House, garden, plot

The article addresses issues such as:

1. Extracurricular work and additional education for children.

2. Structural and organizational forms of implementing additional education for children.

3. Types of organizational models of extracurricular activities.



Designing models of extracurricular activities

In modern conditions, the pedagogical (teaching and educational) process is considered as a process of controlled, joint, creative life activity of teachers and schoolchildren, which provides conditions for the development and social adaptation of students in the system of classroom and extracurricular activities. Lesson lessonsincluded in the school and class schedule.

The structural unit of these classes is the lesson. The lesson has limited opportunities for variable creative organization of learning.

Successful individualization and differentiation of children's education and upbringing is possible in extracurricular activities. Social adaptation and the development of friendly partnerships among adults are more effective here.

For a general education institution, extracurricular activities are part of the functions it performs.

In recent years, the problem of extracurricular activities in school has worsened and changed its focus.

Additional education for children cannot be considered as some kind of appendage to basic education, which expands the possibilities of educational standards. Its main purpose is to satisfy the constantly changing individual sociocultural and educational needs of children. In science, additional education for children is considered as a “particularly valuable type of education”, as a “zone of proximal development of education in Russia.”

By now, general principles organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

  1. Free choice by the child of types and areas of activity.
  2. Focus on the child’s personal interests, needs, abilities,
  3. Possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child.
  4. Unity of training, education, development.
  5. Practical activity basis of the educational process.

The listed positions correspond to the main principles of humanistic pedagogy: recognition of the uniqueness and self-worth of a person, his right to self-realization, the personally equal position of the teacher and the child, focus on his interests, the ability to see in him a person worthy of respect.

Extracurricular work and additional education for children

Extracurricular (=out-of-class) work is understood today primarily as an activity organized with a class or a group of students during extracurricular hours to meet the needs of schoolchildren for meaningful leisure. This work allows teachers to identify potential capabilities and interests in their students and help the child realize them.

Undoubtedly, extracurricular work is closely related to children’s additional education when it comes to creating conditions for the development of children’s creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, environmental, biological, sports and other activities.

The connecting link between extracurricular work and additional education for children is various electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, and elective courses. Depending on the goals and objectives they solve, the content and methods of work, they can be attributed to both areas of the educational process.

However, it should be remembered that additional education for children involves, first of all, the implementation of an additional educational program in a specific area of ​​activity or area of ​​knowledge.

The essence and specificity of additional education for children in a general education institution

The development of additional education for children in general education institutions involves solving the following tasks:

  1. studying the interests and needs of children studying in additional education;
  2. determining the content of additional education for children, its forms and methods of working with students, taking into account their age, type of institution, characteristics of its socio-cultural environment;
  3. creating conditions for creating a unified educational space;
  4. expanding the types of creative activities in the system of additional education for children to most fully satisfy the interests and needs of students in interest associations;
  5. creating conditions for attracting more middle-aged and older students to classes in the additional education system;
  6. creating maximum conditions for students to master spiritual and cultural values, instilling respect for the history and culture of their own and other peoples;
  7. addressing the personal problems of students, developing their moral qualities, creative and social activity.

In a general education institution, additional education gives the child a real opportunity to choose his own individual path. A child receiving such an opportunity means his inclusion in activities of interest, the creation of conditions for achievement, success in accordance with his own abilities and regardless of the level of performance in compulsory academic disciplines. Additional education for children increases the space in which schoolchildren can develop their creative and cognitive activity, realize their personal qualities, and demonstrate those abilities that often remain unclaimed by basic education. In additional education for children, the child himself chooses the content and form of classes and may not be afraid of failure.

Additional education for children at school is a completely different phenomenon than traditional extracurricular and extracurricular activities. For a long time, next to the general education system, there was a set of disparate educational activities, clubs, sections, electives, the work of which, as a rule, was in no way connected with each other. Now there is an opportunity to build a holistic educational space.

Another important feature of additional education for children is its educational dominance, since it is in the sphere of free choice of activities that one can count on “inconspicuous”, and therefore more effective education.

Another distinctive feature of the system of additional education for children is compensatory (or psychotherapeutic), since it is in this area that children studying in a mass school receive the opportunity to individually develop those abilities that do not always receive support in the educational process. Additional education of children will create a “situation of success” (Vygotsky), helps the child in changing his status, since in the process of engaging in various types of activities that the child has chosen independently and in accordance with personal interests and needs, he enters into an equal dialogue with the teacher. Being a poor performer in the main school disciplines, in an art studio or in a sports section he may be among the leaders. The experience of the best schools shows that additional education teachers, as a rule, manage to remove the stereotype of the unambiguous perception of a student as a “C” student or “difficult.”

Emotional intensity is another feature of the development of additional education for children in a general education institution. Its importance is explained by the need to resist the “dryness” of the educational process, where verbal methods of communication predominate, where the logic of educational knowledge can lead to the suppression of the emotional-imaginative perception of the world, which is so significant in childhood. The development of feelings is necessary for schoolchildren as a means of forming a holistic picture of the world.

Additional education for children fulfills another important task - it expands the cultural space of the school.

Additional education of children is of particular importance to solve the problem of social adaptation and professional self-determination of schoolchildren.

The task of additional education is to help teenagers make the right choice. Therefore, among hobby classes today, you can increasingly find various practical courses (driving a car, repairing television and radio equipment, knitting, design, etc.). Knowledge that ensures success in business life (mastery of computers and electronic communications, office work, the basics of accounting, etc.) gains even greater success.

Having discovered his potential abilities and tried to realize them during his school years, the graduate will be better prepared for real life in society, will learn to achieve his goal, choosing civilized, moral means of achieving it.

These are the main features of additional education for children developing in a general education institution.

