If you are planning to enroll in a foreign university for master's or postgraduate study, you will have to take specialized tests on your language proficiency and level of specialized training. There are more and more people wanting to study at US business schools (), to which the road is closed without the GMAT. What kind of test is this and how to pass it - EnglishDom teachers tell us.

Graduate Management Admission Test or GMAT is a special English-language test that is aimed at assessing mathematical, analytical and linguistic abilities. Passing the GMAT is mandatory for anyone planning to receive economic, technical (IT) or business education abroad, and the test results are sufficient grounds for acceptance or refusal to study/work.

Test structure

The GMAT consists of four blocks: Verbal (verbal part, which assesses the ability to work with text), Quantitative (Maths - testing basic mathematical knowledge), AWA (testing writing skills), Integrated Reasoning (identifying analytical abilities). Let's take a closer look at each:

AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment)

During the first 30 minutes of the exam, you must write an essay based on one proposed argument. You analyze and support the logic of an argument, supporting it with examples and facts - all in a scientific style. For this part you can get a maximum of 6 points, which are awarded by testing experts (evaluate the style and logic of presentation) and a computer program (spelling, absence of plagiarism - similar answers that are in test tasks or old works).

Example task:

The following appeared in a report presented for discussion at a meeting of the directors of a company that manufactures parts for heavy machinery:

“The falling revenues that the company is experiencing coincides with delays in manufacturing. These delays, in turn, are due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. Consider further that the manager of the department that handles purchasing of raw materials has an excellent background in general business, psychology, and sociology, but knows little about the properties of metals. The company should, therefore, move the purchasing manager to the sales department and bring in a scientist from the research division to be manager of the purchasing department.

”Discuss how well reasoned. . . etc.

Healthy: You can view and download even more examples of themes.

Integrated Reasoning

Another stage, the result of which (maximum 8 points) does not affect the overall grade, but requires thorough preparation. You must answer 12 questions in 30 minutes, demonstrating analytical skills. You will be offered tables, graphs and sources for evaluation, the information of which must either be confirmed or refuted by you in test questions.


Healthy: More examples of assignments can be found on the MBA website.

Verbal - first key section

The third stage of testing, which takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. It is during this period that you must carefully read several passages on the topic of business, marketing, economics and understand the main ideas (Reading Comprehension) to answer questions after the texts.

The next block within Verbal is Critical Reasoning- will require you not only to read, but also to critically substantiate your own thoughts. Logical argumentation, refutation and confirmation of arguments - all this must be done in a short time.


Time and again it has been shown that students who attend colleges with low faculty/student ratios get the most well-rounded education. As a result, when my children are ready to attend college, I’ll be sure they attend a school with a very small student population.

Which of the following, if true, identifies the greatest flaw in the reasoning above?

  1. A low faculty/student ratio is the effect of a well-rounded education, not its source.
  2. Intelligence should be considered the result of childhood environment, not advanced education.
  3. A very small student population does not by itself, ensure a low faculty/student ratio.
  4. Parental desires and preferences rarely determine a child’s choice of a college or university.
  5. Students must take advantage of the low faculty/student ratio by intentionally choosing small classes.

The last part is for spell checking. You will be asked to correct errors in sentences (Sentence Correction) based on knowledge of grammar.


Many of the thousands of students currently enrolled in night courses hope for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging.

  1. for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging
  2. for exchanging drab jobs for new careers that will challenge them
  3. to exchange their drab jobs with new careers that will be new and challenging
  4. to exchange their drab jobs for new and challenging careers
  5. to exchanging their drab jobs and finding careers that will be new and challenging.


Quantitative is the second key section, which consists of two types of tasks (37 tasks in total):

  • problem solving or solving arithmetic and algebraic problems, which must be supported by reasoning;


In a certain game, each player scores either 2 points or 5 points. If n players score 2 points and m players score 5 points, and the total number of points scored is 50, what is the least possible positive difference between n and m?

