Not all successful people were excellent students at school. But they were all excellent students in life. That is, people who can force themselves to do something completely uninteresting, but necessary. Do school lessons become a test of willpower for you? Not such a difficult test if you know how to make the uninteresting desirable. How to force yourself to do your homework? You will find several principles useful that help both children and adults.

Plan like an adult!

Making plans will help not only the high school student, but also the child. Scientists from Germany have found that if a child in elementary school is able to create a lesson plan and follow it, then it is very possible that, as an adult, he will become a high-ranking leader. Therefore, learning to make a plan and follow it is necessary from early childhood. But it's never too late to start an orderly life. If your tasks are distributed over days, and each one has a small task, then you will not have to suffer, thinking about how to force yourself to do your homework.

Is it difficult to get started?

If it is difficult for you to sit down and start, then you can use the deceptive method. Make an agreement with yourself that you should sit down and start working on your lessons within 30 minutes, and after half an hour of hard work you can stop. Most likely, in 30 minutes you will get into the work and will continue to do it until it is ready. What stopped you from starting will not allow you to quit.

If you get distracted

Some students find it difficult to concentrate. How to force yourself to do homework for such people? Start with a cup of coffee - this drink allows you to concentrate better. Eating meat will also help you. Avoid eating bread and sweets before an important task if you find it difficult not to be distracted. Every time your thoughts wander, return to work. You may want to pinch your arm when you notice that you are distracted.

Prizes for the winner

Of course, it's very nice to go to school when all your homework is done. Remember this feeling, and every time you are too lazy to do your homework, remember how good it feels to be prepared. If your assignment is due in a week, agree with your teacher that you will bring him a draft in three days. This will help you work faster. You can also give yourself rewards for the work you do. For example, an hour of playing for a solved math problem. And don't play until everything is ready. If it’s really difficult for you, ask your parents for help.

Mom and Dad will help

What if you are already an adult, a parent yourself, and your child doesn’t want to do his homework? Most often, the child puts off homework until later if he is afraid of not being able to cope and is poorly versed in the subject. To prevent things from stalling, offer him your help. It usually takes an adult no more than a few hours to understand even the most complex school topic. Do you feel sorry for such little for your child?

How to force yourself to do your homework? Just every time it seems pointless to study, imagine that you will be paid a large amount based on the results of the work done. Anyone who can study well today will have more money tomorrow than lazy classmates.

Read, write, count in class, then have a short break on the way home and gnaw on granite again... But I want to assemble a pirate ship from a construction set, I want to cut Barbie’s hair and paint the mirror in the hallway with watercolors. And it seems that if you drag out your homework until late in the evening, you can go to bed, and it will disappear from your diary overnight. Yes, I procrastinated with my lessons; it seemed to me like a sophisticated torture to return to study after honestly sitting through seven lessons. But now I understand, and both psychologists and teachers explain, that doing homework not only reinforces all the knowledge heard at school, but also helps the child become organized, be able to structure information, just like the hated essays at the institute.

And our parental role in doing our homework is very important. Explain what was missed and not remembered, show in the strawberry patch what propagation by whiskers is, explain what a physicist needs to know so as not to get shocked when an electric razor plugged into the outlet comes under the tap, and most importantly - praise, encourage and always be there if needed.

Parents of schoolchildren must remember that their lessons are our lessons too! A 7-year-old child, from the fact that he is now taken to school, has not ceased to be a child. He needs help organizing space, time, breaks, routine, and he also needs to be allowed to still play!

First-graders no longer need to strain themselves when they return home - for them, “homework” as such has been cancelled. But they can still have some creative tasks. But homework assignments begin in second grade.


In elementary school, homework should not take more than 1.5 hours. And don’t forget about dynamic breaks - jumping, running, physical education, finger exercises. Playing with construction sets or dolls can also serve as a dynamic break. We did one lesson - a 10-minute break. And during this break, allow the child to do what he wants (it is advisable to just exclude the computer and TV during this time).

In grades 4-5 - no more than two hours for homework; in grades 6-8 - about two and a half hours. - And high school is 3.5 hours.

Be sure to relax!

The ideal thing is to take a walk after school, return home, have lunch, relax, and then start studying. The most “active” time for a child is from 11 to 13 and from 16 to 19. Considering that the fifth lesson ends at 13-13.30, then there is time to take a walk, relax and start studying closer to 16.

Prepare your workplace

A schoolchild should have his own desk. No “reading while sitting on the sofa”, no TV nearby. A student should not huddle at the kitchen table while his mother is chopping cabbage there. The student needs a full-fledged workplace. A comfortable chair, a sturdy table, light coming from the right. It is important that there is nothing unnecessary around - toys, CDs, construction sets will distract and call for play, and not for serious business.

What you like first

Start your lessons with a subject that your child likes and that is easy for him. This will give you confidence: I did it, I liked it, I will continue to do my homework!

If a child takes a long time to get involved in work and slowly sways, then to warm up, suggest that he do easier tasks.

If, on the contrary, the student quickly turns on and gets tired quickly, then start with the lesson that is more difficult and requires maximum concentration.

