Free sealing of water meters is the responsibility of the company that provides you with this service. The only exception to the rules may be the failure of the seal due to the fault of the owner of the apartment or house.

Regulatory acts

In 2011, the Federal Law on Water Supply was adopted. The edition at the end of 2016 changed it, including the paragraph regarding the sealing of water meters. Since the beginning of 2017, metering devices have been sealed at the expense of the organization (most often it is housing and communal services or a management company).

Subscribers are charged only if the seal is broken or damaged due to the fault of the property owner. In this case, it is applied again at the expense of the consumer. In this case, it does not matter who is to blame in this case: the owner of the house, apartment or his guests (that is, third parties).

At the moment, there are no federal or regional laws that would require charging fees for commissioning water meters. Commercial registration, including sealing, is completely free. Sealing is carried out in two cases: during installation and after verification of metering devices.

If a seal is required when installing a meter for the first time, then in case of verification you need to ask how legal this service is at the moment. Government Resolution No. 354 states that verification of IMU (individual metering devices) is a mandatory procedure that must be performed at the expense of the owner.

According to the law, the owners of metering devices are citizens, owners of housing and those private enterprises that control the consumption of various resources. The frequency of verification of water meters varies. Firstly, it is also regulated by laws and SanPiN. Secondly, the minimum period of time between verifications is indicated in the technical documents for the meters.

For hot water, the calibration interval is 4 years, and for cold water - 6 years. This difference is caused by the fact that hot water destroys not only some plastic parts in water systems, but also the meter mechanisms. First of all, these are gaskets and an impeller. Technical data sheets do not always indicate this value correctly, since foreign verification standards may differ from domestic ones.

Installation of metering devices

Water metering devices can be installed by those apartment owners who have the technical capabilities for this.. There are no penalties for those who do not intend to do this. The owner himself must decide whether it is advisable for him to install these meters.

But since water standards are increasing every year, the thought of the usefulness of this water consumption meter arises with the same frequency. The main advantage of installing it is that from now on you will pay knowing what you are paying for, regardless of the regulations. This is truly beneficial if the entire family consumes water rationally.

If you decide to take such a step as installing a meter, then you will have to do the following:

  1. Before installing a water meter, you need to buy it. When purchasing, we are guided by the conditions in which it will be installed, as well as the model and price.
  2. After purchasing a meter, you need to decide who will install the water meter. There are two options: self-installation or calling a specialist from a private company.
  3. Sealing and drawing up a report by a specialist.

Installation and connection, unlike sealing, is carried out at the expense of the owner. When buying a meter, you need to understand the wide selection that our and other industries offer. Both vane and complex ultrasonic ones are available for sale.

The simplest, winged, is the most common and reliable mechanism. The principle of its operation is simple: the impeller mechanism rotates under the influence of the flow of water that passes through the water pipe and the device. It serves for about 12 years. Depending on the purpose, the device is made in a red or blue housing for hot and cold water, respectively.

There is a mark on the body of the device indicating the maximum temperatures. The maximum for a meter installed on a hot pipeline is 150 degrees, and on a cold pipeline - no more than 40 degrees. But there are also universal meters, the temperature range of which is 0-90 degrees.

A technical passport is issued for the new meter, where the serial numbers will match the numbers on the case. After purchasing, you can install the device yourself or contact a professional. You can use the third option and invite a mechanic from the management company.

Verification of meters

Checking water meters is a necessary event. After many years of use, the device may show incorrect data. Information may differ, both positive and negative. The error will not always be beneficial to the consumer. The verification period according to SanPiN varies depending on the water supply system.

For a cold system, the interval between verification or installation and the first verification should be no more than 6 years. For hot - 4 years. This difference is caused by the destructive effect that hot water has on the impeller mechanism present in most water metering devices.

Another component that affects the shelf life of a water meter is the composition of the water. If the water is of poor quality, hard or contains a lot of salts, the water meter will last less.

Video about replacing meters

The organization must seal the meter free of charge in the case of initial installation of the device, after verification and after repair of the water meter. If the owner himself is to blame for damaging the seal, then the service will not be free. Its cost will be from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the region.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

In today’s article I want to tell you about the illegal fee that is charged for sealing electricity meters, and how to deal with it.

After installing or replacing the electric energy meter, an act () is drawn up, and then the management company (MC), housing cooperative, homeowners association or electrical networks demand payment of an amount of 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the region, supposedly for the service of installing the seal.

One of the readers of the site, living in the Moscow region, told me that they charged him as much as 2,500 rubles for sealing the electric meter and the same amount for calling a specialist to check.

So, be aware that charging any fee for installing a seal is illegal. The sealing service is completely free, except in cases of re-installation of the seal.

I will cite several regulatory documents where this is clearly stated.

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442, I. General provisions, clause 8:

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, clause 81(8), clause 81(9) and clause 81(14):

Thus, if you installed a new meter or replaced an old one with a new one, then you do not need to pay for the installation of a control seal.

But if a seal has already been installed on the meter, then resealing after its integrity has been violated or at the initiative of the consumer will already be paid.

Let's assume that your meter is located in the driveway panel (here). You decided to move it (without replacing) from the entrance panel to the apartment.

Warn your management company (MC), housing cooperative, HOA or electrical network in advance that in connection with the transfer of the electric meter from the entrance to the apartment, you will need to break the seal from the metering device, and after completing all installation work, install it again. In this case, you will have to pay the cost of installing the seal, because... In this case, the sealing will be considered repeated.

I hope that the points indicated in the article will be enough for you to convince the management company (MC), HOA, housing cooperative or electrical network not to charge you for sealing the electricity meter when installing or replacing it, except in cases of repeated sealing.

If you are still “forced” to pay for the services of installing a filling, then there are several options.

1. Pay the specified amount and be sure to take the payment receipt. Just make sure that the receipt clearly states that the payment was made specifically for sealing the electric meter. Also take a copy of the price list for additional services, with the appropriate signature and seal of the organization. After that, file a complaint against them saying that they are illegally charging money for a free service.

2. File a claim in court. Currently, judicial practice on this issue is completely on the side of citizens.

3. Write an application to the FAS Russia (Federal Antimonopoly Service). They will quickly issue management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other companies orders to stop violating the laws of the Russian Federation.

P.S. The regulatory documents cited in the article came into force more than 3 years ago, but nevertheless the problem still remains relevant. For some, the amount of 200-500 rubles may not seem significant, but this is your right - pay whether you want or not. This is a matter of principle, even if the amounts are not large, but nevertheless, actions to collect fees for installing control seals are illegal.

97 comments to the post “To pay or not to pay for sealing an electricity meter?”

    Thank you! Good post.

    It's different everywhere for us. Some customers complain that they have to pay both when replacing the meter and during the initial installation. In my apartment I don’t have to pay the management fee. Even with re-sealing. I called the dispatcher and wait for the technician. I didn’t pay at the dacha either. I changed the meter twice within 4 months. At first it was single-tariff, when connecting for the first time, then I installed two-tariff, because... I installed round-the-clock heating with convectors. But I had to bring a repairman at my own expense both times.