It is quite obvious that in many respects they have something in common with the provisions that characterize the activities of institutions of additional education for children, but there is every reason to talk about the peculiarities of the development of additional education for children in school:

  1. creating a broad general cultural and emotionally charged background for a positive perception of the values ​​of basic education and more successful mastery of its content;
  2. implementation of “unobtrusive” education - thanks to the inclusion of children in personally significant creative activities, during which the “invisible” formation of moral, spiritual, cultural guidelines of the younger generation occurs;
  3. orientation of schoolchildren who show special interest in certain types of activities (artistic, technical, sports, etc.) to realize their abilities in institutions of additional education for children;
  4. compensation for the absence in basic education of certain training courses (mainly humanitarian ones) that schoolchildren need to determine their individual educational path, specify their life and professional plans, and develop important personal qualities.

Thus, additional education of children in a general education institution is an area that, having its own value, is primarily focused on creating a unified educational space and developing a holistic perception of the world among schoolchildren; to harmonize the requirements for the implementation of the educational standard and create conditions for the development of individual interests and needs of the individual.

Structural and organizational forms of implementation of additional education for children

The success of the development of additional education for children in a general education institution largely depends on the level of its organization. We can name at least four conditional levels.

The first is characterized by a random set of circles, sections, clubs, etc., the work of which is little compatible with each other and completely depends on the available personnel and material capabilities. In such a situation, additional education for children, as a rule, does not reflect the specifics of a particular educational institution, and its effectiveness for the development of the school as a whole is hardly noticeable. At the same time, for students, classes in these creative associations can be quite significant.

The second level is more complex and more developed. It is distinguished by a certain internal consolidation and a different focus of activity. However, in general, the work cannot be built on a single substantive basis. It breaks up into separate fragments due to the lack of a well-thought-out program of activities and the inability to coordinate the work of additional education teachers in the unified educational process of the school. However, in such models there are original forms of work that unite both children and adults (associations, creative laboratories, “expeditions,” hobby centers, etc.). Often in such schools, the sphere of additional education becomes an open search area in the process of updating the content of basic education, a kind of reserve and experimental laboratory for the latter. As a result, those educational areas that were initially studied as part of additional educational programs are then included in the basic curriculum of schools.

The third level is the development of additional education for children as a separate division of the school, when various creative associations work on the basis of a single educational program, and teachers can coordinate their activities.

The fourth level involves the integration of basic and additional education for children, the organizational and content unity of the main structures of the school. At this level, their activities are based on the basic conceptual ideas that ensure the development of the institution as a whole.

The fourth model for organizing additional education for children in a modern school exists in educational complexes (ETCs). Today, the model is the most effective in terms of integrating basic and additional education for children, since it organically combines the capabilities of both types of education. At UVK, as a rule, a solid infrastructure of out-of-school additional education is created, on the basis of which conditions appear to meet the various needs of the child and his real self-affirmation.

Most often, educational institutions exist in the form of a permanent connection into a single organizational structure of institutions of basic and additional education. For example, a specialized institution of additional education can function in the school itself - an art, music, sports school, a center for technical creativity of students, etc. Also, a multidisciplinary center for children's creativity, including a whole network of clubs, studios, sections, can be combined into one with the school , clubs. A general education school can also be part of even more complex associations, for example: a school - an institution of additional education - a university.

The organization of educational complexes is especially effective for areas remote from the center of modern large cities, as well as for small cities where educational institutions play the role of cultural centers for a significant part of the population.

Today we can say that many schools have moved away from the first and are at the second level, when an understanding of the importance of additional education for children comes, but the reserves have not yet been accumulated for the transition to the third and fourth levels of development.

Interaction of teachers of general education institutions in ensuring the development of additional education for children

Deputy Director for Additional Education (for educational work) - this position has appeared recently and is not yet available in all schools, but with the development of the system of additional education for children, the need for such a specialist will be felt more and more acutely. His main responsibilities include coordinating the activities of all additional education teachers, monitoring the implementation of educational and thematic plans, assistance in the creation and implementation of educational programs, and assistance in improving the professional skills of teachers. No less important is its activity aimed at integrating basic and additional education for children, interaction between subject teachers and leaders of clubs, sections, associations, and organizing joint methodological work (creation of pedagogical workshops, methodological councils, discussion clubs, seminars, etc.).

The deputy director takes an active part in the development of the concept and development program of a general education institution, which organically includes additional education for children.

An additional education teacher is one of the most important specialists who directly implement additional educational programs of various types. He is engaged in developing the talents and abilities of schoolchildren, including them in artistic, technical, and sports activities. He completes the composition of creative associations, contributes to the preservation of the student population, the implementation of the educational program, conducts direct educational activities with schoolchildren in a certain creative association, providing a reasonable choice of forms, methods, and content of activities. Participates in the development of proprietary educational programs and is responsible for the quality of their implementation. Provides advisory assistance to parents on the development of children's abilities in the system of additional education for children.

A class teacher who has the opportunity to thoroughly study the interests of the children, find a way to individually support everyone, and overcome the problems that hinder the child’s development of personality. Such a teacher, who has serious socio-psychological knowledge, is able to provide support to his colleagues in implementing the principles of humanistic pedagogy in practice, i.e. implementation of personality-oriented education, which is the essence of additional education for children.

Counselors and teachers of after-school groups can successfully interact with the leaders of school creative associations and help children find their talent and discover their abilities.

Feedback is also possible when the senior counselor, for example, can find helpers in organizing socially significant activities, holidays, competitions and other school-wide events, the active participants of which are, first of all, members of circles and associations. With the help of an additional education teacher, it is easier to identify children with initiative, independence, and leadership qualities.

The organizing teacher supervises the work in one of the areas of student activity: artistic, sports, technical, tourism and local history, environmental and biological, etc. Coordinates the work of teachers teaching classes in a particular area, helps them in solving methodological, organizational, educational problems . Promotes the identification and development of schoolchildren's talents. Creates conditions for the emergence of new creative associations that meet the interests of children.

