A welder is a metal specialist who joins metal parts into complex structures using electric welding.

Currently, the welding profession is one of the most in demand in the construction industry. In conditions of shortage of working personnel, these specialists are of particular importance, because welding work is required in almost every production, and there are very few young craftsmen.

Welder is a working specialty and involves working in welding production. The specialist is engaged in connecting metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welding seams depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not made that could lead to catastrophic consequences. The profession of a welder is divided into several specialties: gas welder, manual arc welder, operator of automatic welding machines.

In their work, welders use electric arc welding or a gas torch. In the first case, an electric arc is used to melt metals, and the temperature at the end of the welding electrode reaches 5,000 degrees Celsius. This exceeds the melting point of all existing metals. When using a gas torch, a flame is formed due to the combustion of a mixture of flammable gas (hydrogen, propane, gasoline, butane, benzene, kerosene) and oxygen. This type of welding is usually used when replacing radiators and pipes in residential premises, due to the absence of sparks during the operation http://experiment-dom.ru/.

While working, it is very important for welders to observe safety measures and use special masks with tinted glass to protect their face and eyes. This mask significantly suppresses the brightness of flames and sparks.

Types of welders:

  • welders on press welding machines;
  • welders on diffuse welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on electron beam welding installations;
  • electric and gas welders.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of occupational health and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry.

Personal qualities

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movements of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • hard work;
  • perseverance.

Pros of the profession

  • high demand in the labor market;
  • fairly high salaries for experienced welders.

Cons of the profession

  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitudes or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • heavy load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, electric arc (the appearance of the disease electroophthalmia);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).

Place of work

Almost all industries require welding work, for example, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, agriculture, and the oil refining industry.

Main places of work for welders:

  • construction sites;
  • auto repair shops;
  • industrial plants, factories;
  • organizations providing communications media.

Salary and career

There is a shortage of technical specialists in Russia, so the salary of a first-class welder can exceed the income of a middle manager. Young specialists receive about 20,000 rubles, the salary of experienced high-level workers (the sixth highest category, assigned to highly qualified specialists) averages from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles monthly. But, as with other professions, the amount of a welder’s salary depends on the place of work, experience, hard work and desire to constantly improve their skills. So the lowest salary for specialists is in the housing and communal services sector, and the highest in the oil and gas industry.

Typically, college graduates do not have to look for a job for a long time. Welders without experience are accepted into private service organizations and housing and communal services. With the acquisition of experience, young specialists are already entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites.


Welding education can be obtained at vocational schools or colleges. The training lasts three years on the basis of 9th grade and 2 years on the basis of 11th grade in the specialties “welder of electric welding and gas welding works” and “operator of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.”

Welder - a metalworker who joins metal parts into complex structures using electric welding. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and farming (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Welder is a working specialty and involves working in welding production. The specialist is engaged in connecting metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welding seams depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not made that could lead to catastrophic consequences. The profession of a welder is divided into several specialties: gas welder, manual arc welder, operator of automatic welding machines.

In their work, welders use electric arc welding or a gas torch. In the first case, an electric arc is used to melt metals, and the temperature at the end of the welding electrode reaches 5,000 degrees Celsius. This exceeds the melting point of all existing metals. When using a gas torch, a flame is formed due to the combustion of a mixture of flammable gas (hydrogen, propane, gasoline, butane, benzene, kerosene) and oxygen. This type of welding is usually used when replacing radiators and pipes in residential premises, due to the absence of sparks during the operation.

While working, it is very important for welders to observe safety measures and use special masks with tinted glass to protect their face and eyes. This mask significantly suppresses the brightness of flames and sparks.

Types of welders:

  • welders on press welding machines;
  • welders on diffuse welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on electron beam welding installations;
  • electric and gas welders.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of occupational health and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry.

Personal qualities

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movements of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • hard work;
  • perseverance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high demand in the labor market;
  • fairly high salaries for experienced welders.


  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitudes or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • heavy load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, electric arc (the appearance of the disease electroophthalmia);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).

Place of work

Almost all industries require welding work, for example, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, agriculture, and the oil refining industry.

