When a Taurus man loves, he tends to show prudence, calmness and common sense. He looks at life realistically and down to earth. However, despite some restraint of feelings and emotions, this does not prevent him from being carried away by the sensual aspects of love and behaving like a true gourmet in love relationships.

If he likes a woman, he will not immediately rush to attack to win her. He was used to acting slowly, slowly and deliberately. He first wants to take a closer look at her, to get to know his chosen one better. He has a purely rational and pragmatic approach to love. He does not like unjustified risks; everything must be thought out and calculated.

He is able to captivate a woman’s heart with charm, tenderness, sensuality, and understanding. Intuitively understand women's desires, what you want and whether further development of the relationship is possible. He likes to be in female company, but will pay more attention to sexy, sensual women. He exudes calmness and reliability, which also attracts a woman’s heart. With his beloved he will be sentimental, romantic, sensual. He is able to give her emotional and material stability, with him there will not even be any thoughts that she is not loved.

His character is practical and hardworking. He knows how to make money, he knows how to make money. He is able to surround his chosen one with luxury so that she does not need anything. Or at least will actively strive for this. For a Taurus man, stability in everything is important - at work, at home, in relationships. Even though difficulties may arise at work, you can endure the inconvenience. Then in a relationship with your beloved everything should be stable and serious. He will be happy if the chosen one can create an atmosphere of peace and quiet at home, without scandals, shocks, or stress. Here you can also remember the saying - happiness loves silence. It suits him very well.

As Taurus becomes attached to a woman, his suspicion and desire will increase for her to communicate less with other men. He will want all her attention to belong only to him. May be afraid of losing, suspect of sympathy for another. This especially happens when he is not confident in himself, notices that there are better people than him, and his beloved can get carried away by something better than him. Hence the unconscious fear that jealousy may also lose. Can behave like an owner.

Only he should be the head of the family; accordingly, he will do a man’s work, solve important issues, while a woman must unconditionally obey and obey him. He may get angry if he is criticized, doubts about the correctness of his actions, or points out the mistakes he has made. If a woman constantly grumbles, lectures, criticizes him, then the end of the relationship will come, the end of harmony. He experiences a range of negative feelings towards such persons, including hatred and rejection. Therefore, it is better not to speak directly about his mistakes, but rather to do it in a soft form. For example, ask to check again, decide, think. Let him understand that he was mistaken.

The Taurus man wants a woman to admire him, approve of his actions and desires. Orders, prohibitions, pressure will have negative consequences, as if you showed a red rag to a bull. He is only calm and silent for the time being; it is better not to tease him or provoke him to extremes. Resolving disputes with him will require the art of diplomacy. He needs understanding, support and a calm relationship. A Taurus man wants to feel appreciated, loved, and valued. Only then will a harmonious relationship with him be possible. If a woman can accept him for who he is, then he will open his soul to her, share his thoughts and feelings.

Who knows, the Taurus man doesn’t let everyone into his life. For him, opening up to someone new is a real risk, coupled with the possibility of failure. It’s difficult for him to make acquaintances; he can spend a long time choosing and looking closely, because for him letting a new person into his life is stressful. If you liked a Taurus man and you are thinking about how to pave the way to his heart, start small - take the first step. Hint to him that he has truly charmed you, rely on his personal qualities, and this will not leave him indifferent.

The courtship of a Taurus in love is classic - flowers, gifts, going to the movies, conversations, walks in the park. He likes places where he will be closer to nature, because his element is earth. When courting a woman, he usually spares no money on gifts. But the intensity of the gifts will depend on its specific purpose. Here one can blame him for being somewhat calculating, but on the other hand, he wants everything he has invested to bring tangible results. This is the psychology of all earthly zodiac signs.

Do not expect sharp transitions from words to action from Taurus: this is not about them. If you want to find an approach to a Taurus man, give him time. It is difficult for him to make sudden changes; he must “ripen” to everything. Do not push or rush him under any circumstances: believe me, he understands everything, he just needs to readjust and prepare himself for the fact that soon a cool wind of change will burst into his stable world. Once he feels that his time has come, he will do everything he can, but until then, be patient.