An educational psychologist can play a special role in the development of additional education for children in a general education institution. Thanks to his professional knowledge, he can reveal the hidden abilities of children, their inclinations and stimulate their development. Carrying out his work to preserve the mental, somatic, and social well-being of schoolchildren, he provides support to both creatively gifted children and children requiring certain corrections of development and behavior. A teacher-psychologist is able to provide consultations to the leaders of various creative associations, conduct psychodiagnostics of children, monitor changes in the level of development of their abilities, and identify the causes of difficulties in the work of a teacher or his relationships with students.

A social teacher solves problems for the social protection of children, carefully studies their living conditions, which often hinder the development of their creative abilities. The social teacher tries to provide timely assistance to such children, resolve various conflict situations and find the most favorable environment for realizing the interests and needs of the child. He can tell the additional education teacher how best to behave with a “difficult” child, how to interest him in some kind of creativity. He includes his students in socially significant activities, and this activity can become an area of ​​cooperation with additional education teachers. The social teacher pays special attention to career guidance types of classes, because They, performing social-adaptive functions, can become a good launching pad for his charges.

A subject teacher can also contribute to the development of the system of additional education for children by collaborating with the leaders of creative interest groups in order to integrate basic and additional education for children. If desired, he can introduce elements of additional education (content, organizational, methodological) into the conduct of specific lessons.

In addition, the teacher has the opportunity to directly become involved in the system of additional education by organizing his own circle or club. This can be not only a subject group, but any creative association where the teacher will be able to realize his personal interests, hobbies, and talents that go beyond his profession. Such versatility of personality will only strengthen his authority among students.

It is quite obvious that the development of additional education for children at school largely depends on the director and his deputies. Their interest, respectful attitude towards the leaders of creative interest associations, understanding of the importance of their diversity, the ability to find opportunities for technical equipment for the system of additional education for children, material and moral support for additional education teachers - all this is an important condition for creating a holistic educational space at school, where real Basic and additional education of children play a role.

Thus, in a general education institution, almost the entire teaching staff is included in the system of additional education for children to one degree or another.

Conditions for the development of a system of additional education for children in a general education institution

The development of a system of additional education for children in a general education institution depends on the success of solving a number of problems of an organizational, personnel, programmatic, methodological, and psychological nature.

Organizational conditions consist, first of all, in ensuring that the development of the system of additional education for children in school corresponds to the conditional third and fourth levels, i.e. creating an independent structure for the development of additional education for children.

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the sociocultural situation in which the institution operates, to find out the interests and needs of children and their parents in additional education. It is also important to take into account the characteristics of the school, its profile, the main tasks that it is designed to solve, as well as established traditions, material, technical and personnel capabilities.

Additional education for children in school can quickly acquire the status of an independent unit if its structuring begins with the identification of a certain system-forming element. This can be any creative association that carries out multifaceted and diversified work, the activities of which are complex. For example, the Center for Russian (national) culture, which brings together musical and artistic groups, groups of children interested in ethnographic local history, collecting materials about the history and culture of the region. Around such a multi-age group, it is quite easy to organize the work of other creative associations, which, while maintaining their specificity, would take into account the general direction and strategic line of development of additional education for children in a particular educational institution.

When a school creates an independent structure for the development of a system of additional education for children, an excellent opportunity arises for interpenetration and integration of basic and additional education for children.

Other organizational tasks include cooperation on the basis of a contract or agreement between the school and various institutions of additional education for children. Thanks to the creative and business contacts of the school with institutions of additional education for children, it is possible to improve the content and level of preparation of various public events: holidays, competitions, concerts, exhibitions, etc.

When solving internal school organizational problems, it is necessary to strive to develop such a number and such an orientation of creative associations that would correspond to a fairly wide range of interests of schoolchildren of different ages. Unfortunately, often the set of clubs and sections in schools has not changed for decades and is limited to a few names (soft toy, macrame, drama club, volleyball, aerobics), the interests of children seeking to master sports dancing, roller skating, skyboarding, martial arts, video filming techniques are not taken into account , computer technology and other things that interest the modern child.

Unfortunately, in practice we often encounter such an approach to the development of additional education for children in a general education institution, when a certain “exemplary” group is created at the school (school theater, musical ensemble, sports team, etc.), which is the main concern of the administration to the detriment of the development of other areas of activity. For school leaders, this is an opportunity to successfully report for the “good” organization of educational activities, without making efforts to create a full-fledged system of additional education for children. In this case, the “elite” children's group begins to live their own separate life, interesting only for a small group of children, while the rest can only look at them with envy, feeling themselves flawed, mediocre, which is far from reality.

Such shortcomings must be taken into account when solving organizational problems.

Personnel conditions are, first of all, an opportunity for professional growth of additional education teachers. The success of the development of a system of additional education for children in a general education institution largely depends on the ability to attract “fresh forces”, new people, for example, from among employees of cultural institutions, sports, creative, public, veteran organizations, the parent community, as well as those who are professional owns some interesting craft and wants to pass on its secrets to children.

Psychological conditions are aimed at creating a comfortable environment at school and, in particular, in its block of additional education for children, promoting the creative and professional growth of teachers. It is unacceptable to treat the leaders of creative interest associations as “secondary” members of the teaching staff.

The director and his deputy for additional education and scientific and methodological work must constantly support and encourage those teachers who conduct research, actively share their experience, help colleagues, and work on creating original educational programs.

It is necessary to provide moral and material encouragement to teachers of additional education for successful work and high achievements of the creative teams they lead. All students, teachers, and parents should know about these successes and be no less proud of them than their academic successes.

Program and methodological conditions

The development of a system of additional education for children is impossible without serious conceptual program and methodological support for the activities of both the entire block of additional education for children and the activities of each creative association. When developing their own programs, additional education teachers should become familiar with the content of those academic subjects that may be most related to the content of their additional educational program. This can be a good basis for joint creative work with subject teachers.

