Building density - the ratio of the sum of usable areas of all floors of all buildings to a unit of territory (thousand m 2 / ha). The usable area of ​​a building is determined by the dimensions of its outer walls. Taking into account the number of buildings and the area of ​​the plot, the building density is calculated, which in general terms means the use, significance, social and economic usefulness of the land plot.

The utility factor is essentially residential areas, public business or industrial area. The meaning of density in each case is different. There are also solid, ordinary and open buildings.

The Civil Code determines the legal mechanism, the socio-economic situation forms the goal, and the planning projects determine exactly how and what exactly needs to be built.

Building density is often positioned in terms of an important coefficient: the correspondence between the area of ​​​​a building, taking into account the number of storeys, and the size of the site on which it is located. The meaning of this coefficient varies from the purpose of the building and its location.

Proper development and implementation of a plan for the development of the territory significantly affects:
  • for the execution of engineering structures;
  • on the organization of transport infrastructure;
  • to assess the economic feasibility;
  • to other important aspects.

Territory development plans ensure the compatibility of new and reconstructed buildings with existing infrastructure, as well as an adequate standard of living for the population.

In residential areas, the construction of transit passages through courtyard areas is prohibited. The placement of zones of social and business significance is important: medicine, culture, trade, public catering, etc.

Basic Rules.

  1. Provide citizens with everything they need.
  2. Realize the normal and natural functioning of the building.
  3. Create opportunities for comfortable living.
  4. Organize transport services in all necessary directions.

Industrial territories by production categories are located taking into account financial efficiency, safety, ecology and sanitation standards, in particular, transport service for workers, supply of raw materials and materials, shipment of products. In any case, industrial enterprises are located outside residential areas.

The calculation of the area for living is done for 20 years.

Territory development

The actual need for reconstruction, construction of new buildings for housing of various types is calculated on the basis of plans (territorial development) and studies, including:

  • analysis of available indicators;
  • forecast.

The state of building density determines the necessary development of housing and public funds, the dynamics of the status (family, pensioners, youth) of the population. The amount of income of citizens, the current and future housing needs of the population are taken into account.

Household plots of land may be located near the house for the tenants to run their own households. Such a building is designated as a manor. A residential area, as a rule, should have a calculation of the number of life support facilities (shops, utilities, administrative, hospitals, cultural centers, libraries, etc.). It is possible to operate safe commercial enterprises that do not exceed environmental, sanitary and fire safety standards.

The building density is determined by the perimeters of the objects and the lines between them. During the reconstruction of the existing housing stock, very difficult conditions are usually formed.

Calculation and strict observance of the necessary norms and requirements are mandatory. But the legal aspect (first of all, the norms of building, architectural and other fundamental building rules) always intersects with the "non-legal", but essential point - the interests of residents. Moreover, the latter have a very specific material expression as owners of housing and subjects of very specific rights to proper comfortable living.

The requirement of "non-visibility" must be ensured - a special custom in residential construction, meaning the impossibility of seeing the interior of another building from the windows of one building. However, in practice, especially in the linear development of the same type of high-rise buildings, this requirement is forgotten.

Lines from the perimeter of industrial buildings to residential buildings and socially significant objects, as well as to the boundaries of preschool and educational organizations, health care, culture and recreation centers are usually designed to be more than fifty meters.

Sites and building areas

The territory of the district of residence of citizens, in addition to the historical (established) way of life, is not the same in its structure. Residential buildings are placed in a certain order, each building can have its own set of "service".

Playgrounds, parking lots and sidewalks are a natural part of any building. Not every building has a parking or underground garage. Features of the area affect the electrification, sanitary and fire protection of the territory surrounding each building.

Even two identical buildings built according to the same project will differ structurally from an engineering point of view. Usually, they try to keep green spaces and natural park areas in development plans.

All traditional sites (children's, sanitary, auxiliary technical, etc.) differ from the location of the building area (city limits, beyond it, in the village, in the urban area, in the regional center, etc.) and the structure of the area. In some cases, residential buildings have extensions (for example, a barn or garage). Sometimes small garden plots adjoin the building.