Compatibility with a Taurus man in love will be good if:

  • Do you dream of a calm, measured life?
  • You are economical with money;
  • Are you looking for a serious, permanent relationship?
  • Harmonious intimate relationships are important;
  • You can be faithful, devoted, constant;
  • You are not put off by a man’s jealousy and his attitude towards you as an owner;
  • I don’t like hot-tempered and impulsive men;
  • You know how to cook well and tasty;
  • I like it when a man is constantly nearby, to feel his presence;

Compatibility with a Taurus man in love will be difficult if:

  • You don’t like monotony, a calm and measured life without impressions;
  • I don’t like doing household chores - washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning;
  • It’s hard to call you a homebody;
  • Do you love complete freedom in life, in love and action, without restrictions;
  • You can’t stand it when you have to report, explain, justify yourself;
  • It's boring with homebody men;
  • You can’t stand stubbornness when it’s difficult to say anything, let alone prove it;

What kind of women does a Taurus man like?

Representatives of this zodiac sign are too picky, unless we are talking about a girl for one night. What should a Taurus man's companion be like? Next to his woman, Taurus should feel even more respectable. Taurus's companion should become a real decoration of his life; a beautiful, sexy woman, a faithful and unchanging friend who will always be by his side, because this is very important to him. A jealous Taurus man will not tolerate rivals: his woman should belong only to him. However, given that Taurus is a zealous owner and jealous, the level of his own loyalty is in big question. Naturally, this depends directly on the person himself, but for the most part, Taurus men are polygamous people.

Considering that the representative of this zodiac sign is quite practical and thorough, he will approach the choice of a wife very seriously. He chooses for quite a long time, but with high quality. He wants his women to combine the qualities of an excellent lover and an ideal housewife. The sexuality of his chosen one plays an equally significant role. It is also important for Taurus that his chosen one is not only pretty, but also smart. He prefers fairly kind women, gentle and caring, who have calmness and restraint. At the same time, she should not be passive, since the representative of the Taurus sign himself is not very energetic. Only by possessing all of the above qualities will a woman be able to conquer a Taurus man.

How to understand that a Taurus man is in love

He wants to find an ideal love that can withstand the blows of fate and can withstand the tests of time. His emotions and feelings are deep, serious, he does not like everything superficial and frivolous. He quickly becomes attached to his beloved. Feelings are born gradually. He doesn’t know how to quickly get along with people, he needs time. But if feelings mature slowly, then the desire for intimacy can arise without feelings.

He has an idealistic attitude towards physical love, often there is a desire to drown in pleasure, he wants to completely surrender to his partner, but also for her to completely surrender to him. Which doesn't always happen in reality. And why then disappointment sets in and the idealistic perception of the world is replaced by the usual cynical attitude towards life.

In this case, he will be afraid of new disappointments, and will begin to view women only as an opportunity for intimate relationships and nothing more. If he views life this way, then it will be difficult to convince a woman of the sincerity of his feelings. He is reluctant to change his mind, but noticing after a certain time that love and relationships towards him have not changed, he will reconsider his views.

If sympathy arises, the Taurus man will not want to waste time on empty talk. He looks at dates realistically; he will immediately think about a repeat meeting and its conditions. May insist on intimacy. A woman should only agree to a date if she is seriously interested in him. You need to wait with intimacy so that he does not quickly lose interest. In a relationship, it is better not to show feelings right away, to behave with restraint, to make sure that his feelings and desires awaken.

It will not be possible to fall in love with a Taurus man if the woman shows unpredictability or extravagance, frivolity or superficiality, impulsiveness or hysteria, secrecy or power. He will get tired of an overly active woman. But she will also get bored from being too calm. Despite the fact that he himself can show prudence, he will not like calculating, selfish women who only need money. He is not greedy, but he wants the woman to be frugal with money. He also does not like it when his beloved flirts and flirts with others.

He needs time to analyze his feelings. You can push him to action if he constantly feels a real need for the presence of a woman nearby. Then his affection will grow quickly, and new dates will be looked forward to. You need to become the main one in his life, when all thoughts are only about the chosen one, he begins to seriously fall in love.

It must be borne in mind that he needs to constantly see, hear, feel, and touch his beloved. Only in this way will he begin to become more attached. Especially if we say that having met him, you have a desire to live, you began to look at the world differently and your emotional connection turns into a spiritual one, that you have always dreamed of such a stable relationship, of reliable men like him.

