous goddess Juno, she put him under a thick bush. However, one of the goddesses gave Juno the location of the baby and was not even too lazy to bring her to that very bush. Seeing the helpless baby, Juno changed her anger to mercy and, taking pity, even gave the hungry boy to suck her milk, but Hercules bit her chest so hard that the goddess, screaming in pain, pushed the child away. Juno's milk splashed in all directions and, spilling across the sky, formed the Milky Way, and a few drops, falling down, turned into one of the most beautiful flowers on earth - a lily.

The name Lily comes from the name of the lily flower. In Latin, the lily flower is written as lilium. From this word in many languages ​​​​there are names related to the name Lilia. French - Lili, English - Lily, American - Lylia and many others. All of them are like Lily's name means "lily flower".

However, there are also consonant names that have a different meaning. So the name Lila in Sanskrit means "illusion", although in some sources it is translated as "lily", which is completely wrong. Or, for example, the name Lilah is a Hebrew name and it translates as "lilac".

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl

Girls named Lilia usually have a rather complex character. From childhood, they are surrounded by the adoration of others and therefore become proud and slightly selfish. At the same time, they are endowed with excellent manners and from childhood they know how to flirt perfectly. The girl knows how to appear weak and thus receive help in difficult situations.

Lilia's studies are usually easy. In this she is helped by excellent natural data. Lily usually has a good memory and a great imagination by nature. This allows her to have good grades in both exact and humanitarian disciplines. Her imagination requires an outlet and the range of possible useful applications can be very different. This is choreography, and art circles, and much more where you can direct the creative energy of the child.

The health of girls named Lilia is good. They often maintain a beautiful figure for a very, very long time, while making absolutely no effort for this. Like all people, Lilia has a weak point in her health - these are her kidneys. It is desirable for her to protect herself from the cold, and especially in adolescence.

Abbreviated name Lily

Lily, Lilek, Lily.

Diminutive names

Lilechka, Lilyunya, Lilyusha, Liliyka.

Name Lily in English

In English, the name Lily is spelled Lily, which reads Lily.

Name Lily for passport- LILIIA.

Translation of the name Lilia into other languages

in Arabic - زنبق
in Bulgarian - Lily
in Hungarian - Lili
in Danish - Lilli
Spanish - Lilia
in Italian - Giglia (pronounced Giglia)
in Chinese - 莉莉婭
in German - Lilia
in Norwegian - Lilli
in Polish - Lilia
in Portuguese - Lilia
in Romanian - Lilia
in Serbian - Љiља, Ljilja
in Ukrainian - Lilia
in Finnish - Lilja
in French - Lily
Swedish - Lilja
in Japanese - リリヤ

Church name Lily(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. The name Lily is non-church, so Lily will receive a second name at baptism, different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Lilia

The name Lilia has a very gentle sound, which creates a certain resonance with her character. Lily is characterized by a manifestation of temperament and whims. However, if in childhood she did not yet understand the perniciousness of these habits, then as an adult she tries to hide them from prying eyes. This makes Lilia quite restrained and constantly playing for the audience. True, sometimes Lily finds true humility with age and then becomes a truly pleasant person.

In the work of Lilia, her childish penchant for creativity is manifested. Whoever Lilia does not work, she always tries to come up with something that will facilitate the work. If the authorities notice this feature and put it to the good of the cause, then the result will not be long in coming. Lilia has a rather practical mind and she will not offer anything bad.

Lily has been looking for a husband for a long time and, most importantly, patient. She understands that not everyone can withstand her character. And here it is important not to rush, otherwise the marriage will be unsuccessful. Lilia is not the best hostess, but she tries. But she is a wonderful mother and is ready to devote a lot of time and effort to children. She gladly does homework with them, goes for walks and takes them to all kinds of circles. Sometimes it even causes jealousy of the husband.

The secret of the name Lily

The secret of Lily can be called her love of manipulating others. She is an excellent pretender and knows how to present herself in the right light. She can be charming, shy or helpless. In general, the one you need to get the result. Be careful with her.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Water snake.

Name color- White.

Tree- Talnik.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Pearl.

A girl named Lilia is distinguished by friendliness and sociability. As a child, she is greatly spoiled, so she will grow up as a narcissist who puts her interests above all else. She is completely indifferent to generally accepted values.

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Lily always strives to be the center of attention. He chooses a profession where he needs to show his talent and intellectual abilities. The family is not too important for her, and her children are raised by grandmothers or nannies.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    The secret of the name Lily is connected with its origin. It is believed that it is formed from the name of the flower "lilium", which translates from Latin as "lily". According to another version, the name has Arabic roots, and its interpretation is “night”, “darkness”.

