Teeth in a dream- White teeth will bring profit and good news to your home, but black and rotten teeth will not console you in any way. They promise only disappointments and bad news from relatives.
Sick teeth speak of future difficulties, misfortunes, and poverty.
If you lost all your teeth in a dream- this means that misfortunes in your life will be repeated one after another.
Your beautiful, white and even teeth, which you look at in the mirror with pleasure, are rather a good sign. This dream is a harbinger of joy and success.
See white, clean teeth- this means that you will soon be robbed of good news.
Seeing rotten or broken teeth in a dream -- to problems at work.
Seeing a tooth growing in a dream means that you will have more strength to cope with all adversities.
Seeing your bad teeth in a dream- to gossip.
Seeing in a dream how teeth crumble and decay- a signal that your immune system cannot cope with the stress and your health may suffer greatly.
Seeing a tooth growing means that you will soon achieve success in your work or in some business that you have recently started.
In a dream, teeth fall out, then there are worries ahead.
Admire your teeth in a dream- enjoy your cute friends and feel happy in reality.
Inserting teeth in a dream foretells profit, and brushing means health.
Pulling out teeth that are crumbling means that you should expect great misfortune in the near future.
Lost teeth in any animal- the dream indicates that in the real world you undeservedly offended a good person, accused him of an act that he did not commit.
Lost teeth, in the place of which new ones immediately appear, mean a bright future for your children.
A fallen out rotten tooth warns you about the illness of your good friend or acquaintance. such a dream symbolizes your unfulfilled hopes and promises.
A healthy tooth falling out, if the others also do not hurt, means a conflict with your superiors.
Your teeth falling out in a dream- to a future series of troubles. A knocked out tooth symbolizes an unexpected health problem or at work.
Tooth loss- one of the unfavorable signs that predicts trouble.
Molar tooth fell out- health problems in a loved one of an elderly person.
One tooth fell out- bad news, two - a black streak in life.
Spitting out teeth- means a disease that threatens you or a close relative.
Spitting out your teeth in a dream- to unfavorable events that may overtake you in the near future. Such a dream may portend illness for you or your loved ones.
Spitting out teeth like that- to bad events that will soon overtake you. Such a dream can warn about your illness or the illness of a loved one.
A pulled out tooth symbolizes something negative. Most likely, in real life you will face a lot of difficult trials that will not be so easy to overcome on the way to your goal. However, you do not need to despair - rely on your own strength and believe in yourself.
Rotten teeth portend an imminent illness or betrayal of a friend.
Two or more lost teeth- to serious troubles.
Holding your tooth in your hand means losing a loved one.
If a tooth falls out on its own- sad news awaits you.
If there are 3 teeth, then expect big troubles. If you spit out teeth in a dream, then most likely you will have to stay in an unpleasant society for you or the illness of close relatives.
If in your dream you lose a tooth, then it is best to be patient and persistent, since all your endeavors will end unsuccessfully, and the things that you started earlier will fail miserably. Perhaps something will happen that can break your pride or self-confidence.
If you dreamed of healthy white teeth, it means that in reality you will succeed in everything you planned. Rotten teeth dream of worries. Sometimes such a dream portends illness.
If you dreamed about teeth, then this does not mean one thing, because everything depends on their condition and situation.
If you dreamed of crooked teeth, it means that you will soon quarrel with someone from your family.
If you dreamed about your dog's teeth falling out, it could mean that your friend has health problems.
If you dreamed of a doctor removing your tooth, this may indicate the approach of a protracted illness.
If you dreamed about admiring your teeth, it means you will receive an unexpected gift.
If you dreamed that your teeth were being pulled out, it means that in reality you will have to part with the person closest to you.
If you dreamed that you were inserting teeth, this is a sign of profit or a successful deal.
If you dreamed that you spat out your tooth- your loved ones or you are facing illness.
If you dreamed that you were pulling out someone's teeth, it means that you are up to something evil. You should reconsider your attitude towards your loved ones.
If you dreamed that you were treating your teeth, it means that they think about you the way you expected.
If you dreamed that you were whitening your teeth, it means that you are trying to get rid of something that will be impossible to avoid.
If you dreamed that you lost a tooth and you are ashamed to open your mouth in front of people, this means that you risk becoming the object of gossip and losing respect.
If you dreamed that you were brushing your teeth, it means that you will soon receive good news.
If you dreamed that your healthy teeth were falling out, it means that you will quarrel with management or your business will decline.
If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, it means that big changes await you; swallowing lost teeth in a dream is a disappointment.
If you dreamed that all your teeth fell out, this is a sign of illness or misfortune.
If you dreamed that you had more teeth than you actually did, expect good news.
If you dreamed that your teeth were encrusted with a diamond or other precious stone, it means that in reality you cannot avoid unpleasant rumors.
If you dreamed of a tooth being pulled out, you can immediately say that you should not expect good news after this dream.
If you dream of a mouth full of teeth, then you will soon gain wealth.