Typically, a Taurus man in bed has great sexual needs. Sex for him is the path to happiness. It will give you an intense sex life. If a woman avoids physical intimacy, finds excuses and pretexts for refusal, then he will be seriously offended and angry. It is ideal for women who dream of an insatiable partner. Intimate relationships for a Taurus man serve as an indicator of his own attractiveness. Even everyday issues concern him somewhat less than the beauty, sexuality and grooming of his companion.

Taurus is a very family sign; such people are focused on stability within their own social unit. For a Taurus man, marriage is a certain indicator of solidity and one’s own maturity. A strong family is a certain indicator of status, a way to demonstrate to the world one’s worth. However, do not think that Taurus is showing off all the time. Of course, Taurus knows how to love and loves deeply. Venus leads him to deep and real feelings, and having met his love, Taurus will fall in love - and the whole world will know about it.

He has been thinking about possible marriage since the very first dates. He will take a closer look, observe the girl’s behavior, and think about how suitable the chosen one is for the role of a wife. He hopes that the relationship will end in a strong marriage, where divorce and misunderstanding are excluded. During meetings, he can arrange checks; he wants to know all her sides of character, to see what is hidden. It is equally important for him to know that the chosen one does not need his money, but he himself. Regardless of his financial situation, he will like it when his chosen one earns well, or at least knows how to earn money. He wants to eliminate all possible risks, because he does not like to take risks.

The important qualities for him that he wants to see in his future wife are thriftiness and practicality, loyalty and devotion, thrift and economy, as well as the ability to cook deliciously. If his chosen one has all these qualities, then he himself will propose. For the sake of a serious, responsible and reliable woman, he is ready to turn a blind eye to many misunderstandings, indulge her whims, and trust her in many ways. A beloved wife will indeed be forgiven a lot, but only if there is no malicious intent in her actions and words. This is how he is a Taurus man in love...

Relationships with a Taurus man in marriage are suitable for women who are not afraid of peace, monotony and monotony. He is predictable in his behavior, actions, thoughts, his behavior is easy to predict. Monotony and routine do not frighten him at all, but on the contrary, they bring pleasure, since this is how he finds the calm he needs. He likes to do everything according to the schedule he sets and sticks to it with pleasure. For example, he will go to work early in the morning. Upon returning home, he will sit in his favorite chair with a newspaper and maybe take a nap. He is a homely man and loves to spend all his evenings at home with his wife. There is also time set aside for meeting with friends, usually to drink beer and play board games.

The Taurus man wants to have his own spacious house with land nearby. Particular attention is paid to the kitchen; the refrigerator will never be empty. If possible, he will spend a lot of money to make his home as comfortable and cozy as possible. Prefers a lush, rich environment. Things are acquired of high quality, valuable, and often such things can be passed on from generation to generation. He prefers to use every corner in the house to his advantage, so that there is no emptiness left. In general, he relies only on his own strengths, skills and abilities; he will not wait for anyone’s help, but he himself will try to create an earthly paradise and live in it. There will definitely be things in his house that he made himself. He loves to tinker, repair, and find practical uses for any thing. He is no less interested in works of art, paintings, and figurines.

He likes classic clothes and tries to stick to the golden mean in his choice. There will be exactly as much clothes in the wardrobe as you need, nothing superfluous. Everything must be used for its intended purpose. He chooses his clothes carefully, for a long time and treats them with care, so many may think that he has bought a new thing again. There is an interest in expensive things, but in this way he does not seek to show his worth, and the choice is made primarily on quality. As befits a practical earth sign, he does not like to talk much, but rather to do, the same goes for food. There should be a lot of it and definitely tasty. And instead of talking about food, it is better to absorb it. Often food becomes his main addiction; the desire to eat a lot and well can appear at different times, which can ultimately lead to excess weight.

At the moment of birth, each person receives many different attitudes, which further shape his character, how he will behave in life and react to various situations. Of course, no two people are the same, and we are all different from each other in some way, even those who were born under the same stars. And yet these stars influence us to a significant extent. In this material we will talk in detail about men born under, or more precisely, about what they are like in love relationships. Who is this zodiac sign compatible with, what is he like in marriage and how does a Taurus man behave in bed, as well as much more - read on.

general characteristics

Comparing the Taurus man with other signs, you can notice that the representative of this zodiac sign, like no other, is able to understand women. Moreover, unlike other men, Taurus has developed intuition and knows how to use it, which gives him significant advantages over them. He is able to guess desires, charm and captivate, he exudes warmth, tenderness and peace, especially for Taurus born in the year of the Goat.

