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Sources of knowledge about the past

Best modern lesson

Polyanichko Lina Vladimirovna, teacher of history and social studies,

Erzovka, 2015

Item: Story. 5th grade.

Textbook: A.N. Maikov. Story. Introduction to history. 5th grade. M. "Ventana-Graf" 2010.

Lesson topic: Sources of knowledge about the past.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Equipment: ICT, cards, computer, projector.

The purpose of the lesson: Withto form ideas about order in historical science using the example of dividing historical sources into groups.

Lesson objectives:

Based on work with the textbook and illustrative series, be able to classifyinformation, describe historical sources;

Based on the analysis of information received from various sources, learn to formulate and solve cognitive problems;

Develop communication skills when working in groups, develop skills in assessing one’s own activities and the activities of the team.

Planned results:


Reproduce historical facts, highlight the main thing, define terms: historical source, monument, museum, library, document.

Extract necessary information from various information sources.

Apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve historical and cultural monuments of your village, city, country.


Determine the topic of the lesson, goals, objectives;

Build an algorithm for your activities.


Develop cognitive interest in acquiring new knowledge;

Fostering respect for historical heritage;

Acquiring reflection skills.

Since ancient times, people have carefully preserved information about the past: they passed on stories about heroes from generation to generation, recorded information about wars and disasters, erected monuments, photographed their loved ones, and filmed them. How do your families keep history?
Is it possible to save all items about the past?

What can destroy them? Look at the pictures and determine the reasons for the death of objects (Appendix No. 2).

Can a person himself become the reason for the destruction of evidence of past years? How does this happen? (Appendix No. 3).
As you can see, there are many forces that can destroy the past! We must carefully preserve the evidence of the past. Everything that was once created by people is called historical sources . They allow scientists to study human history.
In any science, scientists strive to put the information they receive in order. Historical science is no exception. Look at the image on p.11 and identify groups of sources (written, material).

Which group would you include such sources as legends, proverbs, songs, tales? ? (oral)

Identify and name objects that tell the story of the family.

Photos, letters, things, especially those that belonged to older generations.

They make assumptions.Most likely no. Things can get damaged and they can be destroyed due to carelessness.

(r, p, l)

They name natural phenomena that can cause the destruction of historical evidence.

Tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake

(p, k, l)

Indicate the destructive results of human activity (make up mini stories).

(p, k, l)

Write down the definition in your notebook.(R)

Work with illustrations on p. 11., draw conclusions, write in a notebook.You can divide all items into two groups: written, material. (p, p, k)
Complete the notebook entry.These sources can be preserved orally, passing them on from older generations to younger ones.

( p, p, k)

Historical sources are also called monuments. A monument is a reminder of the past, a piece of it.
Refers to students' life experiences:Give examples of historical monuments in our village and our city.

Historical sources must be protected. Have you ever wondered where objects of art and historical monuments are stored and displayed for public viewing?
Let's compare our assumptions with what is written in the textbook ( archive, museum, library).

Appendix No. 1


    What science studies the life and activities of people in the past?
A) natural historyB) history B) literature

2. Name one of the first historians?

A) Herodotus

B) Socrates

B) Hesiod

3. Translated from Latin, the word “fact” is translated... A) done B) what was said B) perfect 4. Determine the correct judgment A) Events are established only on the basis of facts; B) Events are established on the basis of facts, place, dates.

5.What do these illustrations have in common?

A) historical facts B) written by one author C) reflect the same historical event

Appendix No. 2

Earthquake Volcano eruption Smerch

Appendix No. 3

Vandalism War Economic activities of people

Appendix No. 4

Card No. 1

Card No. 2

Appendix No. 5

    How do natural phenomena or human activities lead to the destruction of historical monuments? Do you know any cases of destruction of ancient monuments in our region?? (Destruction of monuments as a result of earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, floods. Human activities harm historical monuments: the creation of reservoirs, the construction of underground communications, refusal to carry out restoration work, negligence. In our village, the school building, built after the war, was finally destroyed during When carrying out repair work on the facades of old residential buildings, modern materials are used, while the unique architecture of the post-war period is lost). How do people retain information about the past?(People create monuments that perpetuate historical events and heroes). Name the groups of historical sources. ( Written, material, oral). For what purpose are archives, museums, and libraries created?(They are created for storing, studying and using historical sources). What museums located in Volgograd do you know?(Museum of the Defense of Tsaritsyn, Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad, Museum of Local Lore).

Technological map of a history lesson in 5th grade

Lesson 3

Subject: Sources of knowledge about the past (What are historical sources)

Lesson objectives:

  • to form ideas about order in historical science using the example of dividing historical sources into groups;
  • develop the ability to classify information, describe historical sources, evaluate people’s actions;
  • cultivate respect for the traditions of the people and cultural heritage.

Basic concepts:historical sources; groups of sources: written, material, oral; document, museum, archive, library, historical memory.