    Everything is correct. We only charge for an inspector to come out or take him yourself.

    Thank you for the article.
    They don’t take money from us for anything, you came to the management company, wrote an application, attached a copy of your passport and that’s it, after 5 days they come, seal the meter, sign the certificate of work performed, get a phone number to transfer the readings to the inspectors and say goodbye.

    According to the new electrical supply standards. Organizations do not have the right to move the meter installed in the staircase cage into the apartment!

    Victor, there are no problems with moving the meter into the apartment and there cannot be any. I can write a detailed article about this.

    tell me what to do. The meter was in the apartment, a fancy one with a smart function from the developer, I paid for it, then it burned out and I decided to install a regular Mercury without a smart one, to which the management company refuses to seal me, asking me to install a meter with a smart one, is this legal?

    Thank you for the article.

    Dmitriy! I would like an article on moving the meter to an apartment!

    And local power grids charge us for sealing the electric meter

    Good afternoon. The question is not about electrics, but about meters)). Do these clauses in the regulations also apply to other types of meters (gas, water) or only to electric ones?

    Alexander, no, this is illegal. Another thing is that if the previous meter was your responsibility, then you may be required to reimburse the cost of the burnt meter.

    Ivan, Resolution 354 applies to all types of public services, incl. gas and water.

    03/20/2015 at 08:42

    You answer that moving the meter is not legal, but the admin writes that “there are no problems with moving the meter to the apartment and there cannot be. I can write a detailed article about this.”
    So I ask him for such an article!

    I wonder if it’s the same with water meters?

    Yes, Alexey.

    Dear admin! You claim that it is possible to move the meter into the apartment. I'm currently studying this issue. I am a lawyer by training and have access to complete databases of judicial practice. So, an analysis of judicial practice shows that the courts take a position on this issue that is opposite to yours. Even if the lower court justifies the transfer of the meter to the apartment, the higher court will certainly overturn this decision. The courts' reasoning on this issue boils down to the following:
    1. In a number of cases, the courts believe that the transfer of electricity meters from the floor panel to the apartment is a reconstruction that requires changes to the technical passport of the apartment building and is carried out on the basis of a decision on agreement with the local government, as well as with the consent of the owners of the premises of the apartment building. Basis - the provisions of Articles 25, 26, 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 27 September 2003 N 170;
    2. According to clause 1.5.6 of the PUE, it is recommended to install meters for the calculation of electricity supply organizations with electricity consumers at the network interface (according to balance sheet).
    The boundary of the division of the network according to balance sheet ownership in an apartment building runs along the border of the common property of the apartment building.
    3. According to clause 16.8 of SP 31-110-2003 “Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings”, meters for apartments are recommended to be placed together with protection devices. When installing apartment panels in the hallways of apartments, meters can be installed on these panels; their installation in floor panels is allowed. The issue of the installation location of the meter must be agreed upon with the local energy sales office, taking into account the type of building and planning decisions.
    4. The PUE contains a number of requirements that must be met when installing a metering device, including paragraph 1.5.32 (electrical wiring to the meters must meet the requirements given in Chapter 2.1 and 3.4 of the PUE); clause 1.5.33 (the presence of rations in the electrical wiring to the settlement meters is not allowed); clause 1.5.34 (sections of wires and cables connected to meters must be taken in accordance with 3.4.4 (also 1.5.19); clause 7.1.64 (for safe replacement of a meter directly connected to the network, a switching connection must be provided in front of each meter a device for removing voltage from all phases connected to the meter); clause 7.1.65 (a protection device must be installed after the meter connected directly to the network).
    In accordance with clause 1.7.1. Rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, re-equipment (which includes, among other things, the laying of new or replacement of existing electrical networks) of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings is allowed to be carried out after obtaining the appropriate permits in the prescribed manner.
    5. An individual metering device (meter) must initially be installed on the staircase in the floor panel, which is provided for in clause 7.1.63 of the PES
    As a result, we can draw the following conclusion: moving the meter to an apartment is possible, but this is a very tedious procedure that requires coordination (you can, of course, not agree, but the court can point this out at any time and declare the transfer illegal on this basis) with many interested parties. If any of these parties oppose the transfer, it will be almost impossible to do so. If the case goes to court, the latter will most likely take a position in accordance with existing judicial practice, that is, it will recognize the transfer as unlawful. Believe me, the courts do not care about your many years of experience and references to the fact that the meter is your property, since there is a certain position of the courts on this issue and the presence of contradictions in the current legislation.

    03/18/2015 at 08:32
    Everything is correct. We only charge for an inspector to come out or take him yourself.

    You shouldn't have said that - you're leading into temptation

    We come out ourselves, do the filling, everything is free

    I want to replace the old induction meter myself with a new (already bought) electronic one, Mercury 201.7(8). I live in an apartment building. There is a shield on the site that is locked (opening it yourself is not difficult). My induction meter, due to its expired service life (30 or 32 years), was sealed at the end of 2014 and is currently being charged according to the standard, multiplying it by a coefficient (0.1...) every six months.

    I can do it myself: turn off the switch, open the panel, disconnect the ends, dismantle the old meter. Attach the DIN rail, install a new meter on it, hook up the ends, turn on the switch.

    What is the procedure? Am I missing something? Do I need to go and notify the management company about the independent replacement?

    As far as I understand, if I replace it myself, I can pay nothing to the management company at all? Because even sealing a new meter in accordance with this article is free.

    You can change it yourself, but for this you need an act of removing the seal from the energy supply organization or from the manager.

    Please send me a wiring diagram for the a/motor, via one starter, but with reverse switching via a toggle switch with three positions

    I went to the CC. They said I could break the seal. But after replacing the meter, invite us to make sure that it is connected without errors. This service is paid - 180 rubles. Filling is free.

    And yet, the offer to pay 180 rubles is an initiative of the management company’s employees? Or are there normative supporting acts?

    Electricity companies cannot take the money for installing the seal again. Therefore, if a consumer applies to the network to allow the control unit into operation (after verification or replacement), then such measures are carried out free of charge. And if he writes an application to check the switching circuit, tighten the contacts on the meter, or the input machine, then all this happens for a fee.