Main places of work for welders:

  • construction sites;
  • auto repair shops;
  • industrial plants, factories;
  • organizations providing communications media.

Salary and career

There is a shortage of technical specialists in Russia, so the salary of a first-class welder can exceed the income of a middle manager. Young specialists receive about 20,000 rubles, the salary of experienced high-level workers (the sixth highest category, assigned to highly qualified specialists) averages from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles monthly. But, as with other professions, the amount of a welder’s salary depends on the place of work, experience, hard work and desire to constantly improve their skills. So the lowest salary for specialists is in the housing and communal services sector, and the highest in the oil and gas industry.

Typically, college graduates do not have to look for a job for a long time. Welders without experience are accepted into private service organizations and housing and communal services. With the acquisition of experience, young specialists are already entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites.

Salary as of 03/31/2020

Russia 25000—130000 ₽

Moscow 35000—100000 ₽


Welding education can be obtained at vocational schools or colleges. The training lasts three years on the basis of 9th grade and 2 years on the basis of 11th grade in the specialties “welder of electric welding and gas welding works” and “operator of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.”

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Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, handouts.

Event goals:

  • formation of an idea about the development of the welding process, about further prospects for the development of metal welding technology,
  • development of students’ cognitive interest, logical thinking through systematization of facts, observation, cognitive activity, ability to draw conclusions, speech development,
  • development of communication competencies.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative.

Forms: frontal, group.

Progress of the event


  1. Greetings
  2. Motivation


He's wearing blue overalls
And in blue glasses,
He's blue lightning
Holds in hands.
She looks like she's alive:
Mobile, strong.
Look how furiously she fights!
Now she’s silent,
Has gone quiet
Curled up in a ball
And the welder touched her
And lightning flashed
The gold of the stars
Like a firebird
Spread her tail!

(Slide No. 1-4)

Board design: sayings about welding, about the profession “Welder”, proverbs about metals. (Annex 1)

It is safe to say that welding today is one of the foundations of human development. The work of a welder is almost an art. An experienced craftsman, like a sculptor, creates products of complex shapes from metal: from a water supply system to restoring the geometry of a car body. (Cartoon about a welder)

And, of course, a logical question arises: When did welding appear? When did people learn to connect refractory materials together? Maybe 50-100 years ago? Or is this one of humanity's newest discoveries? Let's try to understand this issue and consider the history of the development of welding. (Slide No. 5-7)

Messages from students:

Message No. 1 The history of the “Welder” profession began with the discovery by Russian academician Vasily Petrov in 1802 of the effect of an electric arc that arose between two carbon rods when current passed through them. Thanks to the very high temperature of the arc, it became possible to melt metals. Welding was carried out with a direct current electric arc burning between a carbon electrode and the metal, using filler wire. This welding method N.N. Bernados called it “electrohephaestus” after the ancient Greek god of blacksmithing. In 1888, Russian engineer N.G. Slavyanov improved the method of manual arc welding, replacing the carbon electrode with a metal one.

Message No. 2 The method of permanently connecting parts has been known since ancient times. People red-hot the edges of metal rods and connected them into one whole with hammer blows. This welding method is still well known today under the name forge welding. It is believed that the word “welding” comes from the name of the Slavic god of blacksmithing, Svarog. In ancient Rus', ring-shaped jewelry was welded, they knew how to weld glass bracelets, and in the 16th century, guns were made by welding from individual rings forged from iron.

Message No. 3 The technological process of welding developed in the Middle Ages. An example of this is the huge Dol Ghryeth cannon, created in 1382. The cannon was a forged pipe that was reinforced with external metal hoops attached to it using forge welding. This method of making artillery pieces was used all over the world. The largest examples of such guns were made in the 16th century in India. The weight of the guns was more than 50 tons, and the total length was more than 9 meters.

Message No. 4 The method of producing solid metal structures by welding and soldering has come to us since ancient times. Proof of this is gold jewelry with tin soldering that was found during excavations in the Egyptian pyramids and lead water pipes with a transverse soldered seam that were found during excavations in the Italian city of Pompeii.

