Children from disadvantaged backgrounds must be wondering What do you do if your parents are beating you? Who to contact for children who are beaten by their parents or relatives?

What should a child do? Where to hide? What to do if parents beat? First of all, you need to find yourself an ally. If the father offends, you should talk to your mother, ask her for protection and help. But if in response you hear calls to be patient, because there is nowhere to go, nothing to live on, etc., then you need to know where to turn for help. Otherwise, the worst can happen. The situation is more serious, if the parents protect each other, then they are together. Contact other relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents of your friends - they will tell you what to do if your parents beat you.

They can also help you over the phone. In Russia, there is a single "helpline" for children 8-800-200-01-22, which can be called both from a mobile phone and from a landline. You don't have to pay for the call and you don't have to give your name. A social worker or a psychologist will talk to you, who will not only explain, but also tell you the addresses of crisis centers where you can leave your parents for a while.

If you are already an adult and your parents beat you, act on your own - contact the police, guardianship authorities, the prosecutor's office. And if you are over 14 years old, you have the right to write a statement to the court. But in this case, evidence is needed - show your bruises to the doctor at the emergency room, and they will give you a certificate. Or ask witnesses, if there were any, to testify.

In the guardianship authorities, write a detailed statement about how your parents beat you. An application can be written to the police or the prosecutor's office if you do not know where the guardianship department is located in your city. If you do not want to return home, write in the application to be sent to a crisis center. But you need to make such a statement only if your parents really beat you, and not just to avenge them for some kind of offense.

According to your application, the guardianship authorities will start working together with the police. First, your parents will have a conversation with a psychologist and a local police officer, who will tell them about the possible consequences for parents who beat their children. If the situation does not change, the guardianship authorities may file a claim for restriction or deprivation of parental rights. You will be taken away from your parents and assigned to the guardianship of relatives, to a foster family, to an orphanage. But all rights to a part of your apartment will remain with you, and upon reaching the age of 18, you can dispose of it at your discretion.

If only one of the parents raised a hand against you, he alone can be evicted from the apartment. Parents who beat their children can be prosecuted. The trial will take a long time, and during this time you will be able to settle in a crisis center, where they provide assistance to children who find themselves in a difficult situation.

If you have already left home because you can no longer endure beatings and are afraid of your parents, there are orphanages and help services in Moscow where you will definitely be helped:

- "The Road to Home" - an orphanage located on the street. Profsoyuznaya, 27, building 4;
- "Children's Help Service" at Shokalsky Ave., 61, building 1.

Now you know, what to do if parents beat- be sure to ask for help.

The family, motherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state, this provision is reflected in the Main Law of the country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is the responsibility of parents to protect the rights and legitimate interests of their children. Legal representatives are not entitled to harm the mental and physical health of minor children.

Physical abuse against a child is one of the types of abuse, along with mental abuse and assault on sexual integrity.

What to do and where to turn if a child is beaten in the family?

IMPORTANT: If your neighbors beat children or in a family of acquaintances, parents or stepfather beat a child, then in such a situation you should immediately apply with a statement to the police or guardianship and guardianship authorities at the actual location of the child.

Employees of the social service and law enforcement agencies will, as soon as possible, check on the appeal and, if it is confirmed that the child was beaten, they will take measures to remove him from the family and bring the parents to justice.

Also, you can contact the helpline of law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office and organizations that are subjects of social prevention. Such institutions include social hotels, territorial centers Family, crisis centers for minors and adolescents.

In order to prevent violence in families and protect the rights of minors, there is an all-Russian "hot line" for children - 8 800 2000 122 . A child can call her from any phone.

Responsibility for beating children

The criminal legislation of the Russian Federation provides for liability for cruelty to children. According to, Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Parents or persons replacing them for non-fulfillment of parental duties, when it is combined with physical violence against a child, face one of the alternative penalties:

  • large fine;
  • correctional work;
  • compulsory work;
  • forced labor;
  • imprisonment for up to three years.

For employees of educational and medical institutions, additional punishment is provided in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities and hold a certain position.

IMPORTANT: When inflicting bodily harm on a child, in addition to Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, other articles of the Criminal Code are applied to a person who has committed a crime: Articles 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 119 or clause “d” part 2 of Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with these norms, liability arises, both for intentional infliction of harm, and through negligence. The law distinguishes 3 degrees of harm to health: serious harm, moderate and light. BUT Article 116 of the Criminal Code liability is provided for repeated blows or other violent acts that did not entail even a slight health disorder.