If you have a dream that you are pulling out someone’s teeth, then this dream foreshadows a break in relations with a boring and uninteresting person.
If you dream that your tooth is being pulled out, this indicates that in real, real life you are very afraid of losing very dear and close people to you.
If you dream about your teeth being removed, this is a sign of a serious and long-term illness.
If you dream about how you treat your teeth, get rid of tartar, it means that a protracted illness will be overcome, and everything at work will also improve.
If you dream about brushing or rinsing your teeth, it means you are facing a difficult struggle for your happiness.
If you dream that teeth fall out and then grow back, then happiness awaits your subsequent generations.
If you dream of bad teeth, it means that your health will deteriorate.
If you dream that you have artificial teeth, it means that difficult trials await you on the path to success.
If your enemy pulls out your teeth in a dream, then expect the death of a close friend.
If your dream is about how you rinse or brush your teeth, then in reality you will have a serious struggle for your own happiness and well-being.
If your teeth have any defect- this foreshadows a number of troubles (poverty, illness, collapse of hopes and plans).
If you suddenly feel like your teeth are falling out while you sleep, then don’t expect anything good.
If in a dream you have teeth inserted, or you use a prosthesis, serious trials await you, which, however, are within your power to overcome.
If you had your teeth knocked out in a dream, be careful in your dealings, and remember that your enemies are not asleep.
If your teeth are knocked out in a dream, this is a bad sign. In reality, you may lose something valuable to you.
If your teeth are pulled out in a dream, it means that you will have a quarrel with someone close to you.
If in a dream you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling, then such a dream may foreshadow a difficult period in life.
If in a dream your teeth were artificial- fate is preparing severe trials for you.
If in your dream your teeth looked fine- this means the return of once lost property.
If in a dream your teeth fall out one by one, get ready for a series of troubles.
If your teeth break or decay in a dream- stop burdening yourself with unnecessary worries, otherwise your health will suffer.
If in a dream a dentist removes your tooth, this is a kind of warning that a protracted, long-term, long-term illness may overtake you.
If in a dream you visited a dentist, and he cleaned off plaque on your teeth, which soon appeared again, you will believe certain people who will ultimately deceive you. Based on this, draw a conclusion and proceed with caution.
If in a dream you yourself pulled out your damaged teeth, it means that misfortune awaits you.
If you lose your teeth in a dream, it means that your efforts were in vain.
If in a dream you saw someone knock out their teeth and they began to crumble, the dream warns that ill-wishers are not asleep, so be more attentive and careful in solving important matters.
If you brush your teeth in a dream- you should pay more attention to matters, because there are envious people who will not miss the opportunity to do harm. You will also soon need a lot of effort to maintain harmony in the family.
If you brush your teeth in a dream, then expect that they will do you a huge favor and then you will need to justify it.
If one tooth falls out in a dream, then expect bad news.
If one tooth falls out in a dream, this means unpleasant news, two - to difficulties, three - to serious problems.
If your teeth deteriorate in a dream and you pull them out yourself, hunger and death await you.
If in a dream your teeth only become loose and do not fall out, then this indicates that a baby will soon appear in the family.
If your teeth hurt in a dream, it means that in reality, on the contrary, joy and contentment await you. Pulling out someone's teeth in a dream means trouble.
If in a dream your tooth falls out without pain, this means the death or serious illness of a person you know.
If in a dream you lost a rotten tooth- you will have to go through difficulties, but you will cope with them and become even stronger and happier.
Healthy and strong teeth dream of good health.
If in a dream you lost a rotten or old tooth, then in reality you should pay more attention to order, discipline and rigor in your home. Be the first to set an example of the right lifestyle for your household.
If you find a hole in a tooth, then you will have financial problems.
If you see in a dream that you are spitting out a lost tooth, it means that you need to think about your health. A terrible disease threatens your health.
If you see a tooth that someone has knocked out, it means you need to be careful, because in your environment there is a person who is not what he seems. Perhaps very soon he will prepare a trap for you or help your competitors in the fight against you.
If you lose one tooth in a dream- sad news, two teeth - systematic bad luck due to your fault, three teeth - serious troubles.
If you saw another person's teeth falling out in a dream, this is a sign of his longevity.
If you admire your white, perfect teeth in a dream, you are completely satisfied with what you have achieved.
If you notice in a dream that your teeth are damaged and they have been pulled out, this warns you that you should begin to take a more thrifty attitude in everything, especially with regard to money - a poor, stagnant period of life awaits you.
If you admire the beauty of your teeth- to the fulfillment of a cherished desire or pleasant communication.
If you admire them at the same time, then this speaks of the imminent fulfillment of desires, happiness in life, true love.
If you saw your teeth in a dream- this means communicating with unpleasant people or illness.
If you have brushed or rinsed your teeth- to maintain your happiness you will have to put in a lot of effort and patience.