The options for building a city and a village are sometimes strikingly different, and the possibilities for reconstruction in the second case, for example, in transport communications, are significantly limited. However, in the first case, residents are limited in their own outbuildings (greenhouses, garages, sheds), but not in the second.

Historically developed life activity of people cannot be changed instantly in the context of placement:

  • buildings;
  • roads;
  • places of rest;
  • park areas and other structures.

As a rule, reconstruction is performed as needed. This may be the result of a man-made accident, deterioration of a building or engineering structure.

Many of the reasons for the need to renovate the existing housing stock lie in the significant deterioration of some buildings, which affects other structures due to the need for redevelopment, for example, engineering structures.

Other reasons appear as a result of the construction of new transport routes, which have an unexpected significant impact on the usual existing life in a residential area.

The demolition of structures and the construction of new ones are associated with significant financial and time costs. In addition, a historical moment plays a significant role when a certain structure must be preserved, restoring its appearance, strengthening worn-out structural elements.

Even if the change of the name of the street entails not only “moral costs”, then what can we say about the change of material objects located on the reconstructed territory.

Taking into account the interests of the residents of the reconstructed area is of decisive importance when changing the building density, although the role of the administrative resource is no less great. At present, a typical example, there are still two-, four-, five-story buildings built after the Great Patriotic War in the fund, but here the reconstruction of multi-apartment buildings is always associated with relocation, costs, and it is far from easy to realize the desired.

An increase in building density does not always solve the problem of a reconstructed area, and the movement of residents causes a natural protest.

The issue of effective housing development has always been and remains difficult, since it affects the property interests of citizens, affects their property rights.

Practice shows that the balance of interests when planning the optimal variant of the architectural development of the territory, its infrastructure in the context of improvement, service, transport can still be achieved in most cases.

First, it is necessary to define what counts as building density before explaining how building density is calculated. This term is used in urban planning practice and characterizes the intensity of the use of the territory. It is also called the area utilization ratio.

How to calculate building density?

When the development of the territory is carried out quarterly, then the residential quarters, as a rule, are small in size, located too close to highways and streets. Schools, kindergartens, other public buildings and service establishments are located far from residential buildings, access to which passes through the intersection of busy highways.

Modern construction is focused not on quarterly developments, but on the construction of microdistricts, which are much larger in size than quarters, and also have certain advantages compared to quarters. The microdistrict combines several groups of residential buildings, in which children's, school institutions and consumer services are located in close proximity. The microdistrict meets the requirements of functional zoning, ventilation, protection from noise and dust to a greater extent.

They try to reconstruct the old districts with quarterly buildings by deconsolidating the quarterly buildings, creating boulevards for pedestrians instead of streets. How convenient and perfect the building is, how optimally the number of children's and school institutions, as well as household enterprises is selected, is determined using technical and economic indicators, among which there is such an indicator as building density.

Building density can be calculated by various formulas - gross and net.

This is the ratio of the entire area of ​​the territory designated for development to the area of ​​a certain quarter or microdistrict. The indicator is defined as a percentage.

How is building density calculated? net:

This is the ratio of the entire area of ​​the territory designated for development to the area of ​​the directly residential part of the quarter, that is, to the area occupied by residential buildings. The area under residential buildings is determined by subtracting from the total area of ​​the microdistrict the value of the area occupied by nurseries, gardens, sports grounds, utility, household and cultural and educational enterprises.

Such and other technical and economic indicators make it possible to correctly calculate the need for cultural, educational and household institutions in a particular microdistrict.

Territory utilization rate(KIT) shows the ratio of the total total area of ​​buildings to the area of ​​the site. By setting a certain coefficient, the city authorities thus regulate the load on the territory: a certain number of apartments, offices or retail space. In this case, the developer has to choose: either an increase in the building area (although its percentage is limited by the Rules) with a decrease in the number of floors, or an increase in the number of floors (up to the maximum permitted height) with a reduction in the building area.

