Nadezhda is a beautiful female name, whose representatives have a strong character and determination. Due to the connection of the name with the common lexicon in Russia, it was not used until the beginning of the 18th century. The attitude towards him changed with the accession to the Russian throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. At first, it was in demand among representatives of the nobility, and only at the beginning of the 19th century - among all classes. The name's popularity peaked in the 1920s-1960s. During this period, it ranked 8th in the ranking of popular female names. In modern Russia, parents often call their daughters that.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    There is an official version of the history of the origin of the name. The female name Hope has Greek roots. It is a translation of the name Elpis. That was the name of one of the three sisters of the martyrs who lived in Rome in the 2nd century. The meaning of the name is "hope". It contains one of the main virtues of Christianity - the hope in our Savior, the Lord God.

    Name forms: Nadya, Nadya, Nadyusha, Nadyunya.

    Name days and patron saints

    Name days according to the church calendar are celebrated four times a year: March 14 and 20, September 30, October 21.

    Saint patronesses of the name:

    • Nadezhda Rimskaya, veneration day - September 30.
    • Nadezhda Kruglova (March 20).
    • Nadezhda Azhgerevich (October 21).
    • Nadezhda Abbakumova (March 14).

    Often, the heavenly patroness of girls with the name Nadezhda is chosen to be the holy Nadezhda of Rome, the middle daughter of the pious Christian widow Sophia, who raised her daughters in love for God. Nadezhda was executed along with her young sisters Vera and Lyubov during the persecution of Christians in Rome.

    The icon depicting the holy martyr strengthens the will of a person, gives him confidence, helps him achieve success in life and protects him from dangers.

    Nadezhda Rimskaya, martyr, maiden

    Signs and symbols

    Lucky signs, symbols and patrons of the name are presented in the table:

    Sign, talisman or symbol Interpretation and decoding
    Ruler planet - SaturnSaturn symbolizes justice and wisdom. The patronage of the planet gives a person such character traits as honesty, perseverance and constancy. Thanks to these qualities, he manages to show himself well at work and successfully cope with a leadership position. The negative aspects of the personality that can harm a person if he cannot overcome them: self-interest, vindictiveness, prudence
    Talisman stones - coral, opal, agateCoral has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, enhances his intuition and awakens the imagination. Opal helps its owner achieve the desired goal and attracts love into his life. Opal jewelry is recommended for people who are not afraid of change and strive to change for the better. Agate symbolizes longevity and sexuality. Agate talisman fights evil, protects from damage and the evil eye
    Name number - fiveFive people are freedom-loving individuals who are attracted by the unknown. They are inquisitive and naturally have a good imagination, so they are attracted to creative professions. Fives are emotional. Sometimes they experience doubts that deprive them of the meaning of life and faith in themselves. To achieve success, they need to pacify their emotionality and learn to listen to the opinions of loved ones.
    Colors - orange, brown and grayOrange color characterizes bright and positive people who are able to find positive moments in any situation. People with "brown" names are good-natured, sympathetic and hardworking, but their explosive nature often leads to irreparable consequences. They must learn to control their emotions in order to avoid making serious mistakes in life. Gray is the color of incredulity and duality of nature. People with "gray" names try to hide from everyone in order to avoid betrayal. They only let the closest people into their circle.
    Wood - mapleMaple symbolizes self-sufficiency and well-being, and is also the personification of strong and sincere marital love. Maple talismans and amulets protect a person from the envy of ill-wishers, help him find peace of mind and give him self-confidence
    Metal - bronzeBronze symbolizes fortitude, masculinity and fearlessness. Metal strengthens self-confidence, creates a positive attitude, attracts success and material well-being, and also helps to overcome mental anxieties and cope with severe stress.

    The nature and fate of Nadezhda

    As a child, the girl has an unpredictable character. She constantly surprises her parents and never lets them get bored. Sometimes she is a capricious and overly emotional child. By such behavior, she wants to attract the attention of adults, so that they take care of her. The girl has a strong attachment to her parents, especially to her father. She sees her protector in him, so she shares her most secret secrets with him.

    Hope is a brave adventurer. She loves noisy companies and enjoys playing with her peers in the yard. The guys take into their company a cheerful girl who loves adventure and is not afraid to break the established rules.

    At school, she is the leader in her class, as she has a bright personality and independent character. Hope does not allow anyone to offend herself and is always ready to rebuff offenders. Studying is not the strongest side of the girl, as she is restless and too stubborn. It is difficult for her to concentrate on any one lesson, so she does the homework received at school under the guidance of adults. With age, she will be able to instill discipline and independence in herself, but this will take a lot of effort.

    The secret of the name lies in the dual nature of its owner. She is gentle and affectionate with close people, but if they refuse her something, she immediately demonstrates her stubbornness and independence. It can be difficult for others to get used to sudden changes in her mood, so a girl must learn to control her emotions.

    Nadezhda is an honest person with a strong character. She does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, she always fights for justice and never refuses people in trouble. Some consider her a cold woman, but in fact she is not. She is sociable and cheerful, but she demonstrates this side of her nature only in front of close relatives and friends. Over the years, the character of Nadezhda becomes softer. A woman learns to be more tolerant of others and to treat their shortcomings with understanding.