In most cases, Taurus is a romantic, the owner of a subtle nature, which often attracts the fair sex. At the same time, he is a reliable person who you can always rely on in difficult times. Taurus-Dragon has a particularly attractive character. A woman who is next to a Taurus will definitely experience a feeling of stability, both material and emotional.

Taurus is stability and reliability

For women who want a calm and stable relationship or the same family life, a Taurus man is perfect as a partner. He is kind and tactful and will not once again find fault or create a scandal over some little thing. A Taurus man can be very tender and passionate in bed, and in general he is a faithful and devoted partner, and betrayal is a rather rare occurrence on his part, since he would rather be guided by reason than be led by emotions.

Taurus knows a lot about money, that is, he knows how to earn it, and his incentive is the desire to provide his family with everything they need. Those close to Taurus are unlikely to bask in luxury, however, being next to him, you can quite count on a tastefully furnished, comfortable and cozy apartment. Taurus-Dragon may be especially purposeful, because a man born under these stars is extremely rational and diplomatic.

In love and relationships

The Taurus man tends to dream of ideal love, and he sincerely believes in its existence. And in the search for such love, he can be very persistent. And although men born under the sign of Taurus can hardly be called frivolous Don Juans, they try to regularly test their ability to influence women. Light flirting, flirting - they resort to such tricks only to keep themselves in shape, and also to once again be convinced of their own abilities.

Taurus can be very sensitive and sentimental in relationships. Representatives of this sign are very picky in choosing a partner; they are unlikely to be capable of love at first sight and tend to take a long time to look closely and get used to the woman they like. And Taurus, born in the year of the Tiger, takes maximum precautions when it comes to meeting new people. But having truly fallen in love, he will fight with all his might for his happiness.

Taurus man in bed

In the life of a Taurus man, sexual intimacy occupies an important place, which, on the one hand, lies in his significant erotic needs, on the other hand, in his confidence that sex is an integral component of human happiness, as well as one of the most valuable gifts of nature . In this context, the love horoscope of Taurus says that a woman who underestimates the importance of sexuality is not on her way with a man of this zodiac sign.

To deny Taurus sexual intimacy means to reject him, to instill in him. In this case, he may even suspect his partner. Of course, you shouldn’t take this statement as the only one, but that’s just Taurus - in bed he wants to completely surrender to his partner and wants her to reciprocate his feelings. A Taurus-Monkey or a Rabbit may turn out to be a particularly sensitive and passionate lover.

Conservative and extremely stubborn

Taurus is a rather conservative zodiac sign. In this regard, he is deeply convinced that the head of the family should be a man. There is no equality - everyone has their own responsibilities and must strictly adhere to them. He is unlikely to allow a woman to interfere in his purely male affairs, much less criticize him or doubt the correctness of his decisions. All the pros and cons have long been weighed, so there is nothing more to talk about here. Even if Taurus is wrong, you shouldn’t tell him about it directly; it’s better to try to subtly hint and point out the mistakes he’s made, leaving him the right to decide the issues himself.

Taurus is very stubborn, so in cases where there is strong pressure on him, he will still act in his own way and even do the opposite, contrary to what he is advised. And everything may also look as if he is deliberately not noticing obvious things, such is the character of this zodiac. Taurus requires a respectful attitude, so in order to find a common language with him, diplomacy is needed.

He needs support

A man born under the sign of Taurus is in dire need of support from his life partner. If this support is not there, then he may think that his beloved is dissatisfied with him for some reason, which will ultimately make him suspicious. Expecting criticism against him, the Taurus guy becomes wary and prepares to repel a possible attack; he will relax only when he is sure that he is valued and respected.

The seemingly unnecessary suspicion and caution of Taurus actually serve as a defense mechanism for him, shielding his subtle inner world from external attacks. However, having met a woman with whom he can feel completely safe, Taurus will definitely open up sooner or later and share with her his deepest thoughts and desires.

Taurus in family life

Living together with a Taurus may seem somewhat monotonous, but this is one of the most homely zodiac signs. It is very important for him to be able to return home, to the quiet and cozy abode he has created, where he will be tasty fed, after which Taurus will want to read the newspaper or watch the latest news broadcast on TV. And so almost every day. Taurus prefers accuracy and rationality; this person is not able to suddenly take off and go in an unknown direction. A person born in the year strives throughout his life to create a full-fledged family, and he is quite successful in this.