The development of additional educational programs of a new generation involves taking into account a number of principles:

  1. focus on broad humanitarian content, allowing for a harmonious combination of national and universal values;
  2. formation in schoolchildren of a holistic and emotionally imaginative perception of the world;
  3. addressing those problems, topics, educational areas that are personally significant for children of a particular age and that are underrepresented in mainstream education;
  4. development of the child’s cognitive, social, creative activity, his moral qualities;
  5. mandatory reliance on the content of basic education, the use of its historical and cultural component;
  6. implementation of the unity of the educational process.

What are the features of the approach to organizing extracurricular activities in Standard 2009?

Areas of extracurricular activities are determined value-target guidelineseducational program.

At the expense of hours spent on extracurricular activities, the educational institution implementsadditional educational programs, student socialization program, educational programs.

Hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used optional.


1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade


Sports and recreation

Spiritual and moral


General intellectual

General cultural


Types of organizational models of extracurricular activities

(Novikova I.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, AKIPKRO)

  1. interschool a model that involves combining various resources: personnel, material and technical, etc. of two or more educational institutions for the full organization of extracurricular activities of students;
  2. integrative a model that ensures the organization of extracurricular activities of students in interaction with other institutions (for example, a model of interaction with institutions of additional education for children);
  3. intromodel , which implies a focus on the internal resources of the educational institution when designing and implementing extracurricular activities for students;
  4. information model, focused on the use of digital, information and communication technologies: media constructor, video, audio, electronic educational and methodological manuals, etc., Internet resources in the implementation of extracurricular activities of students;
  5. interdepartmental model, implying the interaction of an educational institution with institutions of culture, sports, healthcare, social protection of the population, additional education for children, law enforcement agencies, traditional Russian religious associations, etc.;
  6. polysubjective model aimed at cooperation between subjects of education focused on the development of the child’s personality based on humanistic values: family, school, various public, cultural, religious organizations, political parties and movements, children's public associations, youth subcultural communities, etc.

Model of additional education.

The implementation of extracurricular activities based on the model of additional education is directly provided for in the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, which states that an educational institution, within the framework of the relevant state (municipal) tasks formed by the founder, can use the capabilities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations. This model involves the creation of a common programmatic and methodological space for extracurricular activities and additional education of children, the transition from the management of educational institutions to the management of educational programs. This model is focused on ensuring readiness for territorial, social and academic mobility of children. The advantages of the model are the provision of a wide choice for the child based on the range of areas of children's associations of interests, the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child, the involvement of qualified specialists in extracurricular activities, as well as the practice-oriented and activity-based basis for organizing the educational process inherent in additional education for children.

Full-day school model. The basis for the “full-day school” model is the implementation of extracurricular activities primarily by teachers of extended-day groups. This model is characterized by: creating conditions for a child’s full-fledged stay in an educational institution during the day, including through the polarization of the educational environment of the school and the allocation of differently accented spaces; meaningful unity of educational, educational, developmental processes within the framework of the educational system and the main educational program of the educational institution; creation of a health-preserving environment that ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations and includes the rational organization of the educational process, optimization of physical activity, organization of rational nutrition, work to develop the value of health and a healthy lifestyle; creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children, with the active support of children's public associations and student government bodies; building an individual educational trajectory and an individual schedule for a child’s stay in an educational institution; reliance on the integration of basic and additional educational programs. The advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including meals, the established practice of financing after-school groups.

Optimization model.The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution assumes that all teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social educator, educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educator, senior counselor) take part in its implementation , tutor and others).

In this case, the coordinating role is usually played by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks: interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational support staff of the educational institution; organizes an educational process in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school-wide team; organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies; organizes socially significant, creative activities of students.

The advantages of the optimization model include minimizing financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space in an educational institution, and the substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

Innovation and educational model. The innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovative (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.

Within the framework of this model, new educational programs are being developed, tested, and introduced, including those that take into account regional characteristics. The innovative educational model assumes close interaction between a general education institution and institutions of additional professional pedagogical education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, and municipal methodological services.

The advantages of this model are: high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation, and the uniqueness of the experience being formed. As part of the design of interaction between institutions of general and additional education for children in the context of the introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, it is possible to propose a variable model of this interaction, including a whole range of possible models, each of which would be selected (and, if necessary, adjusted) based on reality. the emerging conditions of existence of educational institutions.

The first component can be a “nodal” model, when an institution of additional education for children (ECEC) uses its existing material and technical base to carry out the educational process for students of several general education institutions, which are “accumulated” in ECEC. This interaction option can be implemented in the case when the number of students who have chosen a particular specialization in one general education institution does not exceed several people and, therefore, the creation of small study groups of 2-4 students in each of these institutions is ineffective.

The second component of the variable model is also a traditional approach to organizing interaction, when students of general education institutions attend clubs, sections, interest clubs, etc. institutions of additional education for children operating on the basis of this general education institution. Further development of this model in the case of a large number of students leads to the opening of a corresponding branch of UDOD on the basis of a general education institution.

The third component of the variable interaction model is a model using an internship site on the basis of an institution of additional education for children. In this case, UDOD is a kind of organizational and methodological center and a basic institution for advanced training for teachers of the general education system.

In this model, a mandatory element (except for the case of the presence of an appropriate license from the UDOD) is the institution of additional professional education, for example, the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers (IPKiPRO), with which the plan of measures for advanced training is coordinated and which provides scientific and methodological support for the creation and the functioning of the internship site itself.

This model may be the most promising in conditions of limited resources of institutions of additional education for children.

In all cases of interaction between institutions of general and additional education for children, a common programmatic and methodological space must be created, and the targets of extracurricular activity programs implemented within the framework of such interaction must be focused on the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education of a specific general education institution.

A modular approach to organizing extracurricular activities for rural schoolchildren

The rural way of life has its own specificity, which lies in the spatial limitation of the environment, its staticity and monotony; in limited access to cultural and educational services. The rural way of life is characterized by a closed social community of people, territorial and psychological proximity of village residents, a lack of communication, the latest information, and new impressions.

