Many beginning skateboarders and others have encountered the problem of purchasing a skateboard. It must be said that you can purchase them assembled and disassembled. Beginners are recommended to buy ready-made skateboards. This way they can save themselves from unnecessary work. There are a considerable number of models of these products. Therefore, sometimes making the right choice is not so easy.

Skateboard– wooden platform (deck) on four wheels.

Longboard– a type of skateboard that has an elongated deck (up to 3 meters) and enlarged wheels. On such a board you do not feel the unevenness of the road, it develops high speed and does not require constant pushing. However, a longboard is quite heavy.

Rollersurf– combines a skateboard and roller skates. Consists of two plates connected by a torsion spring. Unlike a skateboard, it has two wheels (four-wheeled models are very rare). It is characterized by high maneuverability and is capable of developing quite high speeds. You don't need to constantly push away.

  • Split rollersurf- a type of rollersurf in which the decks are not connected by a torsion spring. This skateboard is not suitable for jumping, but it is good for tricks on flat surfaces.

Mountainboard– wooden platform on large inflatable wheels (up to 25 cm) and spring suspension. Designed for descent over rough terrain. Has fastenings for the athlete's legs.

Penny board– a type of skateboard that is characterized by its small size and bright design. The penny board deck is made of very durable and lightweight plastic, the suspension is made of aluminum, and the wheels are made of polyurethane (plastic or aluminum core). This youth skate model is suitable for adults. Penny boards are used for driving fast and performing various tricks.

Children's skateboard

Children's– differs from an adult in size and design, as well as a lower maximum load. Good children's skateboards are made from the same materials as adults.

When choosing a skateboard for a child, you should consider some features:

  • the length of the skateboard is not of fundamental importance, however, larger children (compared to their peers) should choose longer boards; The width of the skate should be 7.5-8 inches;
  • purchase a board made in the current year: the longer the board is stored, the more it deforms;
  • Skate wheels should not be too hard; Harder wheels give greater speed and at the same time worse grip;
  • the surface of the skateboard must be absolutely flat: to make sure of this, you should lift the board and look at it from the end;
  • Pay attention to the material of the skate: it is better to take a model made from Canadian maple.



Canadian maple– the most suitable material for making a deck: durable and hard with a dense texture. Has a fairly high price.

Chinese maple- less durable material, but its price is lower.

Canadian + Chinese maple– a combination of two materials: the top and bottom layers are made of Canadian maple, the inner layer is made of Chinese maple.

Plastic– used for roller surfing. Allows you to apply a variety of design solutions.


Skin (griptape)– sandpaper that is glued to the deck of a skateboard for reliable adhesion to the athlete’s shoes. Grip tape also performs a decorative function: there are black, gray, colored skins, as well as models covered with patterns and transparent sandpaper.

Usually the skin is glued once when assembling the skateboard. If during skating you feel that the grip on the sole is not strong enough, then it is better to replace the sandpaper. It should be remembered that before gluing a new grip tape, the old skin must be torn off.

You should not buy colored grip tapes - they have much weaker grip and low abrasion resistance. Another disadvantage of colored skins is their higher price. If you want to create your own style, you can paint with high-quality acrylic markers a plain black or gray sandpaper.

Number of layers

Decks are made of veneer - layers of wood glued together.

7 layers- occurs most often. Good balance of strength and weight for general riding.

8-9 layers– characterized by increased strength. The best option for extreme driving and performing stunts. High-quality 8-9-layer skateboards are almost the same in weight as 7-layer skateboards.


The length and width of the deck is selected depending on the size of the person, as well as his individual preferences. Deck lengths range from 16.9 to 55 inches and widths from 4.6 to 10.625 inches.

Standard deck length is 31 inches. Children's options are shorter (miniskateboards). The width of the deck directly affects the stability and controllability of the skateboard, especially during jumps. For beginners, it is better to choose boards of medium width. The optimal width and length are selected by “trying on live”.


Diameter and thickness

Wheel diameter depends on deck size, riding style and riding conditions. This figure ranges from 40 to 180 mm. The standard diameter for a skateboard is 54 mm, allowing you to both ride and perform tricks. Rollersurfs have 76 mm wheels.