    Hope Feature:


    Description of the character of Nadezhda, depending on the time of year in which she was born:

    Season Characteristic
    WinterA girl born in winter loves loneliness, therefore she avoids others and prefers to spend time away from noisy companies. Such behavior is caused by her incredulity. She is trying to protect herself from betrayal and betrayal by loved ones. A person who can win the trust and respect of Nadezhda will acquire in her person a faithful and devoted friend.
    Spring"Spring" Hope is selfish and vain. She is accustomed to the fact that those around her unquestioningly obey her will, therefore she does not tolerate when they try to object or contradict her. Most of all in life, she loves herself, so she does not spare money to satisfy her needs and desires. She doesn't have many friends because it's hard for people to come to terms with her difficult character.
    SummerHope, born in summer, is sociable and cheerful. She charges those around her with her good mood. The flaw in her character is that she is not used to thinking about the future, so there is no stability in her life. If a girl wants to succeed in her profession and build a strong family, she should start making plans for the future and strive to implement them.
    Autumn"Autumn" Nadezhda is hardworking, responsible and disciplined. She is in complete control of her life and doesn't lose sight of anything. To find happiness, she must learn to relax and appreciate the small joys of life. The fate of the girl will turn out favorably if there is a person next to her who will help her achieve harmony with herself and the world around her.


    Nadezhda has a high immunity, so she is rarely bothered by health problems. As a child, she easily tolerates infectious and viral diseases and almost never complains of feeling unwell.

    Love for sports and an active lifestyle help the girl maintain a high vitality, as well as maintain an attractive figure.

    Interests and hobbies

    Nadezhda is a very active girl, so her parents help her channel her energy in a positive direction. Since childhood, she has been fond of sports, dancing, drawing and singing. She devotes her free time to watching movies and reading books. She likes to retire in silence and do her own thing. Loneliness does not depress her, she draws inspiration from it. Relatives should respect her personal space and not try to violate it.

    The girl is inquisitive, so she loves traveling, exciting excursions and hiking. He prefers to spend his holidays with his family at sea or in the mountains. If Nadezhda has her own summer cottage, she will devote a lot of time to it, as she likes to work outdoors next to picturesque nature.

    Love and family

    Nadezhda is a beautiful feminine girl who is always surrounded by fans. Her romances with men, as a rule, end quickly, because she is disappointed in her chosen one. This happens due to the fact that she is poorly versed in people and cannot immediately understand whether the guy is right for her.

    In relationships, she is conservative, so without love, sexual intimacy is forbidden for her. She will never go to bed with a man with whom she is connected only by passion. She will give all her tenderness to a sensitive and caring guy who managed to win her heart.

    Nadezhda is in no hurry to part with freedom and independence, therefore she enters into marriage at a conscious age. In her future husband, she is looking for such qualities of character as poise, reliability and fidelity. The husband should become for her a reliable support and support in life. In marriage, Nadezhda gains self-confidence and loses her former incontinence and suspicion. She is a wonderful mother and wife who gives herself completely to her family and children.

    Favorable compatibility with:

    • Alexander;
    • Valery;
    • Vyacheslav;
    • Denis;
    • Nikita;
    • Pavel;
    • Fedor.

    Least likely to have a strong relationship with:

    • Anatoly;
    • Boris;
    • Dmitry;
    • Constantine;
    • Roman;
    • Stepan.

    Profession and career

    Nadezhda has many talents and skills, so she can easily cope with almost any job. Money for her is only a tool to achieve goals, therefore, when choosing a profession, the amount of wages does not play a major role. It is more important for her to be able to develop her potential and constantly improve her professional skills. She can succeed in the profession of a teacher, administrator, lawyer, journalist, confectioner. She is especially good at doing work related to communicating with people.

    Thanks to her determination and ambition, Nadezhda is respected by her superiors and is quickly moving up the career ladder.

    A woman manages finances well and has leadership qualities, so she can successfully do business. But starting her own business requires a lot of time and effort, which Nadezhda is not ready to sacrifice to the detriment of her family.

    Famous people

    Famous representatives of the name:

    • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Bogdanova is a famous ballerina whose talent was highly appreciated not only in Russia but also abroad. In Paris, Berlin, Naples, Warsaw and other major European cities, her tour was a huge success. Her repertoire included Giselle, Esmeralda, Gazelda, Debutante, Katarina, Meteora and other roles.
    • Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan - scout and nurse of partisan detachments operating in the Minsk region during the Great Patriotic War. She participated in operations to blow up bridges, attack enemy carts, and took part in battles more than once. In 1943, for her courage and heroism in the fight against the German invaders, she was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Nadezhda Nikitichna Kadysheva - Soviet and Russian singer, soloist of the Golden Ring ensemble, People's Artist of Russia and Mordovia. The creative heritage of the singer includes more than twenty studio albums. Nadezhda Kadysheva performs hits that have received people's love and vocation: “A stream flows”, “A wide river”, “Rain is crying”, “Give me a birch” and many others.

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At birth, parents give each child a name based on their tastes, family traditions, and country of residence. But sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice among such a variety. And if you are expecting the birth of a girl, then this article will tell you everything about the secret of the name Nadezhda and its meaning. Perhaps, after reading, you will finally decide and find a solution to this difficult issue.

All Christians revere the great martyr sisters, whose names are Faith, Hope, Love. They embody the three main Christian virtues. The name Nadezhda is an old Russian translation from the Greek of the name Elpis, which means faith in a beautiful future. Although the original translation sounded like Nadezha, and it was this ancient form that was first entrenched among the Slavs, and then transformed into the one we are used to.