IN The rural region, in contrast to the urban one, has a significantly narrower informational, educational space and the space of tests, social and professional roles necessary in adolescence, which determine the adequacy of personal and professional choices.The specificity of modern education in rural areas lies in the fact that, on the one hand, a rural school should provide knowledge for life and work in an agricultural society, on the other hand, modern education in the context of global and domestic trends in education in order to fully integrate students into the real world of the information society .

In small rural schools, where there are no out-of-school institutions nearby, the capabilities of classrooms, assembly halls and sports halls are used to the maximum. Parents are widely involved here, helping the school with their technical equipment (film equipment, radios and tape recorders). Students of these schools are invited to participate in correspondence forms in various games, competitions, and olympiads organized by out-of-school institutions.

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LETTER from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05/12/2011 03-296 ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF THE FEDERAL STATE... Relevant in 2018

Organizational models of extracurricular activities

Based on the tasks, forms and content of extracurricular activities, the following organizational model can be considered as a base for its implementation. Extracurricular activities can be carried out through (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Basic organizational model for the implementation of extracurricular activities

the curriculum of an educational institution, namely, through the part formed by participants in the educational process (additional educational modules, special courses, school scientific societies, educational research, workshops, etc., conducted in forms other than classroom);

additional educational programs of the general education institution itself (intra-school system of additional education);

educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, as well as cultural and sports institutions;

organization of activities of extended day groups;

classroom management (excursions, debates, round tables, competitions, socially useful practices, etc.);

the activities of other pedagogical workers (teacher-organizer, social teacher, educational psychologist, senior counselor) in accordance with the job responsibilities and qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers;

innovative (experimental) activities for the development, testing, and implementation of new educational programs, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

Based on this basic model, several main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can be proposed:

model of additional education (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children);

"full day school" model;

optimization model (based on optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution);

innovative educational model.

The first model is based on the primary use of the potential of in-school additional education and on cooperation with institutions of additional education for children.

Model of additional education. Extracurricular activities are closely related to children’s additional education in terms of creating conditions for the development of children’s creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, environmental, biological, sports and other activities.

The link between extracurricular activities and additional education of children are such forms of its implementation as electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, and elective courses. At the same time, extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO are aimed, first of all, at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. And additional education for children involves, first of all, the implementation of additional educational programs. Therefore, the main criteria for classifying a particular educational activity as extracurricular are the goals and objectives of this activity, as well as its content and methods of work.

The implementation of extracurricular activities based on the model of additional education is directly provided for in the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, which states that an educational institution, within the framework of the relevant state (municipal) tasks formed by the founder, can use the capabilities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations.

This model involves the creation of a common programmatic and methodological space for extracurricular activities and additional education of children, the transition from the management of educational institutions to the management of educational programs.

This model is focused on ensuring readiness for territorial, social and academic mobility of children. The advantages of the model are the provision of a wide choice for the child based on the range of areas of children's associations of interests, the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child, the involvement of qualified specialists in extracurricular activities, as well as the practice-oriented and activity-based basis for organizing the educational process inherent in additional education for children.

Full-day school model. The basis for the “full-day school” model is the implementation of extracurricular activities primarily by teachers of extended-day groups.

This model is characterized by:

creating conditions for a child’s full stay in an educational institution during the day, including through the polarization of the educational environment of the school and the allocation of differently accented spaces;

creation of a health-preserving environment that ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations and includes the rational organization of the educational process, optimization of physical activity, organization of rational nutrition, work to develop the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children, with the active support of children's public associations and student government bodies;

building an individual educational trajectory and an individual schedule for a child’s stay in an educational institution;

reliance on the integration of basic and additional educational programs.

The advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including meals, the established practice of financing after-school groups.

Optimization model. The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution assumes that all teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social educator, educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educator, senior counselor) take part in its implementation , tutor and others).

In this case, the coordinating role is usually performed by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks:

interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions;

organizes an educational process in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school-wide team;

organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies;

organizes socially significant, creative activities of students.

The advantages of the optimization model include minimizing financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space in an educational institution, and the substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

Innovation-educational model. The innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovative (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.

Within the framework of this model, new educational programs are being developed, tested, and introduced, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

The innovative educational model assumes close interaction between a general education institution and institutions of additional professional pedagogical education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, and municipal methodological services.

The advantages of this model are: high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation, and the uniqueness of the experience being formed.

Mechanisms for implementing extracurricular activities of students.

Organizational models of extracurricular activities

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution independently determines and builds a model of extracurricular activities for primary and secondary schools. The following parameters are required:

Areas of extracurricular activities and the maximum number of hours for its organization.

The schedule of extracurricular activities is drawn up taking into account the most favorable work and rest regime for students.

The model of extracurricular activities of an educational institution determines the composition and structure of directions, forms of organization, and the volume of extracurricular activities of students.

A detailed description of the models of extracurricular activities is presented in the letter of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 03-296 dated May 12, 2011 “On the organization of extracurricular activities with the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education.” This document is the basis for organizing interaction between institutions of general and additional education. children who ensure the organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the basic provisions of the educational program.

Based on the tasks, forms and content of extracurricular activities, the following organizational model can be considered as a base for its implementation:

In accordance with this model, after-school activities can be carried out through:

    the curriculum of an educational institution, namely, through the part formed by participants in the educational process (additional educational modules, special courses, school scientific societies, educational research, workshops, etc., conducted in forms other than classroom);

    additional educational programs of the general education institution itself (intra-school system of additional education);

    educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, as well as cultural and sports institutions;

    organizing the activities of extended day groups;

    classroom management (excursions, debates, round tables, competitions, socially useful practices, etc.);

    the activities of other pedagogical workers (teacher-organizer, social teacher, educational psychologist, senior counselor) in accordance with the job responsibilities and qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers;

    innovative (experimental) activities for the development, testing, and implementation of new educational programs, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

The presented basic model was based on its possible organizers and performers. Respectively:

    teachers, lecturers, heads of physical education, etc. of an educational institution;

    teachers of additional education of the educational institution itself;

    teaching staff of institutions of additional education for children, as well as cultural and sports institutions;

    educators and other teaching staff of an educational institution who ensure the functioning of extended-day groups (“full-day schools”);

    teaching staff performing the functions of class teachers;

    other pedagogical workers of the educational institution (teacher-organizer, social teacher, educational psychologist, senior counselor, etc.) in accordance with the job responsibilities and qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers;

    teaching staff of educational institutions, as well as social partners involved in relevant innovative activities.

