Momotov’s oatmeal jelly - a recipe for jelly with kefir has healing properties, it can eliminate many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including the pancreas.

How to cook

Oatmeal jelly for the treatment of pancreatitis.

Take a three-liter jar (this will be jar No. 1) and fill it with ingredients:

  • small oat flakes - three hundred grams (fill 1/3 of the jar)
  • large oat flakes - four tablespoons
  • kefir - half a glass (you can use bio-kefir)
  • Fill to the top with warm water (not hot!)
  • stir, close the lid and put in a warm place for two days

The fermentation process requires heat, otherwise it may not work. It’s better to cover it with a rubber glove or a bag with an elastic band and make a few holes with a needle so that carbon dioxide can escape, it needs an outlet. You will need two more jars (you can take two liter or 4 liter jars), a sieve for straining, or a colander with gauze at the bottom.

  • After this time (it is better not to keep it for more than two days), stir the mixture again.
  • Strain the mixture through a sieve, squeeze lightly with a spoon, and pour the jelly into a separate jar No. 2. (in the video, banks 1 and 2)
  • Shake the remaining cake in the sieve into a saucepan and add water, mix thoroughly. Take the same volume of water as the liquid in jar No. 2, or a little more.
  • Strain the mixture through a sieve again and pour into jar No. 3. (on video 3 and 4).

And so, you got 2 jars - in jar No. 2 there is a rich composition, and in jar No. 3 it is weaker, more gentle (for a weakened body). We set both jars until they settle, for about 12-15 hours.

You should not cause increased secretion of the pancreas, so you should cook the jelly in plain water.

After settling in both jars, the liquid separated into two layers - a liquid and a denser white sediment. Carefully pour the liquid part into different containers. There is no need to mix them.

Do not pour out the liquid, you can drink it, you can cook jelly with it. It has a pleasant taste, with sourness. Pour the remaining white concentrate into one container.

Take the concentrate and brew oatmeal jelly in the usual way.

Izotov’s jelly recipe is based on the ancient traditions of therapeutic nutrition, which preserves longevity and helps maintain strength and energy over long days.

The ease of preparation and low cost of ingredients makes this drink a unique source of health for any person who wants to improve their well-being.

Daily consumption of oatmeal jelly helps cleanse the intestines, restore the gastrointestinal mucosa in various diseases and reduce blood cholesterol

Useful properties of jelly

The beneficial properties of Izotov balm are due to its unique composition. The finished product contains a large amount of vitamins A, E, PP, B. Rich in minerals and amino acids. What effect do the beneficial substances contained in the drink have on the body?

The source of essential amino acids is food. When food is depleted of these substances, various disorders occur in the functioning of human organs and systems.

Kissel Izotov contains:

Vitamins in the drink

The vitamin composition of the balm helps to increase immunity, quickly restore the body after illnesses and improve the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and protective systems of the body:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5) are known for their ability to support the functioning of the brain and nervous system (improves memory, strengthens blood vessels, and is active in restoring the brain after a stroke). Thanks to B vitamins, the body fights such common diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergic activity, heart and vascular diseases. In addition to the health of internal organs and systems, the influence of vitamins on the formation of healthy hair and nails cannot be overestimated; external beauty, and with it a person’s self-esteem, depends on this;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) is necessary for the normal maintenance of hormonal levels;
  • Vitamin E perfectly resists blood clots, strengthens the body's immune response to the negative influence of harmful factors, and has an antioxidant effect. The importance of vitamin E in preserving the youth and beauty of the skin is important.

Oats are a unique product containing a huge amount of vital vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Minerals of Izotov’s jelly

In addition to the rich vitamin and amino acid composition, Izotov’s jelly is also rich in minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine. This allows the product to take pride of place among medicinal foods that help with many diseases.

Are there any contraindications to consuming Izotov’s jelly?

The amazing properties of this elixir are suitable for use at any age. No contraindications have been identified over the years of use. At the same time, the research institute’s examination confirms only the beneficial properties of the drink, namely:

  • the high digestibility and biological activity of the product has no equal among medicinal foods;
  • improvement of the body in all systems;
  • absolutely no side effects;
  • influence on the launch of the self-healing system at the cellular level.