If sick, rotten teeth fall out- to recovery.
If a healthy tooth is pulled out, it means you will lose a person at a young age.
If tooth extraction is accompanied by blood, it means that grief will be associated specifically with blood relatives.
If a healthy tooth falls out in a dream, and only rotten ones remain, then you are missing your only chance to fix something, you may lose your other half. You don’t look around, you don’t notice that you are loved, you think about anything but your life.
If there are two teeth, a misfortune will occur due to your own stupidity.
If a tooth was knocked out in a dream- look at the state of your affairs: perhaps your enemies tried to complicate them.
If a tooth falls out with pain, then the death or illness of a close friend or relative.
If you don't have teeth- Unfortunately.
If your teeth were healthy and began to fall out in a dream, then very sad news awaits you about the death of relatives.
If your teeth are knocked out, then you should prepare for a sudden misfortune.
If in a dream your teeth begin to be surgically removed, the dream indicates your fear, death or desire to die.
If healthy teeth fall out and without blood, then most likely you will quarrel with your superiors.
If your teeth fall out and you just look at them- this means you can lose your loved one, watching in confusion as they leave.
If your teeth have fallen out, then the dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of troubles, major problems, serious illnesses or disappointments.
If the plaque on your teeth disappears in a dream and they become white and healthy, this means that all the troubles in your life are temporary and will soon stop.
If he is sick, and even more so blackened, full of holes, then he is an old man. Depending on which tooth was pulled out, you can predict who in your family will be affected by the next problem.
If after sleep there remains a heavy aftertaste, an unpleasant sensation, then a loose tooth will portend illness in children.
If you admit your mistake and apologize, your quarrel will not last long.
If you dreamed that a tooth fell out, but there was no empty space, then this foreshadows the abandonment of a previously planned task.
When you dream that your teeth are falling out, such a dream foreshadows unpleasant news from your father or mother.
If you dream that your tooth was pulled out, it means that a difficult loss will occur for you personally, if for someone else, then this foreshadows a tragedy for them.
If you dream that your teeth are knocked out, you should pay attention to your affairs and not allow anyone to spoil your work.
If you dream that your teeth are falling out in a dream, then this may mean illness or hardship that can ruin all your efforts.
If your teeth are bleeding, then bad news or failure in your new endeavors awaits you.
If you feel that your teeth are falling out with pain in a dream, then this warns you that something may happen to your relatives. such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of new people in your life, whom you will have to part with in a short amount of time.
If, despite the procedures, plaque appears on your teeth, you better beware of people who can let you down.
Gold teeth dream of profit.
A tooth with blood that you saw in a dream can also warn about emotional experiences and shocks that you will soon experience. Perhaps they will be related to your relationship with your loved one or with your relatives. Try to remain calm and internal harmony, and soon all problems will disappear.
Teeth in a dream symbolize your vitality and health. Therefore, if a tooth falls out in a dream, you are in danger of health problems. You need to take a break from work to prevent illness.
Teeth fall out without pain or blood- a relationship that means nothing to your life will end. You shouldn’t try to keep a person, it will be better without him.
Teeth fall out bleeding- a loved one will leave. This will not be death, and he will not abandon you; he will have to go on a long trip for a long time, which can last for years. The loss of rotten teeth means getting rid of unnecessary friendships, relationships, if you are experiencing indifference at this moment. This dream is for the better, as it will save you from problems.
If you see teeth in a dream- this means troubles caused by illnesses of loved ones.
Teeth are crumbling- the dream also suggests that you are heavily loaded with some responsibilities and work.
Teeth are crumbling- having seen such a dream, think about urgent rest or vacation, otherwise there may be serious health problems. You can also ask for help to cope with all the work and responsibilities that have piled up.
Teeth symbolize connections with family and friends, so if you had to pull out a tooth in a dream, it means a break with one of them. The gap can be for various reasons, ranging from a quarrel to the death of a loved one, but, as in the case of a tooth, there will be an empty space, causing considerable discomfort and grief from the loss.
Teeth are a symbol of aggression and subconscious protection. They can foreshadow events that will happen not only to you, but also to your relatives and friends.
Teeth falling out with blood in a dream- to the illness or death of a close relative.
Sometimes tooth loss leads to the collapse of hopes and plans.
Artificial teeth- this is evidence of insincerity. Spitting out teeth will warn you or your relatives about illness.
Artificial teeth dream of a short-term relationship with someone.
When you see teeth falling out in a dream, then in reality do not expect the return of monetary debts or the fulfillment of promises given to you by people you know.
When a tooth is pulled out with blood- this, accordingly, is a warning that an unpleasant quarrel for you may take place in your real life and this may even be fraught with the rupture of your relationship.
Molars in a dream represent distant relatives and friends.
