Not so long ago, one of the most popular forms of education among high school students was external studies. With its help, gifted children had the opportunity not only to study at home, but also to finish their studies a year or even two earlier. But what is it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of education, and most importantly, where and how can one get an education in the form of an external student?

External study as one of the forms of education

To begin with, let's figure out what an external student is and how they call people who receive education with the help of this

External study is one of the alternative forms in which the student independently studies the content of the curriculum in accordance with and then, based on the results of intermediate assessments, is allowed to take exams or final assessments. Students who learn through this form of education are called external students.

Based on the results of passing the GIA, the student can receive a document on education, and if the program has not been mastered in the amount established by the curriculum, receive a certificate of the form established by law.

The external study form is valid in all educational institutions that have state accreditation. There are no age restrictions for those wishing to study as an external student. Both a first-grader and a university student can study as an external student.

Learning features

Like any other form of education, external study has its own characteristics.

1. Externs are not required to attend classes or lectures. But this does not mean that the student does not attend an educational institution at all. He is obliged to appear for consultations with the teacher, intermediate and final certification.

2. For students of this form of education, a schedule of individual consultations is drawn up, to which they must come. During the consultation, the external student not only receives recommendations on the study of a particular discipline, but also asks the teacher questions of interest to him.

3. An individual schedule for passing the final certification is also drawn up for the external student, as a result of which a document of the established form is issued.

4. Gifted students may complete a program of several grades or courses in a year.

Who is the external student for?

Despite the absence of any restrictions, not everyone can get an education with the help of an external student. First of all, this is due to the specifics. In addition, not all parents will agree that their child spends almost all the time at home and does not attend an educational institution. But in some cases, externship may be the only right decision.

So, here is the most for joining an external student:

1. Giftedness of the child. If a child learns the school curriculum much faster than his classmates, then it is quite possible that he should go to external studies.

2. Occupation in sports or creative teams. Often, professional athletes and artists have to devote a lot of time to their "hobby" - attend training and rehearsals, take part in competitions and shows, often leave. In this situation, the child cannot systematically attend classes at school, and therefore, the best way out is the form of an external study.

3. Frequent business trips of parents can also lead to the fact that the child will rarely attend school and engage in self-education.

4. State of health. Unfortunately, not all children are healthy. Some of them have diseases that lead to disability and restrict freedom of movement. Of course, it is provided for such children, but nothing prevents replacing it with an external student.

5. Work. This paragraph applies to students. Often they have to devote all their free time to work in order to pay not only for their studies, but also for life in another city. Sometimes the work takes too long, the student has to miss classes, which ultimately leads to deduction for absenteeism or a session not handed in on time.

Benefits of an external student

Like any training, an external study has its advantages and disadvantages. First, let's talk about the main advantages.

  1. Extra free time. Since the student is not required to attend school every day, he has a little more free time. So, the time that is spent on the road, changes, (if there is one in the educational institution) is released. It also reduces student costs.
  2. Training according to an individually designed program. The student sees the entire scope of work in advance, can quickly study simple and understandable topics, and leave more complex ones for later. In addition, he can devote more time to subjects that are really important to him, deepen his knowledge in his chosen field.
  3. The possibility of adjusting the daily routine. Have you heard about human biorhythms? Some work better in the morning, others are more energetic in the evening, and even at night. Usually all classes are held in the morning, which is not suitable for everyone. Externs themselves have the right to choose at what time, where and how they study.
  4. Getting a certificate of education ahead of time. Studying as an external student, you can go through a year of educational material designed for several years.

Disadvantages of an external student

The main disadvantages of externalization include the following:

1. Decreased quality of education. We note right away that this statement is considered controversial. On the one hand, the external student does not have strict control on the part of the teacher, the quality of his knowledge is checked only during the intermediate and final certification.

On the other hand, control is still present, while checking the knowledge of all topics provided for by the curriculum.

2. Difficulties in self-study of disciplines. Like it or not, a person cannot master all disciplines equally well. For example, not everyone understands chemistry and can figure it out with the help of a teacher. And what then to say about its independent development? After all, an external study is an education received independently. External students cannot get full-fledged help from a teacher, so they will either have to try to deal with a particular topic on their own, or seek help from friends or even hire tutors.

3. Imperfect knowledge in a particular field of knowledge. In the course of self-study, an external student may not receive the necessary practical skills, skip here or another part of the material, which ultimately leads to gaps in knowledge. Such mistakes can be costly in the future.

Rights of externs

Let us note the basic rights of externs, which were fixed by the law on externship.