    I live in a village, in my own house, at the electrical input to the house there is an electric meter that belongs to me. the time has come for his verification. I went to the energy sales office to coordinate all the issues. There they tell me that dismantling the meter for removal for verification must be done only in the presence of a representative of the energy sales company and it will cost me 4,800 rubles. I think this is illegal. Please suggest a document that explains this issue. They say that there is some kind of order from the Ministry of Energy issued around 2002, which contains “tariffs for carrying out control and audit work to check the functionality of metering devices.” It says that all work is carried out by the Russian Railways and free of charge.
    It seems to me that they erroneously indicated order No. 204 dated July 8, 2002
    Kolomna district, Moscow region, Anatoly Aleksandrovich Korobchenko, 8 916 567 50 84

    what does clause 81(14) mean in brackets, I can’t find it

    Today I changed the electric meter. The management company billed 180 rubles for the commissioning of an electricity meter, without the participation of the management company (that is, installed independently or by third-party organizations). I immediately wrote a statement to the management company with a question, asking for an explanation on what basis, etc. Next, contact face and probably to court. I hope the uk will come to their senses... Their statement that a third-party organization does not have the right to interfere in other people’s (that is, their) networks has strained them.

    violations are everywhere - maybe at first they carried out the sealing for free, but now they are finding all sorts of loopholes to make money. They asked us for 650 rubles. for checking the connection diagrams - and the seals were broken when we refused to pay - since we replaced the old meter with a new one and the sealing is free by law. wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office - it’s useless... and this is Ufa - the capital of Bashkortostan..... and the laws are wrong, the prosecutor's office does not work.... a disgrace

    Does a commercial organization carry out paid sealing? Although by law this service is free

    Lily, the law is written for everyone - sealing should only be carried out free of charge.

    good afternoon! 5 years ago our meters were replaced with new ones, free of charge. So the meter failed after exactly 5 years, although its service life was 16! we bought and replaced the broken meter with a new one, without switching to a multi-tariff one. everything remains as before, single-phase, single-tariff. Mosenergo requires 1500 rubles for sealing and checking the connection! I’m not going to pay, okay, 500, but here it’s all 1500, why, because their meter broke down in such a short time, you also have to pay) they said if you don’t pay, they won’t seal it and the meter readings will be invalid. Can I indicate this government resolution in the office? or in our case we still have to pay?

    Love, follow the instructions in the article. I think that if you present the points of the said Resolution, and with your desire and desire to understand this situation, the problem will quickly be resolved, and in your favor. Don’t forget to take and study the price list for additional services, check for the manager’s signature and seal on it. Even if they hide behind a service for calling a specialist to check the connection diagram of the metering device, this service still cannot cost that much - 1,500 rubles. Good luck! And keep us updated. Thank you.

    I have the same problem. the meter broke down, they said buy it, install it, write an application for a sealing, and pay 750 rubles. After reading the article, I called them. They said yes, the filling is free, they just call it that, and the fee is for checking the correct connection. And another question: do I have to pay for connection?

    Oksana, checking the correct connection before sealing is the commissioning of the metering device and should be carried out free of charge.

    Hello. I live in a private house, the meter and input machine are installed on the facade of the building. Recently the input machine malfunctioned, I notified my energy sales company about it. I was told to tear off the seal, change the machine and wait for an electrician to do the sealing. Today they called, set a time and said that the service would cost 690 rubles. Is it legal to charge me? If legal, are there any discounts for disabled people?

    Andrey, so you ask them which clause of the regulatory document they refer to when providing this type of service? And also lightly threaten that you will complain to higher authorities.

    They have a price list on their official website.
    Who is there to complain to... oh, the wrong country was called Honduras.

    Hello, please tell me, they are asking me for a broken meter, they say they need some numbers. Am I obliged to provide it, but they still require payment for, to see if the connection is correct. 750 if you bring them and 1500 if they go themselves.

    Today a 70 year old woman was deceived. They came under the guise of electricians and started to scare me, “You have an old meter, you must replace it before March 10, 2016, otherwise you will pay 300 klv per person, we have a raid.” You have 2800 rubles." They presented their IDs and took advantage of the elderly person’s age to say that she would not consider the ID. We replaced a good meter with a 200 energy meter, and as they say in the reviews, it runs 1.5 times more. So you also have to go order a seal, or change the meter, and you have to pay again. what do you advise?

    Hello! Please tell me what my next steps are. I bought an electric meter, what should I do next? Thank you.

    Good afternoon. We moved the meter to the apartment, but they refuse to put it into operation. They scared us that we were stealing electricity and that huge fines awaited us. Instead of helping to resolve the situation... everything is as usual. For everything, pay, pay, pay... Why we steal email is not clear. The meter is in place and spins properly. It all started with the fact that the meter installed on the site began to increase more than usual, every month + 50 kW. We went to Mosenergosbyt, and there they threw up their hands, saying, hand over your property for inspection... Since when did it become mine - it’s also not clear. And why should I pay to check the functionality of their meter? We decided to put our property, and to make it safer we brought it into the apartment. All installation standards have been met, there is a machine on the site that shuts down our apartment, and there is a meter with an ouzo in the apartment. Yes, it’s our fault that we didn’t warn anyone, but no one told us. But what to pay, fines and in general we are criminals - that’s welcome. Who can tell me how to act in this situation? Thank you.

    Please tell me whether I’m right or wrong in this matter: We were replacing old meters with new ones, the new meters were not sealed, when I came to the power supply to connect the meter, they said that I had to pay 800 rubles, of which calling a technician would cost 300 rubles, and repeat sealing 500 rub. Why should I pay for resealing if the meter was not sealed at all. What legal links can I refer to?

    Where does Energosbyt get such prices? Are there any regulatory documents?

    Good evening. The house was commissioned 1.5 years ago in a rough finish. Finally the renovation was done. Today I invited an employee of to install a seal. He stated that the electric meter is old - 2013. It is more than 2 years old. You need to change it first. Then install it. Price 650 rub. The house was delivered with this meter. Please tell me whether the employee is making a legal claim?

    Marcel, you do not need to change the meter, but have it verified in connection with the statute of limitations of its last verification (for single-phase 2 years, for three-phase - 1 year, according to the PUE). But first you need to find out how much they will charge for verification, otherwise sometimes it is more profitable to buy a new meter than to verify an existing one. But the sealing should be done free of charge - that’s clear.

    Thank you.

    Good afternoon I replaced the wiring in the apartment, I have an electric meter and plugs in the panel, I installed all new machines in the apartment. I connected the cable to the plugs and replaced them with one machine. I went to the housing department with a request to send an electrician to change the piece of cable that goes from my machine to the meter, for which I need to remove the seal and put a new one. They refuse me, the house manager says - everything that comes from the machine (traffic jams) is mine, then the rest of their household and “why change anything there.” I offered to pay, but they refused! Tell me - are they right or wrong?

    Good afternoon We were ordered to replace the electric meter at the dacha. It is installed in the house. We don’t live there in winter, but my husband sometimes goes there and turns on the heat gun there. Outside the frost can reach minus 35 degrees and in the house the temperature drops correspondingly below minus 10 degrees. Please advise which electric meter is best to buy?

    Please tell me, after sealing the meter, what documents should there be and what should we do? Should we go somewhere with them or will an electrician do everything for us?

    Inna, even before sealing, you and the electrician need to draw up a replacement report () and take it to the management company or energy sales. After the act is signed, sealing is already underway.

    Good day!!! Please tell me if the meter has become unusable, was replaced with a new one, but I can’t find the old one (the kids took it somewhere and broke it) What should I tell the people from the Energy Saving Company??? What will happen to me for this?? I got caught specifically and I can’t do without a fine???