You should not perceive a Taurus man as an exclusively boring and monotonous person; he is by no means alien to impulsiveness and spontaneity. For example, a Taurus guy born in the year of the Rooster will be a skillful owner in his home, however, it is difficult for him to constantly be within four walls.

Who is it compatible with?

If we summarize all the character traits that, according to astrologers, are inherent in Taurus men, then we can draw some general conclusions regarding their compatibility with certain types of women. So, here's what the horoscope tells us: Taurus is perfect for those representatives of the fair sex who would prefer a calm and measured life. This woman should be thrifty, or at least not inclined to throw money away. A Taurus man is perfect for those ladies who know how to be faithful, but at the same time want their partner to appreciate their beauty and admire them.

It is perfect for girls in whose lives intimacy occupies an important place, because the Taurus man is tireless in bed. He is jealous, but rarely commits rash acts, loves to eat deliciously and prefers to spend more time next to his beloved. He also loves nature very much and one day he might give up everything and move to live in the countryside.

Who will it be difficult for Taurus to find a common language with?

A Taurus man can make an excellent match for his chosen one, but despite his relatively calm character, not every woman can stand this guy. For example, the one who is most afraid of monotony and monotony, and also does not see herself in the role of an ideal housewife.

It will be quite difficult for a woman for whom it is very important to maintain her own independence to find a relationship with a Taurus, because he is inclined to constantly watch every step of his chosen one, control her, and sometimes even give advice on how to behave. This man is quite stubborn, and often there is no point in arguing with him - he will still do everything his own way. And Taurus-Monkey can turn out to be quite vindictive in nature, so it’s better not to anger him.

How to interest a Taurus

How to behave with a Taurus in order to interest and attract his attention? What else can his love horoscope tell us? Calmness and poise are precisely the qualities that Taurus so values ​​in representatives of the opposite sex. Extravagance, unpredictability and hysteria are by no means his element. Nevertheless, Taurus needs a woman who can stir him up and motivate him to action. However, he is quite perceptive, so from the first minutes of acquaintance he can independently determine whether this woman is suitable for him or not. Sometimes he is not against non-binding adventures, but Taurus is inclined to strive for a full-fledged relationship, so he almost always evaluates a potential partner from this point of view.

First of all, the Taurus man values ​​sincerity and rationality in women. You should not play with him - he is quite capable of recognizing cunning and deception. He needs a woman who is strong and at the same time delicate and romantic, and most importantly - natural. It would be wrong to call Taurus greedy, but he will never tolerate people around him who are trying to take advantage of him. It is not so easy to tame him, but if he succeeds, then a Taurus in love is unlikely to want to let his beloved go.

A little conclusion

A man born under the sign of Taurus is naturally endowed with strength and an independent character, which does not prevent him from being kind. attentive and gentle. He will never waste resources, be it money or his own life energy. But if he has to fight for his happiness, then he will definitely make every effort to achieve the desired result. To be close to someone like this means to be behind a stone wall, at least that’s what the horoscope thinks. Taurus is loving, faithful and rational, which makes him an almost ideal spouse. And it’s okay that he is a little stubborn, because if treated properly, this quality of his can play a positive role in his life.

The Taurus man is somewhat inconsistent with the stereotype of a real man. He is characterized by deep tenderness and warmth, so rare among the stronger sex. Extremely sensitive, he will make your life calm and reliable.

If a Taurus loves you, there is nothing to worry about - you will not have to deal with pressing problems. Romantic by nature, he dreams of ideal love, not subject to time and blows of fate. His persistence, turning into stubbornness, helps him believe in the existence of such love, and he is constantly looking for it, without losing hope of a quick victory.

Left alone for a minute, he tests his influence on women: at every opportunity he flirts and flirts. Surely he will not pass by a beauty dressed in fashionable rags that emphasize her charms - he will instantly turn around, and perhaps even whistle... But do not rush to judge him - he does not belong to the category of frivolous Don Juans.

There is nothing superficial or frivolous in his attitude towards women. Taurus is very constant in his feelings and quickly becomes attached to the object of his affection. It is important for him to know that he is needed, and if he is truly in love, he naively believes that he can hide his weaknesses from his partner.