Important: The larger the wheel diameter, the higher the rolling speed and the faster the acceleration. The lower this value, the more maneuverable the skateboard and, accordingly, the easier it is to perform tricks.

The thickness of the wheels depends on the diameter - up to 57 mm.


This indicator reflects the amount of resistance of the wheel under mechanical influence. Marking is carried out with a number and the letter A. Moreover, the higher the number, the greater the rigidity of the wheel.

Very soft (less than 80A) and soft wheels (80-85A) provide better traction, maneuverability and good shock absorption. The disadvantage is that they are more susceptible to deformation and wear than rigid ones. Rigid (100A) - have a long service life and better maintain speed.

Important: It is better to choose hard wheels for driving on the street, soft wheels for driving on ramps.

Bearing class

Bearing grades vary according to the American ABEC standard. The higher the manufacturing accuracy, the higher the class of the bearing. There are five classes in total (1, 3, 5, 7, 9). ABEC 3, ABEC 5 and ABEC 7 are the most common.

The strength, service life and price of the skateboard depend on the bearing class. Expensive bearings (from class 5 and above) are required primarily for sports skateboards, which are characterized by aggressive riding.


Suspension is the frame that connects the wheels and the deck. The maneuverability of the skateboard depends on it. The suspension is adjustable (loosen or tightened) to suit a specific riding style.


Aluminum- occurs most often. Optimal balance of strength and lightness.

Steel– rarely used, stronger than aluminum, but also heavier.

Plastic– used in children's skateboards. Very light material and strong enough for a child's weight.

Width suspension depends on the width of the deck and varies from 1.75 to 10 inches. The wider the board, the wider the pendant.

– means the maximum permissible load on a skateboard and ranges from 20 to 120 kg. It includes both the weight of the rider himself and the load when performing tricks.

The weight of a skateboard directly affects its maneuverability. Lighter skateboards are easier and more comfortable to control. The weight of the device ranges from 1 kg to 15 kg. It should be noted that this value includes not only the weight of the board, but also the weight of the suspension with wheels. The optimal option for the standard model is 3 kg.

Electric skateboard

Electric skate (electric skateboard)– a skateboard that is driven by an electric motor and equipped with a braking system. Riding does not require any effort, which makes it possible to cover long distances without significant expenditure of physical energy. Electric transport is controlled by tilting the body (forward - movement, backward - braking).

Compared to a skateboard, the wheels of an electric skateboard have a larger diameter, which improves its maneuverability. An electric skate can reach higher speeds than a skateboard. In addition, such a device makes less noise when moving.

True, an electric skate is not suitable for performing certain complex tricks, such as sliding along the edges of architectural elements. Such transport is more expensive and heavier than a regular skateboard.


The brands Santa Cruz, Blind, Element, Shorty’s are rightfully considered to be the producers of the best boards in the world. These skateboards have all the advantages: lightness, strength, original design. It should be understood that particularly light weight models will be less durable. Overall, every skateboard from these brands is absolutely worth the investment. These are the boards that iconic skateboarders with worldwide authority ride on.

The average quality segment consists of products from the Explore, Powerslide, Razor, Tempish, and Roller Derby brands. These boards are cheaper, but they have more significant disadvantages: fragility, not the best surfaces (skins).

The cheapest skates are products from Chinese and local manufacturers Kepai, Re:Action, Sprinter, Amigo Sport, MaxCity, Sports Collection. These are usually assembled boards that are sold in sports supermarkets. They may well be suitable for a beginner skateboarder who is just trying his hand at it. If you plan to engage in skateboarding, then such boards are not suitable for you: among them it is difficult to choose options that correspond to certain styles of skating, the skins deteriorate very quickly, and the wheels and bearings of the lowest quality quickly fail.

It is imperative to purchase skateboarding products in specialized stores, because this is an extreme sport, therefore, buying a low-quality Chinese skateboard can cost you your health.

Many people have stood on a skateboard at least once in their life. But standing and mastering the board are not the same thing. Walking past skateparks, you might notice cheerful young guys and girls enjoying this sport. And this, of course, inspires you to join their crowd.

