Everyone knows what a great white shark is, but only a few know that it has another name, namely Carcharodon. It is not only the largest shark, but also the most bloodthirsty of all representatives of this genus. An adult can grow up to 8 meters. Many people call her " white death"because these predators very often attack swimmers.

The shark lives in temperate or warm waters of the World Ocean, and swims at a depth of about 30 meters. The shark's back is not white, but rather gray, but sometimes lead-gray. Its belly is off-white, while its dorsal fin is black. Only large individuals are completely lead-white in color.

Most often, the white shark looks for its prey, slowly cruising near the sea surface. Due to the fact that her eyesight is poorly developed, she goes hunting in the daytime. But vision is not the main way to search for prey, because Carcharodon also has acute hearing and a sensitive sense of smell. It should be noted that the “white death” picks up sound signals at a distance of several kilometers. This shark can smell fresh blood and the smell emanating from frightened fish half a kilometer away.

The white shark's favorite food is fur seal, which lives off the coast of South Africa. Smaller individuals hunt small fish such as tuna, dolphins or turtles. Having reached 3 meters, the shark switches to larger inhabitants of the ocean.

How to choose

When purchasing, pay attention to the appearance of the piece of shark meat. It should be quite large in size, with cartilage in the middle. It is very easy to determine whether a shark is lying in front of you or not, since its distinctive feature is the absence of costal bones, as well as visible individual vertebrae that are located in the cartilaginous spine.

How to store

It should be noted that white shark meat is perishable, so it is important that its carcass is cut up no later than 7 hours after catching. Then it is salted, pickled or simply frozen. Processed meat can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Reflection in culture

Carl Linnaeus was the first to give the scientific name to the white shark Squalus carcharias. This happened in 1758. However, this species has been given other names more than once. In 1833 Sir Andrew Smith gave the name Carcharodon, which means “tooth” and “shark” in Greek. The shark received its last and more modern name after it was transferred from the genus Squalus to Carcharodon.

These predators belong to the family of herring sharks, which, in turn, are divided into several genera - Lamna, Carcharodon and Isurus. The only species that has survived to this day is Carcharodon carcharias.

Calorie content of shark meat

Raw shark has a high content of proteins and fats, its calorie content is 130 kcal per 100 g (in katran shark it is 142 kcal). The calorie content of breaded shark is 228 kcal. The dish is fatty and is not recommended for consumption in large quantities by anyone who is overweight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of white shark meat

Composition and presence of nutrients

Like any other ocean fish, shark contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements. They are part of a complex of substances that make up the living protoplasm of cells. They are very important because they normalize the functioning of the human body. Meat contains vitamins A and B, as well as copper, phosphorus, calcium and iodine salts.

Useful and healing properties

Shark liver is a mobile natural pharmacy. That's what many experts call it. This is due to the fact that it contains such important substances as alkyglycerol And squalene. Everyone knows that the latter is a natural antibiotic that is very similar to ampicillin, but it is much stronger. Another difference is that squalene does not cause any side effects. Treatment with a drug made from this substance leads to the complete elimination of inflammation, infections and even the most persistent types of fungi.

Alkyglycerol is an immunostimulant, and a very effective one. It actively fights cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, and also normalizes the activity of the circulatory system. It should be noted that it is precisely because of this that drugs based on shark oil show such remarkable results in the fight against diseases that are associated with disorders of the immune system. Such diseases can be: asthma, allergies, cancer and even HIV infection.

Any product made from the fat of this predator resists the development of atherosclerosis. They relieve annoying cough, rheumatism, and significantly reduce arthritis pain. With their help, blood pressure is normalized and the likelihood of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart attack is significantly reduced.

In cooking

Many people believe that it is the white shark that periodically bites humans, but in reality the situation is completely different. In reality, it is sharks that suffer at the hands of humans. There are 350 species of these predators in nature, and 80% of them can be completely exterminated due to the desire to taste their delicious meat.

In order to make meat more tasty and aromatic, it must be properly processed. Immediately after catching, the shark is gutted and skinned, and then the dark meat is removed from the lateral lines. Then rinse thoroughly and cool in ice. Processed fillets are used to make cutlets, steaks and schnitzels.

This fearsome predator makes an excellent aspic. Balyki and other hot smoked products are also good. Meat is fried, marinated, smoked, dried and even canned.