Beautiful and white teeth indicate good health and a successful life.
Beautiful, white and straight teeth- such a dream may indicate that in reality a long series of failures and misfortunes will finally end and be replaced by a bright streak.
Bleeding teeth foretell the death of a relative, but not necessarily a close one.
Treat teeth in a dream- to established affairs.
A child's baby teeth are a sign of good luck.
A dream in which you look at irregularly shaped teeth or sick, yellowed teeth does not bode well. After such a dream, you should be on alert - your ill-wishers are not asleep.
An ordinary dream in which you see teeth usually foreshadows an unpleasant meeting for you, with a doctor, for example. Pay attention to what color your teeth are in your dreams. This will greatly help the interpretation of dreams.
The front teeth symbolize the closest relatives (parents, children, brothers and sisters), with the upper ones representing representatives of the stronger sex, and the lower teeth representing someone of the feminine gender.
Sorrows and sorrows will enter your home. After such a dream, it is recommended to closely monitor your own health and the safety of your children.
Lost tooth in a dream- to big troubles that can reduce all your efforts in some matter to zero.
Losing all your teeth in a dream- to a serious illness or separation from a very close person.
Stop communicating with those people who are negative towards you and bring only resentment and worries into your life. Such a dream also warns you that you need to more often resort to your wisdom and patience when difficult life situations arise.
A dreamed tooth symbolizes the dreamer’s health, vitality and energy.
A growing tooth can be a sign of an addition to the family.
If you knock out your teeth with your tongue, good luck will come to you and bring a lot of happiness to your family.
In dreams about teeth, they are designated as close friends and family.
A dream in which a tooth is removed, but you cannot find the place where it was, means that you will decide to abandon an important, previously planned task. However, later you will return to it in secret from others, receiving vague satisfaction from it.
A dream in which your teeth are in order- a good sign, the troubles will finally end.
A dream in which you see teeth promises troubles caused by communicating with quarrelsome or sick people.
A dream in which you saw rotten teeth indicates a decline in your vitality and a deterioration in your health. You are especially susceptible to illness now, so you should take care of yourself. your mental health also needs attention - in the near future you will be susceptible to stress and depression, which can unsettle you for a long time. The best way to avoid these problems is to rest, preferably away from home and familiar surroundings - this will restore your strength and desire to move forward. Such a dream can also be interpreted as a warning about the mental pain that you will experience. Perhaps it will be a quarrel with friends or betrayal from a loved one. Seek support from those who love you and to whom you are dear, and also avoid communicating with ill-wishers, this will protect yourself from unnecessary worries.
A dream in which you hold your lost tooth in your hands is a sign of good changes.
A dream in which you lost a tooth suggests that you will experience emotional shock and mental pain. Communication with loved ones and friends who can support you in a difficult situation will help you with this. In addition, you should avoid communicating with people who are negatively disposed towards you in order to protect yourself from insults and worries.
A dream in which teeth fall out without pain in a dream means a quick solution to problems.
A dream where you see uneven teeth with flaws is also a bad sign and promises misfortune, poverty, illness, and nervous exhaustion.
Counting teeth in a dream- to money. Also, tooth loss is often dreamed of as a sign of a change of job or familiar environment.
Losing teeth in a dream- and a completely bad sign. Hard news or a major failure will not keep you waiting.
If you see a toothless person, then in the near future you will lose material capital or lose or break something; seeing healthy and beautiful teeth in yourself is a sign of joy, success and happiness in the near future.
Seeing a tooth with blood in a dream- to health problems, new or aggravated by old ones. Try not to be nervous in the near future, or better yet, take a vacation and go relax.
Seeing artificial teeth in a dream- to deception on the part of enemies.
Seeing your mouth without teeth in a dream- to illness.
Dream about a doctor treating your teeth- to restore order in affairs.
Seeing a tooth falling out in a dream- to life’s difficulties that you can cope with with the help of your wisdom and patience.
Seeing teeth crumbling in a dream- to a big loss.
To dream that your teeth are knocked out- to disappointment.
To dream that all your teeth are in order and healthy means that in life a white streak is replacing a black one.
To dream that teeth are falling out and bleeding at the same time means that one of your relatives is ill.
To see that you are brushing your teeth and they suddenly begin to crumble - you have to fight for personal happiness.
Good, straight teeth are a symbol of good luck and health, while rotten and sick teeth, on the contrary, are quarrels and illness.
Whole teeth promise a successful way out of difficult situations and problems.
Most often, such a dream means the approach of illness or other troubles.
Brushing your teeth in a dream- to a hard struggle for your happiness, but in some cases this means giving away money.
Brushing your teeth in a dream- to good health.
Loose tooth- such a dream can be either favorable or foreshadow trouble - it all depends on how the person feels in the morning, whether he woke up in a good mood or, conversely, in a bad one.
A loose tooth in a dream could mean quarrels with close friends or relatives.