Therefore, despite the Greek roots, it is believed that Nadezhda is of Russian, Slavic origin, and its meaning is the expectation of something good, kind, joyful.

Names have been transformed throughout their existence. Different forms have appeared, some of which have become widely known, and some exist only in certain territories or within the family. Hope, of course, is no exception.

The shortened form is most often Nadia, less often Nada. Derivatives include Nadia, Nadia, Nadena, Nadina, Dina. Name

Nadezhda is written in Latin letters as Nadezda, according to generally accepted transliteration standards, but there are other options: Nadezhda, Nadejda, Nadegda, Nadyezhda, Nadyejda, Nadyezda, Nadyegda, Nadjezhda, Nadjejda, Nadjezda, Nadjegda.

Important! Nadezhda is a particularly revered church name in Orthodoxy without any changes.

As for declensions, it is inclined strictly according to the rules of the Russian language.

  • Them. case (Who? What?) - Hope;
  • Genus. case (Whom? What?) - Hope;
  • Date case (To whom? To what?) - Hope;
  • Vin. case (Whom? What?) - Hope;
  • Tv. case (Who? What?) - Hope;
  • Etc. case (About whom? About what?) - about Hope.

It should be noted that the short name Nadia is declined, as is the full form of the name.

And, of course, there are many caressing forms - Nadezhdushka, Nadya, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadyushenka. And these are just the most famous of them. Surely there are other options invented by someone for their loved one.

Every year on September 30, all Orthodox believers celebrate the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. Nadezhda's name day coincides with this date according to the church calendar. The name days of Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia are celebrated for 3 whole days, while believers praise the morality and wisdom inherent in these women. They say that babies born on these days have chastity, easily create home comfort, and bring prosperity.
In the old days, birthday girls on the day of the angel were given amulets, icons depicting holy martyrs and all sorts of goodies. And in response to birthday gifts, the happy owners of the name baked pies and served them to the donors.

Did you know?According to research by American psychologists, it is easier for people with beautiful and expressive names to go through life. They are more willing to be invited to work, raise wages and make interesting offers. This effect can be compared with an attractive appearance: whatever one may say, but it has an impact on the quality of life. That is why such a choice is a very responsible step for parents, because it affects the future fate of the child.

Let's find out how the analogues of the name Hope sound in different languages ​​​​of the world.

There is an analogue in the Ukrainian language, which, like Russian, belongs to the Slavic group of languages. It sounds like “Nadiya”, with an emphasis on “and” (Ukrainian Nadiya)”.

Due to the fact that Faith, Love and the rest are saints who are revered by the Roman Catholic Church, there are semantic analogues in some languages ​​of Western Europe.
For example, Hope in English is written as Hope, it reads Hope, in Greek the analogue is Elpida, in Spanish - Esperanza, in Italian - Speranza, in German - Nadja or Nadia, in French - Nadine (read as Nadine), in Polish - Nadzieja, in Chinese - 娜杰日达 (in jo zhi yes), in Japanese - 望美 (Nozomi).

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

This name is quite common and in history you can find many people named by it, so you may be interested to know how it affects life and destiny.

  • Let's start with perhaps Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel (1868-1913) - an outstanding opera and chamber singer. She studied at the conservatory in St. Petersburg, but began her career in Kyiv, at the Opera Theatre. I. Ya. Setova. After that, she performed in many cities and her popularity only increased. Everywhere where she gave concerts, her beautiful, crystal-clear and charming voice was praised for a long time. Her husband, Vrubel, sewed her dresses of incredible beauty, in which many artists of that time captured her. Her portraits are rightfully in the treasury of Russian art. Throughout her life, she had to endure many losses and losses. She lost her relatives, her son, who did not live to be three years old, and her husband was very ill, but nevertheless she did not lose courage, she was brave, proud, and did not lose her positive outlook on life.

  • Nadezhda Andreevna Durova (1783-1866) - "cavalry girl" and writer. She became the first woman in the Russian army with the rank of officer. She was incredibly brave, courageous, took part in many battles on a par with men, despite the fact that her own family was against it. And Durova owes her writing career to Pushkin, who, having read her first works, encouraged her to further work on her works.

Did you know? It turns out that not only the finger is ringless. In the United States, an unusual case occurred in which the parents, after the birth of the child, did not come to an agreement and decided that he would then choose his own name. But he, already being an adult, did not choose him and forever remained with only one surname - Geytvoord.

  • (1775-1836) - mother of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. She had a rather quick-tempered and stubborn character, which was often the cause of discord in the house. Alexandra loved her eldest son less than the other children, but after a while her eyes were opened and shortly before her death she realized how wrong she was. Pushkin often visited his parents, and when his mother passed away, Pushkin himself arranged the funeral ceremony and wished to be buried next to his mother. After Pushkin's death, the poet's friend A.N. Vulf said that mother and son became much closer after death than they were during their lifetime.

  • (1869-1939) - not only the wife of V. I. Lenin, but also a revolutionary, an activist in public life. She was shy, modest, preferred solitude and did not know how to dress beautifully. She loved children very much, although she herself could not have them. She had a hard life, because her husband, Lenin, had a mistress, her husband's relatives did not recognize her, and no one in the party considered her either, especially after her husband's death. Despite this, she always defended her opinion and wanted to be reckoned with. She was friendly to her husband's mistress and even loved her children as if they were her own.

  • Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova (1848-1919) - Russian pianist, musicologist and composer, was the wife of the famous composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Her husband called her an extraordinary woman, and she herself considered herself unworthy of him. She was accustomed to live modestly from childhood and continued to behave like that all her life. They had many children; Korsakova was an excellent mother and gave them a lot of time, despite her strong desire to make music. She did not know how to lie and directly told her husband if she did not like something in his work. Because of this, quarrels and resentments sometimes arose, but in which family this does not happen. Rimskaya-Korsakova lived a long and happy life, which she devoted to her children, husband and music. She survived her husband by 11 years and died of smallpox at the age of 70.
  • (1884-1940) - a talented singer who performed songs of Russian peoples. She was born into a peasant family, but from childhood she was drawn to the stage. Her voice fascinated many, she was invited to different countries and cities, she gained great fame as a "singer in exile." She had many affairs with men, and with her last husband she became a Soviet intelligence officer. But, unfortunately, fate treated them cruelly: her husband, Nikolai Skoblin, died under unclear circumstances in Spain, and she was sentenced for cooperation with the USSR and sent to a women's prison in the city of Rennes in France, where she died, forgotten by everyone. .

  • - a famous singer, soloist in the ensemble "Golden Ring". As a child, she was a very mischievous and active child, as a memory she even had a scar on her forehead from one of her falls. The family was not very rich, besides, the mother died and the father soon married another woman. After that, the Kadysheva sisters went to work at the factory, and later she joined them. It was hard, but Kadysheva did not give up and dreamed of going to Moscow to show everyone her talents. Soon she succeeded and in her student years she had great success. There she met her future husband, who, after graduation, unexpectedly proposed marriage to her. It was her husband who founded the Golden Ring ensemble, with which they gave tours abroad, and then in their native land.

  • Hope Troyan (1921-2011) - intelligence officer of the USSR, nurse in the "Storm" partisan detachment, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She was a brave and courageous woman, during the war she took part in battles and military operations more than once. After the war, she graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute, was a member of many Soviet societies and unions. Her son is an excellent physician Alexei Vasilievich Koroteev, to whom she transferred all her knowledge and passion for this hard work.
  • - a singer, talentedly manages her song group, which performs folk songs, has the title of People's Artist of Russia. As a child, Babkina was a rather restless child, often crying. Her mother later said that she "sang" like that. From childhood, she wanted to show herself, but her parents were categorically against it and wanted their daughter to become a doctor or an engineer. But Babkina was stubborn and turned for help to one of her relatives, who at that time worked as a conductor at a music school. The girl's idea was a success and soon she became a student. Later, she entered the Musical Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. She gained popularity together with the Russian Song ensemble, which she herself founded.

  • Hope Shvets - Russian artist, has the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, is the chief artist of the Opera and Ballet Theater. N. Lysenko in Kharkov. She was born in Krasnodar in a family of doctors, but did not follow in the footsteps of her parents. She always wanted to create, so she graduated from the art school in Taganrog, where her family moved, and then the State Institute of Painting in St. Petersburg. Shvets has an incredible imagination and sense of style, which helps her in her work as a production designer. She has many concerts and stage images to her credit, and the famous French choreographer Maurice Bejart called her costumes brilliant at one of the exhibitions in Kyiv.

As you can see, the name Nadezhda fully justifies its meaning, because the character of a woman named in this way is distinguished by faith in a bright future and great talent. And let your child not be particularly popular, but this name will inspire him and you to do something good for the world around him.

The most important character traits of girls and women with such names are activity, determination, determination and patience. They are often considered cold and insensitive, but this is not at all the case. They are capable of showing feelings and compassion for others, they just don’t show it outwardly.
From an early age, Nadezhda has a sense of beauty, is artistic and musical. She will copy the sounds around her and give imaginary concerts. By the way, it is for this reason that they often begin to speak faster than other children.

An adult woman likes to participate in disputes and discussions, if they lend themselves to a logical explanation. She is very emotional, but at the same time, if necessary, she acquires an almost masculine prudence and firmness.

Thoughts of a wonderful future never leave these women, and they will always strive for it. Usually they achieve what they want, despite all the setbacks that come their way. Nadezhda is usually very attractive in appearance and the meaning of her name, as if by magic, inspires many fans to express their feelings in writing poems and paintings.

As for negative character traits, she can be too stubborn and serious when focused on some business. Often she may think too much about her work or life, subjecting it to scrutiny. And the more she analyzes, the more she becomes dissatisfied with some little things, so she cannot figure out the most important problem.
From a young age, the girl loves to host on her territory, so conflicts with brothers, sisters or peers may arise. But all this is decided by the right upbringing on the part of the parents.

Important! For a girl, it is best to make a separate room, where no one will interfere with her to play a dominant role. But you should not encourage such behavior all the time, you need to constantly remind the child that he will not always be able to decide everything on his own.

In addition to the meaning of the name, we will tell you about the characteristics of Hope according to the laws of astrology.

  • The sign of the zodiac is Libra.
  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • The corresponding color is orange.
  • Auspicious tree - maple.
  • The plant is calendula.
  • Animal - hedgehog.
  • Talisman stone - coral.