Dangerous properties of white shark meat

Nowadays, the water in the world's oceans is subject to severe pollution, which affects its inhabitants. Fish living in contaminated areas are capable of accumulating various harmful substances in their bodies, such as mercury and heavy metal salts. Research has shown that white shark meat is prone to mercury accumulation. Obviously, eating such meat will cause enormous harm to health. Such meat has a particularly strong effect on expectant mothers and during breastfeeding. High levels of mercury have negative effects on developing brain cells in a growing child.

The white shark is an extremely dangerous inhabitant of the underwater world. It causes not only fear, but also a huge amount of speculation, which is not always confirmed by facts. You will learn more detailed information about this predator in this video.

Shark meat has long ceased to cause confusion among consumers from different countries. Previously, it was prepared and eaten only in maritime countries, where the main income was catching underwater inhabitants, but now this delicacy is popular among most peoples of the world. The demand is associated with a decrease in the number of other animal species.

Shark meat is highly valued by top-class chefs, as dishes prepared from it have an exquisite taste. In addition, meat has a whole range of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It is used in the preparation of special diets.

Shark meat

very beneficial for the human body. It contains little fat. Juicy slices are white or pale pink. There are practically no bones, except for the central cartilage.

The number of marine life is constantly declining due to human consumption. This makes the price of seafood go up. Shark fins are the most expensive, but at the same time useful part of the body. Meat is rich in vitamins and microelements.

Beneficial features

Shark meat - source of many nutrients which are necessary for the human body.

Shark meat is low in calories and cholesterol. Shark meat is often included in modern diets, as it is quickly absorbed by the body and contains a large amount of nutrients.

The most useful edible part of a shark's body is fins. They contain a high concentration of nutrients. This part of the body is most often used to make soup.


Among the vitamins, shark meat includes: almost the entire group B, A, D and E. Vitamin C and carotene are contained in minute quantities, which should be taken into account when planning a diet.


Like any other fish, the shark is rich phosphorus. The composition of shark meat includes: calcium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc. The product contains a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids (2 g per 100 g of meat), especially in the liver, which contains a lot of fish oil.

Energy value

100 grams of product contains:

  • Proteins - 21 g.
  • Fats - 5 g.
  • 130 kcal.
  • Cholesterol - 51 mg.

There are no carbohydrates in shark meat. There is much more protein per serving than other types of fish, dairy products and eggs.

Effect on the body

  • Improving the functioning of the brain, circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Strengthening the nervous system.
  • Increasing performance and eliminating sluggishness.
  • Improving the performance of the thyroid gland.
  • Reducing weight and blood cholesterol levels.


Shark meat itself is not harmful to the human body, but it can cause serious health problems due to several factors:

  • Fish that live in polluted waters carry toxins.
  • Some species of sharks are omnivorous predators, and often waste and debris are found in their stomachs, which poison the entire body of the animal, and its meat becomes unfit for food.
  • Shark meat can accumulate mercury, and when consumed, the body becomes intoxicated.
  • Long-term storage of shark meat leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful substances.
  • Improper processing of raw materials provokes poisoning of the body with toxins.

If shark meat is ordered in restaurants, there is no need to worry about the safety of the dish. In professional establishments, products are carefully processed to remove toxins and unpleasant odors. Stores and markets may neglect processing.

The following groups of people are prohibited from consuming shark meat:

  • Small children, since their immunity has not developed.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • People with seafood allergies.

Before consuming shark meat, you must consult a doctor. The first experience with an exotic dish can provoke intoxication of the body. Side effects include:

  • Spasm.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Headache and dizziness.

If a person feels unwell after eating shark meat, they should immediately consult a specialist. Individual intolerance to the product is possible.

Shark meat is used in cooking in the same way as beef or pork. Shark meat can be boiled, fried, steamed, smoked, marinated, etc. There are many cooking recipes, the main thing is to carefully process the product.

There are several tips when preparing shark dishes:

  1. To remove the unpleasant smell of meat, you need to soak it in cold water with lemon or milk.
  2. Iodized salt during salting and canning can spoil the product.
  3. Glazed clay dishes are better suited for pickling.
  4. Before smoking, it is necessary to remove the smell, otherwise it will intensify after cooking.

Many types of sharks are suitable for food: katran, fox, mako, herring, hammerhead shark and most species of gray and blue sharks.

Predator can be cooked regular fish soup. Vegetables and seasonings are added according to recipes and personal preferences. Shark fin broths are prepared in different countries.

Cooked in the oven or deep-fried, shark meat goes well with boiled rice or vegetables. Marinades and sauces add a nice flavor.

Steak soaked in marinade turns out tender and flavorful. Shark meat is used to fry kebabs, the quality of which is not inferior to pork.