    Another version of the origin of the name is associated with a woman named Lilith, depicted with an owl in Jewish written memos. The meaning, translated from Hebrew, is “night”.

    The name is common among the Slavs. Muslims have analogues: Leila, Lily.

    name day

    In the Orthodox calendar, the name "Lily" does not exist. They baptize the girl with Lydia or Leah, according to consonance. Or they give a name that is close in meaning and interpretation - Susanna (from Hebrew - "lily").

    Patron saints: Susanna of Salerno and Susanna of Rome.

    Timur - the secret of the name, meaning, fate, character


    Among celebrities there are many people whose name is Lilia. The most famous:

    • actresses - Lilia Cabral, Lilia Kornilova;
    • athletes - Lilia Osadchaya, Lilia Podkopayeva;
    • writers - Lilia Brik, Lilia Brown;
    • artist - Lilia Lebedeva;
    • clairvoyant - Lilia Khegai.

    Name astrology

    The astrological symbolism of the Lily is presented in the table:

    Talismans Description
    Talisman stone: jasper, moonstone, pearl
    1. 1. Jasper symbolizes modesty, wisdom, courage. The stone makes its owner bold, persistent and self-confident.
    2. 2. Moonstone is used in love magic. Its owner will never experience disappointment in love.
    3. 3. Pearls are a symbol of purity, tenderness, dreaminess, happiness, passion
    Color: pink, white, green and brown
    1. 1. Pink - the owners of the name are distinguished by restraint, calmness, poise, tact and intelligence.
    2. 2. White - such people are open, wise and religious.
    3. 3. Green - symbolizes kindness, responsiveness and cordiality.
    4. 4. Brown - people with this name are responsive, hardworking and good-natured
    Number: seven"People-sevens" are maximalists who strive to be perfect in everything. They listen only to themselves, and the opinion of others is not interesting for them. These are leaders by nature, possessing intelligence and ingenuity. These people can keep secrets.
    Ruler Planets: Neptune and Mercury
    1. 1. Neptune - the people whom he patronizes have a fine mental organization and are able to empathize.
    2. 2. Mercury - people under its protection, the planet gives energy, dexterity and agility
    Spirit animal: doe, water snake
    1. 1. Doe is a symbol of grace, sensitivity, tenderness, passion, timidity and meekness.
    2. 2. Water snake - symbolizes energy, inner strength, determination, devotion and prudence
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius, Virgo
    1. 1. Lily-Aquarius is very sensitive and vulnerable, avoids close relationships, fearing betrayal. She is distinguished by devotion, kindness, friendliness, but at the same time she is vindictive and stubborn.
    2. 2. Lily-Virgo is hardworking, she strives to be perfect in everything: in love, in friendship, in everyday life, in work
    Plant: linden, thyme, wild rosemary, water lily; tree - willow
    1. 1. Linden - is a symbol of femininity, softness, beauty, happiness, family well-being.
    2. 2. Thyme - brings good luck and love, improves health.
    3. 3. Ledum - symbolizes intimacy and tranquility.
    4. 4. Water lily - identifies calmness and tranquility
    5. 5. Talnik, willow - symbolizes vitality


    The girl is very capricious and narcissistic, as her parents spoil her greatly. It is important to instill in her kindness and sympathy from childhood. The magic of the name gives the girl defenselessness and fragility, which she will successfully use in the future. The first impression of Lily is positive, as she demonstrates tenderness, affection and meekness. However, the girl is resourceful and prudent.

    To achieve her goal, she uses her acting talent. Lily is cheerful and cheerful, and after a short period of time she can shed tears. An adult woman is powerful and self-confident, able to subdue others. But because of such character traits, she is often lonely.

    The owner of this name tends to philosophize and fantasize, think a lot about the meaning of life. She is distinguished by imaginative thinking and a wonderful imagination, she can always offer a fresh idea. The girl loves discipline, but does not seek to maintain order in the house. Only inspiration pushes her to perform everyday activities. In difficult situations, Lily can move away from everything.

    Name decoding

    The five letters that make up the name "Lily" indicate that the woman has a penchant for the humanities. She appreciates art and is an excellent companion. Relations with men are built on mutual respect.

    Name spelling:

    • "L" - expresses artistic taste, creative inclinations and the ability to appreciate true beauty;
    • "I" - is an indicator of natural grace and spirituality;
    • "I" - denotes increased self-esteem;

    Two identical letters in the name reinforce their meaning.

    Hobbies, profession, business

    Lilia is a multifaceted personality, so she can be fond of painting, knitting, history, cinema, travel, sports. She enjoys attending public events: fashion shows, exhibitions, concerts.