Basic questions of the lesson:

  1. Historical sources.
  2. Source groups.
  3. Archives, museums, libraries.

Lesson type: Studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Type of student activity in the lesson:individual work

Planned result (requirements for the level of training of students):

Be able to:

  • explain the meaning of the concepts: historical source, excavations, Ancient world;
  • determine the meaning of historical sources

Information and methodological support:

  • presentation,
  • concept maps

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  1. Updating students’ basic knowledge on the topic “Measurement of time”
  • Frontal survey
  • Individual survey
  1. Learning new material

Teacher's story with elements of conversation

  1. Introduction. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

For a long time, people have carefully preserved information about the past: they passed down stories about their heroes from generation to generation, recorded information about wars and natural disasters*, erected monuments at battle sites, and filmed the most important events.

Every family keeps its own history: old letters, documents, photographs or film and video recordings. It is no coincidence that they say that history is the past preserved in the memory of mankind.

Everything that we store, and thanks to which we learn about the past, is calledHISTORICAL SOURCES.

Introduction of the topic (Slide 1) – writing in a notebook

Today we have to find out what groups historical sources are divided into and what their significance is.

Setting a goal (Slide 1)

2. How ancient monuments perish.

What natural phenomena can cause the destruction of historical evidence.

However, nature cannot be blamed for everything. A person, with his ill-considered actions, also causes irreparable harm. For example: during the construction of new residential areas, churches that were built hundreds of years ago were demolished; The children, while cleaning the room, threw away old papers, among which were their grandmother's diaries.

Slide 2 - ??? What other events occurring due to human fault can lead to the destruction of ancient monuments?

3. Historical sources.

As you can see, there are a lot of forces that can destroy the past. But under a layer of sand, the remains of the village can persist for thousands of years. After the invasion of the enemy army, the city was destroyed, but the foundations of buildings and many objects that belonged to people remained underground. A manuscript written several centuries ago has been preserved in the ancient monastery. In the attic of my grandmother's house, under a pile of unnecessary things, there was an old hand mill. Remnants of the past can be found everywhere.

Everything that was once created by people is calledhistorical sources.

Slide 3 – Historical sources - (in notebook)

How did this name come about? Typically, a spring refers to water that flows from the depths of the earth. A stream originates from a source, which flows into a river, which flows into a large river that flows into the sea. This means that the source is the beginning.

A source is anything that gives rise to something. A book helps you gain knowledge. Therefore, they say that a book is a source of knowledge. The journalist reports that the information was received from a reliable source, that is, from an informed person who knows the truth. Sources provide historians with information about the past and help restore the picture of events.

Slide 3 – ??? Let's together create a definition of the concept “Historical sources” - (in a notebook)

4. Source groups

In any science, scientists strive to put the information they receive in order. Historical science is no exception. Historians draw their conclusions only on the basis of historical sources. Most often, sources are divided intogroups: oral, material, written.

Slide 4 – (write in notebook)

Oral sources- these are legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, songs. They are passed on from one generation to another. Studying them allows you to learn customs, rituals, rules of behavior and much more.

TO material sourcesinclude buildings, household items, weapons, jewelry, that is, a wide variety of things (or their fragments) ever created by man.

With the advent of writing there arosewritten sources: records on wooden tablets, birch bark*, papyrus*, stone, clay, paper. The development of science and technology has led to the appearance of sound recordings, photographs and film documents.

Slide 5 – Task – Identify a group of sources.

  • Real
  • Written
  • Real
  • Real

Historical sources are also called monuments. The word “monument” is known to everyone. This is a sculptural group, a statue, a bust, a column, a tombstone, a triumphal arch. They were created in order to perpetuate historical events and heroes of the past. Many years will pass, and the monument will remind descendants of the glorious deeds of their ancestors

Slide 6 – Historical monuments (write in notebook)

  • Great Sphinx , Ancient Egypt, third millennium BC.
  • Parthenon , Ancient Greece, 5th century BC.
  • Mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal. 17th century
  • Postal station in Yekaterinburg, XIX century (similar stations served as a means of communication between Russian cities, here travelers could change horses and relax)
  • Windmill, Holland, city of Rotterdam, 18th century (monument to the history of technology development).

A monument is a reminder of the past. Therefore, in science, any piece of the past that has reached us is called a monument. The remains of a church, a decoration found in the ground, an ancient painting, an ancient manuscript, an inscription on a stone, ancient legends - these are the monuments of the past that have reached us. Particularly valuable and significant monuments of the past are protected by law.

5. Archives, museums, libraries.

Scientists are trying to preserve the monuments of the past that have survived to this day. For this purpose, special institutions are created.

Documents are stored in archives . This word comes from the Greek "archaeion", which means "institution".

Slide 7 – Archive (writing in a notebook)

The archives contain ancient manuscripts, city plans, letters from prominent people, agreements between state leaders and other valuable evidence of the history of the past. But it’s not just historians who use archives. For example, in order to restore a building that was once destroyed, builders turn to the archive for the drawings of a given historical monument stored there.

***If time permits, we can discuss the issue of creating a home archive (scanning documents, creating an electronic version of the archive)

An institution that collects, stores and displays objects of art, ancient monuments, and scientific collections is called museum, translated from Greek - “temple of the muses.” The Greeks considered history to be art.