1. An extern has the right to consultations on each subject. The duration of the consultation can be from 15 minutes to 2 hours per year.

2. An extern has the right to attend practical and laboratory classes to gain practical skills.

3. The student is obliged to provide reference and educational literature both in the school or university library, and in the departments.

4. An extern has the right to take part in olympiads and competitions.

Admission to external studies

Admission to an external study includes a number of the following steps:

1. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list, which lists externships in Moscow or another city of your choice.

2. Discuss with the school principal or dean the possibility of studying externally.

3. Write an application in a certain form.

4. Provide the necessary documents.

5. Draw up and approve an individual training schedule.

6. Get textbooks and teaching aids, materials.

In what cases should you not go to an external study?

Despite its attractiveness, external study is a rather complicated form of education. Therefore, before you decide to go to external school or transfer your children to it, consider whether you can do the following things:

  1. Organize a clear regime and schedule for classes.
  2. Create conditions for full-fledged systematic training.
  3. Explain to your child the material from a particular field of knowledge.
  4. Independently analyze any, even the most complex topic.
  5. You can organize yourself.
  6. Ability to work with reference literature and books.

If you cannot complete at least one item from this list, then there is a high probability that you will not be able to get an education with the help of an external student.

Have you decided to choose an external student? This means that you will have to work hard. Therefore, we decided to give you some valuable tips that will help make learning easier.

1. Be sure to attend all consultations. On them you can not only get a curriculum for the subject, get to know the teacher, find out his requirements, the form for passing the exam, and approximate tasks.

2. Ask your questions as early as possible.

3. Complete all tasks provided by the curriculum.

4. Do not deviate from the curriculum. If you need to learn 7 topics, learn them, do not throw away those that seem boring, uninteresting and completely useless to you.

5. Work out your study plan and daily routine. Do not forget that you should not dump all the items in one pile. Spend an hour and a half a day on one subject, try to disassemble no more than five per day.

6. Find out the requirements for the design of work.

7. Make your plan for studying the subject. To do this, count the number of topics and exercises in them and try to distribute them evenly over the weeks.

Moscow external schools

Before the adoption of the new law "On Education" in 2012, the following externships of Moscow worked:

For external students at the Moscow gymnasium No. 710. An external student is open for students in grades 10-11. Approximate training period - 10-11 class for 8 months, 11 - for 5 months.

2. School No. 88 offered external studies for students in grades 8-11. Passage of the program of grades 8-9 is possible in a year; 10-11 per year; Grade 11 - for six months.

3. School No. 90 opened an external program for students in grades 8-11. Education for grades 8-9 and 10-11 in a year, you can finish grades 9 and 11 in six months.

4. School 2104 opened an external study for students in grades 10-11. You can finish grades 10-11 both in a year and in a year and a half. To master the program of the 11th grade - in 3 months.

5 School 1287 offers to complete grades 10-11 in a year


Initially, the external study was provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated June 23. 2000. An additional document was also attached to it - “Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external studies”, which described in detail the features of this form of external studies.

The new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 does not provide for this form of education. Thus, the new law "On Education" liquidates external education as a form of education.

Nevertheless, there remains the possibility of receiving family education or self-education. At the same time, it is possible to pass intermediate and final certifications in the form of an external study.


External study is one of the forms of education in which the student independently masters the curriculum. it has both its advantages and disadvantages and is not suitable for everyone. To date, the law does not provide for education through this form of education.

If you need to study an external program for grades 10 and 11 or you want to resume your studies with a certificate for grade 9, we are ready to offer quality education in our private educational center.

How is the external training going?

  • Grade 10 - classes 3 times a week in groups or only on Saturdays, the program is designed for 1 year.
  • Grade 11 - classes in groups 3 times a week or on Saturdays, duration of training - 1 year.
  • 10-11 class external students - classes 3 times a week, the program is also designed for 1 year.

Training is conducted in groups of 5-15 people. Individual lessons are also possible to study the program for grades 10-11 as an external student. In this case, the schedule and schedule of classes are discussed separately with each student.

Features of the external study program in the center "Success"

Studying as an external student allows you to master the high school curriculum with fewer classes - you attend classes only 3 days a week. All information is presented in a concise, but at the same time accessible and fascinating form, experienced teachers work.

What is included in the external program

  1. compiling homework and assignments for mastering the material at home according to a special program;
  2. completing assignments at home and checking them with teachers;
  3. performing laboratory work, drafting, writing essays. Each teacher makes his own list with entry in the record book;
  4. individual lessons with each student to master the misunderstood material and work on mistakes;
  5. solution of control works and tests;
  6. preparation for university entrance and state final exams.