It doesn’t matter whether you start with oral tasks or with written ones. The main thing is that when completing assignments in Russian, for example, the student first learns the rules, and then does a written assignment on this rule, and not vice versa. Mom’s participation gives me strength! Mom’s participation gives me strength!

Calm, just calm!

It will be useful to parents, because at first they will be the ones who will organize the workplace and monitor the completion of lessons. The ability to be collected, the ability to complete tasks - all this will come with time, and not immediately. So get ready for several steps:

1. At the first stage, parents do most of the tasks together with the child - they sit next to them and watch the student very carefully: where are the gaps, at what points does he begin to get distracted. Helping parents do not need to complete the task for the child, they just need to be there.

2. At the next stage, we begin to trust the child and not control part of the work. Moreover, we choose the part that he can definitely handle.

3. At the third stage, the child is already doing all the homework on his own, but he should hear from you a willingness to help if necessary. You are nearby and will come if he calls!

4. The fourth stage will begin in the fifth grade, when the student will do everything himself and will no longer need help from his parents. For working moms and dads, this is a holiday. But in the evening, check the lessons and explain what remains unclear.

We try to praise

No, don't lie! There is no need to say: “Oh, what a smooth stick!” if the stick has crawled down two lines. But you can say: “This stick is smooth, well done, and this one will be just as smooth next time, right?” You need to try to avoid negative assessments so as not to scare the touchy younger student. Try not to say: “It didn’t work out! You couldn’t do it! That’s bad!” It’s better to figure out why something doesn’t work out and practice.

Well done - get some sunshine!

Buy a lot of different small stickers and put flags, suns, and flowers on the draft for your child for completed tasks. The child will see that the number of suns is growing, the amount of work done is increasing, and the positive attitude and willingness to work further also increases!


The schoolboy has only just raised his hand to write “Karova” instead of “cow”, and his mother is already rushing into the attack shouting: “Error! Well, I ruined the notebook! Now I’ll have to cover it up and tear out the page!” The child gets scared, throws away the pencil in horror and feels like the most unlucky loser.

Don't be afraid of mistakes. When an error is made, or even when several errors are made, encourage the student to stop and look carefully at what he has written. Let him try to find the mistake himself. It is always possible to correct the wrong letter or number on paper, but correcting low self-esteem and fear of taking on anything in general in the future, because you were “stuck” in childhood, will not be easy.

After school

It is very important who does homework with the children in the after-school group. If this is a professional, a teacher, then be sure that the task will be completed, rewritten from draft to clean copy and checked. At home, you will only have to do oral and creative tasks.

Don't be afraid to help!

If you see that the child is tired, do not force him to open his eyes and wade through the merging letters. It’s better to read a chapter or paragraph to him yourself. If your child is not feeling well, help him with his homework. If you see that there is so much to do and little time left before bed, take on routine work, such as cutting, while he does math.

When I used to hear from my friends, “We won’t go for a walk today, there are a lot of lessons,” I didn’t understand, is it really possible that in elementary school they ask so many questions that there’s not even time left for walks? My first-grader's first semester is coming to an end and I already have something to say about homework.

I like things to be done quickly. As they say, once you’ve done your job, go for a walk. Fortunately, my daughter picked up this habit from me: she not only eats quickly, but even finishes her homework faster than anyone else. How to make sure that efficiency doesn’t suffer from speed? Let's share our experience!

Our rules

We leave nothing for the evening. Firstly, by the evening, my daughter’s labor productivity tends to zero; she is very tired due to getting up early. And secondly, for many years now, evening has been our time for dinner, relaxation, walks and entertainment, and I don’t want to change traditions.

Do everything in the best possible way. A teacher at a music school taught me this, and I, in turn, want my daughter to follow this advice. I constantly remind her that she needs to strive for the best result, to give her maximum.

Yes, it also happens that you have to write down an entire page of the draft with one letter or stubbornly erase and write again in the final copy, but the result is worth it.


Of course, 6-7 years is not yet the age when a child can completely cope with his lessons on his own. Or rather, he can cope, but he cannot do without control and verification.

My conclusions

Perhaps I did not open America to you, because the rules are quite simple. But perhaps it is precisely because of this simplicity and obviousness that many neglect them.

My child is not always perfect, there are tears on the pages, and “I can’t do it!” But that’s why parents are needed, to remind them that they need to try, that everything will certainly work out, that they need to train, etc.

It is much easier for children if there is a system, routine and habit. It's simple - come home from school, eat, do homework. And if you didn’t do it, you got a minus at school. And if you waste time, you may be late for additional classes, which your daughter loves very much. One day I had to allow this too, so that my daughter would learn from personal experience about the consequences of laziness.

How are things going with your children’s lessons?

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For many children and parents, homework at school causes a lot of trouble. Scientists have conducted a number of studies and experiments, the results of which will please everyone. So, how should you properly approach what you have been assigned for homework?

1. In elementary school, preparation for lessons can be neglected

From 1987 to 2003, Duke H. Cooper, a scientist, conducted meta-analyses of educational research. It looked at the relationship between academic performance and homework habits.