Character - as we mentioned above, women with this name are characterized by a certain inconsistency of character, therefore it is important for them to put their character traits in equal proportions on the scales and then they will find harmony in body and soul.

In the name, the interpretation of its letters also matters, so let's see what other qualities are characteristic of a girl named Nadezhda.

  • H . Carefulness in the choice of friends and acquaintances, honesty and diligence.
  • A . This letter gives its owner leadership qualities, a constant desire for self-improvement. Such people are sure to achieve success in the field they have chosen.
  • D . They often make mistakes but fail to admit them. Sometimes they can be impulsive and not prudent enough. Romantic and charming natures, not closed in on themselves.
  • E . Independence from other people's opinions often leads to the fact that there are very few friends. At the same time, they are always open and sociable, sometimes even being too intrusive. This is how they express themselves. Behind this mask of openness and ingenuity lies a deep understanding of things and aspiration to achieve the goal.
  • AND . This letter gives its owner excellent artistic qualities and an unusual inner world. Sentimental, romantic and honest, but can sometimes be petty and picky if they don't like something.

This concludes our article. We gave a complete description of the name Nadezhda, explained in detail its meaning, examined analogues in other peoples of the world, and also briefly examined the lives of people with the same name. We hope that you were interested and soon you will decide on a name for your unborn child.

Meaning and origin: this name came to Rus' with Orthodoxy and, unlike most other names, became widespread in literal translation. "Everything will be fine" is its ultimate meaning.

Energy and Karma: in the name Hope a huge charge of patience and expectation of something good. In terms of its sound energy, it has sufficient hardness and solidity, which is largely preserved even in diminutive forms of the name - Nadya, Nadya, Nadya, and so on. And what attractive images are associated with it? Eg, Hope Zima, (co-author of this article), during her life managed to listen to a line from the song “ Hope- my earthly compass ”and it is not surprising that for some time now this role of someone else’s compass has managed to get sick of her. So there are costs here as well.

Secrets of communication: often Nadina's patience and kindness make her character very convenient for communication and living together. It is almost impossible to force her to do anything, but she is often powerless against a good request. Nevertheless, if, yielding to requests, it will give up its interests for too long, then sooner or later a grandiose explosion is inevitable.

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: brown, steel.
  • Talisman stone: opal, amber, agate.

The meaning of the name Hope option 2

Borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, where it appeared as a translation from the Greek Elpis - hope. The old Russian form of the name is Nadezha. Often the only child in the family. Emotional, somewhat stubborn, musically gifted, loves dancing, noisy children's games, fun.

A schoolgirl adheres to the company of girls, strives to be a leader.

Hope most often has a masculine character. She is quite self-possessed, firm, purposeful and not very affectionate. Somewhat prudent, adventurous.

Hopes have stormy romances, but after marriage and the birth of a child, they settle down, more order and organization appear in their lives.

Married Hope retains her inherent emotionality, but becomes much more restrained in the manifestation of feelings. She keeps many spiritual impulses within herself, does not chat, as before, for hours with her girlfriends, her sociability and gaiety take on a moderate character. It follows the clear principle "business - time, fun - hour." To match her husband, usually a restrained and collected person. Hope he leads, but does it skillfully and unobtrusively. It’s good if altruism was developed in little Nadia at one time, otherwise she will grow up so that she will try to benefit from everything and will think mainly about herself.

Labor is the element of Hope. If she has a small plot of land, she will provide vegetables for the whole family. Nadezhda's children grow up well-mannered, they are restrained in spending, they know the value of a penny, they recognize the authority of their mother.

Marriage with Alexander, Vitaly, Timofey, Bogdan, Yegor is likely to be happy, failure may await her with Ivan, Vladimir, Anatoly, Fedor or Felix.

The meaning of the name Hope option 3

Hope(old glory)

Often the only child in the family. Emotional, somewhat stubborn, prudent and adventurous. He loves music, singing, dancing, noisy children's games.

Schoolgirl prefers the company of girls, among whom he rules. He studies "excellent" and "good", attends all kinds of circles: from acrobatic to cutting and sewing. In little Nadia, it is necessary to constantly develop altruism, otherwise she will grow up selfish and will try to benefit from everything.

In her youth, stormy romances are possible, but after marriage and the birth of a child, more order and organization appear in her life.

Getting older Hope retains the high emotionality inherent in si, but acquires restraint in the manifestation of feelings. He keeps many spiritual impulses in himself. It follows a clear principle: "Time for work, hour for fun." To match her husband, usually a calm, collected person. She leads him, but she does it so skillfully that he does not notice anything.

Labor is the element of Hope. If there is a small plot of land, then it will provide the whole family with a harvest from it. Her children grow up well-mannered, they will know the value of a penny, recognize the authority of their mother.

prone to bronchitis.

"Winter" Hope laconic.

"Autumn" - obsessed with work. This is a nurse, pediatrician, veterinarian. The name is suitable for patronymics: Vasilievna, Petrovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Grigorievna, Naumovna.

"Summer" - balanced, easy-going, in a hurry to help anyone.

“Spring” is somewhat selfish, devotes a lot of time to herself and her appearance, selfish. She will make an actress, stewardess, artist. The name is suitable for patronymics: Svyatoslavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Andreevna, Kondratyevna, Emilyevna, Martynovna, Mironovna.

The meaning of the name Hope option 4

Gentle, affectionate, very hardworking, feminine, intriguers. They love to gossip about a husband with a lover, about a lover with another lover.