By the way, skateparks themselves imply the presence of extreme obstacles. That is, these are not just some paths, but various figures. Depending on the equipment of the park, it may have ramps, ramps, railings, funboxes, pyramids, steps and other figures. Actually, skateparks are not limited by anything, and any shapes can be invented, from standard ones to surreal, complex obstacles for the highest level professionals. In this article we will talk about several useful tips for a beginner skater, as well as two schools where you can learn this undoubtedly difficult, but very exciting sport.

Skateboard selection

The long-awaited day has come when you stand in the store and choose your first skateboard. What should it be, and what should you pay attention to when purchasing? First and most importantly, try the board. Stand on it and ride around the store, if, of course, they allow you to do so. Also look at the width of the board. The wider the skateboard, the more comfortable and reliable it is. Of course, as your skill increases, you will choose smaller and smaller models, but this is in the future, but for now you need a simple skateboard. Another point worth paying attention to is the size of the wheels. For high speed - large wheels, and for tricks - small ones. To begin with, it is better to buy a skateboard with large wheels. Yes, it is heavier, but it forgives mistakes much more readily than a board with small wheels.

By the way, when choosing a skateboard, do not pay attention to the print. It will still be erased, and for this drawing you will significantly overpay. For your first board, choose a simple and inexpensive model; anyway, it will most likely break during the first month of training.

Also, when choosing a skateboard, pay attention to the quality of the suspension and bearings. Remember that the board must withstand long-term loads, and sometimes overloads when, after a trick, the skater lands on the central part of the skateboard.


Yes, don't forget about protection. Don’t give a damn about all these arguments like “they’ll laugh at you,” “you’ll look like a schoolboy,” “what, are you afraid of getting hurt?” All this comes from a small mind. Any skater knows that this sport is constantly associated with injuries of varying severity, and their number, paradoxically, can increase with experience. When learning to skateboard, don't neglect knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. And keep in mind that they must be strong and really protect against falls. You'll thank yourself for wearing these protections when you land on your knees after a failed attempt at riding the railing or when you hit your head on the asphalt. Take off your knee and elbow pads only when you are at least half sure that when performing a trick you will not break anything when you fall. Although even skateboarding legends are not immune to this. By the way, even professionals wear a helmet because they know that their skill is not a panacea.


The most important thing is the attitude. Without it, you will sadly roll on the asphalt or perform standard stunts. With the right attitude, you can conquer the heights of this sport. Remember that you need to be more happy and less angry. If you don't succeed at something, you don't need to break the board on the nearest bench. On the contrary, when you manage to perform a trick, be happy and share your impressions with other skaters. Believe me, no one will look at you like a loser - you will have respect and parting words from other guys and girls.
Now let’s talk about two schools where you can learn skateboarding.


By enrolling in, you will be able to study both in a group with a couple of the same young guys and girls, and individually. By the way, the courses have three levels of training. The beginner program will give you the ability to stand confidently on the board and perform some well-known tricks. For intermediate level skaters, the school will be interesting for additional knowledge and learning new tricks. And for professionals who cannot imagine their life without a board, the courses will offer the most complex and spectacular tricks.

In the summer, classes are held at the VANS skatepark on the territory of Gorky Park, as well as at the Ferma skate plaza on the territory of Perovsky Park. Soon the school will have its own indoor skateboarding area, where you can study even in winter.

By the way, the classes are taught by masters of their craft who have won many awards in competitions.

Classes are held in a fun environment, and even if you are on the board for the first time, no one will treat you like a newbie. Respect for fellow athletes and mutual assistance are some of the important features of skateboarding.


Skateboarding school offers interesting training. If you are a beginner and don’t have your own board, then no problem - they will give you a skateboard and you can train without spending money on a very expensive pleasure. By the way, their first training is free. In addition, they will help you choose your first board, individually, based on your parameters and skills.

Speaking of training, it should be said that this is an intensive program where you will learn all styles of skateboarding, you will perform tricks of varying complexity, in general, you will be given many years of experience. You will be taught by one of the best skateboarding coaches in Russia, who will teach you really cool tricks.