    I don’t quite understand, installing a new meter for the first time in a newly built building refers to the point “putting the meter into operation” and is it free?
    Personally, as I understand it, I do not have the right to install/change the meter without the appropriate clearance/permission for this type of work.

    Hello, I had such a case. The apartment panel was located in the inter-apartment space when no one was at home and nothing was working except the refrigerator, the cable caught fire and the entire meter with the plastic panel burned to charcoal. They called the electrician on duty and said that he could not find the reason because everything had burned out. I tell them that the housing department installed a shield about 5 years ago, but a year ago, the 0 tire melted, for some reason it was in a plastic cap, I bought a copper one and installed it myself. Everything connected worked.
    We have already installed a panel in the apartment, the electrician said that it is now prohibited to install it between apartments. I assembled the panel myself, there is no grounding in the house. I charged 3.5 thousand rubles for installation and sealing.

    Hello. Answer please. Our situation is this: the lights were turned off for non-payment. The debt is small - 3500. They also put some kind of filling. And they handed me a receipt - for sealing the meter there is also a fee of -3500. We are tormented by doubts: how legal are such actions? Please tell me if they have the right to charge a fee for removing the seal from the meter?

    Hello. Please tell me. About 10 days ago I discovered a loose phase wire at the output of the input circuit breaker. I have three phases. Maybe he was short or weak, I don’t know, it was a long time ago. I went to the power grid, wrote a registered application with a request to come and remove the seal on the input machine in order to tighten the contact with subsequent sealing. Nine days passed, no one called, no one came. When I discovered the wire, I apparently moved it, it began to spark, and today, fearing this spark, I tore off the seal of the input machine, cleaned and tightened the bolt. He was completely weak. Can the energy supply organization fine me and should I pay for the sealing? Today is a day off, I’ll go and report on Monday. Pensioner, no extra money. Thanks in advance for your answer. Alexander.

    And the fact that in the text of this Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.2012 No. 442, paragraph 8: - there are no paragraphs that are inserted as pictures - is this normal?

    Mikhail, why not?! Look more carefully (I. General provisions, paragraph 8).

    Good afternoon. Please tell me, last year I assembled and installed a new board with a meter in the village. But I connected it only this year, and when I went with the old meter with a receipt and a passport for a new meter to register for sealing, they refused, saying that the meter must be “fresh” for at least this year. Tell me whether this is legal and what regulatory documents can be referred to. Thank you.

    Pavel, it's legal. PUE, clause 1.5.13. Newly installed three-phase meters must have state verification seals no more than 12 months old, and single-phase meters must have state verification seals no more than 2 years old. So if you have a single-phase meter, then you can still register it, but if you have a three-phase meter and more than a year has passed since the date of verification, then no.

    P.S. Some energy networks comply and turn a blind eye to this requirement, but if the state verification period is within reason. That's how you agree. Although legally they have the right to refuse you.

    Thank you! The meter is single-phase and 2 years have not passed. I'll butt heads. Thank you.

    Well, little goat, are you gored?

    I have a certificate of unaccounted consumption without damaging the seal. Can I replace the meter myself or do I need another certificate to remove the seals?

    Good afternoon. Please tell e-meter is sealed in my apartment. In the house, the house management replaced the old wiring with a new one and my seal was broken. Do I have to pay again for the seal?

    Hello! Can I buy an electric meter myself and ask an energy sales company to replace it? And what is the procedure for these actions?

    Tamara, the seal was broken not by your will, but due to the repair of the electrical wiring, and by the efforts of the management company, so you won’t have to pay for the resealing.

    Julia, quite. The main thing is that the meter meets the technical specifications (number of phases, type of connection, accuracy class, etc.), and the installation can be carried out by the sales company - they provide this service when you contact them. Call your branch and find out the cost of installing a meter.

    Hello, I bought a new meter, went to DonEnergosbyt to register it, we want to install it ourselves, my dad is an electrician, the energy sales department said that under no circumstances should we install it ourselves, and I need to contact the housing department. Is this true? Many of my my friends installed it themselves and there were no problems, they just called specialists after installation to seal it and that’s it. Thanks in advance, Galina, Rostov-on-Don.

    Good afternoon Can I seal the meter myself if I have a sealer?

    You can, for your loved one and nothing more. Isn't it clear that your seal is illegal?

    Good afternoon. Please tell me what I should do. In the private house where I live, the input (the wires leading to the meter from a support pole) was damaged; the meter is located on the facade of the building. The electricians arrived, tore the seal off the box, changed the input cable and left, telling me to apply to seal the box. I wrote an application, but they demand 1654 rubles from me for transportation costs (32 km one way). Is this legal? Thank you.

    Good afternoon We installed the meters ourselves, a specialist came and said that it was a little wrong, but he sealed it. After some time they came to connect, but they said that the input was incorrect and needed to be redone. How to fix?

    Stefania, what does “incorrect input” mean?! Besides, what complaints do you have if the meter is already sealed?! You can, of course, eliminate the comment, but then demand on shore that resealing be free.

    If you change a filling, what should you write in the application?

    Stefania, I looked at your photos. The power cable (phases) is connected through an input machine to the meter. Zero is directly connected to the meter. After the meter, another machine with the same rated current is installed. This is of course not entirely correct, but not critical. The input machine is installed in a plastic box and sealed; there is no access to its clamps. The metal shield itself is grounded by a separate conductor to a grounding device at the support. In essence, everything was done correctly, but... There is no re-grounding of the PEN conductor (zero), and this is a prerequisite when powered from an overhead line.

    PUE, clause 1.7.102. At the ends of overhead lines or branches from them with a length of more than 200 m, as well as at the inputs of overhead lines to electrical installations in which automatic power off is used as a protective measure in case of indirect contact, the PEN conductor must be re-grounded.

    This shortcoming needs to be eliminated. But also ask the inspector directly, maybe he meant something completely different?!

    Okay, can this be fixed without breaking the filling? Or do I need to remove the filling, redo it, and put the filling back in? And who should do it?

    Hello! Please tell me - we took the house and there the meter was already connected from the developer, there was an energy meter, and now, six months later, we were living, it burned out - our electrician friend said that the contacts under the cover were poorly laid out - that's why it started to melt and In the end, it refused! We called the emergency service and informed them that the meter had been replaced, they gave the readings, model and seal on December 29 and replaced it with a new one. Somehow it’s not working out for us - my husband, the owner, has been working since that time, and I’m with the child, and what should I do, but the meter keeps moving without a seal?!

    Stefania, you don’t have to break the seal if the input PEN is connected to the PE bus after the meter. This, of course, is not entirely correct, but physically quite acceptable. If you do it strictly according to the PUE, you will have to tear the seal off the meter, redo the circuit and seal it again, and at your expense. Hire an electrician to do this job.