10-11 classes as an external student for 1 year: with us it is possible!

External student 10-11 class

Studying the program of grades 10-11 in one academic year as an external student is one of the most famous and popular programs, it allows you to redistribute time to core subjects and concentrate on preparing for the exam and preparing for entrance tests

If you decide to go to external studies in grades 10-11 in the 2019-2020 academic year, then first of all you need to decide the following:

  1. In what mode will the classes be organized - perhaps in person 2-3 times a week, perhaps in person and in absentia (you will take part of the program remotely), and it is also possible to fully distance learning with classes conducted by teachers online
  2. Not all schools implement all programs, so first you need to choose a program, after that you can find a suitable school
  3. When choosing an external student, it is extremely important to take into account the current academic performance, the results of the OGE and the required USE scores upon admission. This will determine the choice of the optimal program.
  4. Different schools have different schedules for organizing classes, the frequency of classes per week, the number of lessons, and the time of day. It is also better to choose individually
  5. If you want to choose an external student for the next academic year, then you need to sign up for a free consultation. Consultations are conducted by specialists in alternative training programs by appointment. For consultation, we ask you to take with you an extract with grades for the previous class, a list of planned USE subjects and clarify the required scores, employment schedule for certain activities within the next academic year (preparatory courses, tutors, circles, sections)

You can sign up for a consultation by phone +7 495 154 95 05 or by sending.

External student 10-11 class– admission

Many people ask themselves questions: what to do, what certificates are needed, and what to do if there are not enough documents for admission to an external student in grades 10-11. And in general, why is information important, for example, about triples for previous years of study?

The transition to external studies in grades 10-11 is a responsible decision, which is why the student must convince the school that he chooses an external student not because of laziness. Since the teachers are seeing the future external for the first time, they need some information about him. And performance for the past years of study is the only official characteristic of a student. In the future, resumes of students describing their talents will be created, but this is only in the future. In the meantime, assessments for previous years make it possible to understand which subjects are easier for a child and which are more difficult. This will allow not only to be used as a "learning accelerator" or one of the forms of distance learning, but also to really get an education.

For admission to an external study for grades 10-11, the results of the GIA are, of course, necessary. In the event that after the 9th grade the student entered a college, but for various reasons decided to return to the school curriculum, for admission to an external study for grades 10-11, you will also need an academic certificate from the college- this will allow you to more carefully draw up a training program (in case the student has chosen intensive - see below). "Program 10-11 grade for 1 year"). In addition, hours of study in school subjects will be counted.

Russian external study programs. External student 10-11 class

To go to external studies and study in grades 10-11 it is necessary to conclude an agreement. If the student decides to study remotely, all documents can be sent by mail. But we must not forget that both external students and schoolchildren pass the exam on the same conditions on the same day (). Therefore, even when studying at an online school, certification is carried out in person. If it was decided to attach the child to a Moscow school, then registration is required to take the exam.

10+ 10+
12000 ₽/month more

10-11 10-11 class for 1 year
15000 ₽/month more

10, 11 10 and 11 grades
for 2 years Cost:
12000 ₽/month more

10+ 10+
with intensive
from 12000 ₽/month

10-11 10-11 grade
for 1 year with intensive
from 12000 ₽/month more

11 Grade 11
with intensive
from 10000 ₽/month more

Students study the 10th and 11th grade school curriculum for one year, leaving only specialized subjects for the second year, those for which they plan to take the exam. The program is optimal for students who do not need to save 1 year. 2-year preparation will allow you to get the highest possible results in exams.

Training is organized using modern educational technologies. The main resource is the educational portal, where all the necessary educational materials are placed, classes and consultations with teachers are held. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms in all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all subjects of the program.

A separate block within the framework of the program is preparation for the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics. Students perform all the necessary volume of thematic and complex tasks. During the academic year, face-to-face trial work is carried out, the level of training is monitored, which makes it possible to predict the result of the exam.

Students study for 2 years, first according to the 10th grade program, in the second year - 11th grade, i.e. no reduction in training time.

Training is organized using modern educational technologies. The main resource is an educational portal, where all the necessary educational materials are posted, classes and consultations with teachers are held. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms in all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - there are all opportunities for the successful study of all program items.