According to Article 65 of the RF IC, one of the grounds for deprivation of parental rights is child abuse.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in the article could be outdated! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

The parents beat the child. What should a teacher do?

The situation is commented on by school psychologists

Every teacher's day is full of events, emotions, disappointments and surprises. Among this motley heap of events, there are those that cling and disturb, do not let go because of their insolubility. For example, when you become a witness to the harsh treatment of parents with their child. Teachers rarely discuss such cases. Probably because they know that there is no constructive way out. However, sometimes the question is so haunting that you want to hear at least the opinion of colleagues. As in the letter that came recently to the newspaper.

“One of the most, perhaps, the most difficult questions in my entire pedagogical life is the inability to decide to what extent I can oppose my position as a parent.
There was a boy in my class who was severely punished by his father. Simply put, beat. Not rashly or out of drunkenness, but "for educational purposes." He came to pick up his son from school, saw traces of some kind of offense (for example, Alyoshka turned out to be hot and sweaty in the first days after a long illness) and said in a completely calm iron voice: “You were told not to run. Get ready. At home you will be punished." I had a feeling that they would beat me ...
Since attempts to indirectly or directly talk about the inadmissibility of this failed - they made it clear to me that it was not my business, parents were responsible for upbringing - I could only cover up the boy with lies. To questions about success and progress in the program, I always cheerfully answered that “everything is fine”, there are no problems. And Alyoshka himself constantly heard this miserable lie of mine, although today he made more mistakes than usual, and he came sleepy, and on a walk he and his friend dipped someone in the snow ... But - everything is fine. He certainly understood why. And honestly tried to make me have to lie less. He was such an adult, serious, although small.
And the rest of the guys, by the way, heard it too. When children are taken apart by parents, someone is always spinning under their feet. But I explained to them in many situations that I hate to lie - this is humiliating and disgusting.
I have to say, that's how I felt every time. And she couldn't find a way out. I still don't know how to do it right. And at that time, and in other situations. When the parents humiliated the child in the presence of strangers. When a mother, turned on religion, forced her teenage daughter to keep a strict fast (one day you can’t even drink). And the girl has sick kidneys, and at the age of thirteen she wants to eat all the time, and the whole class goes to the dining room together.
Or is this not correct at all? When your values ​​and methods are fundamentally at odds with your parents, no matter what you do, everything is not good.
Opposing, actively opposing oneself to parents - no, it is not good. Why drag the child in different directions, tear it to the quick. Actually, it's their child. One side. On the other hand, he is not property, after all, he is not a serf.
To reconcile and pretend that nothing is happening is also impossible.
Elena Grigorieva, teacher"

"Try to get your parents to talk"

The mismatch between parent and teacher is a rather complex problem. When it comes to physical punishment, it is necessary to address not only the psychological aspect of disagreement between the requirements for the child and the methods of education on the part of teachers and parents, there are social and legal aspects. However, let's dwell on the psychological aspect of the stated situation.
The first moment - the parent beats the child.
The second point is that the teacher covers up the child's mistakes in order to save him from punishment. At the same time, he experiences internal discomfort.
Considering the first point of this situation, let us ask the question: why does a parent beat his child? The more we think about it, the more versions we will find. On the surface are the following assumptions:
- he does not know other methods, he was also brought up that way;
– feeling not very successful, the parent tries to compensate for this feeling at the expense of the child (“Be successful, I will be proud of you, relieve the stress of my own failures”);
- again, an unsatisfied sense of power, which is not realized in social life, begins to appear very distortedly in relationships with the child;
- the accumulated tension, irritation make themselves felt in relations with the child (he is the most defenseless).
To protect a small child, it is necessary first of all to work with parents.
Most likely, it is useless to tell a parent who hits a child “this is not a method” or to explain to him that he hits from a sense of his own powerlessness, insecurity and anxiety. It is better to activate the parents themselves in their statements about the methods of education. You can discuss the following questions at a meeting with your parents: “Do you think a bullied, downtrodden child can be successful?”, “What methods of upbringing did I remember from my childhood and why?” Yes, in general, you can speculate on the topic “Do happy people beat their children?”. A parent should not be at school in the role of a student who is being complained about (“You don’t bring up like that”). Teacher lectures against him can only exacerbate unpleasant school memories that will provoke negative feelings about the child. Therefore, the parent is only an equal participant in the discussion.
You can also ask him about his attitude to different methods of education, just ask, and not say the right words about the inadmissibility of punishment. When a person is asked, he begins to at least think about the question, and it is hoped that the appearance of thoughts will affect his behavior.
The third moment is the “white lie” of the teacher and her experience of this lie. The teacher would have experienced the same feelings, and perhaps stronger ones, if, speaking the truth, she then imagined scenes of punishment. People who are not indifferent face such internal conflicts. We can say that in this situation, she saves the child as best she can. And the feeling of impotence is due to the fact that the behavior of the teacher can be called "passive saving." Maybe it will be easier for the teacher if he discusses with the child - and if he is a teenager, then this is simply necessary - the situation that has arisen. He will talk as with an equal participant in an unpleasant situation. The fact is that along with gratitude to the teacher for "silence", the child can begin to use this behavior of the teacher. It is impossible to give a clear prescription for such conversations - it all depends on the characteristics of the parent's behavior.
I see a way out in the purposeful, systematic work of teachers, psychologists and parents to competently build relationships with children, even in a stressful time for us, even when there is discord in the family, at work, in the country.