Initially, a separate section of the Rules for land use and development of the resort city of Sochi, developed by the St. Petersburg Institute of Construction Projects LLC on the instructions of the city administration in 2009, was devoted to the coefficients of use of the territory.

The fact that this term was introduced in the Rules is evidenced by the presence of a definition of KIT in Chapter 1 "General Provisions":

“Area utilization factor (KIT) is the ratio of the total floor area in buildings on a land plot to the area of ​​the site. Multiplying the value of the maximum allowable KIT by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site gives the maximum floor area allowed on the site.

But during the discussion of the document regulating the development of the future capital of the Olympic Games, the KIT section mysteriously disappeared in the City Assembly. There was a definition in the basic concepts, and then the term was not mentioned anywhere. All conversations of the professional community of the city and attempts to return the coefficient to the Rules were ignored by both the legislative and executive branches of the city government, and Sochi, meanwhile, continued to acquire buildings that were aggressive for the local population and tourists.

Only when the president paid attention and demanded that the authorities of the city and the region stop in Sochi, when two years had passed since the Olympics, the issue of returning the coefficient of use of the territory to was again put on the agenda for and finally gained the support of the head of the city. It is worth noting, however, that the deputies of the Sochi City Assembly of the Fourth convocation did not adopt changes to the Rules for Land Use and Development, establishing the KIT for each of the territorial zones. It is difficult to explain such "stubbornness" of people's deputies by something other than lobbying the interests of the construction industry.

The situation changed radically after the regular elections to the City Assembly in September last year. An updated deputy corps on the territory of the municipality of the resort city of Sochi, which introduced a new territorial zone and set the value of the KIT for each territorial zone.

Changes to the Rules for Land Use and Development came into force from the moment of publication in the Novosti Sochi newspaper dated November 17, 2015 No. 174 (2540) -175 (2541), and therefore should be taken into account when designing a new building or reconstructing an existing one.

In the new edition, Table 11 “Limited parameters for permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities” looks like this:

HP - not regulated, construction parameters are determined as part of the territory planning documentation, determined by functional processes, established according to the relevant technological standards and requirements.

  1. For residential development sites, the height of the fence of 2 meters can be exceeded between neighboring land plots, provided that this does not violate the volumetric and spatial characteristics of the surrounding buildings and landscape, insolation and natural light standards, but not more than 2.5 meters.
  2. Fences along the main streets should be made in a "transparent" design with elements of landscaping and gardening.
  3. A deviation from the specified value of the maximum height of buildings, structures, structures is allowed, depending on the nature of the terrain, but not more than 10 percent. This deviation is permissible without following additional procedures.
  4. This section does not apply to the types of permitted use specified in Table No. 9 of these Rules under No. 3.5; 11.8; 21.3; 22.1 - 22.7; 23.1 - 23.4, 24.1.
  5. When preparing a town-planning plan, it is allowed to deviate from the maximum percentage of development or from the minimum setback from the boundaries of the land plot without observing additional procedures, during the reconstruction of capital construction objects - buildings, structures, objects of unfinished construction (if there is a document confirming the right to such an object), the outer contour of which is located outside the boundaries of the minimum allowable setback from the boundaries of the land plot or exceeds the maximum development factor established by the urban planning regulations for this land plot. In this case, the boundary of the maximum percentage of development and the minimum deviation from the boundaries of the land plot is reflected in the urban planning plan along the outer contour of the building (structure) and reconstruction is permissible only by increasing the number of storeys of such objects.
  6. If the land plot (existing or being formed) is not rectangular in shape, its minimum length along the street front can be reduced, but not more than 40%, provided that its area is not less than the conventional area (minimum length along the street front, multiplied by the minimum depth) in accordance with this table.
  7. This parameter is used for the above-ground parts of buildings and structures.