So, according to these data, in high school it makes sense to study at home. In the middle grades, the pattern “more lessons means better knowledge” no longer looks so convincing, and in the junior grades the logic disappears altogether. Sit or don’t sit – there will be no benefit.

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2. Sometimes “homework” becomes completely harmful

In the same study, scientists argue against completing homework: assignments can lead to fatigue, stress, loss of interest in the subject, and also eat up a lot of time that the child could spend on hobbies and family matters.

By the way, this amazing conclusion occurs not only to scientists, but also to any parent of a person with a briefcase. True, when science is behind you, you can more confidently watch how your baby devotes himself to needlework on the computer, kicking a ball and other family matters.

3. The more tasks, the less exhaust

A study led by American researcher Fernandez-Alonso suggests that If a high school student spends more than 90-100 minutes a day on homework, his grades will slip.

This applies to grades in math and science subjects. Although, maybe that’s why the guys sit for more than an hour on the equation, because they just can’t understand what’s going on with this “X.” In any case, if you see that work is dragging on for two hours, threaten your child with deuces and send him to rest.

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4. Attentive parents help their child learn

Researchers Walker, Hoover-Dempsey and others are sure of this. These are the parents who answer difficult questions, support in anxious situations, encourage before public readings of poems by Russian poets, and even call the school: “Natalya Nikolaevna, are you sure you asked to do experiments at home with the ignition of the fleecy part of the carpet?”

In general, such assistants, according to scientists, are of great benefit: creating a connection between family and school, comprehensive support and motivation of the child. Only mom and dad can explain in a popular manner why you need to study and what happens if you fail a quarter.

5. No, parents should still go out the door.

Other scientists, Patall, Robinson and the already mentioned Professor Cooper, in a 2008 study, insist that dad, mom and grandma are capable of causing mischief behind the child’s back. Children, it turns out, learn worse if they feel pressure from behind their left shoulder: “Come on, Senya! Smooth line! Write “five” here. I forgot the comma again!”

Such persistent help will kill any remaining motivation. Therefore, the correct strategy is support, but not control. Even if it is difficult for adults to keep a smile on their face when it comes to verb conjugations, it is worth remembering that the child’s inner attitude is most important.

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6. How much is possible? How many lessons can you do?

The American National Education Association supports ten minute rule. These 10 minutes for all lessons in the first grade turn into 20 in the second and so on. However, in the senior year, homework should not exceed two hours.

How long does homework take in your family?

“I still can’t forget the sound of the breast pump.” How do parents abroad manage without a three-year maternity leave?

How to do homework quickly and on time? Often the process of doing homework becomes a real test, both for parents and for young schoolchildren.

There are two positions of parental behavior. The first is to help the child in everything and always, to be there “from” to “to”, and the second option is to require independent completion of homework. In the first case, the child places high hopes on the adult and is deprived of independence, and in the second, he feels abandoned and offended, which also negatively affects the quality of the lessons completed. Therefore, it is very important that parents do not let their child’s studies take its course, but also do not stand over their soul. Psychologists recommend giving the child independence, but at the same time being somewhere nearby so that there is an opportunity to promptly prompt or explain incomprehensible moments. This is especially important for elementary schools.

How to quickly do homework. Expert advice

The task of adults is to teach the child

plan his actions, draw up a certain algorithm according to which he will complete his homework. After all, the child does not yet know how to plan; he simply does not know where to start. Don’t be lazy, take a pen, a piece of paper and write down each action point by point together. This is a fairly simple, but very effective way to develop self-organization in a small schoolchild.

When drawing up a plan, you should take into account the opinion of experts on how to quickly complete your homework, while doing it efficiently and without spending a lot of effort. Firstly, the child should not sit down for homework immediately after arriving

from school, he needs an hour and a half to rest, and only then, having definitely had lunch, can he start studying. It would be good to start doing your homework with your favorite subjects and only then move on to difficult ones, since taking a long time to solve a difficult problem can discourage you from continuing your studies. Small children get tired quickly, all parents know this; after 20-30 minutes of hard work, they begin to spin around, get distracted, and then you need to take a break. 10 minutes will be enough, during which time you can walk around, drink water or eat an apple. Many parents use an alarm clock or to stay within the set limit both during tasks and during rest.

Schoolchild's workplace

When answering the question of how to quickly do homework with a primary school student, you need to note one more important thing: the child should have his own room, his own corner, his own table. This is the only way he can calmly complete the task, and sitting in the kitchen with homework, he will be constantly distracted. Before sitting down for lessons, parents should remind the child that they need to remove from the table all items that will not be needed during the learning process, turn off the Internet, TV, radio - nothing should distract.

You can’t waste precious time by not sitting at homework until nightfall. The optimal time to do homework is before 21.00. Parents should teach their child not to put off homework until the last day, and to do it for the next week no later than Friday evening. You need to explain to your child that it is always more pleasant to relax with a light heart and lessons done. And further. When worrying about how to quickly complete homework, do not forget to check whether the child has mastered the material well, because “gaps” in education tend to grow like a snowball.