Alla FOMINOVA, candidate of psychological sciences

“Consider if you are ready to take responsibility for yourself”

One of the most difficult situations for a teacher is to witness a parenting process that goes against his own values. At these moments, the internal dialogue (or, better, a polylogue) intensifies. Parts of the personality begin to argue and push for opposite actions.
One part requires intervening and protecting the child from punishment. Another demands to refrain from interfering, because this is not his son or daughter. As a result, the poor teacher is extremely confused and suffers in any case.
Allowed himself to intervene - he may be offended and / or his intervention may lead to an even worse result than inaction. I resisted - my conscience torments me for a long time: why didn’t I intervene.
A very difficult choice. In order to say something to parents in such a situation, one must have a very good idea of ​​the consequences of one's act. Intervening, we pretend to be a participant in the situation who is able to cope with it (sometimes we are provoked to do this on purpose, and often we get caught ...). However, hand on heart - are we able to act in such a way that it would be for the benefit of this family?
We see only the tip of the iceberg of family problems. Can we be sure that by intervening we are doing better for this parent-child pair? Do we ask ourselves the question: are we ready to work with the consequences of our intervention, to take on such responsibility?
No one argues, restraining emotional impulses is not easy. But also to allow ourselves to act under the influence of emotions, not taking responsibility for the consequences, believing that by definition we have improved the matter by the very fact of intervention, is a deep illusion.
This is the usual kind of self-deception: they did not restrain themselves, spoke out, intervened - and we justify ourselves: that's what kind of defender of justice I am. This brings no real benefit to anyone, only partial relief to ourselves at the moment of utterance.
In what cases should one say something to the parent who is doing the punishment? My opinion - although it may seem cruel - not until one of them asks us about it, parent or child.
And to be able to do all this without offensive, instructive intonations. After all, we have not been - and never will be - in the place of this adult, we do not know how he perceives the situation. And if a child applied, it is important not to fall into the temptation to become a better parent than his own (you are not going to adopt him?). Talk to him like an adult, sympathizing, but not humiliating with your sympathy, respecting his fate and believing in his ability to cope with circumstances, without fanaticism and unnecessary pathos. Hard work.

Galina MOROZOVA, candidate of psychological sciences

“Work with the child in such a way that parents change their attitude towards him”

Of course, it is important what kind of relationship the teacher has with his parents.
If the parents are determined to work together with the teacher about their problem child, the situation is relatively mild, although here, too, mutual misunderstanding may emerge from differences in values ​​and aspirations that have not been manifested for the time being.
The second plot is the initial distancing of parents from the teacher.
A possible teacher's strategy in this case is to work with the child's problems with a constant demonstration of results and progress to parents. Awareness, discovery by parents that something positive is happening with their son, daughter and the teacher has something to do with it, can soften relations, and parents will begin to “hear” the teacher not only about “working” situations.
Finally, the most difficult story: parents do not hide their negative, sometimes aggressive, attitude towards the teacher, and behind this lies a value confrontation.
For the teacher, there are two ways. A rarer, almost fantastic way: ideological dispute, discussion. This is possible if parents (and the teacher) are ready for such discussions. A more realistic way is to shift at least partially from one's responsibility, to share it with other employees: from the administration and psychologist to social authorities in case of a threat to the child's health.
Of course, these ideas are still abstract. You must not forget about the age of the student, you need to take into account the reaction of the class and all sorts of other circumstances.