Each of us has encountered the phenomenon when we have a very vivid and clear dream, and upon waking up we can tell it with all the details. And the reality of such a dream is so great that a person checks to see if it continues. And in such cases, I really want to check what the dream means, to interpret it correctly, because it’s not for nothing that it is so colorful and remains in my memory. For example, teeth. I dream often and almost always the interpretations for such dreams are accurate. What does a tooth mean in a dream, why do you dream about teeth?

The general meaning of teeth in a dream

Healthy, white, smooth and without flaws - something valuable, important and good. It can mean well-being, solving problems. Sick, yellow, with jagged edges - deterioration of affairs, problems with well-being, quarrels, squabbles. They can mean collapse, losses and conflicts in any area of ​​life. Sometimes they also mean positive acquisitions. If the teeth in your mouth are healthy and straight, you will not miss yours, and good luck will accompany you in everything. They knock out your teeth - they want to take something of yours.

But the explanation is not always so tragic. Often, losing a tooth simply means losing a person. This could be his move, his departure from your team or company. Sometimes this means the departure of such a person from your life, a loss of significance for you. Perhaps he will commit some unpleasant act and fall in your eyes. Or it could be a quarrel with a complete breakup if a tooth was pulled out.

Interpretation of a dream with blood - why do you dream of teeth with blood? If a lost tooth bleeds, then you have blood ties with this person. And the more blood, the closer he is to you in terms of kinship. Accordingly, the loss of such a tooth can mean illness and death. Or the disappearance of a person from your life.

Teeth in a dream - material

Sometimes such a dream means some important thing or action that you are letting go of. This could be a gift or service you are going to give. They mean a lot to you, and for them you expect sincere gratitude.

And if you see teeth, but they are strong, it means that you have not yet decided to do this act, to give this thing away, says the dream book. The tooth is loose - you are at the crossroads of making a decision, and if you fail, subconsciously you have already taken this step. A lot of blood - you expect a reciprocal action or gratitude, possibly material.

Other people's teeth

To see someone toothless or with teeth falling out - your ill-wishers will suffer heavy losses, and they will not have enough strength to discredit or slander you. - gossip, bad rumors. False, false teeth - insincere relationships, falsehood from the people around you. If you have, you are a hypocrite with others, you do not reveal the true reason for your actions. If the other person has an ulterior motive for communicating with you, his intentions are dishonest. This is how you can interpret in different ways what teeth mean in dreams.

Seeing a young tooth grow means gaining new skills, experience, and wisdom. Also - the ability to find quick and optimal solutions to existing problematic issues. Considering a lost tooth means changes are coming in your personal life (graduation from an educational institution, wedding, childbirth, divorce).

For single people, a dream with a tooth can mean a quick acquaintance with your chosen one and a wedding. For families - replenishment or expansion. For a woman, teeth can mean an early pregnancy.

As you can see, if the question “why do you dream about teeth” is tormenting you, then in each individual case the dream can be interpreted based on the situation.

Many have probably heard about the sign that teeth dream of unpleasant and tragic events. But in fact, such dreams can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on what exactly happened in your dream. To find the exact answer to the question of what teeth in a dream symbolize, you should turn to several dream books at once.