Herring shark is well suited for preparing salads and cold appetizers.

Boiled shark meat or minced shark meat is suitable as a filling for pies and pies.

Shark meat on the menu of elite restaurants has long ceased to amaze people. This delicacy can be found in many cuisines around the world. Shark meat has a whole range of useful properties. However, when consuming dishes made from this product, you should be aware that there is a risk of individual intolerance to exotic foods.

As you know, taste preferences depend on where you live. For example, those peoples who live on the coast are very fond of seafood and fish. Most even use slightly unusual seafood products, such as shark meat. There are approximately three hundred species of sharks in total, and all of them are edible, despite differences in lifestyle, behavior and nutrition. But the most commonly eaten sharks are gray shark, herring shark, soup shark, leopard shark, fox shark, mako, galeus and katran.

The leader in the use of shark meat for food is Japan, where millions of tons of these fish are caught. They can be canned, eaten fresh, salted, smoked or dried. And shark fin soup is a favorite Japanese delicacy, known throughout the world. The fins are soaked in water for a long time, then poured with wine and broth and steamed. True, shark fins are practically invisible in this dish and add only a slight flavor to it.

Shark fins have been popular in China since the Middle Ages. In those days, the skill of Chinese chefs was determined by their ability to cook shark fins deliciously. The Chinese also used other parts of this fish for food: for example, they prepared very unusual dishes from shark lips stewed with chicken, bamboo and sea cucumbers.

The most unusual shark meat dish is prepared in Iceland. It is called hakarl, for it they take the meat of the Greenland polar shark (a poisonous species) and bury it in the ground for a couple of months. After which it is taken out and dried. It turns out to be a popular Icelandic delicacy, an excellent snack for beer.

Herring shark is popular in Italy, it is distinguished by its tender white meat, which is usually added to salads. This Atlantic shark species reaches a length of six meters, but smaller specimens, about three meters, are usually used for food. It is also eaten in other European countries, as well as in the USA. In England they eat katran meat fried with potatoes. The hammerhead shark is often passed off as tuna, swordfish or sturgeon. So, even in ancient times, Turkish fish traders, knowing about the prejudiced attitude of Russians towards sharks, sold balyks from katran, saying that they were sturgeon.

Shark meat is used to make fish sticks, which are often labeled as swordfish on the packaging. And if you add food coloring to the meat, you get salmon. Only in Japan there is no need to use different tricks, because shark meat is a delicacy there.

Shark meat, although edible, is not harmless. First, it contains small amounts of mercury, so it is not recommended for pregnant women and children. Secondly, shark has an unpleasant taste and smell of ammonia, which can be eliminated by soaking in vinegar, milk or lemon juice. When cooking, the specific smell also disappears. As a rule, the smaller the individual, the tastier it is.

There are types that are more palatable than others. For example, ghost shark requires almost no pre-treatment and has a pleasant taste that is difficult to distinguish from the taste of hake. Of course, provided that the meat is fresh.

Minced meat is prepared from large sharks, which is then added to various dishes. It is better not to eat dark shark meat; shark feed is usually made from it.

Shark meat also has beneficial qualities: it contains calcium, copper, iodine, and many vitamins and proteins. But due to mercury, which negatively affects the nervous system, many refuse this delicacy. But there is practically no fat in shark - one hundred and fifty grams of meat contains only one hundred calories.

Sharks are caught with a special strong nylon fishing line, which is up to nine miles long. Three hundred hooks with bait are attached to it. It is not profitable to catch these fish with nets, since they easily tear nets and never swim in schools. A caught shark must be immediately gutted and bled, otherwise the meat will have an unpleasant odor. Then the carcass is frozen, and when delivered ashore, the body is cut around the head and along the back and the skin is removed. The fillets are thoroughly washed and frozen.

Due to the constant fishing of sharks in Japan, their population began to decline. Some species of these fish are slowly but surely disappearing. The hammerhead shark has been particularly hard hit, with numbers declining by nearly ninety percent over the past two decades. Fox sharks, blue sharks, white sharks and tiger sharks are disappearing. The most annoying thing is that most often these fish are caught only for their fins, and not for their meat. Fins are much more expensive and a better buy. To save space on fishing vessels, the fins of caught sharks are cut off, after which the poor fish are thrown into the sea. They will no longer be able to survive - they will either sink to the bottom or become victims of other predators. In connection with this situation, some countries have introduced a ban on catching sharks for their fins.

Many different peoples eat shark meat. As a rule, they live on sea coasts and one of the main sources of income (and sometimes food) for them is fishing. These countries primarily include the countries of Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America.