    A woman with this name is distinguished by an analytical mindset. This allows her to quickly absorb information. Lily usually does well in school and college. Since she approaches the performance of any business responsibly, she often reaches great heights in her career. Such qualities as scrupulousness and discipline are appreciated by the authorities.

    Lilia-head treats her subordinates fairly, but does not tolerate irresponsibility. As a subordinate, she is very efficient in her work and does not cause any trouble to her superiors. Different professions are suitable for a woman with this name: from a psychologist to a writer, from a teacher to a researcher.

    Lily will make a successful entrepreneur. But running a business forces her to devote herself completely to work, and she has to forget about her family and personal life. Own business requires both time and material costs, so such women are often lonely.

    Sex and love

    Lily is fickle and often changes men in her youth. She expects stability from her partner, but she herself does not strive for an ordinary and ordinary life. There are freedom-loving notes in the meaning of her name, so it is difficult for a girl to settle down.

    Not many men with serious intentions are able to tolerate inconstancy. Therefore, gentlemen quickly leave her, and she bypasses frivolous boyfriends. For a girl, love is something sublime, surreal. When her feelings pass, and living together brings boredom and monotony, she herself leaves such relationships.

    The owner of the name in question is very sexy, so men are drawn to this charming woman. In intimate life, a girl prefers to obey rather than dominate. To please her, a man must be delicate, gentle and soft.

    Family and marriage

    Lily responsibly approaches the choice of a life partner. The future husband should have the following qualities: patience, seriousness, reliability and be financially secure. But usually the first marriage breaks up, and through her fault, because even after marriage she allows herself whatever she wants.

    A woman with that name approaches a second marriage more prudently, so it is much stronger and more durable. She chooses a simple loving man older than herself, able to accept her with all the shortcomings. Next to such a partner, the girl becomes a loving wife and a wonderful hostess, but the husband makes a lot of efforts to re-educate the freedom-loving chosen one. Marriage breaks up usually because of betrayal, and on her part. But this happens from a lack of attention from her husband.

    In family life, Lilia does not strive to be a good housewife. On the contrary, she shifts her duties to her husband. Only a compromise found by her husband avoids quarrels and scandals. By directing Lily's energy in the right direction, her partner gets a caring and attentive wife.

    A woman with this name loves children very much. She can completely devote herself to motherhood, but sometimes she goes to the other extreme - she forgets about her children, being carried away only by herself.

    Name Compatibility

    Lily chooses a strong and intelligent man who understands and appreciates her.

    Name compatibility is shown in the table:

    What fate awaits Lily?

    A woman with this name will face many trials, and most often this concerns relationships with men. In their youth, they can betray and deceive her. In the future, fate becomes more favorable to the woman, since in adulthood she finds a man who is not capable of betrayal.

    Lilia loves children very much, but does not always take care of their upbringing. However, she has many children.

    The time of the year in which Lily was born leaves a special imprint on her fate and personal characteristics:

    Season Character and fate
    WinterLily, born in winter, is reserved and very vulnerable. Although she tries to show that she does not care about other people's opinions, she perceives any criticism extremely painfully. The owner of such a name is characterized by a secrecy of character, so for many people she remains a mystery. Because of this, a woman has few friends to whom she could open her soul. Life failures lead to even greater isolation and distrust, especially in relation to men. That is why the girl gives herself to work
    SpringSpring Lily is active and lively. She often makes mistakes in people, which gives her severe feelings. An open and trusting character allows her to easily converge with different people who can use her responsiveness and kindness for selfish purposes. Spring Lily is not distinguished by perseverance and patience, which is why she hardly moves up the career ladder
    SummerThe summer Lily is characterized by emotionality. Any trifle can greatly infuriate her, and an ordinary problem turns into a real tragedy. But at the same time, she is soft and supple, easily forgets all grievances. By ceasing to listen to others and making up her own opinion, a woman will achieve a lot. The life of a summer Lily should be filled with various events, otherwise she will start looking for adventures, and this often turns into trouble.
    AutumnAutumn Lily is distinguished by slowness and prudence. She carefully considers every step she takes. Thanks to wisdom and patience, such a woman succeeds in any business. For the autumn Lily, the family is very important, for the sake of which she can even forget about herself. The charm and good nature of a woman is appreciated by her friends. She is always happy to receive guests.

The name Lily itself is very tender and reminds us of a beautiful white flower, and the origin of this name sends us back to the depths of centuries, when gods and heroes lived.

Comparing the meaning of the name Lily with the flower of the same name, one can recall the ancient legend about the origin of the beautiful white lily. According to this legend, lilies appeared from a few drops of milk that the goddess Juno dropped on the ground.