Seeing teeth in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Seeing teeth in a dream, according to this dream book, means that soon you will have to face a lot of small and large problems, quarrels and losses. Losing teeth in a dream is a symbol of great misfortune. If a tooth is pulled out by a dentist, expect a long and serious illness. If you dreamed that you had a normal number of teeth, it means that after long and persistent litigation you will be able to regain your condition. Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth means fighting against circumstances. A person who sees in a dream that his teeth have been knocked out should beware of enemies who are making insidious plans against him.

Spitting out your teeth on the ground means illness for your relatives or yourself. Yellowed teeth mean deception and betrayal. If you dream that you pulled out your own teeth because of their poor condition, then in real life hardships, hunger and even death can happen. If you dreamed that your yellow teeth suddenly regained their whiteness, this means you will soon recover from your illness. Admire beautiful white teeth - you will be happy among your friends, and all your wishes will come true.

Why do you dream about teeth according to Vanga’s dream book?

Snow-white, healthy teeth symbolize calm and happy times. Rotten and dark - your health is in danger. You work too much, don't sleep enough, and eat junk food. If your teeth fall out in a dream, one of your friends or relatives will soon die. In the case when blood appears, the relative will be very close. A dream where your teeth are pulled out foretells the imminent violent death of a relative, and you will not be able to find the villain. It's not your fault; a lot of things in life happen regardless of us. Seeing yourself without teeth in a dream means that you will be very lonely in old age.

Seeing teeth in a dream - Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud associates teeth with masturbation. If you dreamed of healthy and white teeth, then you envy someone you know who has a rich sex life. A woman who sees teeth in a dream most likely wants to get pregnant and give birth to a child. If your teeth hurt in a dream, the interpretation says that the person has a tendency to masturbate. In a dream, teeth are pulled out by force - the sleeper is afraid that he will be castrated for masturbation. To loosen a tooth in order to speed up its loss - a person prefers self-satisfaction to dating and relationships with the opposite sex. Shyness may play a role here.

Interpretation of teeth in a dream according to Meneghetti's dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, teeth are a symbol of protection. This could be the body’s defense system or the reliability of family ties. To interpret a dream, you need to look at the condition of your teeth. Beautiful white teeth mean a calm, happy life, but rotten and black teeth mean illness or quarrels within the family. Seeing that teeth are pulled out or falling out means weakness, loss of vitality, and despondency.

To pull out a tooth and then put it back painlessly means you have strained relationships with your loved ones, you sometimes quarrel, sometimes you make peace, and all because you pay too much attention to insignificant details. If you dream that you are brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth, this portends that in case of difficulties you can only rely on yourself; friends most likely will not come to the rescue.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A dream in which your teeth are pulled out means that in reality you are afraid of losing one of your family or friends. Teeth falling out in a dream is a sign that you are too indecisive and slow, which prevents you from achieving your goal. Half-destroyed rotten teeth - to health problems, weakness, premature aging. Pain in the teeth means imminent problems on the personal front that you will have to solve.

Loff's Dream Book

In this dream book, dreams about teeth in most cases carry an alarming message. Moreover, in a dream only the sleeping person worries about the loss of teeth, while the rest seem to have nothing to do with it. Often, losing teeth in a dream symbolizes embarrassment and uncertainty in reality, the fear of “losing face” and disgracing oneself. Also, dreams about teeth are often caused by problems with them in real life - for example, if they hurt, creak, or become loose.

Gypsy dream book

Teeth are a symbol of friends and relatives. The front ones refer to the closest relatives, for example, children, and the top ones are responsible for the male gender, the bottom ones for the female gender. The right eye tooth belongs to the father, the left one to the mother. Large molars symbolize your closest friends. Thus, strong white teeth mean that your family will be healthy, live in happiness and prosperity, and you will soon receive good news from them that is important. Crooked and uneven teeth in a dream, according to the interpretation, warn of family squabbles or litigation.

Why do you dream about teeth in a dream - the meaning according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

White and healthy teeth portend good luck, according to the interpretation of this dream book. If you dream of rotten, black people, expect quick quarrels and conflicts. Buying toothpaste or brushing your teeth means guests will come to you and you will be very happy. Pulling out teeth means breaking off relationships with unpleasant people, inserting artificial ones - facing deception in love.