Additionally, it should be noted that in almost all of the above cases, resources (personnel, material and technical, information, scientific and methodological, etc.) of the social partners of the educational institution organizing extracurricular activities can be involved.

At the same time, the stated basic model does not mean that all mentioned educational workers should be involved in extracurricular activities at the same time. It only shows the possible potential that an educational institution can attract.

In practice, only some of the teaching staff listed above are involved in the implementation of extracurricular activities (all or most of them). In accordance with this, several main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can be proposed:

- additional education model (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children), which is based on the primary use of the potential of intra-school additional education and on cooperation with institutions of additional education for children;

- “full-day school” model - implementation of extracurricular activities mainly by teachers of extended day groups;

- optimization model (based on optimization of all internal educational resources, including full-day school);

-innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovation (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.

Model of additional education relies on the primary use of the potential of in-school additional education and on cooperation with institutions of additional education for children.

It is known that in the absence of opportunities for extracurricular activities, an educational institution, within the framework of the relevant state (municipal) tasks formed by the founder, uses the opportunities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2010 No. 1241 “On introducing amendments to the federal state educational standard for primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373").

The potential of institutions of additional education for children, culture, sports, youth policy can be used in the following areas: scientific and technical; sports and technical; artistic and aesthetic; cultural; ecological-biological; physical education and sports; tourism and local history; military patriotic; social and pedagogical. These areas are integrated into the areas of extracurricular activities designated by the Federal State Educational Standard: - sports and recreation; -spiritual and moral; social; general intellectual; -general cultural.

At the same time, extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO are aimed, first of all, at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. A

additional education for children involves, first of all, the implementation

additional educational programs. Therefore, the main criteria for classifying a particular educational activity as extracurricular are the goals and objectives of this activity, as well as its content (directions) and methods of work. This model is focused on ensuring readiness for territorial, social and academic mobility of children. The advantages of the model are the provision of a wide choice for the child based on the range of areas of children's associations of interests, the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child, the involvement of qualified specialists in extracurricular activities, as well as the practice-oriented and activity-based basis for organizing the educational process inherent in additional education for children.

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren “outside” the educational institution require the registration of appropriate contractual relations.

Performance indicators for the implementation of contractual relations:

- contracts are developed and concluded in accordance with current legal regulations and the charter of the educational institution;

- additionally, the necessary regulatory support related to extracurricular activities has been created (for example, a provision involving the implementation of a full-day school model);

- the documents clarify and specify the procedure for fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard when determining directions and choosing forms for the implementation of extracurricular activities and the use of resource support.

Thus, this model involves the creation of a common program and methodological space for extracurricular activities and additional education for children, the implementation oftransition from managing educational institutions to managing educational programs.

Full-day school model. The basis for the “full-day school” model is the implementation of extracurricular activities mainly by educators and other teaching staff of the educational institution, ensuring the functioning of extended-day groups.

It is first necessary to clarify that a general education institution (according to clause 28 of the Model Regulations on a General Education Institution) has the right to open extended day groups at the request of parents (legal representatives).

Key ideas of this model:

    creating conditions for a child’s full stay in an educational institution during the day, including through the polarization of the educational environment of the school and the allocation of differently accented spaces;

    meaningful unity of educational, educational, developmental processes within the framework of the educational system and the main educational program of the educational institution;

    creation of a health-preserving environment that ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations and includes the rational organization of the educational process, optimization of physical activity, organization of rational nutrition, work to develop the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

    creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children with the active support of children's public associations and student government bodies;

    building an individual educational trajectory and an individual schedule for a child’s stay in an educational institution;

    reliance on the integration of basic and additional educational programs.

The advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including meals, the established practice of financing after-school groups.

Optimization model. The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution assumes that almost all available teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social pedagogue, educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educator, etc.) take part in its implementation. senior counselor, tutor and others).

In this case, the coordinating role is usually played by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 3, 2006 “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions"), in particular:

    interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions;

    organizes an educational process in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school-wide team;

    organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies;

    organizes socially significant creative activities for students.

The advantages of the optimization model include minimizing additional financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space in an educational institution, and the substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

Innovation and educational model. The innovation-educational model is based on the activities of an innovation (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level.

Within the framework of this model, new educational programs are being developed, tested, and introduced, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

The innovative educational model assumes close interaction between a general education institution and institutions of additional professional pedagogical education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, and municipal methodological services.

The advantages of this model are the high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation, and the uniqueness of the experience being formed.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the basic and four main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities do not exclude the possibility for an educational institution to create its own model of extracurricular activities. The basic and four main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can serve as the basis for constructing a combined model that takes into account the characteristics of the regional, municipal levels and the level of the educational institution.

Organizational models of extracurricular activities.


Guidelines for organizing extracurricular activities

  • Requests from parents (legal representatives)
  • Priority areas of the school's activities
  • Interests and inclinations of teachers
  • Recommendations from a psychologist as a representative of the child’s interests and needs

Diagnostic tools

  • Questioning students to identify character traits, interests and inclinations of junior schoolchildren
  • Questioning aimed at identifying the educational needs of students and their parents (legal representatives)

Social partners

  • Educational institutions (EI)
  • Educational institutions for additional education for children (ECEC)
  • Children's public organizations
  • Cultural and sports organizations

During the holidays:

  • summer camps (thematic camp sessions)
  • summer schools created on the basis of general education institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children

Organization of extracurricular activities

  • Extracurricular activities can be organized geographically both in a general education institution and outside it.
  • During the holidays, the possibilities of organizing children's recreation and their health, thematic camp shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general education institutions, educational institutions for additional education of children and other institutions are used.
  • The forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education are determined by the educational institution.