To preserve all the beneficial properties, it is necessary to properly prepare the miracle drink.

Step-by-step recipe for making Izotov’s jelly

Izotov’s jelly recipe has been carefully developed over the years and requires strict adherence to proven technology. In preparation, it is important to follow all stages: fermentation, filtration, filter processing, storage of the product and preparation of jelly.


Pour 3 liters of boiled water into a 5-liter glass jar and cool it to room temperature, add 500 grams of pre-ground oatmeal in a blender and ½ cup of kefir. Next, you should tightly close the jar and wrap it with thick cloth or paper and leave it to ferment for 2 days.

Important. The fermentation process should not exceed 2 days, otherwise it will negatively affect the taste of the finished drink.


For the filtration process you will need 2 clean 3-liter jars and a colander. Pass the oatmeal suspension through a colander (you can use cheesecloth) into a jar. The oatmeal should be transferred to a second jar and, after filtering is completed, rinsed thoroughly with cold, boiled water. Oatmeal can be used to make porridge or cookies.

After fermentation is complete, the oatmeal should be strained through a colander.

Rinse the resulting mass; the rinsed contents will be needed for further preparation of Russian balsam.

Important. The contents of 1 jar can be used as a refreshing drink (oat kvass), containing a large amount of useful substances.

Filter Processing

The resulting liquid should be left to settle for 12–18 hours. During this time, the contents of the jar should separate into 2 components. The top layer is represented by liquid - we don’t need it, and the white sediment of the bottom layer will be used in preparing the healing drink.

We use oat kvass from the first jar to simultaneously quench thirst and enrich the body with useful substances; we drain it from the second jar

The white sediment is a concentrate necessary for the preparation of jelly, which has a high level of healing properties.

Advice. To simplify the removal of unnecessary liquid, it is better to use a rubber tube (possibly from a drip system).

Concentrate storage

The resulting jelly base can be stored for 21 days in tightly closed glass jars in the refrigerator. This mixture not only serves as the basis for making jelly, but is also used to ferment a new portion of Russian balsam. To do this, add a few tablespoons of starter to the oatmeal with water; kefir will no longer be needed.

Preparation of a healing drink

To prepare the drink, you need to mix 4–10 tablespoons of concentrate (depending on how thick the jelly you prefer) with 2 glasses of cold water and put on low heat. Bring the jelly to a boil, but do not let it boil and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. You can add salt and vegetable oil to the jelly to taste, you can eat it with fresh berries or jam, or drink it pure.

Advice. While cooking over low heat, the jelly should be stirred all the time, preferably with a wooden spoon.

How to drink the drink correctly

The most suitable time to take Russian balm is the morning of every day, instead of breakfast. Kissel can be supplemented with dry fruits, honey, nuts, and berries. It is important to eat it every day, which will allow you to achieve a healing effect, cleanse the body, improve your well-being and forget about many diseases.

Take care of yourself, take care of your health, taking the time to prepare a medicinal drink, and your body will thank you with longevity and good health.

There are several recipes for making Russian jelly. In the video you can see 1 more recipe for making the drink.

According to naturopathic nutritionists, a person’s health depends 30 percent on the nutritional system he has adopted and become a habit. In particular, the cause of many diseases is excessive consumption of food of animal origin, since the excess proteins contained in it do not have time to be absorbed and rot. The products of their decomposition - toxins - pass into the blood and spread throughout the body, causing chronic autointoxication (poisoning).

OF COURSE, the unpleasant sensations associated with this can be easily eliminated with the help of widely advertised medications. But is it worth accustoming yourself to them? After all, as you know, there is no medicine that is absolutely harmless. Each one comes with a trail of all sorts of side effects.

Dr. Izotov offers a more rational, reliable and safe way to improve health and cleanse the body of toxins, based on the inclusion of home-cooked oatmeal jelly in the diet.

The first mention of this drink dates back to the 16th century. In one of the most popular books of that time, Domostroy, along with such delicious dishes as sterlet fish soup and seven-layer kulebyaka, there is also a recipe for oatmeal jelly. It was not by chance that our ancestors considered it a tasty and healthy food. In the old days, fermented oats were traditionally used to treat the spleen, for which it received the name spleen.

Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov, a virologist by profession, turning to the experience of past years and supplementing it with modern knowledge, created his own recipe for oatmeal jelly (the invention was patented in 1992), which has broader healing capabilities.

It is not so often that you find a food product containing such a wide range of essential amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, choline, lecithin, methionine) and vitamins (B1, B2, B5, E, A, PP). It is they who endow Isotov’s jelly with healing properties. Thus, choline regulates fat metabolism, reduces cholesterol and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Methionine has a beneficial effect on metabolism, prevents the deposition of fat in the liver, and improves the functioning of the pancreas. Lecithin helps break down and remove excess cholesterol from the body.

The following facts indicate how important the presence of vitamins contained in oatmeal jelly is. Vitamin B2 deficiency causes dryness, cracks and sores on the lips, and hair loss. Vitamin A deficiency results in photophobia (night blindness), pallor, dryness and flaking of the skin, and an increased susceptibility to various pustular diseases. A lack of vitamin PP leads to profuse diarrhea, emaciation, mental disorders, memory impairment, and depression.

Isotov jelly is rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, fluorine), which ensure normal functioning of the body, maintain water-salt balance and improve enzyme functions. Magnesium, for example, lowers blood pressure, improves intestinal function, and stimulates the secretion of bile. Calcium is involved in the blood clotting mechanism. Potassium enhances the removal of water from the body, preventing the appearance of edema.

Doctor Izotov’s archive contains more than 1000 letters confirming that oatmeal jelly brought them back to life. Those over 50 often notice that oatmeal jelly has a rejuvenating effect. This is reflected in appearance, behavior, and is manifested in increased activity. So, in addition to all the listed positive qualities, oatmeal jelly also slows down the aging process, being a kind of natural biological stimulant. It increases endurance and tone of the body, promotes longevity.

By the way, before recommending his miracle jelly to others, Vladimir Kirillovich tried it on himself. The results exceeded all expectations. It so happened that after suffering from tick-borne encephalitis, he acquired a whole bunch of ailments: coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, urolithiasis, hearing loss...

They didn't treat him with anything! It happened that he took medications on the advice of his colleagues in huge quantities - 33 prescriptions per day, eventually developing a drug allergy. Finding himself in a difficult situation, he was forced to look for his own way to combat the consequences of the insidious infection.

Oatmeal jelly literally brought him to his feet. After 8 years of regular consumption of jelly, Dr. Izotov became an almost healthy person. He never went to the doctor, felt an extraordinary surge of vigor and energy, and most importantly, he significantly strengthened the basis of his health - his immunity.

Judging by the numerous letters that Vladimir Izotov receives from fans of oatmeal jelly, people not only get rid of their ailments, but also note an improvement in their general condition. Those who consume jelly regularly experience reduced fatigue, increased performance, the brain begins to function better, and an extraordinary lightness appears in the body. Particularly enthusiastic reviews come from older people, for whom oatmeal jelly helps cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, cardiovascular system, and promotes faster rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction.

The healing properties of jelly also appear in diseases that are difficult to treat with traditional methods and methods. Probably, oatmeal jelly “establishes order” in the body’s cells and sets the body up to cope with all ailments on its own.

To obtain oat concentrate, which will later be used to prepare oat jelly, it is necessary to perform a number of sequential operations.

Fermentation. Pour 3-3.5 liters of boiled water into a 5-liter glass jar, pre-cooled to the temperature of fresh milk. Add 0.5 kg of Hercules oatmeal (1 pack) and 0.5 cup (100 ml) kefir. Close the jar tightly with a lid, wrap it in a thick paper cover (place it near a heating radiator in winter) and leave to ferment. To improve the fermentation process, it is advisable to add 10-15 tablespoons of crushed oatmeal to 1 pack of Hercules, grinding it until coarsely ground in a coffee grinder. If characteristic stratification and the appearance of bubbles are observed throughout the entire thickness of the water suspension of the oatmeal, it means that the process has begun. Typically, lactic acid fermentation lasts 1-2 days. Longer fermentation is undesirable, as this worsens the taste of the jelly.