  • test section Data sufficiency is designed to assess the ability to analyze data (numbers) taking into account their sufficiency, i.e. using classical logic and mathematical knowledge.


(1) x2 - y2 = 0

(2) (x - y)2 = 0

Useful x 2: tasks for the Verbal and Quantitative blocks can be viewed and completed.

Points: from 200 to 800 (max).

Exam duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (Verbal and Quantitative 75 minutes each, AWA and Integrated Reasoning half an hour each) + 30 minutes for breaks between blocks, during which you can leave the classroom.

Price: The generally accepted cost of an application for passing the test is 250 USD.

Retake: The exam results are valid for 5 years after passing. If you do not achieve a passing score, you still have 15 days to retake the test. After this period, a new attempt will be paid separately. You can take the GMAT 5 times during the year.

Attention, there is an exam in progress!

Armed with a special pen and answer forms (they will be given upon entering the classroom), you begin to take the test. GMAT is a real test not only for foreign citizens, but also for English speakers. Since the test covers not only the conversational part, but also the logical and mathematical part (high school level), knowledge of the language alone is not enough. By the way, it is the native speaker who most often “fails” on the Verbal Part, since the test involves the use of universal vocabulary, avoiding slang, cultural dialects and other stylistic “embellishments”. You must express yourself clearly and concisely, adhering to the laws of logic - the latter will be useful to you in the Integrated Reasoning block.

Another strict GMAT rule concerns the Verbal and partially AWA blocks. Plagiarism is prohibited in the exam, and therefore any confirmed fact of theft is punishable by cancellation of points or cancellation of results. By the way, it is prohibited to carry gadgets and other reference and auxiliary materials. Everything is so serious that before the test they will take a sample of your handwriting, make you sign it, and even scan your palm (!).

How to prepare for the GMAT?

Finding a qualified tutor to prepare you for the test is a task comparable in difficulty to taking the test itself. As a rule, English teachers are “convinced” humanists (not only by profession, but also by way of thinking). They will help you with the Verbal part (in the best case, also with AWA), practicing speaking, writing, and to prepare for the math part it is better to look for a qualified teacher.

There are three ways out of the situation:

  1. Find a professional (an English mathematician) and trust him, giving a significant amount of money for preparation (however, he is unlikely to teach English as a philologist).
  2. Enlist the help of an English tutor and improve your knowledge of the language, and study the rest separately with Russian/English-speaking mathematics teachers (he considers this option optimal, since it is unlikely to find a philologist-mathematician or a mathematician-philologist).
  3. Study for the GMAT alone.

Useful resources for self-taught people

  • http://www.gmac.com - GMAT website where you can find current versions of tests and preparation materials with recommendations for successful passing.
  • http://www.mba.com/global/the-gmat-exam.aspx - a section of the MBA website that contains useful information and an online test. What you need to successfully pass the GMAT!
  • https://gmat.wiley.com - official review of GMAT tests, which contains all the necessary reference materials for each section. Content is updated every year.
  • https://www.veritasprep.com/gmat/free-gmat-practice-test - try taking the online test, assessing your own level of preparation.
  • http://www.beatthegmat.com - a site that brings together those who have already passed the test and those who are just preparing to take the test. There is an active forum where you can find a lot of useful information and advice from “experienced people”.

Your overall GMAT score is made up of five points: Analytical Writing Score, Integrated Reasoning Score, Quantitative Section Score, Language Section Score And Total score. The GMAT Overall Score also includes previous scores for all GMAT tests taken in the past five years, as well as contact and demographic information that test takers provided upon registration.

The overall GMAT score can range from 200 to 800 points and is based on the math and language sections of the exam. Moreover, two thirds of those taking this exam score from 400 to 600 points

The Analytical Writing and Integrated Reasoning sections are scored separately and do not count toward the Overall Score. They are also not included in the unofficial score report that is published immediately after the test is completed by the testing center. however included in the Official Results Form, which is published 20 days after the exam. GMAT exam scores are valid for five years.

How to find out your GMAT score?