UPOD - began to function in Russia since 1992.

  • Centers (extracurricular activities, children's technical creativity, aesthetic education, etc.)
  • At home (artistic creativity, children's culture, etc.)
  • Stations (for young naturalists, children's and youth tourism and excursions, etc.)
  • Children's and youth sports schools

Directions of UDOD

  • Cultural and spiritual: Sunday schools, creative meetings with representatives of the clergy, science, art
  • Recreational and health: sports sections, hiking and traveling clubs, etc.
  • Leisure and commercial: Internet clubs, concerts, gyms, etc.
  • Artistic and creative: art studios, amateur art groups
  • Personal development: courses in foreign languages, programming, etc.
  • Charitable and volunteer: associations whose activities are aimed at restoring cultural monuments, providing assistance to the disabled, orphans, etc.

Integration of general and additional education opportunities in the organization of extracurricular activities


  • development and implementation of joint programs and projects, individual cases and actions aimed at solving educational problems;
  • cooperation of resources and exchange of resources (intellectual, personnel, information, financial, material and technical, etc.);
  • provision of services (advisory, information, technical, etc.);
  • mutual training of specialists, exchange of best practices;
  • joint examination of the quality of extracurricular activities.

Educational program

Educational institution

Educational institution

Institution of culture, sports

Institution of culture, sports

Institution of additional education

Joint program of activities

Types of Organizational Models

  • (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children);
  • full-day school model;
  • optimization model (based on optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution);

Model of additional education

  • Extracurricular activities are closely related to children’s additional education, in terms of creating conditions for the development of children’s creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, environmental, biological, sports and other activities. Forms of implementation: electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, elective courses. Add. Children's education involves the implementation of additional educational programs. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO, the educational institution can use the opportunities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations. This model involves the creation of a common program and methodological space for extracurricular activities and additional activities. children's education.

Model of additional education

  • This model is focused on ensuring readiness for territorial, social and academic mobility of children.
  • Advantages of the model are to provide a wide choice for the child based on the range of areas of children's associations of interests, the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child, the involvement of qualified specialists in extracurricular activities, as well as the practice-oriented and activity-based basis for organizing the educational process inherent in additional education for children.

Full-day school model

The basis for the model is the implementation of extracurricular activities mainly by teachers of extended day groups.

  • This model is characterized by:
  • creating conditions for a child’s full stay in the educational institution during the day, including through the polarization of the educational environment of the school and the allocation of differently accented spaces;
  • meaningful unity of educational, educational, developmental processes within the framework of the educational system and the main educational program of the educational institution;
  • Creation of a health-preserving environment that ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations and includes the rational organization of the educational process, optimization of physical activity, organization of rational nutrition, work to develop the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

Full-day school model

  • This model is characterized by:
  • creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children, with the active support of children's public associations and student government bodies;
  • building an individual educational trajectory and an individual schedule for a child’s stay in an educational institution;
  • reliance on the integration of basic and additional educational programs.

Advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including meals, with the established practice of financing extended day groups.

After-school groups

  • Extracurricular activities organize more efficiently in the extended day group activity mode, which includes walks, lunch, and then extracurricular activities.
  • For students attending extended day groups, before self-preparation it is better to organize walks, outdoor and sports games, socially useful work on the site of a general education institution, and after self-preparation - participation in events of an emotional nature (extracurricular activities, games, attending entertainment events, preparing and holding concerts amateur performances, quizzes and other events) (clause 10.28. and clause 10.29. SanPiN

Optimization model

  • Model of extracurricular activities based on optimization of all internal resources of the educational institution assumes that all teaching staff of a given institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social educator, educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, teacher, senior counselor, tutor and others) take part in its implementation.
  • In this case, the coordinating role is usually played by classroom teacher, which, in accordance with its functions and tasks:

interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions;

Optimization model

organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies;

organizes socially significant, creative activities of students.

Advantages optimization models consist of minimizing financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space in an educational institution, substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

Innovation and educational model

  • The innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovative (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.
  • Within the framework of this model, new educational programs are being developed, tested, and introduced, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

Innovation and educational model

  • The innovative educational model assumes close interaction general education institutions with institutions of additional professional pedagogical education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, municipal methodological services.

Benefits of this model are: high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation, and the uniqueness of the experience being formed.

Creating conditions

  • Organizational support
  • Regulatory support
  • Financial and economic conditions
  • Information Support
  • Scientific and methodological
  • Personnel
  • Logistics

Let's understand the concepts of “MODEL” (encyclopedic interpretation) - measure, sample, standard, i.e. a certain standard for mass production of a product. In a broad sense - like any sample: an image, description, drawing, graph, plan, map, an analogue of any object, process or phenomenon, a substitute for the “original”, a representation of the most general characteristics, a general scheme for describing a phenomenon (BSE.-M., 1999).

“model” (in education) is a specific organizational system that ensures the existence and development of the life of the entire school community, implementing certain norms of pedagogical activity and relationships between students and teachers. This is a space where certain interests prevail, a type of thinking, where one’s own language of communication is developed, where certain cultural “codes” exist that make a given model different from another.

Model External features Presence of a certain structure, specific content of educational activities, forms and means of organizing the educational process, etc. Internal features Presence of a leading goal, dominance of ideas and values, psychological, intellectual, moral climate

Models may differ in the degree of coordination of various spheres of life activity within the school (educational, sociocultural, leisure, gaming) Diversity of forms of extracurricular activities Ability to establish connections with extracurricular institutions and cultural institutions, sports, and public organizations

Important! 1. Determine a model that corresponds to the educational institution (descriptive model) 2. Understand the value, content and procedural aspects of extracurricular activities (since they entail updating the goals, issues, forms, technologies and results of schoolchildren’s activities, and put forward new requirements for the professionalism of teachers 3. Understand the peculiarities of connections between educational institutions and the social environment (functional model) 4. Identify positive and negative trends 5. Build a model of future extracurricular activities (predictive model)

Generally accepted ideas about the organization of extracurricular activities and its interaction with the educational process and additional education Basic education - the established class-lesson system Additional education - a system of creative associations of schoolchildren with interests corresponding to various areas Extracurricular activities - educational activities represented by socially significant actions, CTD, conversations and meetings, cultural and educational events, various forms of meaningful leisure (includes extracurricular activities).