Filtration. After the fermentation process is complete, the mixture is filtered. For filtration it is necessary to have a sedimentation tank and a filter. You can use an additional 5-liter glass jar as a sump, and the best filter at home is a colander with a hole diameter of 2 mm. The filter is placed over the sump and the oatmeal suspension is passed through it. The dense sediment that constantly accumulates on the filter is washed with small portions of running cold water, stirring vigorously from time to time. The volume of the washing liquid should be approximately 3 times greater than the volume of the original oatmeal suspension. The clot remaining on the filter after washing is not thrown away (waste-free technology), but given to dogs: for them it is a real treat, which they eat with great pleasure.

Filtrate treatment. The filtrate collected in the settling tank is left there for 16-18 hours, after which two layers are formed in the settling tank: the upper layer is liquid, the lower layer is a white loose sediment. The top layer must be removed through a rubber tube, and the bottom layer is oat concentrate (it is subsequently used not only for preparing oatmeal jelly, but also for lactic acid fermentation, adding 2 tablespoons of this concentrate instead of kefir to the oatmeal water suspension).

Storage of oat concentrate. The oat concentrate, collected after filtration, is transferred to glass jars of smaller capacity, covered with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. The longest storage period is 21 days. As needed, small portions of concentrate are taken from the jar to prepare jelly.

Making oatmeal jelly. Stir a few tablespoons of oat concentrate (everyone chooses according to their taste: from 5 to 10 spoons) in two glasses of cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon, then boil to the desired thickness (5 minutes is enough). At the end of cooking, add salt, any oil (butter, sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn), cool until warm. Eat it for breakfast with black bread.

The secret of miracle jelly must be understood by everyone who wants to improve or improve their health without violating the established principles of nutrition and their habits. It is useful for both adults and children. It can be used for both treatment and prevention. But keep in mind: to obtain a sustainable healing effect, you need to consume oatmeal jelly regularly - every day for breakfast. Try it and share the results of your experiments with us.

Russian balsam, also known as Izotov’s oatmeal jelly, is a means of increasing immunity, and, at the same time, is used to treat certain diseases. Let's figure out the benefits of this easy-to-prepare miracle jelly.

Composition and calorie content of Izotov’s jelly

The nutritional value of any product is determined by the ratio of three main groups of compounds: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In 100 gr. Kisel Izotov this ratio is expressed as follows:

  • 10.8 gr. proteins;
  • 5.3 gr. fats;
  • 52.2 gr. carbohydrates.

Therefore, it is a carbohydrate product.

The calorie content of Izotov's jelly is 300 kcal. The daily caloric intake of an adult is about 1700 kcal, 100 g. Kissels make up about 1/6 of the daily diet. Those. The product is high in calories, but these are not empty calories, but a product balanced in terms of the ratio of useful components.


Let's find out what beneficial substances jelly contains. First of all, carbohydrates. Most of them come from dietary fiber or complex carbohydrates. They improve intestinal motility and digestion. Under the influence of the acidic environment in the stomach, carbohydrates are slowly hydrolyzed to glucose. Glucose is a carbohydrate that is involved in metabolic processes and improves brain activity. The consistent breakdown of complex carbohydrates - starch and fiber - maintains glucose levels at a good constant level. Consequently, a person is full for a long time and can engage in active brain activity.


Proteins contain a number of essential acids - methionine, tryptophan and lysine. They are involved in the digestive processes, break down fats, resist viruses and control the nervous system. The peculiarity of essential amino acids is that they are not synthesized in the body, but enter it with food. If these compounds are in short supply in the body, an imbalance will occur in the functioning of the main systems and metabolism will be disrupted, leading to negative consequences.


Lipids or fats contain important higher fatty acids that affect the blood vessels of the brain and heart muscle. They help resist strokes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, higher fatty acids are compounds that preserve youthful skin.


The product contains water-soluble vitamins B, PP and fat-soluble vitamin E, which affect the health of the skin and blood vessel walls. Recent studies have paid special attention to nicotinic acid - PP, and its effect on processes occurring in the body.