In appearance, pious, clean, charming women. In fact, they only think about how to capture the heart of another victim. They love a variety of sex. At least once in their lives they stay with a woman, try a drug, marry a “millionaire”. They are impeccably masters of the art of transformation. Despite his adventurous nature, Hope early marries, gives birth to children, settles down.

The meaning of the name Hope option 5

Hope- from glory, hope, other Russian. form - Hope.

Derivatives: Nadezhdushka, Nadya, Nadya, Nadena, Nadya, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadyura, Nadya, Nadina, Dina, Dinusya, Nadisha.


Hope surprisingly contradictory, and it is almost impossible to predict her reaction to this or that event, this or that person. On the one hand, practical, prudent, Hope he calculates the situation from “a” to “z”, before deciding on a certain act, on the other hand, his nature is passionate, generous, generous. Truly - "ice and fire." In Nadezhda's personal life, as a rule, her purely feminine sensitivity prevails, she often has "wet eyes", she is full of emotions, craves thrills, and even in her youth is able to embark on adventures. Over the years, becoming a mother, Hope he puts his whole soul into children, lives exclusively by their interests, limiting himself in everything, if only they feel good. In the professional field Hope quite different: this is a clearly thinking, cold, purposeful person. She is not devoid of ambition, will not allow herself to remain in the shadows, so she usually has no equal at work, Hope and outwardly looks better, more spectacular than others: that's what impeccable taste and skillful hands mean.

The meaning of the name Hope option 6

HOPE - hope (old Slav.).

Name day: September 30 - Holy Martyr Hope, together with the sisters Vera and Lyubov, after suffering for the faith of Christ, were beheaded before the eyes of their mother (137).

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • Orange color.
  • Auspicious tree - maple.
  • Treasured plant - calendula.
  • The patron of the name is a hedgehog.
  • Talisman stone - coral.

Character. The character of Nadezhda inexplicably combines almost masculine firmness, prudence, commercialism, the ability to accurately analyze, purposefulness, cold secrecy - and increased emotionality, passion, generosity, generosity, the ability to take everything to heart, constant readiness for tears and a penchant for adventures. Man of moods. From this combination of incompatible behavior, Nadezhda is often unpredictable, despite the fact that it is impossible to find a more reliable and responsible person. In general, work is her element. She is ahead of her rivals in any business, no matter what she undertakes. She always looks spectacular, her taste is exquisite and very skillful hands. Like no one else, he has the ability to live the life of his children. Having matured, they shamelessly use it, because Hope absolutely unable to say "no" to the one she really loves. Meaning of the name Hope option 7

Hope has a masculine character. She is strong and determined. Emotional, but not affectionate. Hope selfish, in any situation remembers his own benefit, will not miss anything. A divorce from Nadezhda can take place only if the spouse leaves her everything acquired.

She will achieve this at any cost, even if the court decides in favor of her husband. Providing a service to another person Hope He will try to take advantage of this for himself.

Trade, medicine, the service sector are the most suitable occupations for Nadezhda, based on her abilities, and most importantly, her character.

You can congratulate your family and friends on holidays, happy birthday, anniversary and other memorable dates!

The beautiful name Hope is fraught with action, and only forward, to spite all deaths. It comes from the ancient Greek name of one of the martyr sisters Elpis and means "hope". The secret of the name lies in its direct meaning. It became very popular in Ancient Rus', mainly among the nobility.

Name astrology

  • Libra
  • Ruler Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Coral
  • Orange color
  • Wood: maple
  • plant: calendula
  • Animal: hedgehog
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The meaning of the name Nadezhda leaves its mark on the temperament of its representative. She successfully combines the masculine and feminine, and this is her uniqueness. The girl always knows what she wants and stubbornly achieves it. Possessing an almost masculine character, with his inherent firmness, prudence, the ability to analyze the situation, she is very emotional, sensual and generous. She is characterized by harmony with herself, activity and patience.

As a child, Nadya is vulnerable, often her eyes are “in a wet place”, but the girl is not used to complaining, she skillfully keeps a lot in herself. Among peers - the soul of the company, she has many friends, she is a cheerful and sympathetic child. Often is the only child in the family, and this can be fraught with selfishness. Parents need to be careful in their love for their daughter and instill in her from an early age disinterestedness towards her neighbor.

Hope is often categorical towards itself and towards others. Excessive stubbornness is not always good for her. Everything that happens around it is subjected to logical analysis. Appreciates his independence, especially in adolescence.

The characteristics of the name Nadezhda are somewhat different depending on the time of year when the girl was born. Born in winter, somewhat closed and silent. Spring - prudent through measure, but always neat, charming and attractive. Summer loves traveling, she is open to people, always calm and reserved. And the autumn bearer of the name is an incredible workaholic, truth-seeker. Responsible for all assignments.

Interests and hobbies

Nadezhda enjoys participating in various circles thanks to her natural talent and diligence. She does not differ in a special zeal for studying at school, but an actress or a singer turns out to be "famous" from her. She likes to be in the center of attention, she loves noisy games and fun fun. The girl is very active, mobile, enjoys music, dancing, sings well.

Profession and business

Nadezhda is distinguished among her colleagues by her great perseverance and diligence. Any business you start is always completed. She is not distracted by idle chatter, everything has its time. An ambitious woman requires attention and recognition from her superiors, therefore she performs any work entrusted to her conscientiously and with enthusiasm. The adult owner of the name can achieve significant professional success in music, acting, in the literary field, in pedagogy, and medicine.