Bad teeth symbolize illness, and their loss symbolizes someone's death. But when they fall out without blood, this may not mean death, but simply a cooling of relations with relatives. If you dream that your teeth are knocked out in a dream, then in reality you will face failure in business. Inserting teeth portends financial success. Seeing a jaw in a dream means material possessions are important to you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Filling your teeth means you will soon put your affairs in order; inserting false ones means pretending in love or other areas of life. Pulling out means ending the relationship with an unpleasant person. Teeth become loose or fall out - someone in the family will die. Very bad diseased teeth - a serious illness in reality. Brush your teeth - you will work as an employee. White, strong teeth mean you will have healthy children, and gold teeth mean big profits.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, seeing snow-white teeth in a dream means success in all your plans. If your teeth are sick, bad and loose, you will have problems at work, but if you have artificial ones inserted, then expect a promotion and a significant increase in income. I dreamed of a toothless man - your enemies will be defeated, and you will overcome all difficulties. Losing all your teeth portends a deterioration in your relationship with management or other problems at work that matter to you.

Esoteric dream book

Beautiful, straight teeth that stand out brightly on the face are a sign of small pleasant purchases, while crooked ones mean that purchases will be unsuccessful, the dream book assures. If we consider teeth regardless of the face, then they promise financial losses to traders, and unpleasant moments in the domestic sphere for others (for example, the appearance of mold or cockroaches in the house).

If your teeth fall out painlessly in a dream, then insignificant people will leave your life. A prolapse with blood or pain means a difficult separation, which will bring a lot of stress. Brushing your teeth is a sign of new acquaintances that will not matter to you, but will only take up time and energy. To see teeth damaged and rotten, ready to fall out - according to the dream book, there is a traitor among your friends.

Teeth in a dream, according to Miller, are a bad omen, signaling illness and trouble. Removing teeth in a dental office portends a protracted illness; spitting them out threatens serious illness for a loved one. An artificial jaw speaks of upcoming trials, knocked out teeth indicate ill-wishers who are plotting against you, and broken or crumbled teeth indicate physical fatigue; you should rest. If in a dream your teeth fall out or you pull them out yourself, then expect sad news; if blood is released at the same time, you will hear about death.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Vanga’s dream book

Dreaming of white, even teeth indicates physical health, material wealth; most likely, no changes for the worse are expected in the near future. Black and rotten are a sign of impending health problems; perhaps you are working too hard, reconsider your schedule. If in a dream you are missing all your teeth, it means that a lonely old age awaits you. Falling out with blood - to the death of the closest relative due to an accident.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Freud's dream book

Healthy, straight teeth are a sign indicating envy; perhaps sexually you do not receive proper satisfaction and envy other people, couples; a pulled out or fallen out tooth reveals a fear of inferiority, a fear of falling in the eyes of a partner, of not living up to his hopes. Tooth pain in a dream is a signal of a desire for self-satisfaction. Loose teeth are a sign of fear before having sexual intercourse.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Dreaming of teeth is a symbol of the leakage of vitality. Tooth loss portends lethargy, apathy, which can prevent you from implementing your most important plans. Rotten, uneven and crumbling are a sign of approaching disease; caries in a dream speaks of deceitful friends or business partners. Teeth pulled out without pain can predict the severance of useful connections.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Loff’s dream book

Seeing teeth in a dream means feeling internal discomfort; perhaps you need professional help from a psychologist. The loss of teeth shows emotional experiences associated with the lack of a core, a goal in life, the inability to find a true place in society, wandering and self-doubt.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

White, well-groomed teeth are the basis for excellent health and strength; rotten teeth predict a serious quarrel; you dream of caring for or brushing your teeth for an unexpected guest. Artificial jaw - take a closer look at your surroundings, you have false friends, a fallen or pulled out tooth signals a break in relations with a loved one, a tooth pulled out with blood means the death of an acquaintance or friend. Implantation surgery portends a quick profit.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Hasse’s dream book

Having artificial ones means fragile, false love; treat teeth - solving problems, overcoming obstacles; loss is evidence of imminent death or serious illness in the family; inserting crowns means a promotion at work; inserting gold crowns means wealth.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Meneghetti's dream book

A healthy smile in a dream indicates the good functioning of your immune system, good, strong energy. Any troubles with teeth: caries, increased fragility, loss are the result of loss of vitality, overwork, hidden or chronic illnesses.

Why do you dream about teeth - according to Longo’s dream book

Healthy and white teeth foretell success in your endeavors and good health. Loose teeth also indicate impending problems and troubles at work; inserting artificial teeth means advancement and material well-being. Seeing a toothless man in a dream promises you overcoming obstacles - your enemies will not be able to break your will and unsettle you. Losing all your teeth promises trouble at work or conflicts with your superiors.

This is not a very simple sign. Teeth in a dream can be a symbol of something that would be extremely difficult for you to do without: important relationships with people and connections with them ; symbol of self-confidence ; symbol of relatives ; symbol of opportunity.