His whole life is determined by sentimental motives. Although he likes sensual women, he hesitates for a long time to truly fall in love. The feeling matures in him very slowly. However, if you manage to win his heart, the desire for intimacy with you will fuel his impressionable soul until his feelings blossom or... until he loses faith in you.

One way or another, it will be difficult for him to fight the emotions that have awakened against his will. The heart will not allow you to give up love, even if it destroys it. Therefore, try not to betray his trust - then you will not miss the opportunity to experience wonderful moments with a Taurus man.

And it would be a pity to miss, because his feelings are deep and he is full of faith in the perfection of a love union. He will try his best to create the appearance of an ideal couple, and you need to help him with this.

Physical love plays a big role in his life. He loves to fall into the abyss of pleasure, wants to give everything to his partner, but wants her to give herself over to mutual ecstasy without a trace. In the light of such idealistic expectations, Taurus will sooner or later experience disappointment in love, which he will remember for a long time, becoming more and more cynical.

Because of the fear of new disappointment, he will stop looking for true love, his interest in women will become exclusively physical. If you meet him at such a moment, it will be very difficult to assure him of the sincerity of your feelings.

But if you really care about the feelings of your chosen Taurus, be patient. He, being stubborn himself, will appreciate your persistence and sooner or later will believe that you really love him.

He is loving, generous and sophisticated. He understands relationships and the pleasures that love, full of fire and passion, will give him. This is why he often becomes sentimental and sensitive. This combination of incompatible things usually awakens the interest of the opposite sex in him and the desire to get to know him better. As a rule, she herself goes into his trap and he savors his victory with special pleasure.

Taurus man in love or what is Taurus love like?

Even at a young age, he is a very mature and responsible person. It is always cozy and calm with him, he will not exhaust his soulmate with passions, since it is not typical for him to express his feelings in this way. He is easy to communicate, can always amaze with optimism, and at the same time he is practical and businesslike even in such a sublime feeling as love. He puts his soul into relationships, as he is too responsible for fleeting flirtation.

He is practical, so he must be confident in the feelings of his other half. If this is the case, then he can put his whole heart and soul into the relationship. As a result, she will definitely receive the key to his heart. He often gives himself over to fleeting romances, because he believes that this is the only bright feeling. And when he makes a mistake, he usually takes it as experience. That is why he puts all his spiritual strength into love, because he is waiting for true love.

Taurus man in love - In search of Perfection!

He does not like change, so even if the relationship has exhausted itself, he will continue it. He is looking for a perfect relationship and at the same time often does a lot himself to make it just that. It is not in his nature to wait, he acts. And he acts in such a way that he forgets about her personal life. He can forget about her desires, because he believes that his desires are more important. As a result, he simply scares his soul mate with this, and she can run away.

In his eyes, she can become perfect. It is enough to want to listen to him in everything, run the household and raise children. At the same time, she must forget about all her hobbies and desires in order to completely dissolve in him. His such a desire may give rise to opposition on her part, and he will be sincerely perplexed why the ideal image is not embodied in reality. He forgets about her freedom, taking full advantage of his own.

Taurus man in love - The other side of the coin!

He does not like quarrels and arguments, so he tries to solve any problems in a calm atmosphere. On the one hand, this is a significant plus, but in some cases the reluctance to change something gives rise to a lot of problems. His significant other may not take him seriously, and he may simply hope for a successful outcome to the silent conflict. He should solve problems through conversations in order to understand her, and she can understand him.

To make her happy, he often tries to work more. It seems to him that the key to her heart is his well-being. At the same time, he may forget about her desire to spend time together, her desire to be together. Work completely absorbs him, and he forgets the purpose of his work. That is why he should pay attention to this aspect and balance it. It often depends on the mood, which also negatively affects feelings.

The most important! The secret of a Taurus man in love!

He loves to control his partner too much and if he tightens the bonds more tightly, they will burst from her desire to gain freedom. He must understand that she is a free person, and her feelings can only decorate his and her life. You should not impose exclusively your own scenario for living together, as this can lead to a breakdown in relationships. Perhaps more fun and laughter are needed to make the relationship softer and more trusting.

Contents of the article:

This guy is human strong-willed, stubborn, independent. He categorically does not accept chaos, he is used to planning absolutely everything in his life. Any force majeure confuses him, but Taurus continues to move adamantly towards his goal.