In business, Hope can succeed thanks to her innate intuition. She knows how to earn and properly invest her savings. Very economical in expenses, successfully manages the household.


She is often in good health. But because of the careless attitude towards him, the bronchi and the digestive system can become a weak point.

Sex and love

Hope is a very passionate and sensual nature. He has impeccable taste, always takes care of himself, is easily carried away by men, but just as quickly and is disappointed. For the sake of love, ready for a lot. Loves a variety of sex. In her youth, she often has stormy romances, but after marriage, order and organization come into her life.

Family and marriage

Usually marriage enters early and mostly for love, but this union is not always strong. Nadezhda is used to leading, so her man should be calm, with a gentle character. She skillfully manages it, in a feminine way, very tactfully. Marriage and family occupy a large niche in her life. The representative of the name is an excellent hostess and a caring wife. Her children grow up well-mannered, appreciate work, and their mother is a great example for them.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Hope.

What does the name Hope mean?

The name Hope means - hope (glor.)

The meaning of the name Hope is character and destiny

A woman named Nadezhda is distinguished by a strong character, strong will, good endurance. Emotional, but keeps all spiritual impulses within itself. Restrained, does not chat for hours with her friends, although moderately sociable and cheerful. She has clearly mastered the principle of "business - time, fun - hour" and firmly adheres to it. In relationships with men, a woman named Nadezhda is very serious - if she falls in love, then deeply and for a long time. Before marriage, she experiences novels with violent passions, disappointments and new hopes, but in marriage she is occupied only by the family. Nadezhda is rarely gentle and affectionate, but she is always attentive and helpful to her husband. In her youth, she is humorous and cheerful, after marriage she becomes sedate and moderate in the manifestation of feelings, and even as a husband she seeks to choose a serious person, with a developed sense of duty, reliable, who can be easily controlled. Hope is stingy and selfish. So, if she marries a widower, then his children should know in advance that they will not receive a crumb from their father's inheritance. Hope will skillfully arrange so that her husband will give everything only to her, completely forgetting about the children from his first marriage. Remorse of conscience never tormented her. But a woman named Nadezhda takes care of her children like an eagle. He lives only for them, for their sake he is ready even for unseemly deeds. It is difficult to recognize the true nature of this woman, she is secretive and shows it only if there is no other way out.

The meaning of the name Hope for sex

Her man will be the one who can penetrate into her inner world and really understand her. Nadezhda is sentimental, likes to remember closeness with a partner, to restore details in her memory. Often a woman named Nadezhda feels very lonely, especially if she is defeated sexually. Hope gains confidence when dealing with a timid, doubting partner. She is excited by the process of overcoming her partner's complexes. "December" Nadezhda, under favorable conditions, can be an excellent mistress. She is emotional and impulsive in sex, but prefers to control herself and her partner. In intimate life, Nadezhda is an altruist, she thinks more often about the satisfaction of her partner than about her own. The lack of discharge negatively affects her health, she becomes prone to nervous breakdowns and depression.

The nature and fate of the name Nadezhda, taking into account the patronymic

Name Nadezhda and patronymic ....

Nadezhda Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna cunning, smart, practical. She has a high opinion of herself, she is inclined to teach everyone, give advice, impose her opinion. Unceremoniously interferes in the lives of loved ones, likes to gossip. I tend to see only flaws in people. Self-serving, knows how to extract personal benefit from everything. At first glance, Nadezhda is sympathetic, full of good intentions, but she won’t lift a finger if she knows in advance that she will not receive any benefit for herself. And if someone helps, then you can be sure: he has a decent commission. However, she has many good qualities: she is a wonderful, diligent hostess, an unusually devoted wife and mother. The interests of her husband may be in the background for Nadezhda, but she will do everything so that he does not have a desire to leave his family. For the sake of children, she is ready for any sacrifice. It is difficult for her to get married; if he cannot win a man in the first minutes of acquaintance, then later it is no longer possible. Men are usually afraid of such women. Nadezhda is not too temperamental and appreciates platonic relationships more than intimate ones. She is able to love selflessly, but first she must be convinced of the feelings of her partner. She has sons.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic ....

Nadezhda Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna quick-tempered and often irritable even for no apparent reason. All her actions and decisions depend on her changeable mood. He likes to argue, he always insists on his own. Powerful, trying to lead everyone. Such Hope is quite temperamental and sexy, which attracts representatives of the strong half of humanity, but she fails to keep their attention for a long time, her obsession frightens and repels them. It is worth such Nadezhda at least once to visit a close intimate relationship with a man, as his phone will be torn from calls. She will find an opportunity to find out everything about him, get tired of him both at home and at work. And if, God forbid, he is married, he will interfere in his personal life, spoil it and achieve victory. After marriage, Nadezhda calms down, acquires sedateness, becomes more balanced, but she will never get rid of the desire to lead everyone, irritating both her husband and children. Her first marriage can be unsuccessful only if her husband drinks heavily. In other cases, Nadezhda will do her best to save her family, she will never decide on a divorce, because she is very afraid of loneliness. By old age it becomes stingy, grouchy, unbearable. Her daughters are born.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic ....