In addition to learning ramp tricks, you will be taught how to ride on the street using stairs, curbs, cornices and handrails for tricks. You will also undergo training in a special skatepark, learning tricks on pyramids and trampolines.

You can study both in a group and individually. By the way, age is not a barrier, so sign up for courses, even if you are already over fifty, but you have always dreamed of mastering this sport.

All parts of the structure must be of high quality and not raise doubts. Children's skateboards for boys, due to the desire of riders for difficult tricks, must be especially durable.

At what age can you skateboard?

Skateboards are available for sale not only in various models, but also in sizes. Mini-skates are intended for children 5-6 years old. However, when the child is very athletic, then you can buy a skate for a 4-year-old child, but choose the most stable and slow-moving model. Sometimes you can use such a children's skateboard for a child over 3 years old, if he is tall and already has good balance. In this case, it is necessary that the child is constantly supervised by adults while riding.

The optimal age to start skating is 7-8 years old. When parents choose a skateboard for children aged 4-6 years instead of a scooter, they must take into account that due to their still insufficient stability and coordination, children can suffer serious injuries. Therefore, a skateboard for children 4 years old and younger, although attractive, is still quite dangerous and therefore not the best sports equipment. At the same time, we must also focus on children’s desire to learn to skate. Sometimes it’s better to buy a board for a child, even if it’s too early, and teach him to skate on it, than for him to try to master a skateboard by borrowing it from someone in the yard.

Learning to skate, regardless of age, should only begin under the supervision of an adult who can ride a board well. Children aged 4 to 5 years should be protected against falls at all times during training. An adult needs to hold the child by one hand. Since the body leans forward when riding, the teacher needs to walk in front of the board. Taking this into account, a skate should not be very long for a child of 5 years old. A children's skateboard for boys and girls aged 7 years and older can already be quite long.

Choosing a skate for a small child

Depending on the age of the child who will ride the skateboard, the length of the board is selected. Of course, growth is also taken into account. A deck with a length of about 70 cm is usually suitable for a child. The width is chosen so that the child can stand comfortably. The board must be light so that the rider can carry it without assistance, and flexible. The bright color will additionally delight the little athlete. A skateboard for a 6-year-old child must be attractive so that he is very willing to learn it, despite falls.

Board length and age

A skateboard will only be safe and comfortable if it is chosen correctly. It must be suitable for the rider’s height and age.

  1. A child's height is up to a meter (skateboard for children over 6 years old) - the board length required is about 70 cm.
  2. Height from 100 to 140 cm (skateboard for children over 7 years old) – deck length 71 cm.
  3. Height up to 150 cm (age from 9 to 12 years) - board length 74 cm. If the child is very tall, then an adult can buy a skateboard for children over 10 years old, but only if the rider is comfortable on it.
  4. Children over 13 years old can safely buy an adult skate.

The width of the deck for children of small stature and with small feet is 19 cm, for the rest - 21 cm. A skateboard for a child of 9 years old, if he is taller than 150 cm, can be bought by an adult.

When choosing a skate for a child, you need to pay attention to general recommendations. This will help you choose the best option.

  1. A wider deck provides stability to the board, while a narrower deck provides maneuverability. To start learning, you should choose more stable structures. Mini skateboards for children have an optimal length-to-width ratio.
  2. The length does not matter for the speed of the ride, but if the skate is too big, then it is inconvenient for the child to ride it. The rider can be injured if he or she stands on the edge of the board unsuccessfully, overweight and falls on his back.
  3. Deck material. Despite the fact that plastic models are very attractive in appearance and their price is lower, it is still worth buying a board whose deck is made of veneer. It is much stronger and safer, since due to its good flexibility it will not break under your foot. When children's skates for girls are bought just for testing, since there is no confidence that the child will be interested in skating, then you can save money and choose a plastic model to start with. In the future, if you like skateboarding, you will need to replace the skateboard with a wooden one.
  4. Bend (horsecave). For beginners, you should not choose models with a strong bend. For a child who is just learning to skate, a flat deck is more convenient.
  5. Appearance. When purchasing, you should only choose skates whose decks are not damaged. Even if they are not significant at all, you should not choose this board.
  6. Date of manufacture. The tree gradually deforms and ages. Because of this, you need to buy a board that has not been in the warehouse for a long time.
  7. Wheels. For driving around the city, hard wheels are chosen. If you wish, you can find a children's skateboard with glowing wheels. A small child will really like it, but the quality of the wheels may not be good enough.