The new version of the LPP has also corrected the definition of the term "Territory Use Factor (KIT)" - this is a type of restriction established by urban planning regulations (in terms of the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities), defined as the ratio of the total total area of ​​buildings, structures, structures on a land plot (existing, and those that can be built additionally) to the area of ​​the land plot. The total total area of ​​buildings, structures, structures that are allowed to be built on a land plot is determined by multiplying the value of the coefficient by the indicator of the area of ​​the land plot.

Classification of public buildings according to their functional purpose. They are divided into the following groups : objects of public education and upbringing; healthcare facilities; physical culture and sports facilities; institutions of culture and art; enterprises of trade, public catering and consumer services; administrative and public organizations; public recreation facilities. The division of cultural and community facilities according to their functional purpose is associated with a differentiated approach to their regulation by the different nature of the placement of objects in the city plan.

The placement of institutions of cultural and community services in cities should be designed comprehensively for the residential area, places of application of labor and public recreation areas.

Institutions of everyday use are located in the microdistrict at the rate of 5-7 minutes walk from the most remote residential buildings, which corresponds to an accessibility radius of about 500m.

Periodic use institutions are located in isolated areas of residential areas based on walking distance or the time spent on public transport (including the approach to the bus stop) no more than 15 minutes, which corresponds to an accessibility radius of approximately 1500m.

Occasional Institutions are located on separate plots of planning districts and in the city center. The population uses these institutions, coming to them by public transport. The time spent on trips is usually not strictly limited, however, when developing master plans, they tend to proceed from 20-30 minute availability. Institutions and service enterprises should be located on the territory of urban and rural settlements, bringing them closer to the places of residence and work, providing, as a rule, the formation of public centers in conjunction with the public passenger transport network.

When determining the number, composition and capacity of institutions and service enterprises in cities and centers of settlement systems, one should additionally take into account the arriving population from other urban and rural settlements located in a zone limited by the time spent on moving to large, large and largest urban centers or sub-centers of settlement systems - no more than 1 hour; in historical cities, tourists must also be taken into account.

The service radius of the population by institutions and enterprises located in residential areas, as a rule, should be taken no more than:

Children's preschool institutions in cities 300m
In rural settlements and in small towns, with 1-, 2-storey buildings 500m
Comprehensive schools 750m
For elementary grades 500m
Premises for physical culture and health-improving classes 500m
Physical culture and sports centers in residential areas 1500m
Polyclinics and their branches in cities 1000m
Distribution points of dairy cuisine 500m
Pharmacies in cities 500m
The same, with one- and two-story buildings 800m
Enterprises of trade, public catering and consumer services of local importance in cities 500m
The same, with one- and two-story buildings 800m
The same in rural areas 2000m
Post offices and branches of the savings bank 500m

The indicators characterizing the development of the considered types of projects can be divided into two groups:

1 . Indicators characterizing residential and public buildings and their use;

2 . indicators regulating the use of territories.

For residential buildings:

Living area, sq.m- the sum of the areas of living rooms, excluding the area of ​​​​built-in wardrobes;

Total area, sq..m - the sum of the areas of all living rooms and utility rooms, including the area of ​​​​built-in wardrobes, intra-apartment corridors and gateways;

Average total area of ​​an apartment, sq..m - the ratio of the total area of ​​apartments to their number.

Planning coefficient, K 1- the ratio of the living area of ​​apartments to the total. Its value varies depending on the quality of the layout of the apartment in terms of living space and on the average size of the apartment.

Volumetric coefficient, K 2- the ratio of the volume of a residential building to the total area.

Coefficient, K 3- the ratio of the volume of a residential building to the total building area. Changing the value of the coefficient K 3 associated with structural and planning solutions for buildings of various heights.

Average number of storeys of residential buildings, E-determined by the formula of the weighted harmonic

E \u003d O / (O 1 + O 2 / 2 + O 3 / 3 + ... + O n / n) Where

ABOUT- total living area, sq.m

About 1, About 2, About 3, ... About n- total area of ​​one-, two-, three-, etc. storey buildings

n- number of floors;

The indicator of the average number of storeys characterizes the vertical appearance of the city.