Sergey POLYAKOV, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

A son or daughter told you with horror that a classmate often comes to school all beaten up by his parents. How can you, as a caring person, help someone else's child? Psychologists, teachers and lawyers answer

Adults beat children. Unfortunately, this happens. Do you know that a child is beaten and there is nothing you can do? You can. By ignoring evil, we ourselves become evil. That's why.

"Destroy" on your own? Forget!

Other parents of the class should not deal with aggressor parents on their own, says Alla Burlaka, head of the Children's Affairs Service of the Obolon Regional State Administration in Kyiv. If you find out that a student in a class may be experiencing domestic violence, then follow a clear algorithm:

“This can be a written message, including a collective letter or an oral appeal, to which the employees of the Service must respond urgently, within one working day,” explained Ilona Eleneva, director of the International Public Organization “Social Initiatives for Occupational Safety and Health” (LHSI).

The employees of the Center for Family and Women Affairs of the Desnyansky District of the capital are also convinced that the parents of children in any educational institution should not “deal with” the aggressor father or mother on their own. “The intervention of the parents of the class without the help of specialists will lead to aggravation and traumatization of all participants,” the Center warned. The specialists of the Service, headed by Alla Burlaka, listed the signs by which one can suspect that a child is experiencing abuse:

  • at primary school age: the child may try to hide the causes of injuries, be lonely, not make friends, be afraid to go home after school;

  • in adolescence: student may run away from home, attempt suicide, engage in antisocial behavior, use drugs or alcohol

The employees of the Service have different methods of influence - they can even take the child away from the family. But more often they try to do without this extreme. “We are talking to these parents. So that they have the opportunity to see their mistakes, to reconsider their attitude. We want them to understand that an aggressive approach will not lead to good things. And you need to change something in yourself. For the sake of the child, including,” says Alla Burlaka.

“It often happens that parents beat because they themselves do not know how to educate differently. It happens that the child has a complex or explosive character. Parents may, for various reasons, be at a loss, and begin to beat the child out of desperation. Therefore, parents need to be able to master a different model of behavior. The first step for them is the realization: "I don't want to do this, I want to stop." Maybe offer them anger management training or teach them how to control destructive emotions.” - Says Yulia Zavgorodnyaya, a psychologist at the Kyiv City Center for Social Services for the Family, Children and Youth.

"Stand on ceremony"? No, call the police!

Public censure does not achieve any benefit, Vladimir Spivakovsky, the founder of the Grand Lyceum, is convinced. He suggests immediately calling the police if suddenly it became known to adults that a schoolboy was being beaten in the family.

“In our time and in our society, moralizing is no longer in vogue ... “Call the father for a conversation”, “help the child”, “get into position” ... - all these are already the rudiments of the “scoop”, when such situations were sorted out at meetings, and those responsible were expelled from the party,” the president of the Grand corporation is sure. - In modern society, especially in the West, the issue is resolved quickly, without nerves and effectively. Beating is an act of disorderly conduct or a crime. And if so, then you need to call the police and draw up an act "

Is it traumatic?

Does this situation hurt other children in the class? It will if you do nothing! — said Inna Morozova. Inna says that it is important for parents to talk about how they can help their classmate - support, invite them to visit after school or take a walk together, try to talk with him.

Lawyer's opinion

According to UNICEF, 67% of Kazakhstani parents use violence in raising children, and 75% support corporal punishment. We spoke to three protagonists who have experienced domestic physical abuse over the years.

Valentina, 22 years old:

I always loved my father more, he never beat me. Mom has always been the main aggressor.

I remember all the cases, but one in particular. I was about 11 or 12 years old. I came home from school and immediately went to the shower, my mother was in a terrible mood that day. I knew that she would beat me because of the triple in mathematics and stood in the shower for a very long time. When I came out, she grabbed my hair, twisted it into a fist, and slammed me against the door. I fell, my nose bled.