There is no difference in skateboards for boys and girls. The only thing that may differ is the color, but it is better to leave the choice to the child.

What to look for when choosing a board for a beginner

When choosing a skateboard for beginner children, you should not try to buy it with a very original design or ignore important indicators for the sake of external features. The main requirement that a board must meet is reliability and convenience. Skateboards for children 7 years and younger are usually made to be both beautiful and durable.

You should also not make a homemade skateboard for your child, although you can find everything you need for this on sale. First of all, a children's board must be very reliable, and this can only be guaranteed by factory production. You need to choose a skate from a well-established manufacturer of a well-known brand. Only such devices can be called guaranteed to be of high quality and safe. A skateboard for beginner children from 8 years old should be chosen strictly according to how they feel from the board, even if it is not quite suitable for them according to the norm.

Protective equipment and clothing

Skateboarding is a dangerous sport. It is unacceptable to practice it without using protective equipment. To do this, in addition to a skateboard, the child also needs to buy knee pads, elbow pads and gloves. The children's skateboard helmet deserves special attention. It should fit tightly on your head and be quite soft inside. The outer part should be made of dense plastic that will withstand even serious impacts and prevent injury.

Shoes are chosen with flat soles that fit tightly on the foot. Clothes for riding need to be loose and comfortable. It is optimal if it is natural. The child will not sweat much in it, which means there is less risk of catching a cold in the wind.

Skateboarding lessons

Even if you bought a skateboard for children who are 11 years old or older, you need to learn to ride it with a coach. You should start the lesson on a flat surface without tilting. Ideally, the lessons will take place on an area that is specially equipped for skateboarding. The first time you just stand on the board to feel it, you need to be on the grass. In this case, if the child falls, he will not break. Only after the student can confidently stand on a skateboard can he move on to riding lessons.

Skating styles

There are many styles of skateboarding. However, several of them are especially popular. You cannot fully teach a child how to skate without knowing about them.

  1. A park. The most difficult stunts are performed on the ramp, which are especially spectacular. This type of skating is only available to adult professionals.
  2. Flatland. When skating on a flat surface, a skater performs tricks of varying levels of difficulty. You can start mastering this style only after your child can confidently ride a board.
  3. Vert. When driving, a ramp is used, on which tricks are also performed, but simpler than in the park style.
  4. Freestyle. With this type of skating, tricks and jumps are performed in the same plane.
  5. Straight. This style is most common among teenagers. In this case, while riding around the city, they perform tricks using stairs, various sides and railings.

You should start learning to skate by choosing a pushing leg and correct positioning. When this is done, the child is taught to ride with push-offs without stopping. This process is quite lengthy, and you should not rush a beginner. Some children master non-stop skating in a week, while others take a month or even more - and this is normal.

The most simple tricks

Performing complex acrobatic stunts is the job of professionals. For a beginner, there are a few simple feints that you can learn. If you carefully study the video, you can try to master some of them.

  • Ollie's jump and the same with a turn;
  • Kickflip. A complex trick that is similar to the previous one, but when performing it, the board is also rotated.
  • Nolly's Jump;
  • Manual. With this trick, the rider places his foot on the tile (the curve of the board at the end of the deck) and, thus lifting the skateboard on 2 wheels, tries to ride while maintaining balance, for which he uses his hands. When performing such a trick, there is a risk of a serious fall on your back, so your head must be protected by a helmet.

You can start learning tricks only if the child stands well on the board, and only under adult supervision. It is strictly forbidden to let your child learn the board on his own. When you buy a skateboard for children over 7 years old, you shouldn’t think that they will be able to master it themselves.