    Katya, negotiate directly with the controller, explain the situation to him, perhaps he will get to you himself.

    Hello! In 2013, an electrician came and turned off the light and in the process broke the seal. I went out to find out why, he said for non-payment, although the debt was no more than 500 rubles. I said that I would pay and he connected it back. The whole issue is settled. In 2017, the inspector comes and says that the meter has been tampered with and the fine will be more than 30,000 rubles. or it needs to be sealed, which will cost me 1300 rubles. I run to Mosenergo, and they tell me that it will cost 1,700 rubles. I had to pay.

    Please tell me, does the energy supply company want to charge me not for sealing the meter (I replaced it with a new one) but for checking the correct connection? If there is some kind of regulatory act, technical regulation, which describes what work should be carried out when putting the meter into operation and sealing it? Thank you!

    I read all the discussions. I changed the electricity meter. energy (electric meter) wrote an application to Energy Sales to register and accept into operation with checking the correct installation and subsequent sealing of the electricity. counter. I paid 630 rubles at the cash desk for the above service. At the appointed time, a specialist came and sealed the cover of the electric meter without even checking the correct installation. I know government decree No. 354 and the addition to this government decree No. 834 dated September 19, 2013, which specifically states that the contractor provides services free of charge. I wrote a claim to Energy Sales for my money to be returned, citing the above-mentioned resolutions, but I received a refusal to return the above amount. After that, he turned to the prosecutor’s office to check the energy supply for the legality of charging fees, citing the same government resolutions. The prosecutor's office did not find a reason to check Energy Sales, that Energy Sales is a resource supplying organization, and the management company (ZhK Kh) is the executor. I asked the management company a question on this topic, they told me that this service is paid, but the amount was three times less. This creates a vicious circle. The prosecutor's office recommended that if I was not satisfied with their answer, I would go to court.

    I’m interested. I want to connect electricity, or water, and gas too. Why should I have a headache, how will they calculate consumption. Let them install meters at their own expense and count consumption. Imagine that I come to the store, and they charge me entrance fee, for the fact that I chose the goods, and for the fact that the cashier counted me out. Why, I have to buy a meter, which I don’t understand shit about, pay for its installation, and then also for electricity - for which I only and have to pay? The same goes for water and gas.

    Hello! I work at a management company as an electrician, at the request of residents I change electricity meters. After the owner contacts Energosbyt, a sealer comes for permission to commission the installation for a set fee (1300 rubles).
    In addition, he climbs into the general house electrical network belonging to the management company with instructions,
    that a switch must be installed in front of the control panel, and refuses to seal it.
    As far as I know, the switch before the meter is installed for safe maintenance of the control unit, and does not affect the correct operation and, in the rules for installing the control unit, is only advisory in nature.
    Please advise what to do?
    Thank you.

    We live in a new building. The house is 5 years old. A month ago the management company at our house changed. Now the new Criminal Code requires re-sealing of electric meters and providing a passport for the electrical device, and if there is none, then we must replace the electric meter.
    Question: are the actions of the Criminal Code legal if the seals on the electric meter are not broken, there are no violations in the readings and in the integrity of the device?

    Everything is clear about re-sealing on one’s own initiative, but who pays for the sealing after the emergency situation has been eliminated by housing and communal services workers?

    Alexander, if housing and communal services workers broke the seal to eliminate a malfunction, then they must restore it. Although they can easily blame this case on the owner. I have not personally encountered such a situation. The situation is controversial, but I believe that the decision will depend on the integrity of the particular management company.

    Dear, you probably don’t know that the place where the metering devices are located on the site is an ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION and there is a person responsible for it, and without his presence the owner of the metering device can take readings or click his machines. But representatives of other organizations, even energy supply ones, do not even have the right to take readings. And moving the metering device into the apartment is also out of the question; if you want, install a duplicate one, but the calculation one will be on the site. And seal it i.e. I won’t put into operation a meter installed by someone even for money, many craftsmen have gotten divorced.

    By the way, I forgot to mention that if I remove the seal from the meter and I don’t like the outgoing wires or circuit breakers, I won’t sign for the serviceability of the electrical installation at gunpoint or anything larger.

    Andrey. You should first read RF PP No. 442. And then... even at gunpoint, a machine gun, a howitzer... they would write something like that.

    What for? Moscow is far away, but here you are the creator of your own rules and laws?

    Good afternoon! Please tell me what to do? in 2016 changed email meter, brought it to the front of the house (the border of the balance sheet), representatives (two) of the network energy supply organization sealed it, but did not issue a certificate. Energosbyt began charging for electricity based on the readings of this meter. Now in 2018, the network energy supply organization states that the meter was not accepted for operation and refers to some acts that we did not sign and were not given to us.

    I have in my hands the decision of the magistrate court No. 219 of the Academichesky district of Moscow dated November 21, 2018, where the court was presiding by magistrate V.V. Yaresko. accepted the position of Energosbyt. In Noginsk, half a year after installation, my electric meter stopped showing and I changed it to a new one after I received permission from this energy sales company. After the replacement, I asked him to seal it, they told me that the sealing was paid and I paid, but not for the sealing, but for checking the metering unit - 1800 rubles, after which they would put the seal on me for free. The court didn’t give a damn about Government Resolution No. 354 p.81 and the law on the protection of consumer rights, art. 16 p.2. You cannot use the electric meter as it is not sealed, you cannot seal it as you are not a specialist and you cannot check the metering unit as you are not an accredited specialist, in any case you will pay the amount that will be imposed on you before how to put a free seal. With its decision, the court insulted not me, but our entire Government of the Russian Federation, including the President of our country, because it is he who puts his signature on these documents, pointing out his INCOMPETENT DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND LAWS.

    I sent such a letter through the website to the prosecutor’s office of my republic, let’s see what they answer...

    Good afternoon Please explain, according to the law, sealing and commissioning of electricity meters should be free. Using common sense, this procedure includes: calling a specialist and delivering him to the place of sealing, checking the installation and contact connections, installing the seal and the sealing procedure itself, filling out and issuing acceptance certificates, which ultimately is the commissioning of the metering device and by law free.
    But the situation is brought to the point of absurdity by inventing work that is not specified in the law, this work is optional and paid, or is already included in the concept of commissioning for commercial operation, but without its completion and payment they refuse to carry out sealing. The begging organizations are looking for flaws in the law in order to take money for this work. According to the telephone request, they told me that they would take money for: calling a specialist who should spend his time on this work, for checking the installation, tightening contact connections.
    Here you can come up with a lot of things, for example: checking factory seals and monitoring the meter verification stamp, rent for the use of special electrical equipment for sealing, expensive anti-magnetic stickers and vandal-proof seals, measurements with a control wattmeter to monitor the correct operation of the meter, checking the connection phase and working zero, measurements with a megaohmmeter quality of insulation of connected wires. And demand payment for all this. The official response from the management company is that if there is a free sealing, it will necessarily charge money for checking the connection. I attach a photo of the response from the Criminal Code.
    P/S If this is important, the meter was installed by a certified electrician of the 6th category with electrical safety group 4, the electrician himself and all his documents can be provided to any inspector at the installation site of the meter.