Message No. 5 Most ancient buildings included a powerful supporting structure made of stone, and wooden beams were used as beams and crossbars. However, in some cases, when creating particularly large structures, units that worked in tension were needed. To create them, metal anchors were used, made by forge welding or forging. In Venice, the arcades of the Doge's Palace were supported by steel anchors, and this was not just an architectural excess, but a necessity. Most Renaissance buildings contained steel welded joints for load-bearing structures. This was the beginning of the use of welding as a mandatory process in the creation of various structures.

It would seem that what could be interesting in such a completely earthly and ordinary process as welding metals? And yet, you will be surprised to learn how many interesting facts are known about metals, alloys and welding. (Slide No. 8-10)

Message No. 6 Did you know that the highest temperature for welding is 5000°C? Such monstrous heating is necessary for melting steels with a high level of heat resistance.

Welding is a long and painstaking task. An example of this is the colossal statue of the Motherland in Kyiv, the creation of which required more than 30 kilometers of welding seams. The total weight of the statue is 450 tons, consisting entirely of all-welded metal!

Today in Russia there is a statue dedicated to the welder, and this is not surprising considering that the first welding shop appeared in Perm back in 1883. In those distant times, an electric arc and a consumable electrode were already used to work on the connection or separation of two metal plates.

Speaking of colossal welded structures, one cannot fail to mention the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. This metal monster, as the Parisians themselves spoke unflatteringly about it in 1889, consists of 9441 tons and approximately 18038 parts of magnificent wrought iron. The height of the tower is 324 meters, so at the time of its installation the Eiffel Tower was rightfully considered the tallest building in the world.

Another curious fact, not only from the point of view of working with metals, but also from the point of view of medicine, is that you should never look at welding. Probably everyone, as a child, heard warnings from adults: “Don’t look at welding, otherwise you will go blind.” And indeed it is. However, it is not visible light or sparks that cause damage to the eyes, but ultraviolet rays. They have a destructive effect on the retina of the eyes. So if you look at welding for a long time, you can actually get burned and partially or even completely lose your vision. Therefore, for safety reasons, never look at the welding process unless your eyes are protected by a special construction mask screen!

Technical professions are often considered uncreative, monotonous and boring. We don't agree with this! There is a place for art in technical professions! Just look at the monuments dedicated to welders. They are not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Germany and Finland. (Slide No. 11-22)

Many outstanding scientists were involved in the development of welding technologies. (Slide No. 23-28)

Welding is necessary both in everyday life and in such complex work as the creation of spacecraft for launching satellites, ships, probes and other objects both in orbit and to distant stars. To make all this possible, special welding methods are used. For example, it is known that unoxidized metals and alloys in outer space begin to stick together.

Message #7: Welding underwater. During the war, the use of underwater welding became a necessity. This method was used to repair underwater parts of bridges and ships, and welding in the open sea was used in emergency and rescue operations. In 1931, at the Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers under the leadership of Academician K.K. For the first time in the world, arc welding was carried out under water. For this purpose, special electrodes were made. However, back in 1856 L.I. Shpakovsky was the first to conduct an experiment on melting copper electrodes immersed in water with an arc. On the advice of D.A. Lachinov, who received an underwater arc, N.N. Benardos in 1887. Performed underwater cutting of metal. It took 45 years for the first honey mushroom to receive scientific substantiation and turn into a method. The technique used by a diver-welder to make welded joints under water is more complex than in air. This is due to poor visibility in the water, cramped conditions, heavy and inconvenient diving equipment for movement, the need for additional costs to overcome the current, the possibility of disrupting the stability of the welder on the ground, and the inability of the human body to work at great depths. In this regard, defects are often observed in welded joints: lack of penetration of one of the edges, undercuts, sagging, pores, etc. (Slide No. 29)

Post #8: Welding in space. And on October 16, 1969, an electric arc burst into space for the first time. For the first time, welding in space was carried out on the Soyuz-6 spacecraft by cosmonauts Georgy Stepanovich Shonin and Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov. S.P. Back in 1965, Korolev expressed the idea of ​​the need to carry out welding and cutting work in space. It was necessary to master these processes for practical purposes, but at the same time it was not yet known to what extent the welding process in space differs from the same process on Earth. This question was what the astronauts had to resolve.