» Skateboard: how to choose a deck and learn to skate

The popular extreme sports tool is also called a rollerboard. simple. In its classic form, it is just a piece of thick plywood, trimmed with veneer and mounted on wheels (rollers). In essence, the product is a kind of miniature vehicle. However, its main purpose is higher than banal vehicles. A skateboard is a tool for performing complex tricks, and choosing a skate is not at all easy.

The board is the main part of the skateboard structure. The selection of a sports instrument begins with the board. There is even a certain selection of skateboard boards by length, based on the size of the athlete’s height.

Selecting a skate based on deck size

Board selection table for beginner skaters:

The choice of width directly depends on the size of the user’s feet. Most skateboards have a width size from 19.5 to 20.3 cm. However, deviations from these values ​​up or down cannot be ruled out. Naturally, in the case of larger feet, you should choose a wider skateboard deck.

A skateboard is a simple design at first glance, but if you look closely, there are a number of elements that require scrupulous selection. For example, deck

Having decided on the basic size, the future skateboarder can slightly adjust the width of the deck more accurately, based on his own intentions for the actions with the rollerboard. A list of skateboarding activities might contain something like the following:

  1. Ollie or Nollie (basic tricks).
  2. Slides and Grid.
  3. Flip & Grab.
  4. Stalls and Stands.

The variety of skateboard rollers is amazing. The board can be equipped with wheels of various shapes and sizes, including a wide choice of colors

As for deciphering the abbreviation, it can be noted here: the higher the digital value, the stronger the wheels. For example, a roller marked “A70” is already considered a relatively soft product.

For skateboarders with average skating skills, an A95 hardness skateboard is usually sufficient. Meanwhile, the choice of roller hardness again depends on the level of difficulty of figure skating, the tricks performed, and the place where the skateboard will be used.

The difficulty of figure skating is determined by the style of skateboarding:

  • parking on ramps,
  • technical street,
  • freestyle,
  • flatland,
  • vertical.

Meanwhile, in relation to a particular style, rollers are selected according to diameter and degree of rigidity. So, for a skate park, it is advisable to use a skateboard equipped with rollers with a diameter of 55-65 mm and a relative hardness of 95A - 100A.

These wheels are preferable for use on skateboards used in street cruise mode. At the bottom of the product there is an inscription of the company name and an abbreviation of the degree of hardness

If the focus is on high-speed movement, then ideally select a skateboard with wheels with a diameter of 65-75 mm. But for cruising boards, the degree of rigidity of the rollers seems optimal in the range of 78A - 85A.

Bearings on skateboards

On skateboarding boards, one of the structural elements is bearings. Mounted in metal bushings, bearings form part of the structure of skateboard wheels.

Theoretically, bearing quality is determined by the ABEC technical rating from the association of manufacturers of such parts. The rating scale ranges from 1 to 9 in odd numbers.

For a skateboard, regardless of its configuration, bearings that correspond to a rating scale of 3 or 5 are considered optimal. These are fairly reliable products that can provide high-quality gliding and stable torque for the skater.

This class of skate bearings is characterized by increased reliability. Evidence of this is the ABEC rating, corresponding to class 7 of the existing classification

It should be noted: the class of bearings used on skateboards has a significant impact on the price of the sports instrument.

But it is not at all necessary to bet on a high price in the hope of getting the perfect bearings. Skateboards in the mid-price range quite satisfy the user in terms of the quality of the bearings installed on them.

Deck suspensions (tracks)

The part designed to connect the rollers with the board is called a suspension (track). The wheels, in turn, are attached to the suspensions.

Choosing the right suspension for specific board movements is the task of every skateboarder. Tracks are made from different types of metals. Therefore, they have varying degrees of strength and weight.

Classic pendant: 1 — nut; 2 - axis; 3 — washer; 4 — bracket; 5 — hinge bushing; 6 — base plate; 7 — king pin; 8 - nut; 9 - curved washer; 10 — upper bushing; 11 — lower bushing; 12 - bottom washer

Light suspensions are preferable for flip tricks. However, tracks made of light metals tend to break quickly due to the fragility of the material. The exception is, but so far carbon skate tracks are an expensive proposition.