Seeing what the goddess had done, people were so inspired by the grace and bewitching simplicity of the white flower that they began to name children in his honor. Perhaps this is the most beautiful and inspirational version of what the name Lily means.

Another interesting legend can be found in other sources. According to the biblical version of the origin, the meaning of the name Lily is associated with the first woman that God created for Adam, Lilith. Perhaps Lily is a diminutive form of a Hebrew name.

In Hebrew, the original form of the name also means the owl-owl, so very often Lilith appears in paintings along with this wise bird. There is another biblical version of the origin from the word shushanna (susanna), which translates as "white lily".

In the world, the name Lily and its derivatives are used very often. For example, in Turkey and the countries of the East, you can find such a variety as Lilah, Leila. In Europe - Lily, Lilia, Lilian and even the Italian Gigli. The Armenians use the original form - Lilith, however, contrary to the biblical characteristics, they attribute to these women such qualities as housekeeping and fertility.

The girl, whose full name is Lilia, is affectionately called Lilya, Lilyasha, Lila, Lilechka, Lilyunya.

Character and fate

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo, Aquarius.
  • Name element: water.
  • Number: 7.
  • Animal: water snake.
  • Plants: wild rosemary, linden, lily.

The character of little Lilechka is gentle and soft. Girls with this name are dreamy and inquisitive, as they say, "by nature." The meaning of life for them lies in the constant creative search and inventing all sorts of inventions.

These are very sociable girls, to whom parents and others pay a lot of attention. True, as a result, a spoiled and capricious girl can grow up who will “twist” others, so the upbringing of such girls should be put at the forefront.

In adolescence, Lily's harmless inventions can become quite a serious deception, because she learns to cheat and manipulate the attention of adults as early as childhood. The girl will certainly be surrounded by many admirers, it is on them that the young lady will perfect her ways of communicating with the “stronger sex”.

With men, she is an actress, her outward defenselessness, complaisance, softness and vulnerability are the very keys that no young man is able to resist. And those who are able to figure out her tricks, Lily simply avoids.

Adult Lily is smart, literate. Due to her broad outlook and inquisitive nature, she can easily support any conversation, as well as lead it in the direction she needs..

Relations with other women are developing badly, because her tricks do not work on the "weaker sex" and can even go sideways to herself. Therefore, for communication, Lily often chooses men's companies, in which she is always sweet, friendly and kind.

Unconditionally believes in his rightness! He can even convince anyone of this, building the thread of the conversation in such a way that the interlocutor himself draws the conclusions necessary for Lily. A rich imagination and the ability to conduct a conversation make her a pleasant and interesting conversationalist.

Fate endowed Lily with intelligence and the character of an experimenter. Therefore, she can already reach incredible heights at school, but only if she is interested in studying and the environment (teachers and friends) is appropriate.

Despite some character flaws, Lily is a good friend. It will never be boring with her. Intelligence, good manners and neatness always attract people, this woman is rarely alone. She will be truly caring and courteous only with those who are dear to her and who take care of her without any self-interest. He keeps the rest of the people at a distance and does not open up to the first comer.

Professions and career

The creative beginning of character and liveliness of mind will largely determine the life path of these women. They will choose those professions where they can show their abilities in all their glory, and will try to reach the heights in the chosen business. A developed ability to grasp on the fly, process and turn the information received in the right direction will make Lilia an excellent lawyer or psychologist.

Most of the women bearing this name are very beautiful, besides, they have an innate sense of taste and style. Developing these abilities, Lilia will become a good artist, designer, fashion designer. She treats the chosen work with great responsibility and diligence, trying to always be on top.

home and family

These women are not created for routine and everyday life. Ordinariness literally kills them, so the future spouse must come to terms with the fact that Lily sometimes forgets to buy the right groceries in the store or tidy up the house. But it would be best if fate brought her together with a man who would take care of household chores.

When choosing a future spouse, it is difficult for Lily to stop at someone. I want the very best! And this is no accident, because in exchange for a ring and a stamp in the passport, a man will receive a faithful, intelligent and beautiful woman as his wife.

When she gets married, she will begin to change for the better and, perhaps, will eventually turn into a good housewife. But sometimes the character will take its toll, and Lilya will need some personal time to have fun with her friends at the party.

Most suitable for Lily are Nikolai, Peter, Albert, Konstantin and. You should be careful with Igor, Taras, Philip and Leonid.

Lilia will celebrate her name days according to the Catholic calendar, in which they are indicated for Liliana. There are no separate name days for Orthodox saints. Lilies usually celebrate their name day on the same day as St. Shushanna (Susanna). Author: Alexandra Alekhina