    Dear Denis, I wrote a review before you. I want to tell you that in court I said that I have a diploma as a radio installer in my hands, that I can not only connect the meter but also solder the circuit board that is inside, but the representative of the defendant answered me that I do not have a license to carry out such work. In general, like you, I am going to appeal the court’s decision, write to the prosecutor’s office, Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. I suggest you do the same and you will see all the answers.

    And here at Mosenergo, when replacing an old meter with a new one (inside an apartment), they require a sealing fee of 1,250 rubles. (before the New Year it was 1200), but you need to bring cash without change, since payment is through the terminal.
    Recently, they have been accruing according to the standard with a coefficient of 1.5. I didn’t know the standards then and paid the amount invoiced until, on New Year’s Eve, I saw a debt of several thousand. It turned out that they were charging for a 1-room apartment instead of a 2-room apartment. I talked with two managers, both tried to convince me that they did better for me (by accumulating a debt for me for the New Year!!!) I wanted to write an application for installment payment, because the debt arose not through my fault, but the manager claims that They do not accept any statements in principle.

    Can you tell me how to get a free sealing of the meter, because without applications and receipts I cannot prove that I even addressed this issue. I think that the receipt from the terminal will not indicate what the payment was made for.

    What do you mean they don't accept applications? Send by mail, with notification.

    Hello. I wanted to order Mosenergosbyt to unseal and then seal the electricity meter, which is located in an apartment building on the landing. The operator said that this service is free, and for a forced check of the connection diagram, after my intervention (I want to change the wires supplying electricity to the meter from the switch and the wires from the meter to the machines on my own), I will have to pay 1,300 rubles. I tried to explain that on the basis of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION GOVERNMENT DECISION of September 19, 2013 N 824: “The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee” with an explanation of the conditions for commissioning, they start the conversation in a circle (they refer to the fact that there is no resolution at hand, and then they move on to the topic, they say, you will change the wires, and after that we need to check the connection diagrams since it was not our organization that replaced the wires, but it costs 1,300 rubles.) I asked on the basis of this amount - the answer is a trade secret, write a letter in your personal account on this issue or call the commercial department. I asked for the phone number of the person who is responsible for this price and based on this, write one answer in your personal account and contact the operator at your place of residence. But the operator at the place of residence has approximately the same answers without answers. Where can I find a document stating that after replacing the wires going to and leaving the electric meter, it must be sealed and the connection diagram checked free of charge, if such a check is required? All this is provided that my meter is sealed for the first time after being replaced with a new one, has no damage, is working properly and all electricity bills have been paid. Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Question: Transport services charge me for email sealing. The meter costs as much as 41 rubles per 1 km. Legality of the actions of a network organization

    After almost half a year, I wrote letters through the GIS Housing and Public Utilities website to the City Administration, Upravlyayka and Housing Inspection (text above), in the end they responded at Upravlyayka that if I provide a copy of the documents of the electrician who connected the meter, then there will be no charge for checking the connection diagram will. The entire procedure for sealing a new meter will be free! Hooray)))

    Good afternoon. At my apartment building, I need to carry out wiring of contacts in meters already sealed by Mosenergosbyt, since every now and then I come across jambs from the developer in the form of falling out wires. Sales stipulates that the procedure will be paid. What kind of guest or legal entity would force them to reseal everything for free? They approved the meters, but they didn’t even bother to open the lid and look at the contacts, which in theory is their fault, but at the same time I didn’t find a standard according to which the admission of the meter into operation would necessarily be accompanied by pulling the contacts, which would save us from all these problems.

In 2016, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On Water Supply and Sanitation” dated December 7, 2011 No. 416, in particular, to the provisions on sealing meters. Since 2017, sealing has been carried out at the expense of the management company or housing and communal services.

Attention! On a paid basis, sealing is carried out if damage to the seal is caused by the actions of the consumer (in this case, the owner of the residential premises is responsible for the actions of persons in the premises, for example, guests or relatives). In such a situation, the consumer is responsible for paying for the work.

There are no regulations establishing paid commissioning of metering devices. This procedure is free. Sealing is carried out during installation of meters and after their verification.

If mandatory sealing is required at the time of initial installation of the device, you should clarify whether this service is legal during verification. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 establishes the provision that verification of meters is a mandatory procedure, the responsibility for paying for it lies with the owner.

The owner of the meter is the owner of the residential premises. Meters are checked at different intervals. It is regulated by the relevant SanPiNs and technical data sheets of devices.

Certain calibration intervals have been established: for hot water - four years, for cold water - six years. The difference is due to the fact that hot water can negatively affect the parts of metering devices, which include gaskets and impellers.

This issue is regulated by the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law “On Water Supply and Sanitation” dated December 7, 2011 No. 416;
  • Federal Law “On Energy Saving” dated November 23, 2009 No. 261;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1999 No. 167 “On approval of the Rules for the use of public water supply and sewerage systems in the Russian Federation;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 (as amended on September 15, 2018) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application for sealing water meters:

In what cases can filling be paid for?

Filling is carried out for a fee in the following situations:

  • at the end of the meter's service life;
  • in case of an accident;
  • if the seals are damaged by the owner of the apartment;
  • if repair work initiated by the owners of residential premises is carried out in the presence of a damaged seal;
  • if the meters are broken;
  • if there is a breakdown of the water meter or ball valve;
  • in case of purchasing an apartment.

The first time the meter is checked is at the factory where it was manufactured. Based on the verification results, a corresponding mark is placed in the technical passport. The date of the next regular verification is also indicated, which will be paid for by the consumer. The management company does not have the right to carry out additional verifications on a paid basis.

Important! When installing water meters, you should check the information in the technical data sheet and on the device body; the serial numbers should not differ.

Who does the filling?

The sealing is carried out by employees of the management company who have the appropriate authority. Upon completion of the work, the employee must draw up a corresponding report and hand it over to the consumer.

How and where to complain when demanding payment

If the demand for payment for sealing is unlawful, two copies of the complaint should be made. One of them is sent to the head of the relevant organization, and the second is taken into account when going to court as evidence of the plaintiff’s compliance with the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute.

Please provide the following information in your complaint:

  • information about the applicant and recipient of the complaint, contact details of each party;
  • in the middle of the sheet, indicate the title of the document: “Claim”;
  • describe the problematic situation you encountered;
  • the requirements you state;
  • list of attached documents;
  • date and signature.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

Meters that have not been sealed cannot be used, which means payment for the work performed will be required. If payment is not made, settlements will be carried out in accordance with average standards.

Save the receipt confirming payment for the sealing; in the future, this will be one of the proofs of the offense committed by the employees of the management company. At the end of the trial, this amount will be returned to you.

The legislation does not establish payment for filling services; therefore, the requirement to pay is illegal.