There is a rule for equipping a skateboard with suspension, which determines:

  1. The span of the wheels should not extend beyond the board.
  2. The wheel axle must have a span of at least 2/3 of the width of the board.

Therefore, a roller suspension should not be overly wide or overly narrow. A skater needs a “golden mean”. In principle, the table will help novice athletes choose the right suspension:

Rubber track inserts

The design of skateboard suspensions contains bushings (inserts). These small parts are made of technical rubber. The bushings act as suspension shock absorbers. The stiffer the bushings, the more stable the skateboard will roll. The softer the insert bushings, the easier it is to turn.

Rubber bushings - upper and lower, installed in the skateboard suspension structure: 1 - upper rubber bushing; 2- lower rubber bushing

Soft inserts can be used once freestyle experience has been gained. In general, again, the best option is considered to be the “golden mean”, when bushing inserts of medium hardness are selected.

Selecting suspension (track) height

The suspension height parameter also requires selection. Low tracks make it easier to perform flip tricks and add stability, but low tracks will require smaller wheels.

The high suspension allows you to attach large wheels, which is an advantage for skateboarding at high speeds or when covering long distances.

The height of the skateboard suspension is important for selection. This parameter determines comfort levels when riding in different styles, as well as the ability to perform various tricks.

For street style, low-slung pendants are good, while for other styles, a choice of medium and high-slung pendants seems best.

Griptape adhesive tape

The topmost layer of the skateboard board has a coating that resembles the texture of sandpaper. The coating is usually black and laid in one sheet - this is a classic option.

However, there are slightly improved - modified coatings. Here the choice will be determined purely by user desire and willingness to overpay a little.

It is possible to buy a skateboard already equipped with a grip tape. But there is also a choice for individual use of grip tapes, which opens up the prospect of creating your own personal projects. Installing a hitch cover on a skateboard is easy, even for a beginner skater.

Additional pads

Additional pads are designed to perform two useful functions:

  1. Removing high loads from suspensions.
  2. Protects wheels from damage on sharp turns.

As a rule, additional linings have a height of no more than 3 cm. However, the size of the height here directly depends on the size of the rollers.

Suspension pads. Due to these additional elements, you can adjust the distance between the bottom of the deck and the point of contact of the surface with the rollers

On decks equipped with rollers of large diameters, pads larger than 3 cm can be installed. On the contrary, if the deck has small wheels (50-55 mm), there is no need for pads at all.

How to learn to skateboard

The first thing a beginner skater needs is to buy a pair of sturdy skateboard boots. It is also possible to ride a board in regular shoes, but then mastering skateboarding will be more difficult and dangerous.

Skate shoes are made with wide flat soles, which provide better grip on the deck and stability for the athlete. Skate shoe models are reinforced in areas where wear or damage is likely.

An important piece of equipment is also a helmet. For some reason, some skaters do not want to wear helmets (they think this is a way to create an image for themselves).

But the image of a real athlete is created by a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. By the way, skate park services strongly require the use of full equipment and this is a reasonable requirement related to safety.

Skater equipment is a mandatory attribute, thanks to which you can learn how to do tricks much faster without getting injured.

An equipped beginner skateboarder can get on a skateboard without fear. For the first time, it is recommended to place the board on a soft surface - on the grass or on the carpet in the house.

Then you need to lightly climb onto the deck and try to stand for some time, maintaining your balance. Having learned to stand on a skateboard, they move on to the science of jumping on a board.

Skateboarding lessons


A couple of decades ago, skateboarding was perceived by society as an innocent teenage hobby without the prospect of high audience interest. Over time, "land surfing" has become a recognized sport, with it debuting as a competition at the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. The reasons were the popularity and entertainment of the discipline.

To non-professionals, all boards with wheels look about the same. They often select inventory at random. As a result, the projectile quickly becomes unusable or requires repair. An experienced athlete, Sergy, helps the viewer choose the appropriate skate, depending on the purpose of use and places of practice. Due to its specific design, a classic skateboard with upward curved edges is suitable for “stunting”. A cruiser with a more durable structure is designed for long trips around the city. A longboard with large and soft wheels is convenient when passing through areas with uneven terrain and a large number of bumps.