The advantage of this program is the flexible schedule of classes. You can adjust the sequence and timing of the study of subjects within six months. At the same time, such an organization of classes allows you to optimize the load. During the academic year, face-to-face trial work is carried out in specialized subjects, and the level of training is monitored, which makes it possible to predict the results of the USE.

Tutoring intensive

Students study the program of grades 10 and 11 for one year, but certification for grade 11 is partially passed, not in all subjects.

Program Benefits the opportunity to complete the program in most of the 11th grade subjects during the first year and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups already from the 10th grade.

School intensive

Classes are held 3 times a week in all school subjects. Such an organization of classes allows you to distribute the load in all subjects and correct possible problems in time.

Program Benefits Classes in the format of school lessons allow you to maintain a connection with the school, including relationships with classmates. The opportunity to pass most of the subjects of grade 11 already during the first year and free up time for the next year to prepare for the exam. The program is optimal for students who do not need to save 1 year of study. 2-year preparation will allow you to get the highest possible results in exams.

Tutoring intensive

Tutoring classes in preparation for the exam are held 4 times a week throughout the academic year in Russian, mathematics and subjects of choice.

All non-core subjects of the school curriculum are studied remotely. The educational portal contains all the necessary educational materials, classes and consultations with teachers. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms in all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all subjects of the program. Learn more about distance learning

Students study the program for grades 10 and 11 for one year.

Program Benefits The opportunity to quickly complete the program of grades 10 and 11 in a year and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups.

School intensive

Classes are held throughout the school year in all school subjects. For one academic year, students study the program of grades 10 and 11 and save one academic year. Classes are held 3 times a week. It must be remembered that the load during this year is very large, so you need to correctly calculate your strength.

All students also get access to the educational portal, which contains all the necessary educational materials and test tasks that may be needed for the successful development of the program, including during preparation for the exam.

The main drawback is that it is very difficult to prepare for all the exams at a high level.

Program Benefits Classes in the format of school lessons allow you to maintain a connection with the school, including relationships with classmates. Students save 1 year.

Tutoring intensive

Tutoring classes in preparation for the exam are held 4 times a week throughout the academic year in Russian, mathematics and subjects of choice.

All non-core subjects of the school curriculum are studied remotely. The educational portal contains all the necessary educational materials, classes and consultations with teachers. The study schedule, the curator's office, classrooms in all subjects, the progress log, online classes, testing, consultations - there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all the subjects of the program and completing the school. Learn more about distance learning

Program Benefits the opportunity to complete the 11th grade program until January and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups.

School intensive

The best option for students who have completed 10th grade. Classes are held 2 times a week during the first semester in all school subjects. The second half of the year is free to prepare for the exam. Such an organization of classes allows you to distribute the load in all subjects and correct possible problems in time.

As part of face-to-face classes and independent study of the material, students receive all the necessary amount of knowledge on the school curriculum.

All students also get access to the educational portal, which contains all the necessary educational materials and test tasks that may be needed for the successful development of the program, including during preparation for the exam.

After passing the exam, students who choose external studies receive the same certificate as all Russian students. There will be no marks about external studies, family education or self-education, and universities accept applicants on the same conditions. Moreover, transition to an external study for grades 10-11 does not deprive students of the right to receive a medal.

External student 10-11 class and preparation for university entrance

Go to external student for grades 10-11 involves self-preparation of students. That is why the law on education specifies the form: self-education. However, many people confuse external study and preparation for entering a university. Do not confuse: external study only frees up time for attending preparatory courses, but teachers do not prepare students, for example, for creative competitions. Therefore, when choosing a program "externship 10-11 class" it must be remembered that, if there are additional entrance examinations at the university, it will be necessary to prepare for them separately.

As for the preparation for the Unified State Examination, the results of which are necessary for entering a university (even not in core subjects, such as biology, social studies, and so on), then there are all the materials necessary for passing the exams.

Last year. The educational institution is tied to gymnasium 710, but has a separate building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. There are two training programs to choose from: grades 10-11 in one year and grade 11 in six months. I completed all of high school in a year.

This is the building where we studied. We had only one floor, eight of our classrooms, a small dining room, two toilets, locker rooms and three offices for teachers, the academic department, director and head teacher.

I do not regret at all that I went to an external study: studying there is much more interesting than at school. In an external study, they help to set priorities correctly, understand where to spend time, and prepare for the university education system.

The main differences between an external student and a school

In the last academic year, we were all divided into groups of 15 people. We went to some of the subjects only with our group, while others, mainly those that took place in the format of lectures, were attended by several groups.