I escaped and locked myself in the pantry, and my mother asked me to open it, promised that she would not beat me and apologized.

When I opened the door, she grabbed me again and dragged me into the hall, hitting my legs, back and head. I cried and begged her to stop, promised that I would not do it again, that I would try harder.

That day, for the first time, she called me a whore.

She beat me every time she was out of sorts, when I came in with a bad grade, when she quarreled with her dad or was offended by him. She said that we are very similar to him, that I am the same pig as he is. She probably did this because she suspected her father of cheating, and took out her anger on me.

I never talked about it and did not ask for help, I did not even tell my dad. Once I told my friend everything, but he just laughed and said that my mother is a wonderful woman and does everything to make me happy. I think this is due to the fact that we were a very wealthy family, and he believed that there were no problems in such families.

The first time I fought back was when I was 18 because I was no longer afraid of her.

That day, I bit her hand when she tried to grab my hair again. The beatings stopped immediately, but I realized that I would never be happy if I did not leave her. At the age of 20, I moved to another country, started living with my boyfriend and got married.

Now my relationship with my mother has improved, we communicate by phone. But when I visit her, I only think about when we fight, today or the next day.

I do not think about children yet, but I hope that I will become a good mother for them and will never cause them mental or physical pain. Although you never know about this in advance. It is unlikely that my mother dreamed of beating me when she gave birth. It seems to me that deep down she is ashamed.

Maria, 18 years old:

It started in elementary school, the first time I was beaten to bruises with a skipping rope. Various things, knives, forks and other utensils could be thrown at me.

I lived in fear, they even gave me a choice, asking what object I would like to be beaten with.

When I was beaten, I tried to scream with all my might so that the neighbors would hear and someone would come to the rescue, but it was useless.

However, I strived to be better in their eyes. She studied everything that could generate income, started working early to provide for herself and her interests.

When my father was furious, he tried to hurt me not only physically, but also mentally. Between blows, he screamed that I had betrayed him, that he would never trust me. I always patiently waited for him to get tired, it would be pointless to fight back.

My parents always said that I myself was to blame for everything, that I deserved more than I got and I should say “thank you” for mercy. That pleasure in their eyes scared me even more than the action.

The beatings stopped when I turned 17, after countless suicide attempts and threats from the school to terminate my parental rights.

I still live with them, pretend that everything is fine, and do not run into conflict. My therapist said that you don't have to love your parents. I don't like them, but I appreciate their financial contribution to me. I didn't get another one.

Due to physical and moral abuse, for a long time I was wary of people, I did not trust anyone. I was always waiting for an attack or a trick from people. Now I suffer from convulsions and hallucinations.

In the future, I don't want parents to touch my children. They will never approach them. Let them watch, for this they came up with video, video chats and Skype. My children do not learn about domestic violence through personal experience. I will definitely not follow in the footsteps of my parents.

I am ashamed that I do not know what a family is. I don't have a family model. Many of my peers are in relationships or getting married, and I'm running from it. I never asked my parents for more than they could give me, never asked for the impossible. I just wanted to be needed and loved.

Aitolkyn, 24 years old:

As a child, I lived quite peacefully, but when my adolescence began, my parents reacted very violently to the manifestations of my character.

When I was 13, my mother beat me for what she thought was a short skirt. In fact, she was just above the knee. She severely beat me for one and a half to two hours, while repeating that I was a prostitute. The reasons for the beatings were always different: she didn’t clean the house, the onion burned, she simply could not be in the mood.

She said that if she knew how I would grow up, she would have had an abortion, that it would be better for me to die.

Occasionally, two or three times in all the years, I was asked for forgiveness, but it was insincere, just to calm my conscience. At the same time, they told me that it was my own fault that I was beaten.

Objectively speaking, I was a good child. She studied well, didn’t go for walks, talked with good guys, didn’t use anything. I always got it because I had my own opinion.

When I was in school, I was beaten once or twice a month. The older I got, the less often I was beaten, but they did it more cruelly. Dad usually did not interfere, but sometimes he tried to stop. For the last couple of years I have been joining.