It was known that the main difference between space conditions and terrestrial conditions was, of course, first of all, weightlessness, as well as a wide temperature range at which the welded product could be located, and deep vacuum with a practically unlimited rate of diffusion of gases from the welding zone.

Of course, the possibilities of welding in space are limited: the spacesuit gets in the way, and in addition, the safety requirements when carrying out welding work are much higher.

(Slide number 30)

Demonstration of films “Underwater Welding”, “Friction Welding”.

The use of iron goes back many centuries, but the real invasion of iron into technology occurred at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Speaking of iron, it is worth noting that it is one of the most common elements not only on Earth, but also in the Universe. (Slide No. 31-44)

Message #9: Using Iron

In 1818, the first iron ship, the Vulcan, was launched. Four years later, in 1822, the first iron steamship, also created in England, began plying between London and Paris.

The first railway was put into operation in England in 1825, and in Russia the first railway Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo began operating in 1837.

Iron for the manufacture of metal structures until the 17th century. was produced in Russia in small quantities using a handicraft method. In 1698, by decree of Peter I, the first state metallurgical plant was founded in Nevyansk, marking the beginning of industrial metallurgy.

Iron elements of building structures in the form of fasteners to accommodate the thrust of stone vaults began to be used in the 12th-14th centuries. (Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, XII century).

In the 17th century The first load-bearing iron structures appear in the form of dome frames (Ivan the Great Bell Tower in Moscow, 1600) and iron rafters (the ceiling of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow, the ceiling over the refectory of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad).

In the 18th century The process of cast iron casting for construction purposes was mastered and cast iron load-bearing structures were introduced. The first cast iron bridge in Russia was built in 1784 in the park of Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg, 5 years after the construction of the world's first cast iron bridge across the river. Severn in England.

A welder is a responsible, almost virtuosic profession; a lot depends on the quality of his work - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment. By the way, the welding profession is one of the ten most in-demand professions on the labor market. There will always be a demand for this specialty.

Currently in Russia there are several levels of welder training.

The 3-4 rank of welder is assigned after graduating from a vocational college or completing courses. This level implies knowledge about the basic types of welding, high-quality performance of the simplest types of welding. As a rule, welders of 3-4 categories are professionals in the field of manual and arc welding.

The 5th category of welder allows you to carry out welding work on complex components and parts, and can also carry out welding of elements under pressure. In addition to manual and arc welding, the ability to weld under the influence of an electron beam is added. A master of this class is able to independently carry out work related to multi-position equipment, and can also offer services for welding vacuum-tight joints.

The 6th category of welder allows the welder to perform any type of work with gas and oil pipelines, independently cope with parts and welding work of any complexity. 6th category is a guarantee of the highest class of professionalism and skill.

There are welders who are convinced that in business practice is everything, theory is nothing. But if you do do something, you need to know What do, For what do and How do.


The work is done on checkered pieces of paper.

  1. On the board there are symbols: ? Yes; ? No; - Don't know
  2. The teacher reads the following statements. Students either agree or not. If they don’t know the correct answer, draw the corresponding sign (horizontal line)
  3. The students have a drawing on their pieces of paper: (Appendix 2)
  4. The highest temperature during welding is 1 thousand °C (no) 5000 °C
  5. The first welding shop appeared in Perm back in 1883 (yes)
  6. The height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters, so at the time of its installation the tower was rightfully considered the tallest building in the world (9441 tons and approximately 18,038 wrought iron parts) (yes)
  7. Aluminum is one of the most common elements not only on Earth, but also in the Universe (no) (iron)
  8. If you look at welding for too long, you can really get burned and partially or even completely lose your vision (yes) (mask)
  9. 3-4 rank welder allows you to carry out welding work under water (no)
  10. Luka Ivanovich Borchaninov – worker, one of the first welders in Russia (yes)
  11. Evgeny Oskarovich Paton is an outstanding Soviet engineer and scientist in the field of welding and bridge construction. Made a significant contribution to increasing the production of T-34 tanks during the war (yes)
  12. Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov - Soviet cosmonaut, the first in the world to carry out welding work in space (yes)
  13. The first railway was put into operation in England in 1996 (no) (in 1825, and in Russia St. Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo in 1837)