We had couples, not lessons, and there were fewer study hours per week than at school. For example, in the first half of the year we studied according to the following schedule:

No one had more than four pairs a day, and they were all different. We studied three days a week. This is very convenient, because a lot of time is spent on training for someone, for someone preparing for the exam, and the like.

We went through the entire program in an abbreviated form, but, nevertheless, we were taught very meaningfully and we worked productively. Some things were missing, but we were given the necessary base, and the rest we had to go through on our own. This is good, because we were not required too much and we could learn things that were important to us.

Textbooks were written by external teachers. They themselves selected material from various sources, compiled tests, papers, wrote paragraphs with the most important information.

Here is an example of literature:


For a more detailed study, we were advised additional literature. For example, the history teacher talked about Orlov's textbooks, various books on history and related to history (classical literature), which you can read in your free time.

Couples in the humanities, with the exception of Russian, were held mainly in the format of lectures. When one or another block ended, we wrote tests or papers with short answers based on the material covered.

What we did on specific subjects

Algebra and geometry

In algebra and geometry, we solved typical tasks from the Unified State Examination: both from the first and several tasks from the second part. We quickly went through all the topics, we were given the whole theory, it just took much less time to practice. Examinations and tests to test knowledge were also arranged. This system looks good to me. This way it’s better to focus on what is required of you in the exam: I passed the exam in profile mathematics with 72 points, although I didn’t prepare for it anywhere except for the external student.

Russian language

In Russian, each lesson we analyzed one of the USE numbers and essays. Tests and tests were in the USE format. In them, a lot of attention was paid to writing an essay: we were driven through the entire structure of the text, we wrote it in parts as homework.

What was missing

I was upset that there was no computer science and life safety at all. More precisely, we had one lecture in each subject at the end of the academic year, and then, based on the information from these lectures, we wrote tests. There was also no physical education at all. We just passed the test at the end of the year.

The courses of physics, geography, chemistry and biology lasted for half a year, the material was given in abbreviated form, but I can't say that something was missing for me.

Assessment system, additional opportunities and discipline

Grading system

The grades that we received during the year were not taken into account when assessing grades 10-11. The certificate included an average score for two, exposed for the session - winter and spring. At the sessions there were works based on the materials covered during the year.

Additional courses

The external study provided an opportunity for additional preparation for the exam, that is, courses or individual lessons with teachers. I myself did not sign up for these courses, but from those who attended them, I heard only positive feedback.

I also had the opportunity to attend lectures on psychology at Moscow State University. Some guys from the gymnasium, to which the external student is attached, studied in a class with a chemical and biological bias, and these lectures were mandatory for them. Me and a few other girls went just for fun. We were told quite a lot. For example, there were lectures about the structure of the nervous system in animals and humans, about the sense organs, the body's reactions to various factors, about personality psychotypes, about where which hormones are contained and how they affect the body. The sessions lasted 80 minutes. We were not forced to write or study anything and were not given any tests. By the end of the year, everyone prepared a presentation on a chosen topic and told it in front of the others.

Disadvantages of external study

Gotta keep up with everyone

One of the disadvantages of the reduced program is that some knowledge on the subject may not be enough, some things are omitted or given in a very concise manner. If you don’t understand something, you yourself must study it, because little time is spent on analyzing specific things, and no one will explain anything to you individually. It was difficult for some of our guys, because they came from weak schools, but most of them studied extra, and this saved them, while the rest simply did not want to do anything, so they could not take anything normally. If you do not want to study and do not know how to discipline yourself, no one will force you. Many teachers openly said that they did not keep us in pairs, that we could go if we did not want to receive knowledge.


It is also worth adding that in the external study you are responsible for your level of education, participation in olympiads, passing the TRP. When I went to the All-Russian Literature Olympiad, I almost missed the school tour: I came to my senses in time and managed to write it before it ended. If in an ordinary school everyone writes it at the same time, they allocate special time for this, then in an external study you take the task yourself, find time and bring it to the study section.

We were not scolded for skipping couples. The teachers understood that we are adults and we can set our own priorities. I periodically did not go to literature, because I studied it additionally, skipped Russian, because I could solve the tests myself, and did not attend English, because I knew what was passed in pairs, and analyzed the tasks with a tutor. However, skipping is not worth it. Absenteeism does not lead to serious problems, but it can affect the attitude towards you.


We were forbidden to get our phones on most of the items. In mathematics, literature and chemistry, we handed them over to the teacher. There was no Wi-Fi in the building, and the connection was not very good, so the mobile Internet did not work well either.