Today, more than 300 species of sharks are known, however, not many of them will please lovers of fish dishes with the taste of their meat. The meat of almost all sharks is edible, with the exception of the Arctic shark, blacktip sawtooth shark, sevengill shark, scalloped shark, white shark and hammerhead shark. The liver is the most toxic and it is highly not recommended to eat it from a shark of a species unknown to you; poisoning can occur within 30 minutes. So, the meat of almost all sharks is edible, but despite this, only a few species have acquired commercial importance. These include the herring shark, blue-gray shark (longfin mako), dogfish species of sharks, soup shark, leopard shark, common and big-eyed fox sharks.

Japan is the leader in the processing and consumption of shark meat. Every year, millions of tons of sharks of various species are caught in this country. On the shelves of Japanese supermarkets you can easily find shark meat not only fresh, but also smoked, canned and even dried. One of the delicacies in restaurants with fish menus is shark fin soup.

Shark fin soup is a separate topic of conversation that should be discussed in more detail. The annual growth of China's economy leads to a constant increase in demand for shark fins (on average about 5% per year). This is due to the fact that at corporate receptions and banquets, shark fin soup is a symbol of luxury and well-being, emphasizing the status of the host party. About 95% of all shark fins harvested are sold in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The black market for shark fins is estimated to be multi-billion dollar and is one of the most closed and secretive. Every year, fin smuggling shipments of up to 20,000 pieces each are detained. The most terrible thing about all this is that the fins are cut off from live sharks pulled onto the deck and then they are thrown back into the sea without fins (look at this terrible footage: http://youtu.be/eZrhEO5u3PQ). Every year the number of sharks is rapidly decreasing. More than 100 million sharks are caught every year, most of which are caught solely for their fins. Think carefully before ordering shark fin soup. Only the lack of demand for shark fin soup can stop the extermination of these beautiful marine predators, of which there are not so many left.

In Chinese cuisine, many culinary recipes are popular that are prepared from shark meat. Italians love to prepare salads with the addition of herring shark meat, so its meat is considered the most valuable in this country. In England, a popular dish consists of fried meat of sharks of the family Katranidae with potatoes. Fish oil, used as vitamin A, has long been obtained from shark liver.

Shark meat, like the meat of other marine fish, is also rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, eating shark meat is not recommended for children under 16 years of age and pregnant women, because it contains quite a lot of mercury.

As a rule, before preparing dishes from shark meat, it is subjected to preliminary preparation, which consists of boiling or soaking in milk or specially prepared water with the addition of vinegar or citric acid. If you neglect this, your dishes may be spoiled by the bitter taste and unpleasant odor of ammonia. The only exceptions are herring and dogfish species of sharks, the meat of which can simply be pre-soaked in cold water.

The meat of large sharks is usually used to make minced meat because it has very large fibers.

Sep 22, 2011 Marina

Sharks are one of perhaps the most ancient representatives of marine fauna. Thanks to numerous films, sharks are considered very dangerous predators for humans, but in reality there are not so many dangerous species of sharks. In general, sharks are a valuable commercial fish all over the world. Their meat is used for food, their entrails undergo special processing and are used as fertilizers, fishmeal is made from bones, and shark skin and teeth are often used to make various accessories. In general, we can say, waste-free production. But let's look specifically at the benefits and harms of shark meat consumed as food.

Benefits, harms, calorie content and fat content of shark meat

It’s worth starting with the fact that shark meat, like the meat of any fish, is an incredibly useful product for the human body, as it simply contains a lot of different elements and vitamins. Shark meat contains almost all B vitamins, niacin, potassium, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, chromium, chlorine, zinc and selenium. This is when we talk about vitamins and minerals. But, in addition, of course, shark meat is rich in proteins, fats, ash and water. Shark fins and liver are considered the most useful. By the way, the liver is the most valuable part of the shark consumed as food. And all because it contains a lot of fish oil, containing valuable acids such as Omega-3, as well as vitamin A. The benefits of blue shark meat and liver for the body are simply enormous. In addition, shark meat is a dietary product with a fairly low level of fat content and calorie content. There are only 130 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. And the fats contained in shark meat are dietary fats, incredibly beneficial both for the body as a whole and for those who are struggling with.

Only shark meat that has been stored for a long time before being cooked can be harmful. This happens due to the fact that shark meat, during long-term storage, begins to accumulate harmful substances, among which there is, for example, mercury. The benefits of such shark meat for the body are significantly reduced, so it is recommended to eat only fresh meat.