Unofficial scores for the language and math sections, as well as the preliminary overall score and authorization number, will be available immediately upon completion of the test. When you sign up for the test, you will be asked to indicate whether you would like to receive an official score report online or by mail to the address you provide.

.Online- If you have checked the option to receive your official score report online, you will receive an email within 20 calendar days from the date of your test with a link where you can view your official score report. To view the report, you must enter the authorization number received along with the preliminary test result. The official results report can then be downloaded or printed.

.By mail- If you have checked the option to receive the official report of the results by mail, a letter with the official report will be sent to you within 20 days from the date of testing, however, delivery time may vary depending on the speed of the postal service.

If you are planning to enroll in a business school, then in addition to the standard TOEFL/IELTS, many programs will also require you to take the GMAT. GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a standardized test that tests your math skills, ability to reason logically, and your command of the English language.

For MBA programs, the GMAT is the standard for admission, and master's programs in business, management, and finance are increasingly requiring the results of this exam. Since most applicants have a very vague idea about the GMAT, today I will talk about this test in detail.

GMAT It is carried out using a computer, and it is the so-called CAT (computer adaptive test). This means that during the testing process the program adapts to you: after a correct answer you get a more complex question, and after an error you get a simpler one (the test starts with a question of medium complexity). It is believed that this approach allows you to most accurately determine the level of your knowledge and skills.

During the GMAT, the following are tested:
basic mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, problems)
partially – advanced mathematics (statistics, probability theory, combinatorics)
knowledge of English (reading, writing, grammar)
analytical skills and logic

Exam structure

The GMAT takes 3.5 hours and consists of 4 parts, between which there may be 2 breaks:

In the first part (Analytical Writing Assessment) it is necessary to make a written analysis of the proposed argument and its validity. For example, you can analyze the logical chain, the presence or absence of facts, underlying assumptions, etc. In fact, you write an essay in response to an assignment.

Part tasks Integrated Reasoning test how well you use data to solve complex, interdependent problems. You must be able to work with information from different sources, which can be presented in the form of numbers, graphics or text.

In part Quantitative You will find mathematical tasks that roughly correspond to the school level. You have to analyze data and draw conclusions based on them. There are two types of tasks in this part - problems and determining the sufficiency of data (for example, find a statement containing all the necessary information). For each question there are 5 answer options.

Part Verbal includes tasks of three types - reading, critical argumentation and error correction. Tasks of the first type consist of a text and questions to it. Critical argumentation tasks test how well you can justify your arguments and develop a plan of action. Finally, the third type of task is correcting errors in a selected passage of text.

If the time is up and you did not have time to answer the questions, then your result will be determined by the answers that you managed to do. Unfortunately, with each unanswered question, your scores for this part of the exam decrease significantly.

GMAT Scoring System

Possible GMAT scores range from 200 to 800, but these extreme numbers are very rare. Two-thirds of test-takers score between 400 and 600, with the average score being 550. The GMAT cannot be “failed” in the sense that different schools evaluate GMAT scores differently (some business schools will indicate the required minimum for the exam, others are asked to provide results in principle, without defining a passing minimum).

If for MBA programs at top American schools the average GMAT score will be 720-740, for master's programs these figures are slightly lower.

For example:

HEC Paris (MSc in Finance, 2014) – 710
London Business School (2013) – 689
London School of Economics and Finance (LSE) (2013) – 670
Cass Business School (MSc in Finance, 2013) - 657
EDHEC – 650

(in I talked about the importance of GMAT results when applying to a master's program abroad)

Before starting the test, you need to select the programs where your results will be sent. Once you select a program, you cannot change it, so think carefully about your options. The indication of 5 programs is included in the cost of the exam, but if you want to include a larger number of recipients, you will need to pay an additional fee for each. This same opportunity can be used, for example, if you do not want to send the result to business schools until you see it yourself (after receiving the final result, the necessary programs are added as additional ones for a fee).