Construction volume, m 3 ground part of public buildings with an attic floor - the product of the horizontal cross-sectional area, taken according to the external measurement of the building at the level of the first floor above the basement, by the full height of the building, measured from the level of the first floor to the top of the backfill of the attic floor.

The use of residential buildings is characterized by an indicator of average housing provision, expressed in the number of square meters. meters of total area per inhabitant.

The use of cultural and community facilities is an indicator of the construction volume per inhabitant for certain types of services and in general, as well as an indicator of the specific capacity of the corresponding types of services per 1000 inhabitants.

Building density, P- an indicator reflecting the ratio of built-up and non-built-up areas in a residential area.

When developing projects, the density is calculated by the formula

P \u003d 100 C / T w, Where

P- building density of residential area, multiplied by 100%

WITH- total area under construction of residential buildings

T w- living space.

Housing stock net density- the amount of total area per 1 hectare of residential area:

s net = O / T w Where

s net- density of housing stock net, sq.m of total area per 1 hectare

ABOUT- total area of ​​residential buildings, sq.m

T w- residential area, ha

If necessary, the allowable net density of the housing stock can be calculated by the formula

s net = (10 4 n) / S f Where

n-norm of housing provision, sq.m. of total area /person;

S--specific size of residential area, sq.m per person;

The area of ​​the living area per person should be such as to provide comfortable conditions for recreation in the adjacent green areas, a normal approach to and access to houses, as well as the performance of household functions (drying clothes, cleaning carpets, temporary storage of cars).

s net = 10 2 P b Where

P- building density,%

b- output of the total area of ​​all floors per 1 sq. m building area of ​​the house, sq.m

Gross housing stock density of the microdistrict- the amount of total area per 1 hectare of the territory of the microdistrict. It is calculated according to the formula

s m gross \u003d O / T m Where

s m gross - the density of the housing stock of the microdistrict, gross, sq.m. /ha;

ABOUT- total area of ​​residential buildings, sq.m;

T m- territory of the microdistrict, ha;

When building buildings of different heights, the density of the housing stock is calculated by the formula

s gross \u003d 100 / (a ​​1 / s 1 + a 2 / s 2 + a 3 / s 3), Where

s gross - weighted average density of the housing stock of the microdistrict, sq.m. per ha;

a 1, a 2, a 3 - the total area of ​​residential buildings adopted in the project number of storeys; % of the total area of ​​all residential buildings in microdistricts;

s1, s2, s2- the density of the housing stock of the microdistrict, depending on the accepted number of storeys.

If it is necessary to justify the allowable size of the housing stock density of the gross microdistrict for specific conditions, the calculation can be made according to the formula

s m gross \u003d (10 4 n) / (S w + S o), Where

n- the norm of residential security;

S- specific size of residential area, sq. m / person;

S about- specific size of the public territory, (including physical culture and sports facilities and green spaces of general microdistrict use,) sq.m / person.

Gross area housing stock density- the amount of the total area per 1 hectare of the residential area:

s fat gross \u003d O / T p Where

ABOUT- total area of ​​residential buildings, sq.m;

T R - territory of a residential area, ha;

Population density net, gross neighborhood, gross residential area- the number of population per 1 ha of the residential area of ​​the microdistrict and residential area, respectively

s n \u003d H / T, pers. / ha, where

H- population in the corresponding planning formation, pers.

T- territory of the corresponding territorial formation, ha;

The density of the housing stock depends on:

§ The number of values ​​​​of sanitary standards;

§ Types of residential buildings (number of floors, length, width, internal layout of buildings)

§ Types of residential development (ordinary, lowercase, perimeter)

§ Types of cultural institutions (free-standing or built-in, combined or one profile, large or small)

§ Provision with institutions of cultural and consumer services and structural construction of their network

§ Sizes of plots of various functional purposes.

Sanitary and hygienic standards are always set rigidly and unambiguously.