A dream where your teeth are beautiful, even, white and healthy is a good dream in all possible interpretations. Everything is fine in all areas of activity and in relationships with family. Feel free to “bite anything in your life.”

A loose or falling out tooth without blood or pain in a dream - you can expect problems in relationships with family or friends ; possible self-doubt in the near future ; cessation of communication with some relative or friend (without blood means without mental pain or worries) ; sometimes as a loss of some opportunity.

A tooth falling out with blood in a dream can mean possible problems with a relative or friend, which can cause emotional distress, or a cessation of communication with him for various reasons. Blood and pain in a dream can mean mental anguish and anxiety from this.

Seeing a bad tooth in a dream is a possible illness of a loved one or friend ; temporary “painful” situation in family relationships ; there may be problems with confidence or in implementing plans.

Losing a rotten, holey, diseased tooth in a dream can mean the loss of a person whose departure may be painful, but inevitable according to the laws of the world. It doesn’t have to be death, it could be a break in relationships, or a cessation of communication for some reason ; possible solution to some problem ; sometimes as a severance of a connection that caused pain and anxiety.

Inserting and treating teeth in a dream is a good dream. May mean recovery ; renewal of relations ; improvement of the situation ; possible improvement in family relationships ; gaining confidence where it is needed.

A dream can also be considered very good if a new tooth grows in a dream.

P.S. Rarely, but it happens, the state of a person’s teeth in a dream can be a reflection of his real ability to take advantage of the chances and opportunities that Life provides him, as well as a reflection of his ability to absorb valuable information and turn it into a positive result.

If you have any difficulties in interpreting your dream, describe it briefly in the comments to the page and we will try to help.


An ordinary dream in which you see teeth foreshadows an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people who disturb you.

If you dream that you have lost your teeth, misfortune awaits you.

If in a dream a doctor pulled out your tooth, a terrible, protracted illness awaits you.

If in a dream you see the number of teeth a person should have in your mouth, it means that after numerous trials, lost jewelry will return to you.

If in a dream you brush or rinse your teeth, this means that a huge struggle will be required from you in order to preserve your happiness.

If you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth, it means. You should expect severe trials that will befall you, and you will have to overcome them.

If you lose your teeth in a dream, a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work.

If you dream that your teeth were knocked out, it means that you should pay attention to your affairs, since your enemies do not sleep.

If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, it means. Your work or health will suffer from overexertion.

If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, it means that a disease threatens you or your family.

Irregular teeth with some kind of flaws are the worst dream. He threatens many misfortunes to those who see him. This includes poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.

If one tooth falls out in your dream, this means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence.
If three teeth fall out, very serious disasters will follow.

If you see that all your teeth have fallen out, this means that misfortunes are coming.

If you dream that your teeth have deteriorated and you have pulled them out, it means that hunger and death await you.

If you dream that plaque is falling off your teeth, making them healthy and white, it means. Your discomfort is temporary; when it passes. You will come to your senses, and the realization of your duty fulfilled will make you happy.

If in a dream you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth. Friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that the fulfillment of desires can give you await you.

If in a dream you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved, then this means that you are expecting a meeting with some person who you are not at all you don’t want and which you want to ignore. And yet this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, receive exciting pleasure from these meetings.

If you dream that your dentist cleaned your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again, this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some a clever deceiver.


Clean, white teeth - good luck, health;
Rotten - quarrel.
Peeling or buying pasta is a welcome guest.
Pull out - breaking off a relationship with an annoying person.
Artificial - false in love.
The bad ones are a disease.
Prolapse, especially with blood, means the death of a relative.
Knocked out - failure.
Insert - profit.
Fall out without blood, intact - alienation from loved ones.
Teeth, gums, jaws are close relatives.
Jaws can represent household possessions.


Having white, clean teeth means good luck, health for you and your loved ones.
Having black teeth means success, changes in business.
Having rotten teeth means quarrels and obstacles.
Teeth become loose but do not fall out – illness or the birth of a child in the house.
Having no teeth at all means it will take a long time to overcome the disease and lose vitality.
Having a denture means being arrogant, important, valuing strangers more than relatives.
Inserting teeth means well-being.
To have teeth made of an unusual material: wooden – a serious illness.
Bone - joy.
Tin - shame.
Empty inside - good luck.
Lead is a nuisance.
Glass or wax - a dangerous disease, misfortune.
Having fangs in your mouth means acquiring extraordinary knowledge, committing shameful acts, discovering the animality of your nature.
Seeing a bunch of teeth and going through them means long-term well-being, family joys.
Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery, the death of a relative, a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones, a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.
Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.
Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.
Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.
Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.
To knock out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.