ATTENTION!Look at the completed sample claim to the Criminal Code for charging fees for sealing meters:

Timeframe for consideration of a claim

As a rule, the period for consideration of a claim is 10 days; it must be indicated in the text of the claim.

Please note!

If, after the expiration of the period, no response has been received, or a negative response has been received, you have the right to submit appropriate applications to the Prosecutor's Office or to the court.

Application to the Prosecutor's Office

  • The application can be drawn up in free form, use the following recommendations when drawing up:
  • In the upper right corner, indicate the name of the territorial division of the prosecutor's office to which you are submitting the application. It is also permissible to indicate the full name of the official to whom it is addressed. You should submit an application to the prosecutor's office located in the area in which your rights were violated. It should be noted that when submitting an application in violation of jurisdiction, the applicant receives a response within seven days, which indicates the appropriate authority for re-applying;
  • in the next line in the upper right corner, indicate information about the applicant and return address;
  • in the center of the sheet, indicate the name of the document: “Application”;
  • then describe the problematic situation, indicate how your rights were violated, and list the stated demands. Alternatively, you can use the following wording in the text of the application: “I ask you to conduct a prosecutorial review and assist me in protecting my rights.” The document should describe in detail all aspects of the problem situation, and it is desirable that the information be supported by references to legal acts;
  • indicate the list of documents that make up the annex to the application;

ATTENTION!Complete the document with a date and signature.

Look at the completed sample application to the Prosecutor's Office for the Criminal Code: Watch the video.

Is it necessary to install water meters:

There are general and shortened deadlines for processing applications. The consideration period is influenced by such circumstances as the need to obtain additional information, send requests to other government bodies and organizations, etc. These actions contribute to extending the period.

As a rule, citizens' appeals are considered within 30 days.

Appeal to a judicial authority

Article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation contains information regarding the mandatory data in the statement of claim.

The document should reflect the following aspects:

  • in the upper right part of the sheet, indicate the name of the judicial authority to which you are submitting the application;
  • Full name and address of the applicant;
  • Full name of the defendant, who is an individual, or the name of the defendant organization, corresponding addresses;
  • the claimed claims, their amount, as well as the amount of the state duty. The requirements must meet the criteria of reasonableness and proportionality. Please also provide a justification for your legal position: you can indicate the details of the documents contained in the application;
  • evidence with which you can confirm the information stated in the application, in particular, references to the provisions of regulatory legal acts, witness testimony;
  • list of documents constituting the annex to the claim;
  • signature and date.

Attach the following documents to the claim: a receipt for payment of the state fee, a power of attorney on the basis of which your representative acts, copies of the application for the number of persons participating in the case.

If there are any violations in the statement of claim, it will be rejected or left without progress. In the second case, the judge will determine the period within which the deficiencies must be eliminated. If errors are not corrected, the claim is not considered filed and must be returned to the plaintiff.

The plaintiff is relieved of the obligation to pay state duty in cases of consumer rights protection if the cost of the claim does not exceed 1 million rubles.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample statement of claim for the Criminal Code:

Today I want to tell you about the cost of sealing water meters (putting them into operation).

From January 1, 2017, payment for water supply in the absence of individual metering devices, but if there is the technical possibility of installing such devices, will be calculated based on their consumption rates, taking into account the increasing coefficient. In 2017 it is 1.5.

Accordingly, for many people it is now that the question of installing individual cold and hot water meters has become even more pressing.

Recently, literally at the end of 2016, we ourselves went through the procedure of installing water meters and putting them into operation by employees of MUZHEP (management company).

Previously, we also studied relevant materials on the Internet. We chose counters. We read about the cost of services of a management company for sealing and commissioning of water meters.

So I share my experience with you today.

The main thing is that the sealing of water meters and their commissioning must be carried out by the service company absolutely free of charge!

And now more details.

Selection of counters.

There are a huge number of individual water meters, or simply water meters, on sale. They come in different operating principles, different in price and different in service life before the first test.

Please note the following

  • Is the meter suitable for installation in your conditions?
  • Also, the meter’s passport must indicate what water it is intended for (cold or hot),
  • what is the calibration interval?
  • Be sure to look at the meter's passport - it is advisable that the year of manufacture be current (otherwise you will waste time before the first check).

We chose the simplest mechanical meters, universal (for both cold and hot water) and with a service life of 6 years before the first test.

The cost of one such counter is a little more than 500 rubles.

Installation of water meters.

There are many organizations that, at your request, will come and install meters for you. Usually they install their own (available to them) devices.

If there are no technical problems, then the cost of installing individual water meters in your apartment can cost you from 3,500 (two meters with work).

Law No. 416 (I will talk about it below) does not prohibit the option of self-installation of metering devices.

If you install meters yourself, then you will need to purchase additional materials and components necessary in your case.

Putting the meter into operation - sealing the devices.

So, you have your meters installed.

Now, in order for the billing department of the management company to calculate the cost of water consumed for you based on your metering devices, it is necessary that the meters be put into operation by an employee of your housing office and sealed. Acts must be drawn up (by a housing office employee).

In our village, such a service costs 217 rubles. for two counters. On the Internet I saw amounts of more than 1 thousand.

They took money from us, despite my indignation at this fact (violation of Federal Law No. 416 and Resolution No. 354).

They gave me a receipt. I asked him to add to the receipt that the money was taken for water meters.

After that, I went to the billing department and signed the acts of putting the meters into operation (note that the initial meter readings are entered there).

That's all, from now on, you will have to transfer meter readings to the billing department (monthly, before the 10th) and pay for water consumption according to meter readings.

The cost of sealing water meters and putting them into operation.

So, 217 rubles were taken from us illegally. I decided to look into this issue.

And it's not about the amount.

It’s small in our village (although for pensioners, for example, 217 rubles is not too much).

I really wanted the laws to be followed!

Management companies in their work should be guided by:

  • Federal Law No. 416, adopted on December 7, 2011 and entered into force on January 1, 2013, “On water supply and sanitation”;

  • Federation Government Decree No. 167, in force since 1999, approving the rules for the use of water supply and wastewater disposal;

  • Decree of the Government of the Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011, is a set of rules for the provision of public services.

The issue of the cost of sealing and commissioning of water meters is clearly stated in Law 416 and Resolution 354:

So, they are taking money from us illegally! This service is free!

How to get your money back.

Since we live in the Moscow region, we contact the administration of the Moscow region. We have such a portal “Dobrodel”.

Unfortunately, we are forced to contact Dobrodel on various issues, from cleaning and lighting entrances to the return of illegally taken money.

The local authorities do not want to do anything without a “kick” from the regional authorities.

I think that, living in any locality of our large country, you can find a superior authority over your local government.

So, I turned to Dobrodel.

In response, I received a written response from our local administration and the management of the management company that this service (commissioning and sealing) costs money, because The management company is a commercial organization.

I had to write again, indicating quotes from the laws.

Then they recalculated my rent for these 217 rubles.