Extracurricular activities At the class level - organized by the class teacher, counselor, teacher with the involvement of parents. At the level of parallels (school-wide level) - organized by the deputy director for VR, teacher organizers, and additional education teachers.

Forms of extracurricular activities Mass character: socially significant activities, promotions, evenings, hikes, excursions, holidays, etc. Group Forms Associations of children - clubs, clubs, sections Individual forms, creative projects in various areas Socio-cultural, national and regional characteristics, school-wide traditions, and student interests are taken into account

Types of organizational models of extracurricular activities Based on this basic model, several basic types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can be proposed: a model of additional education (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children); full-day school model; optimization model (based on optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution); innovative educational model.

Framework model A model that defines the general structure of extracurricular activities. These are school, school-out-of-school and sociocultural models. The names describe the essence. Closed. They mainly use the capabilities of their own op-amp. At the same time, the main importance is not the number of circles, sections and clubs, but the fact that they are built on the personnel, content, and methodological resources of their school. The model is typical.

The school-out-of-school (open) model is built on the resources of its institution with the involvement of the personnel and scientific-methodological potential of institutions of additional education for children. Those. circles, sections, and clubs are led by school teachers and additional education teachers.

The sociocultural model is distinguished by complex multilateral connections with society, when, in addition to institutions of additional education for children, the capabilities of cultural institutions, sports, medicine, manufacturing enterprises, and public organizations located in the vicinity of the educational institution are also widely used. school Cultural institutions Sports institutions Medical institutions Continuing education institutions Manufacturing enterprises Public organizations

Framework models Help to structure various approaches to organizing extracurricular activities, showing in general terms ways of interaction with additional education and other sociocultural institutions. However, they provide only a general idea of ​​the current educational reality.

Qualitative-level (internal) Characterize the features of the organization and content of extracurricular activities, its direction and methods for integration connections. “MOSAIC” model Extracurricular activities, represented by a traditional set of clubs and sections, working primarily for the participation of one age group in the most general areas (sports, general cultural, artistic), as well as a number of subject clubs that provide additional training in certain school disciplines during after-hours. They are taught along with subject teachers, class teachers and additional education teachers. This model can be called STARTER, since it is with it that the search for more complex options for organizing extracurricular activities begins.

“Round Dance” MODEL It is distinguished by greater organization, more complex connections between circles, sections, clubs, the leaders of which communicate with each other to one degree or another. However, in this case we are talking only about two- and three-way connections between creative associations that are similar in the content of activities, forms of work and often in the age composition of students (drawing clubs and modeling studios), etc. Teachers teaching classes related to extracurricular activities or additional education tend to help each other, but such interaction is, as a rule, one-time, unscheduled in nature and aimed at solving a specific task (for example, preparing an exhibition for students)

“CLUB” MODEL At the center of this model is a club, studio, theater, uniting the active part of students and teachers. This model plays a centripetal role, since it attracts a wide variety of creative associations, since it itself is complex in content. This could be a club for travelers and tourists, song lovers, a military history or discussion club. Circles and sections, to one degree or another, take into account the activities of the club and cooperate with it, thereby developing connections with each other. This significantly expands the space for social and creative activity of schoolchildren, develops their independence and initiative. Children of different ages take part in the club, and it is also attractive for adults - teachers and parents.

“CELL” MODEL The name itself explains its organizational feature - the unification into a single network of several main “cells”, each of which is a mini-model of a club type with a core in the center and various sections and circles “attached” to it. This model, operating on the principle of a mobile telephone network, ensures coordination of the activities of teachers and schoolchildren, interaction of various creative associations, school and extracurricular cooperation at the level of both individual clubs and sections, and educational institutions.

Integration models (predictive) Includes the highest quality characteristics of already known models and those properties that have yet to be developed. In this sense, this model is innovative, allowing to use the potential of extracurricular activities and the system of additional education for children. At the same time, two areas of “non-formal” education are closely related to basic education, compensating to a large extent for those areas of knowledge that are missing in the curriculum. THAT. a unified educational space is created with full-fledged educational activities and conditions for the development of the child, purposefully orienting him towards basic types of activity (value-oriented, cognitive, communicative, social adaptation)

The integration model makes it possible to organically use the capabilities of not only institutions of additional education for children, but also a large number of cultural and sports institutions, medicine and public organizations, manufacturing enterprises and colleges, universities, youth clubs in the area of ​​residence, etc. Using the integration model, it is possible to create a unified educational space. Such a space will take on the shape of a Home (and not a separate circle or section), where you can come for communication, creativity, and play. This form will allow the student to try himself in various activities, find himself, satisfy his needs, i.e. design an individual educational route.

Advantages of the integration model Organizational flexibility; easy adaptation to social conditions and traditions of the institution; this is the path to an evolutionary solution to many contradictions that exist in general education; the model incorporates new things without abandoning the achievements and experience of out-of-school education; serves as a bridge between the traditional school and the new educational model, creates conditions for compensating for the shortcomings of general education; This is a laboratory of innovation and modern pedagogical technologies.

Used literature Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2011 “On the organization of extracurricular activities with the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education” Official website of Evladov E.B. Extracurricular activities: a look through the prism of the Federal State Educational Standard // Education of schoolchildren 3.4 2012, with Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers.-M.: Education, p.-(Second generation standards) Sample programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education / ed. V.A. Gorsky. – M.: Education, Graphic objects -