Nadezhda Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna too energetic and excitable. Doesn't know how to manage his emotions, alarmist. Busy, noisy. Idealist and visionary. Living next to her is not easy, she is obsessive, demanding, domineering. Curious, loves gossip, the first to know all the news. At the same time, she is charming, has good external data, which attracts the attention of men. Nadezhda with such middle names easily marries, and, as a rule, successfully. She is cheerful, funny and witty. And often men believe that all women have its shortcomings, this is an invariable female attribute. And they are quite happy with her: such Nadia knows how to make friends and love, she is a faithful wife, a caring mother. She never forgets her parents, knows how to establish warm relations with her mother-in-law, and is always friendly. In housekeeping, she is stingy and stingy, but her practicality and enterprise are enough for everyone, if only her household members had time to complete all her tasks and assignments. Thanks to the efforts of Nadezhda, there is prosperity in the family, the children receive a good education, the spouse achieves success in the professional field. Often, she herself manages to make a good career. Her sons grow up educated, diligent, able to provide for themselves. Hope for them is an undeniable authority.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic ....

Nadezhda Antonovna, Artemovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna stubborn and stubborn. Very talented and loves art. Cheerful, cheerful, the soul of any noisy company. Sociable, cannot live without friends. Artistic, cunning, resourceful, adventurous. With great ingenuity, he removes rivals from the road. She loves herself very much, and everything she does for others turns out to be a benefit for her. However, not at all envious. It is very popular with men, especially with those who are completely opposite in character to her. He tries to marry a man who has made a successful career in science or art far from commerce. She can do business well on her own. Married quite happily. Such Hope completely protects family members from household chores, takes care of all the worries. Children of different sexes are born to her, but more often sons. She is engaged in raising children herself and from childhood instills in them a sense of respect for a woman. Her children grow up to be real men, an example of consent and calmness in the relationship of parents greatly influence their personal life.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic ....

Nadezhda Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Arnoldovna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna rewarded with a complex character. In addition to increased emotionality, irascibility, incontinence, she is also selfish, domineering, capricious, uncompromising. She's hard to please. It is difficult to get married because of the high demands and high requirements for men. Strives to find a husband who already has or promises to make a rapid career, has a high material wealth, a good position in society. Men are drawn to her, as Nadezhda is sexy and temperamental. Before marriage, one stormy romance is replaced by another, passions are burning, but not a single lover can be sure that Nadezhda cherishes him, does not know how strong her feelings are. She keeps them in constant tension and ignorance, which is especially intriguing for thrill-seekers. As a rule, such Nadezhda manages to successfully marry and create a friendly, strong family. Her sons are always organized, disciplined, good helpers to the mother.

Numerology Of The Name Hope

Don't share your secrets with people.

After all, you do not know which of them is mean.

How do you yourself deal with God's creation,

Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Omar Khayyam

The meaning of the name Hope: The name is borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, in which it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek name Elpis (“hope”). The old Russian form of the name is Nadezha.

Days of commemoration: 30.09, 04.02, 14.03.

Personality. Embodiment of hope.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda spelled:

H - selectivity of sympathies;

A - industriousness;

D - commitment, discipline;

E - patronage of heaven, Zeus;

Zh - aestheticism, pedantry;

D - repetition, strengthening the properties of the letter: diplomacy, tact, sense of duty;

A is a repeat.

What does the name Nadezhda mean in numerology:

HOPE = 6156851 = 5 (Jupiter).

The purpose of the life of a person with the name Hope is determined by the planet of happiness, wealth, good luck in big undertakings. Lord of gods and people.

What does the name Hope mean in astrology:

6-1 (Venus - Sun) - optimism, honesty, strong feelings, but also whims, inappropriate generosity;

1-5 (Sun - Jupiter) - an exaggerated opinion of oneself, selfishness, indiscipline, the need to develop patience;

5-6 (Jupiter - Venus) - aestheticism, generosity, friendliness, popularity, good luck in money;

6-8 (Venus - Uranus) - love at first sight, change of mood, obsession with situations of the same type;

8-5 (Uranus - Jupiter) - a huge circle of friends, acquaintances, hospitality; this is the line of the White Magician; life in the present for the sake of the future, occult abilities.

Karmic lessons named after Hope:

2 (Moon) - you need to learn to play "in a team", not to stand apart, learn to make the right choices.

3 (Mars) - pronounced self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes inappropriate seriousness; You have to learn to control your mood.

4 (Mercury) - chaos in public affairs, confusion in plans, lack of method;

7 (Saturn) - lack of will and patience necessary to realize their best qualities.

9 (Neptune) - it is necessary to use the huge potential of the individual to serve society.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda, taking into account analysis

Nadezhda is kind, merciful, hospitable, can achieve (and is achieving) success in such areas as pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, medicine, linguistics. Can become a white magician.

Its disadvantage is that it thinks little about itself, about its capabilities, in order to develop and improve them. She does not know how to work with cash flows, the banking, economic sphere is not for her. Amorous. Often it is love at first sight, and even more so from the second! By nature, an esthete, sometimes capricious, ambitious.

In sex, boring, pragmatic, mundane. Marriages often fail. Children are brought up reverently. In general, this name seems to carry a "code of bad luck." Usually this is reflected in personal life. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Nikolai, Andrey, Alexander, Anton, Kirill, Dmitry, Ivan, Igor, Evgeny, Fedor, Oleg.