Firstly, it is also regulated by laws and SanPiN. Secondly, the minimum period of time between verifications is indicated in the technical documents for the meters. For hot water, the calibration interval is 4 years, and for cold water - 6 years. This difference is caused by the fact that hot water destroys not only some plastic parts in water systems, but also the meter mechanisms. First of all, these are gaskets and an impeller. Technical data sheets do not always indicate this value correctly, since foreign verification standards may differ from domestic ones. Installation of metering devices Those apartment owners who have the technical capabilities for this can install water metering devices. There are no penalties for those who do not intend to do this. The owner himself must decide whether it is advisable for him to install these meters.

Free sealing of water meters according to the law

So it would be useful for tenants and homeowners to learn how to seal the meter in accordance with the legislation in force in Russia. Existing regulatory documents The relationship between the homeowner and the service provider in terms of water supply, accounting for consumed water and payment for it is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Federal Law No. 416, adopted on December 7, 2011 and entered into force on January 1, 2013, “On water supply and sanitation”;
  • Law No. 261, introduced on November 23, 2009, “On Energy Saving”;
  • Federation Government Decree No. 167, in force since 1999, approving the rules for the use of water supply and wastewater disposal;
  • the same, No. 354 of May 6, 2011, is a set of rules for the provision of public services.

Management companies, based on paragraph.

Meter sealing is free if you comply with the laws

As a rule, the inspector only checks the correct installation and the absence of damage to the meter. The person who must seal the meters is required to inspect the entire unit and also provide a commissioning certificate.

All documents that the inspector provides must be carefully re-read, because they may contain errors in the date, or the subscription fee or other tariffs may be too high. Costs for the water meter begin to be calculated from the day the contract is concluded, which is made in two copies, one for each of the parties.
According to the instructions, the inspector is obliged to independently photocopy the meter’s passport and return the original to the owner, but it is better to bypass this point slightly in order to get rid of unnecessary legwork. Make copies ahead of time so you can give them to the master immediately after sealing.

Free sealing of the water meter in accordance with Law 416


Such a service is contrary to Art. 16 of the Federal Law “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992, which prohibits conditioning the purchase of some services on the mandatory purchase of others. Good luck! Thanks for the answer! Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button. I bought a new gas meter with all the seals and checks and installed it in my separate apartment for the first time.


Who should seal it and should I pay for it?

  • Hello. The meter must be sealed by the organization to which you pay for gas.

It's free.

  • No, they shouldn't.
  • Your management company will seal it for free

Similar questions Installed a water meter. On 04/09/15 we wrote an application to seal the meter at the housing department. It was sealed in June 2015. Should a recalculation be made for water for this period?

Sealing of water meters

Free sealing of water meters is the responsibility of the company that provides you with this service. The only exception to the rules may be the failure of the seal due to the fault of the owner of the apartment or house.
Regulatory acts In 2011, the Federal Law on Water Supply was adopted. The edition at the end of 2016 changed it, including the paragraph regarding the sealing of water meters.

Since the beginning of 2017, metering devices have been sealed at the expense of the organization (most often it is housing and communal services or a management company). Subscribers are charged only if the seal is broken or damaged due to the fault of the property owner.

In this case, it is applied again at the expense of the consumer. In this case, it does not matter who is to blame in this case: the owner of the house, apartment or his guests (that is, third parties).

Free sealing of water meters: law

After this, the meters are sealed. Not a single legislative act regulating the relationship between the user and the service provider in this area provides for paid sealing of water meters, and Law No. 416 directly prohibits this. Exceptions when the procedure may become paid are the following cases:

  • carrying out repair work carried out at the initiative of residents and requiring the removal of the seal;
  • unauthorized intervention by the apartment owner in the operation of metering devices resulting in damage to the seals.

There is one point regarding the verification of newly purchased and installed meters.

The devices are tested at the manufacturer, about which a corresponding mark is placed in the technical passport of the product.

Sealing of water meters, is it necessary to pay according to the law?

What to do if your management company demands money for checking the meter? “There are two options here,” explains Anna Gorbenko. - If a tenant does not want to argue and needs to seal the meter as soon as possible, he can pay for the service and take a receipt from the utility company, and then submit a written complaint to them due to the fact that money is being charged for a free service. But the receipt must indicate that it was the sealing of the meters that was paid for.”
The second option is longer. The homeowner must write a written statement addressed to the company demanding that they come and carry out the procedure. If you do not receive a response within three days, you can safely contact the state housing inspectorate.

Law on sealing water meters

Before the employee gets down to business, the main thing is not to forget to check:

  • filling license;
  • Is it possible to use warranty and service;
  • Availability of forms for registration of documents.

Remember! The company that installed it is responsible for the correct installation of the meter, and the owner is responsible for the presence of the seal and its integrity. We advise Installing a water supply system from polypropylene pipes: communication parameters and wiring tips Time limits and cost of sealing Time limits for sealing a water meter vary greatly for different models.

The old model device has a shorter period of time, while the new model has a longer period. Often the employee comes within five days after being called.

The homeowner will need to present the installation certificate and the registration certificate for the water meter to the master.

  • Law No. 261 states that apartment residents and house owners can install the meter themselves or by inviting installation specialists without certificates or licenses.
  • Law No. 416 in paragraph 5 of Article 20 provides for the initial sealing of counting machines free of charge.
  • Resolution No. 354, Article 31 stipulates that specialists from the organization providing this service must accept the meter for use after installation, seal it and charge regular fees based on its readings.
  • Resolution No. 167, paragraph 41 prescribes the commissioning of meters by employees of the management company, followed by sealing of the devices.
  • Charging fees for sealing operations is also prohibited by the law on the protection of consumer rights No. 2300-1, Article 16.

If I have the right to install water meters myself, then should I install these meters in accordance with the technical conditions of our management company? Again, what law and article is this stated in? (the question is related to the conflict that constantly arises among people who install meters on their own, since representatives of the management company do not accept such meters for operation, citing violations during their installation, the procedure for which is prescribed in their technical conditions; but when we request technical specifications for installation meters in the management company, we are told that there are no such conditions) 3) I don’t remember in which law I read that work related to the commissioning of meters should be provided by the management company free of charge, since they are already included in the tariff for house maintenance, i.e. e.

Water Meter Sealing Law 2016

It’s hard to make a mistake when purchasing a meter, because for hot water it is sold with a red stripe, and for cold water – with a blue one. If you buy two meters with a red stripe, then it’s okay, the technician can install both of them for you - one for hot water and the other for cold water.

The only downside to this situation is that you will spend more money. But remember, no inspector will allow a water meter with a blue stripe into operation if it is installed to measure hot water.

Before you pay for a water meter, you need to make sure that it is fully equipped:

  • the counter itself;
  • check valve;
  • connectors;
  • filter;
  • nipples;
  • nuts;
  • gaskets

In spontaneous markets, meters and components can be sold separately, so it is better to purchase such an accurate device in a store.