Previously, I did not resist, only endured and asked to stop. Naturally, no one listened to me. From the age of 19, I began to scream so that they would not come up to me, I defended myself with my hands. Once I even called the police because there was no one to protect me. For this, my parents kicked me out of the house and said that I was no longer their daughter.

The last time I was beaten was in the summer. After that, I left home, and when I returned, my mother asked for forgiveness. It didn't happen again. Now our relations are stable. If some kind of quarrel begins, then I just go to my place.

I am quite nervous by nature, many years of beatings and a terrible attitude towards me aggravated this.

Before, if people next to me just raised their hands, I covered my head with my hands - a reflex. I still shudder from any touch.

I am not confident in myself and constantly think that something is wrong with me, but I try not to dwell on it and move on with my life.

I know for sure that I will never beat my children. I don't want to continue this horror.

Zhibek Zholdasova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist-psychotherapist:

I have many patients who say they were abused as children. Usually adults come to me. If teenagers, then older, 17-18 years old. Children cannot go to a psychotherapist because they are constantly under the control of adults.

In school or kindergarten, such children are easy to identify. At any increase in voice, at any gesture or wave of the hand, they immediately curl up into a ball, want to hide, cover their heads with their hands. You can immediately understand that most likely this child is being beaten. Many of my patients who have experienced physical abuse behave this way into adulthood.

At the same time, if girls are emotional and sensitive, then sooner or later they will tell someone about what happened to them. Boys tend to hide it more. They generally go to psychologists and psychotherapists much less often. Most of my patients are women and girls.

It happens that violence has a very negative impact on the future life of people.

The pattern of behavior is fixed in childhood, and a person gets used to the fact that he is constantly beaten. Often he then finds himself the same abusive partner.

So girls marry men who also beat them.
When they grow up and become parents, they may start beating their children, thinking, “My father beat me, and I will beat you. How are you better than me?" The learned behavior pattern is so strong that it can be quite difficult to change it.

Therefore, we need to talk about it. Remind them that there are other ways to educate, that physical abuse is not the way out.

Perhaps in the life of these parents, not everything is safe. There is some kind of internal tension, a feeling of dissatisfaction, complexes, because of which the level of anger and aggression rises. And this aggression all the time needs to be poured out on someone.

Physical violence in the family occurs not because the child is bad, but because the parent himself has a psychological defect.

And teenagers who are physically abused need to contact a school psychologist, they have nowhere else to go. We need to categorically raise the level of school psychologists. Only a few school psychologists have some kind of technique to help them.

Zulfiya Baisakova, Director of the Crisis Center for Victims of Domestic Violence in Almaty:

According to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, minors cannot be placed in any state institutions without the permission of the court. In our crisis center for victims of domestic violence, parents are accommodated, that is, mothers with children.

The Crisis Center provides only correspondence counseling by phone. It must be understood that any work that is carried out with minors must be carried out with the permission of guardians or parents. This makes it difficult for minors to receive face-to-face consultations on many issues. Therefore, we advise teenagers on the 150 telephone, which is available around the clock and on an anonymous basis. All calls are free.

Unfortunately, we do not have a single program in Kazakhstan that would be aimed at reducing and managing the level of aggression, so we observe unreasonable aggression and inappropriate behavior on the part of many people. Non-governmental organizations and our crisis center are trying to develop bullying programs to teach people how to manage their emotions and not be violent towards anyone.

Parental violence against minors is a crime.

It is very important to identify it correctly, so we hold seminars so that specialists working with children can clearly identify physical, psychological, economic, sexual abuse both by external signs and by the level of anxiety and fear of children.

Socially-oriented work with family members is very poorly developed in Kazakhstan. Today, all work is built only on helping a victim of domestic violence, for example, a teenager, and little work is done with parents. They are held accountable, and that's where all the work ends.

The best way to help minors is to invite them to call the helpline 150, where psychological counselors can provide professional help.

All this happens anonymously and confidentially, which is very important for minors, because they are usually intimidated and do not know who to turn to. The next tool could be school psychologists, which should work in every school. How well they can work is another question.

After collecting the evidence base, parents are brought to administrative or criminal liability, depending on the degree of bodily injury. If the juvenile commission considers that it is necessary to deprive parental rights, custody of the child is transferred to state bodies, and then to individuals who can work in this direction.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, you can always call the 150 trust number where they can help you.