The GMAT test is used as one of the selection criteria for future students in more than 5,400 programs in 1,500 educational institutions in 83 countries. The Graduate Management Admission Test is a computerized, standardized test that determines how well a prospective student will perform in the first year of a graduate degree in management.

The GMAT is also used by business schools as an admission criterion for various management programs, including accounting and finance, as well as an MBA. This test is administered by standardized testing centers in 100 countries. The GMAT was developed by the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) organization. On June 5 of this year, she added a new section to the list of tasks - integrated reasoning section. Its main purpose is to measure how well a candidate can evaluate information in different formats and from different sources. The GMAC organization conducts special statistical studies, thanks to which you can verify the quality of the GMAT test and that it reliably determines how successfully students will study when studying different programs at business schools.

Where to take the GMAT in Moscow!

If you are interested in taking the test, you can register at mba.com. Here you can find a detailed description of the test, test schedule, information about testing centers and forms of payment. In Moscow, starting from 2006, the GMAT is taken at the Information Technology Training Center at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

You need to register on the official GMAT website - WWW.GMAT.ORG. The exam is taken only after receiving an identification number, and at the specified time and date of testing.

The GMAT test costs $250. The test result will be valid for 5 years. You need to pay when registering on the site. You can retake the test once a month, but no more than 5 times a year.

How the GMAT came to be

Back in 1953, nine business schools joined forces to develop a standardized test that would help select applicants with the right level of qualifications. The name of this organization is GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council).
In the first year of its existence alone, the test was passed more than 2 thousand times. And in recent years, more than 250 thousand such exams have been conducted per year. At first, 54 schools used this test, but now it is used all over the world as one of the entrance tests. More than 1,500 schools and more than 1,800 programs use the test.

Essence and time

The GMAT test has 4 main parts: Quantitative Part, Verbal Part, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment.

The test is carried out over 3 and a half hours, but if you take into account the break, the total time is 4 hours. The verbal and quantitative parts, where multiple choice is required, assume a computer-adaptive format; they seem to adapt to the candidate’s level of knowledge. The advantages of this are that the test execution time is reduced and the results are more accurate than with a fixed test. The beginning of each multiple choice section consists of intermediate level questions. Next, depending on the correctness of the answers, the computer selects subsequent questions. If the answers are correct, the questions will be more difficult. If not, the computer selects easier questions. Once this part is completed, the computer can give an accurate assessment of how competent the candidate is in a particular area.

GMAT test structure:

Quantitative part

The quantitative part of the GMAT test assesses how well the test taker can reason, solve mathematical problems, and interpret graphic information. Here you need knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, and general knowledge of geometry. In the quantitative part there are two types of questions - problem solving and data sufficiency. This part is scored from 0 to 60 points. But, as practice shows, it is extremely rare to earn points below 7 and above 50. Those questions that involve problem solving are designed to assess the applicant's ability to solve and quantitatively justify tasks. Questions where it is necessary to determine the sufficiency of knowledge are aimed at analyzing the problem and understanding when there is already enough information to solve it.

Verbal part

The verbal portion of the GMAT exam tests the test taker's ability to read and understand written material, whether he can justify and evaluate arguments, and his ability to correct written text and bring it into line with the requirements of written English. There are three types of questions aimed at understanding the text, the ability to correct sentences and offer critical argumentation. Scores for this part can range from 0 to 60, but it is rare to see scores up to 9 or above 44 points.

Tasks that are designed to test understanding of written material are texts of up to 350 words. Texts can be on different topics - from social, physical, biological sciences, from business industries (economics, marketing, personnel management, etc.). Also after the texts there are tasks - applied, logical and interpretive questions. This tests abilities such as understanding words and statements, logical relationships between ideas and concepts in the material. The ability to draw logical conclusions from the facts and statements given in the text, as well as the level of understanding of the development of quantitative concepts that are presented in the text material, is tested.

In the part where critical argumentation is assumed, the questions should assess how much the test taker is able to evaluate and build arguments, and whether he can formulate a plan of action. The questions are based on different materials, their task is to measure the level of ability to build arguments, evaluate them and formulate actions.