If you do not allow the teacher to lead the pair normally, you can go. It happened that students were expelled from literature right in the middle of the couple. They were not allowed to get food, make noise, in general, interfere with the others in any way. Once the girl was asked to remove the steam coffee, because the teacher was disturbed by its smell.


Another of the minuses is rather weak English (at least for me: I always studied with a tutor, so I had no problems with him). Many came from schools with poor English, and teachers focused more on those who know the language worse. But those who had a higher language level were given additional tasks or tests at the lessons.

We did not study the second language, and there were no additional courses either. If you teach, then only outside the external study.

Trial USE

Samplers were also given to us, but not enough (Russian, profile mathematics, basic mathematics, English). This is what is really missing. But they are also carried out at school in small numbers.

We also wrote the trial essay for December only once or twice. For me personally, this was not a problem, but for some it is not enough. In Russian, we almost did not focus on it, so we had to learn the arguments and repeat the structure for the most part ourselves.

The period of final exams is considered perhaps the most difficult time for schoolchildren. Perhaps every student feels a colossal burden of responsibility. It is important to get a high score, not to disappoint your parents and enter a university. In the senior class, you have to sit for long hours behind textbooks in order to repeat the entire school course. Not everyone is able to cope with such a load.

Is it possible to pass the exam in the 10th grade?

Imagine that instead of active preparation in the 11th grade, you can study at a measured pace, already having a certificate of passing a single exam.

How is this possible?

Thanks to another innovation, since 2015, it is possible to return some items ahead of schedule. That is, after the end of the 10th grade. I must say that the list of such subjects did not include all, but only some school disciplines. In particular, the Russian language and mathematics (in the basic version), as well as geography.

According to the Ministry of Education, by the end of the 10th grade, schoolchildren finish studying these subjects, so no one bothers to pass the exam before the rest. The freed up time can be used to prepare for other exams.

How to pass the exam in the 10th grade?

There is one important condition. The student must confirm that his mark in the chosen discipline is at least three points. This will be the basis for admission to the exam.

It is curious that not all students are aware of their rights. Many teachers do not tell if it is possible to pass the exam in the 10th grade. In order to pass a single exam, you need to have time to write an appropriate application before February 1. The application must be submitted at the school where the training takes place.

Is it possible to pass the exam in the 10th grade if the training is conducted, for example, remotely? Schoolchildren who master the material individually are also available for early delivery of the exam. Provided that you have successfully passed the intermediate certification. Also, permission from the teachers' council is required for admission to the exam after grade 10.

Is it worth it?

You need to make an informed decision. We have already found out whether it is possible to pass the exam in the 10th grade. Theoretically, nothing prevents a student from doing this. However, having the opportunity to pass the exam ahead of schedule does not mean that you need to rush to take advantage of it.

A big plus of prematurely passing the exam is that, simultaneously with the certificate, the student gets the opportunity not to attend some disciplines. This frees up more time for other activities. It can be a hobby or preparation for any other exam.

Upon receiving a positive assessment on the exam, it is put in the certificate. This means that in the senior class, the student will have fewer homework assignments. He will be able to keep up with everything, and not be in constant stress due to increased loads.

However, the student will have to pay for all these benefits in the 10th grade. After all, he will have to not only keep up with the program, but also pay attention to preparing for the exam in the Russian language or another subject.

However, if the results of the exam are not taken into account when entering a university, then it is not scary to get an imperfect result. A student applying for the highest score or a gold medal may have to retake the exam.

Another difficulty faced by those who plan to pass the USE in the 10th grade in the Russian language or another discipline is that not every teacher will approve of such an undertaking. Of course, no one will forbid you to take a single exam ahead of schedule. However, be prepared for the fact that you will be treated more biased.

In any case, having passed the exam in the 10th grade, the student does not lose anything. After all, with an unsatisfactory assessment, you can try again later.

How to pass a single exam externally?

As you know, parents can independently determine the form of education. If a student is studying without being present at the lessons, he can take the exam as an external student.

However, some conditions must be met:

  • submit a certificate confirming the completion of grade 9;
  • pass the essay and midterm tests.

You need to understand that, passing the exam as an external student, the student is forced to prepare independently. An alternative could be individual lessons with a teacher, regular consultations, intensives, etc.

The option of passing the exam as an external student is suitable for those students who, for whatever reason, are forced to miss school. For example, children often participate in music or sports activities.

Schoolchildren are eligible to take the exam after the 10th grade. To use it or not, everyone decides for himself.