The video shows the pros and cons of plastic and wood materials.

Skateboarding lesson from a professional athlete

American skater Aaron Cairo explains the initial elements. First of all, a beginner should determine the leading leg: it is in front. Repulsion occurs with the second limb. At this moment, the main foot is parallel to the deck. In other cases - perpendicular. Two ways of making a turn are shown: jerking and smoothly. In the second case, the pendants should be slightly untwisted.Primary technology must be brought to automaticity. The average practice time is twenty hours. Only after this can you learn simple tricks.

Training for beginners

The lecture begins with tips on choosing shoes: sneakers with flat soles make skating much easier. In the process of movement, the position of the body is important: the knees are bent, the body is tilted forward. The technique of fast and slow turning is demonstrated.

In certain situations, the ability to brake is required. You can simply jump, but at high speeds this method is dangerous. It’s easier to put your foot on the asphalt or perform tail braking: by pressing your heel on the back of the board. The author prefers the first method.

How to properly improve technical skills

Important concepts have been learned - you can safely begin stunt training. Learning new techniques is a long and painful process that requires patience and dedication. It is impossible to master the next combination at once: you need a base and ready-made developments.

Aaron Cairo has developed a special self-learning technique. The key is consistent progression. Learning tricks proceeds in a strict order: from simple tasks to difficult ones. Each of the techniques is considered in parts, many of which are repeated. The viewer gets into the essence of the actions instead of banal memorization and repetition.

Training cycle for beginners

The introductory part of the video is devoted to the correct identification of the components of a skateboard: nose and tail. The main skating styles are described: goofy and regular, differing in the position of the legs and shoulders. All types of stops are clearly demonstrated. There is an introduction to basic maneuvers: ollie - a high jump that looks very impressive, frontside and backside - 180-degree turns, kickflip and heelflip - 360-degree rotation. The process of performing the complex pop shove it movement is explained step by step.

Warm-up tricks

Ollie submits to only a few on his debut attempt. Sometimes it takes weeks to digest it. The stumbling block is indecision and lack of skill. In this case, it is better to start with simple tricks. The video tutorial describes the simplest actions: jumping onto a standing skateboard, hand-throwing, nosestand, moving off the curb, grabbing while moving. The experience gained is indispensable for further training: fears are overcome, self-confidence appears. At the same time, even a child can cope with the implementation.

Easy maneuvers with minimal energy consumption

After purchasing a skateboard, many impatient owners have a desire to immediately impress friends and acquaintances with their skills. Months of training take too much energy. The lesson presents a set of simple tricks. The execution looks beautiful and creates a deceptive effect of professionalism. The creator of the tutorial advises you to master starting from a flipping deck, familiarize yourself with the flip of a skateboard with a “click”, the “fake shovit”, “noli shovit”, “hippie jump”, “anti-casper” techniques. The positioning of the supporting and pushing foot was analyzed.

Useful tutorials for amateur skaters

Rider Gena Kakusha helps “dummies” choose the right equipment and develop the ability to stand confidently on a skateboard. The beginning of the lesson is preceded by a warm-up: swings, stretching and lunges develop flexibility, strengthen joints and reduce the risk of injury.The skills of balancing, gaining speed, and braking are strengthened. Students become familiar with the nuances of moving around the city, learn to suddenly change direction, overcome obstacles and land without painful falls. The manual exercise trains you to maintain balance.

Analysis of common mistakes

The main mistake of beginners is the lack of protective equipment: knee pads, elbow pads, helmet and gloves. In the vast expanses of the former USSR, disregard for safety is often considered a sign of “toughness.” In foreign countries, it is impossible to go to a skate park without such equipment. Its use should definitely become a habit. Another common mistake is entering the training ground without warming up. When performing, many muscle groups and ligaments are involved, which must be prepared in advance for the load.At the end of the video, the author reminds: skateboarding requires gradual honing of skills. The transition to a new stage of training is carried out only when the previous one has been fully mastered.

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