The part of correcting sentences is choosing the option that best expresses the idea. Here it is checked how knowledgeable the test taker is in the peculiarities of style and grammar, and whether he knows the rules of written speech. The main skills tested in this part are correctness and efficiency of expressions.

Complex Argumentation

Complex reasoning is a relatively new addition to the GMAT test and is new. It measures the applicant's ability to evaluate information from different sources and in different forms. There are 12 questions in 4 formats - graphic interpretation, two-part analysis, table analysis, argumentation using different sources (Graphic Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis, Table Analysis, Multi-Source Reasoning).

This part is scored from 1 to 8. It is scored separately, and the result does not directly affect the final test score.

When working on the table analysis section, you need to analyze the information in the table. Questions have multiple statements. The test taker must confirm or refute them by selecting the desired option.

Graphic interpretation involves interpreting information that is presented in schematic or graphical form. There are tasks here where you need to fill in the blanks using a special drop-down menu. You need to choose the option in which this or that statement will sound correct.

In questions for argumentation, two or three sources of information are presented in tabs. By clicking on these tabs, the test taker studies the information from them, which can be presented in the form of a combination of text, charts, and tables. Then he must answer alternative or multiple choice questions.

In two-way analysis questions there are two components to answer, which are presented in the columns of the table, and in the rows there are possible options. You must select one answer from each column.


In this part you need to solve the task of analyzing a statement in 30 minutes. That is, it is necessary to analyze one or another justification for a statement, and then also analyze it in writing. This task is assessed using two independent scoring systems. One of them could be an automatic electronic system that is specifically designed for grading essays. This system can evaluate more than fifty linguistic and structural characteristics, including topic analysis, organization of ideas, and syntactic variation. If in two systems the results are obtained with a difference of more than a point, then the result will be determined by an expert, having previously analyzed both estimates. For the analytical part you can get from 1 to 6 points (an interval of half a point is possible), but a score of 0 is given when the speech does not correspond to the topic or is completely incomprehensible.

So, if the essay is incomplete, 1 point is given, if it has minor flaws - 2 points, if limited - 3 points, if it meets the requirements - 4 points, if the essay is strong - 5 points, if outstanding - 6 points.

Final score

The final or final score can range from 200 to 800. It depends on the results of the verbal and quantitative parts. As already noted, the mark for analytical writing and complex argumentation does not affect the final result. The majority (68%) of test takers score between 400 and 600 points.

The result depends not only on how difficult the last answer was. In fact, a very complex algorithm is used in the process of calculating the final score. In some cases, the error is perceived by the computer simply as a deviation from the norm. And if you skip the first question, you don't necessarily have to fall into a lower category.

GMAT results are taken into account when entering most foreign business schools, which set their own passing score, usually around 700. The test is taken at authorized centers, the certificate is valid for 5 years.

Where and how to take the GMAT

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) exam consists of four parts:

  • argument analysis (essay) - Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA);
  • solving a set of mathematical problems - Quantitative;
  • processing information from different types of sources - Integrated Reasoning;
  • verbal section - Verbal.

To pass the GMAT, you must have a fairly good command of English: each of the modules is conducted in this language. To preliminary check whether your knowledge meets the required level, it is recommended to try your hand at the TOEFL and TOEIC tests. If no problems arise, you can rest assured that you will easily cope with the essay and verbal (speech) module.

It is not necessary to go abroad - taking the GMAT in Moscow or St. Petersburg is also possible. The centers authorized to administer the exam can be found on its official website.

Exam sections and types of tasks

The abbreviation GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test - means something like this: “an entrance exam to test management abilities.” During testing, not only the completeness of the test subject’s knowledge base is determined, but also his ability to think creatively.

