The village, surrounded by the Primorsky taiga, is called Tigrov for obvious reasons. Indigenous people remember the times when you walk down the street, and a tiger can walk parallel to you 10 meters away. Now such forays of the "founders" into the village practically do not occur. Tigers have been almost exterminated in 100 years, and today they are on the verge of survival. But bears walk here on the surrounding hills. In autumn, you can’t just get out into the taiga without a gun, you need to arm yourself and disguise yourself, like these hunters:

“From birth, these places are covered with various stories and legends, the central figure of which is the Amur tiger.

A hundred or more years ago, the natural habitat conditions for the animal were the most favorable. Herds of wild boars peacefully grazed under the crowns of cedars - the favorite food of the predator. Red deer, elk and roe deer often came here. The tiger did not attack local residents, sometimes only domestic animals suffered.

The remote settlement, chosen by the Old Believers and aboriginal Taz, soon began to be filled with settlers from Ukraine and Russia. And in the mid-thirties, entire streets were populated by Tatars. From the place lost in the taiga, it was decided to make a railway siding, and then a village.

This wooden suspension bridge over the river leads to the village:

The pride of the village is the Tigrov primary school. It was opened to replace the one that burned down in 2007. On the basis of this small school, the "Club of Tigers" was created, which united the intelligentsia, creative people of the village, active residents who work with children and youth. Every year on October 10, the school holds "Troynino Readings and the Day of the Tiger" in honor of the writer, ecologist, naturalist and resident of the village V. Troynin. "And this is the local symbol of Tigrovoye:

The inhabitants of Tigrovoe are extremely talented and creative. This is how they hung a clock on a tree ... Which shows the correct time twice a day:

Or they come up with all sorts of amusing crafts from garbage, and decorate their house with them:

And here are the tailed inhabitants. Cat Boris, in person:

Dogs know the locals by sight, and they are closely watching strangers. The main thing is not to make sudden movements:

There is also a grocery store here. True, the only one, recently built to replace the burnt one (in the village it is not customary to stand out, property can be burned down). By the way, in this store, as probably in all village ones, in order to buy something, you have to wait until the saleswoman talks enough on the phone.

And this is a local post office, located in an ordinary village house:

The residents themselves, in general, do not live badly, sometimes in such two-story houses, near which goats, cows, chickens and other animals graze:

And there is such beauty around, even in late autumn you want to stay surrounded by these hills forever:

Confessing love on this turquoise river:

Primorsky Krai is located in the south of the Far East. This region is located on the border with China and North Korea. Use a satellite map of Primorsky Krai to view its location, settlements, roads and other objects. Move around the territory by zooming in and find out where the main stations and airports in the region are.

The northern part of Primorye borders on the Khabarovsk Territory. These 2 regions are interconnected by road, rail and air. And in the south and east, as you can see on the map of Primorsky Krai with diagrams, its territory is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. The coastal zone is dotted with a large number of small bays, including such as:

  • Ussuri;
  • East;
  • shooter;
  • Posyet;
  • Amur.

The coastal area is mountainous. Cities and settlements, which are displayed by the map of Primorsky Krai with districts, are located in the lowlands. Primorye includes several large islands:

  • Popov;
  • Russian;
  • Askold;
  • Reinecke;
  • Putyatin.

Of the water bodies, the largest can be especially distinguished - Lake Khanka and the Ussuri River. There are many tourist bases on the banks of these reservoirs, fishing and hunting are carried out.

Districts on the map of Primorsky Krai

Primorye is divided into 22 districts, 4 of which are included in the Far North zone:

  • Terney;
  • Dalnegorsky;
  • Olginsky;
  • Kavalerovsky.

These areas on the map of Primorsky Krai are distinguished by the least developed infrastructure, a small number of settlements and difficult living conditions. There are almost no economic objects, industrial enterprises, trade is poorly developed.

There are numerous hunting grounds in the region. In Chuguevskaya and Terneisky, red deer and elk are hunted, and in Lazovsky and Pozharsky wild boars and bears are found. On a detailed map of Primorsky Krai, you can find suitable places for outdoor activities, hunting and ecotourism. Also in the region is Lake Elma with a large supply of mineral springs and therapeutic mud.

The largest areas in Primorye:

  • Spassky;
  • Krasnoarmeisky;
  • Terney.

The railroad runs along the western border of the region. From here, the Trans-Siberian railway stretches to Moscow. In the northern regions, transport links are poorly developed. A detailed road map of Primorsky Krai shows that the main highways pass through the southern and western regions.

Near Vladivostok is the international airport "Knevichi". There are also several major ports in the region, the main activities of which are related to fishing and freight container transportation.

Map of Primorsky Krai with cities and villages

There are 29 cities and 116 villages in Primorye. The most significant city in the region is Vladivostok. It is a large industrial, port and economic center of the region. The population of the capital of the region is more than 600 thousand people. If you use a map of Primorsky Krai with settlements, then you can find all the objects of Vladivostok on it, consider its streets, find train stations and an airport.

The second most important city is Ussuriysk. The largest cities of the region are connected by the A-184 highway. To the north of Ussuriysk, on the border with China, is the main attraction of Primorye - Lake Khanka. This is the cleanest fresh lake, which is home to a huge number of fish. There are several small settlements here, which the map of Primorsky Krai with villages allows you to consider:

  • Mayskoye;
  • Novonikolaevka;
  • Trinity;
  • Astrakhan.

In these villages are the main bases for recreation and fishing. Fishing is carried out here all year round.

Another "visiting card" of the region is a 6-lane road bridge across the bay, which connects the districts of Vladivostok, and its length is almost 1.5 km. You can find the bridge on the map of Primorsky Krai with cities and villages. In the evening, tourists and residents of the city like to walk along it. Numerous lights and bright lights make it a very romantic place.

Economy and industry of Primorsky Krai

Due to natural resources, location on the border of neighboring developed countries, as well as a large number of plants and factories, Primorye is a large industrial region. The economy of the region is represented by such industries as:

  • metallurgy;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • mining;
  • energy;
  • tourism;
  • international trade.

From the ports of the region, which can be found on Yandex maps of Primorsky Krai, millions of tons of cargo are sent annually. Fishing makes a significant contribution to the economy of Primorye. The enterprises of the region also produce spare parts for automobiles, foodstuffs, electricity and heat energy. Gold, diamonds and other rare minerals are mined in the region.

Tourism is of great importance for the region. In Primorye there are the largest reserves and hunting grounds. Tourists are offered river rafting, visits to natural and archaeological sites, hunting for wild animals and waterfowl. Large cities meet those arriving in the region with modern comfortable hotels. Also in small towns there are recreation centers for those who love active tourism.

The map of Primorsky Krai clearly shows that this region is located in the southern part of the Far Eastern lands of Russia. The southern and eastern outskirts are washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. The southwestern territories of Primorye are adjacent to the PRC and the Republic of Korea, and only the northern outskirts of Primorye connect the region with the rest of Russia - the Khabarovsk Territory.

The central and eastern lands are dotted with mountain peaks, the highest of which rushes up to 1933 m. The western side, where the Khanka lowland is located, is characterized by the most fertile climate for tourism, here the warmest summer in the region and during the beach season the large freshwater lake Khanka takes guests.

The highway network in the region is well developed. To find out how to get to the city, bay, beach or tourist base, you need to get directions on the map. On our map of Primorsky Krai, the roads to tourist places are shown in as much detail as possible: you can easily find the way to any street and any house. You can download the map of Primorye for free here.