1. I was working at the event

  • Passive/active

2. With my work I

  • Satisfied/dissatisfied

3. The event seemed to me

  • Short/long

4. For the event I

  • Not tired / tired

5. My mood

  • Improved/worsened

6. The material was mine

  • Understandable / incomprehensible
  • Useful/unnecessary
  • Interesting/boring
  • Light/Heavy

There comes a time when a person is faced with choosing the profession in which he will work in the future. Whether you are just starting to work after graduating from school or technical school, or there is a need for retraining, you want to learn as much as possible about the field of study you are interested in and the upcoming work. This article examines the profession of a welder: what does he do, in what areas is his work needed, how to train for it and what is required for this?

Employee functions and areas of activity

The profession of a welder is a responsible and serious activity. People are accustomed to the fact that the importance of work depends on the use of intellectual work, computer technology and other attributes of management positions, office workers and scientific specialists. In reality, it turns out that all this means nothing without the labor of people working with their hands.

The welder profession is involved in many areas of production and construction. Often people who own private houses and summer cottages are interested in the services of this specialist. Welders are involved in the construction of multi-storey and private houses, improvement of sports and playgrounds, gardening work, in the factory production process, in the manufacture of specialized devices, machines, equipment and even furniture, in automobile service and other areas of life and work of society.

What do you need for work?

The profession of a welder is not that difficult to obtain. You can learn it in 2-3 years at schools that provide educational services at an average professional level. At the same time, in your last year you can already work and earn money.

The job requires physical health, endurance, and good eyesight. In addition, spatial awareness and technical thinking are required. Since work can be carried out in different conditions, including at height, stability and a developed vestibular apparatus are required.

There are also certain health requirements. It is not recommended to choose this profession if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders of the respiratory tract, as well as diseases of the bones and joints. Such work will only aggravate the disease and cause exacerbations.

Programs for the profession of welder

You can study for this profession at colleges, vocational schools and technical schools. Welder is a profession whose training takes 2 years based on 11 classes of a secondary school or 3 years based on 9 classes. Names of areas of study:

  • electric and gas welding welder;
  • adjuster of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.

In the third year, students go on practical training before passing the final certification. Many enterprises pay for this work and then hire them for official work.

The welding profession has standards on which the rank received depends. There are six of them, by the way. Accordingly, the higher the rank, the more experience and skills the employee has, the more in demand he is and the more he claims to be paid.

Any welder, regardless of category, method of work and type of equipment, must know the following:

  • electrical engineering, technologies for melting various metals;
  • chemical and physical properties of gases;
  • features, principle of operation and design of the equipment and units used in the work;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • safety regulations.

Varieties within the profession

Welders can work with different equipment under different conditions. Based on this, there are several types of welding work, each of which requires specialized skills and knowledge:

  • welding using a pressing machine;
  • welding on diffuse welding installations;
  • electric welding;
  • thermite welding;
  • electron beam welding;
  • combined electric and gas welding.

The most common specializations in the welding profession are electric welding and gas welding work.

Pros and cons of work

When choosing a profession, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the job. The following positive aspects can be highlighted in the work of a welder:

  • high demand, low competition for good jobs;
  • high wages;
  • the opportunity to work individually, fulfilling orders, independently adjusting your work schedule.

Naturally, there are also negative aspects in the work of a welder. Among them are the following:

  • heavy physical labor affecting human health;
  • work in difficult conditions - sometimes you have to work at significant heights or in adverse weather conditions;
  • a large number of occupational diseases associated with the respiratory tract and vision, which with age only worsen a person’s general well-being.

Where to work and what salary to expect?

The work of a welder today is in great demand and is highly paid. The shortage of good specialists becomes especially noticeable in the warm season. At this moment, field and garden work begins, people improve their own houses and plots. Welders who decide to work individually as entrepreneurs keep a record of clients a month in advance, or even more. At this moment, prices for their services rise sharply. People are interested in their work, they are willing to pay more if only a competent specialist would do everything quickly and efficiently. Welding gates, wickets, construction of private houses, cottages, outbuildings, gazebos, garages - all this is within the competence of welders in the summer. At this point, the price of even the simplest work can rise to tens of thousands of rubles.