GMAT test structure:

  1. GMAT Verbal section.
    This is the speaking part of the exam. Consists of 41 questions and takes 75 minutes to answer. Contains tasks of three types:
    • Sentence Correction (correcting errors in sentence construction). From the five proposed options for speech patterns, you must choose the most suitable one in style and meaning for insertion into the original phrase. To cope with the task, you need not only to have a good knowledge of language norms, but also to be able to quickly evaluate the content of the text, its compliance with grammatical, lexical and stylistic standards.
    • Reading Comprehension (reading comprehension). Several texts of 300-350 words and questions for each of them are given. The topics are different: business, economics, society, science. All the information you need to answer is in the material provided for reading. The difficulty lies in the fact that the presentation style is ornate, which makes it difficult to quickly study the content of the text.
    • Critical Reasoning (critical analysis). The tasks test your ability to analyze. A factual argument is offered. The task is to identify assumptions in it that allow one to build reasonable logical connections and draw correct conclusions. The statement must be analyzed in such a way as to understand what serves as its confirmation and how one can arrive at the main idea presented within the argument.
  2. GMAT Math (Quantitative).
    This is a math module. It consists of 37 small tasks that must be completed in 75 minutes. Knowledge of geometry, algebra, and arithmetic is assessed. There are two types of tasks:
    • Data Sufficiency. Tasks in this category require the ability to assess the sufficiency of the information contained in the text of the condition to solve a specific problem. There is no need to count anything; you just need to give an answer: “no” or “yes.”
    • Problem Solving. In such tasks, you must solve the problem and quickly select the correct answer from the proposed options. For example, the following conditions are given: “The cost of college is $12,600. This amount must be repaid over the course of a year in monthly installments. At the end of the fourth month, the amount of money paid by the student was $4,580. How much was deposited over the established limits? Answer options: A) 380, B) 540, C) 1050, D) 1380. The ability to concentrate and the ability to count quickly will be very useful for the solution.
  3. GMAT AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment).
    Writing an analytical essay. The task consists of two parts, which take one hour to complete. Topics related to business and economics. The first part is Analysis of an Argument (evaluation of the argument). A certain fact is given. It is necessary to analyze and critically examine the statement, discover its strengths and weaknesses. Then comment in writing, pointing out identified errors or inaccuracies, incorrect or unclear cause-and-effect relationships, and put forward a counterargument. If you agree with the statement, support it with additional facts and conclusions, briefly describing your thoughts. As the second part of the task, a fragment of some text is proposed (newspaper articles are often used). It must be read carefully, and then succinctly and concisely commented on in writing, giving arguments in favor of the position expressed.
  4. GMAT IR (Integrated Reasoning).
    This analytical section is a relatively new addition to the GMAT exam. In the module, in 30 minutes you need to solve 12 tasks that reveal the presence of strategic thinking, entrepreneurial skills, the ability to find optimal solutions, analyze statistical data, and plan your activities.

If you're going to take the GMAT, you need to be more than just diligent in your test preparation.

How does the GMAT usually work?

When you arrive at the location where the GMAT exam is held on time, you must present an identification document and an application to participate to the center employee. The staff will verify the authenticity of your signature, scan your palm and take a photo of you. Then, in a room (like a locker room), participants leave all their belongings in lockers except their ID cards. There is no possibility of cheating on the GMAT exam. If you try to carry cheat sheets or any aids with you, this will most likely be detected, then an awkward situation cannot be avoided.

In the exam room, everyone will be given noise-cancelling headphones, a notepad, a pencil, and an eraser. The first part of the test is an analytical essay. The draft can be sketched out in a notebook, but the final version is typed on the computer. After the essay, the second section begins without interruption - analysis of tables and graphs. Then you can take an eight-minute break.

After the math module, there is again an 8-minute rest period. In most cases, the verbal part of the exam is taken last. Grades are assigned for each module, and the average score for the entire exam will be calculated from the total.

Preliminary test results are announced immediately after the exam, and within two weeks you will receive confirmation by email that the certificate is ready and instructions on how to access it online. The document indicates the scores for each section and the overall grade. If you are not satisfied with the GMAT result, you can cancel it and try to take the exam another time.