Slide 8 – Museum (write in notebook)

***The patroness of the arts were goddesses - muses. Muse Clio was considered the patroness of history. She was usually depicted with manuscripts in her hands. Sometimes there was a sundial nearby - with its help she observed the order of time.

Every city has museums. They can be artistic, historical, ethnographic, zoological, literary, etc.

According to the slide: now you see various museums around the world. They contain works of great art masters. They are called masterpieces. This word is translated from French as “the best work.” Perhaps you have visited some of these museums.

Notes from travelers, chronicles, memoirs of war participants and many other evidence of the past are contained in books. Books can be handwritten or printed. They are of great value to historians.

Slide 9 – Library (writing in a notebook)

There is no researcher of the past who would not turn to library. Translated from Greek, “biblion” means book, “teka” means repository, that is, this word means “book depository.”

Library - an institution that collects and stores books for public use.

For what purpose are archives, museums, and libraries created? How do they help in studying the past?

As we already know, sources can be oral, material and written. Historians call written sources documents. From Latin the word “document” is translated as “testimony”.

By studying documents and material sources, scientists reconstruct historical events. But the researcher’s work does not end there. There is nothing accidental in history. Therefore, it is important to determine what happened before and after the events being studied and to establish a connection between them. And finally, you should understand the significance of this or that event for the history of the country or the whole world. This means painting a whole historical canvas. And historical sources give us the colors for it.

Homework: Slide 10

***Have you come across any historical sources in your home?

Have you ever worked in archives?

What museums and libraries of our city do you know?

Development of lesson No. 5.2

Full name of teacher: Ignatenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna.

Item: story.

Class: 5.

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Lesson topic: Sources of knowledge about the past. (1 hour).

Purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​order in historical science using the example of dividing historical sources into groups.

Lesson objectives:

educational: expose students to concepts that are new to them, such as historical source, physical, oral, written historical sources, monument, document.

developing: develop the ability to classify information and describe historical sources.

educational: cultivate respect for the traditions of the people.

Lesson structure:

Lesson stages

Basic information units

Teacher activities

Student activities


1. Creating a working atmosphere.

2. Checking attendance.

Checking the data

Pointed questions:

1. What does history study?

2. What questions does history answer?

3. Give an example of a historical fact?

4. Who is Herodotus?

Students answer questions.

Motivation, updating knowledge

Historical memory

1 slide

Appeal to the quote from Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, working with it:

2. Why is protecting memory a moral duty for you and me?

3. Where can it be stored? memory?

Students answer the questions:

1. Memory- this is the spirit of the past, contained in objects and phenomena.

2. Historical memory helps a person to realize his “I” in the history of his people and humanity as a whole.

3. In texts, objects, stories.

Goal setting

What do you think we will talk about today?

2 slide

About objects and phenomena that contain historical memory.

Recording the topic of the lesson in your notebook:

Sources of knowledge about the past.

Learning new material

Historical source,

Oral, written and physical historical sources, Monument, Document

1. How ancient monuments perish.

3 slide

Tithe Church– an example of the destruction of historical sources due to human activity.

4 slide

Faros lighthouse– an example of the destruction of historical sources due to natural disasters.

Give examples of the destruction of historical sources?

2. Historical sources.

What is a source?

What meanings of this word do you know?

What can we call a historical source?

5 slide

3. Groups of sources.

6 slide

Empty table.

7 slide

A table with completed columns for checking student work.

8 slide

There are two more concepts left to understand:

Monument and document.

Slide 9 (with examples)

Which of the things shown on the slide is a monument and which is a document?

What other meaning does the word have? document?

What documents do you have?

Consequences of the Great Patriotic War, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Source– the place where something appears and begins to spread.

Source of water, source of information.

Historical source- everything that was once created by people; Thanks to historical sources, we can study the past of human society.

Students copy the definition of the concept into their notebooks.

Pair work. Students work in pairs: distribute historical sources into the columns of the table. After this, three people from different pairs present their column and explain how the sources of this group are characterized.

Everyone should have the correct table in their notebook.

Students copy the definitions into their notebooks.

Architectural monument: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Document: old photograph of the city.

Document- evidence indicating a fact.

A certificate from the school certifying that you are studying here.


Pointed questions:

1. What is a historical source?

2. Give examples of oral, written and physical historical sources.

3. Name a literary monument.

4. Which group of historical sources does the documentary belong to?

Students answer questions.

Results of the lesson, reflection

The results of the lesson should be summed up by returning to the purpose of the lesson:

1. Why are historical sources needed?

2. Why are historical sources divided into groups?

10 slide

Reflective screen.

Point-by-point survey of those who never showed themselves in the lesson.

Students answer questions, thereby summing up the lesson.

Students write in their notebook:

Plus: what you liked about the lesson,

Minus: what you didn’t like about the lesson,

Interesting fact: something I learned for the first time.


Museum, Library

11 slide


You must fill out the table “Archives, museums, libraries” yourself.

Students write down their homework.

Notebook layout:

Sources of knowledge about the past

Historical source- an object created by people and containing information about the past of human society.

Historical sources








Writings on papyrus

Records carved into stone

Document– a historical source containing text, image or sound.

Monument- a historical source that has survived to this day.