Welders are always in demand at factories, ports, oil depots and other commercial, municipal and government structures. Now this profession seems unpromising and unfashionable to young people. They choose a less paid profession, but at the same time more prestigious. Therefore, there is always a great demand for good welders with good salary offers. On average, the salary of a welder at an average plant in Russia ranges from 60 to 120 thousand rubles per month.

A welder is a working specialty that is directly related to the production of a variety of metal products. Despite such tasks, the profession can never be viewed one-sidedly. If you go beyond the set boundaries, you can be convinced that there are truly many opportunities for the manifestation of knowledge and amazing potential.

Regardless of the purpose and level of complexity of the planned work, the welder must successfully perform his work tasks, because it depends on him how successfully the planned work activity will be carried out. In this regard, any errors in work are impossible. Otherwise, serious risks arise, which, in the worst case scenario, can even cost the health and lives of people around.

Responsibilities of a welder

What job responsibilities are typical for welders?

  1. Manufacturing and further production of metal products of high quality.
  2. Work based on the developed technical preparation plan for welding work.
  3. Planning work events. Focus on deadlines and volumes is mandatory.
  4. Analysis of technology for carrying out welding activities.
  5. Compliance with the welding regime, as well as labor safety standards.
  6. Preparation of orders for manufactured products and materials for welding work.
  7. Maintaining documentation and accounting.
  8. Organization of work in order to increase labor productivity.
  9. Participation in research activities. The primary objective of this job responsibility is to improve technology or methods of the proposed work.

Advantages of being a welder

  • High level of demand in the modern labor market.
  • Optimal salary levels for experienced welders. Recently, there has been a serious shortage of specialists in the labor market, so even college graduates have a chance of employment in large enterprises with a further income of 500 - 600 dollars. Experienced, high-level workers can increase their income to $1,000. At the same time, the level of wages always depends on the place of employment, so you can get different money for similar orders. A certain pattern should be noted: the lowest payment is always characteristic of the housing and communal services sector, the highest - for the oil and gas sector.
  • Decent career opportunities with higher education are expected. Each specialist receives decent opportunities for his professional development. In addition, the heights achieved depend only on the welder himself.

Disadvantages of being a welder

  • Work activity almost always involves difficult conditions. Specialists have to work in extreme conditions. Moreover, you have to agree to work at a significant altitude or in contact with adverse meteorological factors.
  • . In this case, the negative influence of high brightness of infrared, as well as ultraviolet radiation, and an electric arc is assumed. Many welders face the risk of developing the disease electroophthalmia.
  • Appears increased risk of occupational diseases, which are caused by a whole complex of negative factors during production activities: bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis, silicosis.

Myths of the welder profession

When planning to work as a welder, it is extremely important to know not only the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen direction, but also to take into account certain myths. Only if the only correct opinion regarding the chosen specialization is formed, will it be possible to understand whether it is necessary to obtain the corresponding profession or not.

  1. Welding is a low-paid profession. This myth is one of the most common. It appeared taking into account the fact that all blue-collar professions must require a minimum level of income. Despite the current opinion regarding the low level of pay, the situation is completely different: a welder can earn up to $1,000 a month under favorable conditions. The active development of industry and production allows us to count on a decent level of income.
  2. Welder is a male-only profession. However, about 4% of welders are women. Moreover, this figure increases every year. More and more representatives of the fair sex note that welding can be a hobby. In addition, women can be winners of artistic welding competitions.
  3. Lack of jobs or vacant niches. The need for welders cannot be measured in specific numbers, but in any case, employment opportunities remain.
  4. Welding is a monotonous and boring profession. The work includes not only sparks and splashes of metal. The welder must have knowledge of materials science, physics, electricity and guarantee the correctness of processes in the metal under the influence of heat and pressure. In addition, welding is divided into numerous methods, each of which requires a special approach.
  5. Lack of career growth is another common myth. Improving skills and acquiring special certificates can open up the desired prospects. As a result, you can win a management position.

Welding is a technological, working specialty, but at the same time it offers amazing opportunities for development in professional activities and achieving the best results in a career.