The disadvantage of such a person can be considered periodic indecisiveness. A supporter of the traditional way of life, this guy strives for family comfort. A home with holidays with his wife and children, noisy companies, delicious dishes is the ultimate of his dreams.

Taurus man in love

A representative of the stronger sex, born under this zodiac sign, knows what he wants from life. He loves luxury in everything, not excluding love relationships. The chosen one of Taurus must match the refined taste of her partner.

For his woman, such a gentleman will not skimp on the most luxurious gifts. At the same time, he will always ask his beloved whether she really needs this or that gift. Decrees and orders - that’s what the Taurus guy can’t stand. The characteristics of such a person are truly complemented by bullish stubbornness.

In love, he is characterized by enviable constancy. The feelings of a Taurus man can ripen for a long time, fueling his interest in the object of his affections. He not without romantic illusions. It is important for his chosen one to behave with such a gentleman as delicately as possible, so as not to inadvertently spoil the somewhat idealistic idea of ​​herself.

The companion of the man described should not even think about starting a flirtation “on the side.” Taurus people in cordial relationships are big jealous people, so you shouldn’t even joke with them about adultery. Such conversations act on them like a red rag on a bull.

Taurus man in sex

In intimate games, this guy is unpretentious. Taurus is attracted to the process of having sex and the range of sensations that accompanies it. In bed such a man - insatiable and subtle lover, feeling his partner well. A characteristic feature of Taurus as a sexual partner is the ability to prolong pleasure.

Taurus prefaces sex with a variety of sensual caresses that can drive the most demanding lover crazy. You can’t expect anything supernatural from him in bed, but such a guy follows well-trodden roads very skillfully.

Taurus lover in bed gets excited by the smells of his woman. Oral pleasures also give him pleasure. A Taurus guy in sex will amaze his partner with iron stamina and insatiability. For such a sophisticated person, the bed is an arena for frenzied games, where you can make love all day long and not get tired one bit.

Taurus man in family life

Starting from the first acquaintance, this guy is already building in his imagination a project for a future life together in marriage with his passion. Courts on a special scale, hoping for a quick family idyll.

Marriage for a Taurus man is sacred. Representatives of this zodiac sign are convinced that a family needs to be created once and for all. Before proposing to a possible candidate, a Taurus man will make her go through a series of serious tests. Only by writing up a description of his betrothed will such a guy decide to have a frank conversation.

In family relationships, such representatives of the stronger sex are supporters of stability and home comfort. Taurus is confident: the husband is obliged to make every effort to adequately provide for his family. Usually he treats his wife with respect and love and willingly meets her whims. But there are three things that such a spouse will not tolerate:

  • Lunch not prepared on time;
  • Family squabbles, regularly arranged by an overly picky wife;
  • Extravagance in the family.

If Taurus faces similar problems in marriage, there is a high risk that it will no longer be possible to return the former warmth to the relationship. Trying to change the character of such a spouse or adjust it to your requirements is a fool’s errand. What else should this man's wife be prepared for? violent outbursts of marital jealousy.

Taurus in the family should hear children's voices. He treats procreation with great responsibility, so marriage without children is devoid of the slightest sense for him. Adopted children are not a problem for this committed family man.

It would be a shame for kids in such a house to complain about lack of attention: a caring dad will literally shower them with all sorts of gifts. At the same time, Taurus father can be very strict and demand unquestioning discipline from the younger generation.

You can live with this person for at least a hundred years. You just need to adapt to his hot-tempered and stubborn character.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Sunday, April 28, 2019(April 15, old style)

App. from the 70 of Aristarchus, Pud and Trophimus (c. 67)
Saints' Day:
Mcc. Vasilisa and Anastasia (c. 68). Mchch. Mesukeviy - Sukhius and his squads: Andrei, Anastasia, Talale, Theodorit, Ivkhirion, Jordan, Kondrat, Lucian, Mimnenos, Nerangios, Polievkta, Jacob, Phocas, Domentian, Victor, Zosima (100-130) (Georgian). Mch. Savva of Gotfsky (372).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Alexandra Gnevushev presbyter (1930).
Easter (Bright) week is continuous.
Marriages are not celebrated during Easter (Bright) Week.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Acts 1:1-8 Ev.: John 1:1-17 For eternity: - John 20:19-25
In the morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23