Useful properties of Izotov jelly

Speaking about the benefits of the product, let's focus on the main thing.

Treatment of liver, pancreas and gastritis diseases

The amino acid lecithin actively promotes the restoration of liver cells and cleanses it of toxins. The amino acid methionine helps normalize fat metabolism, i.e. actively resists fatty liver hepatosis. B vitamins are useful for diseases of the pancreas and gastritis.

Rehabilitation of cerebral vessels and cardiovascular diseases

Important components for the prevention and treatment of diseases are vitamins B and E. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Increasing the body's immunity

The body's resistance to stress, viral infections, toxins, increased performance, and decreased fatigue is associated with the presence of vitamins B, E, C and amino acids.

Kisel Izotova during pregnancy

This product has healing properties and acts as a general tonic during pregnancy. The beneficial substances contained in the jelly nourish the fetus and the mother’s body, maintain the correct weight of the pregnant woman, due to the correct lipid balance.

Harm and contraindications

This is one of those products that has no contraindications. The absence of allergens and other substances that cause a negative reaction in the body makes it a widely used product.

Using Izotov jelly for weight loss

As mentioned earlier, the biologically active components that make up the jelly normalize proper fat metabolism due to the active breakdown of fats, i.e. promote weight loss. The content of “bad” cholesterol, namely low-density cholesterol, is noticeably reduced.

Izotov's jelly recipes

All jelly recipes are based on the use of specially prepared sourdough.

Recipe No. 1

  1. ½ kilogram of oatmeal is mixed with half a glass of kefir and three liters of boiled water at room temperature. The mixture is sealed and placed in a dark place for two days to ferment. Then, the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth - filtrate No. 1;
  2. The filtered oatmeal is again placed in another jar and filled with boiled water in the amount of a liter or two, with constant stirring. The system is filtered again - filtrate No. 2. You can limit yourself to obtaining filtrate No. 2, or you can repeat the procedure and obtain filtrate No. 3. Combine filtrate No. 2 and No. 3 and leave for a day;
  3. After a day, carefully drain the top layer of liquid using a rubber tube. The sediment remaining in the jar will represent the required starter.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe for making Izotov's jelly is easy to prepare.

Pour 4-8 tablespoons of sourdough into 2 cups of cold water and heat, but do not boil. After cooling, you can take it ready-made, or you can add a little salt, vegetable oil, or even better, first cold-pressed olive oil.

If you like a sweeter option, you can add:

  • dried fruits soaked in water - dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • nuts – chopped walnuts or pine nuts.

If you are taking jelly for weight loss, it is advisable to exclude nuts and prunes.

How to drink jelly correctly

The best time to eat jelly is morning breakfast. In the morning, the body receives the necessary complex of biologically active substances and is charged with energy for the whole day.

Kissel Izotova is an important product that benefits the entire body. It has no contraindications or components harmful to health. Once you start taking the product for prevention or treatment purposes, you will soon feel positive changes occurring in your body. Vigor, good functioning of all vital systems and normalization of weight are just some manifestations of positive dynamics.

Have you heard about Kiselnaya Sloboda in Moscow? Today, in its place is Bolshoy Kiselny Lane, and in ancient times, kiselny cooks settled there - the predecessors of those kind people who fry hot dogs for us on the streets and pour out milkshakes. In Rus', jelly was cooked for all occasions: for a hearty lunch - hot, with butter and bread, for holidays - cold and sweet, with honey and berries. And for a wake - with raisins. Today, the oat miracle has returned to fashion again - it is simply impossible to imagine healthy eating in Russian without a cup of grain jelly.

Russian balm

Kissel is a real childhood drink. Our mothers cooked it from fresh fruits and berries or multi-colored briquettes - strawberry, currant, blueberry... But sweet fruit drinks appeared only in the 20th century, but oatmeal jelly, recipes and all its various variations of which we will consider here, existed much earlier.

The literary history of the oatmeal delicacy begins with the Tale of Bygone Years, where the inhabitants of Belgorod, besieged by the Pechenegs, were saved through ordinary oats. The Russians, exhausted by hunger, despairing of waiting for help from the authorities, were ready to give up, but one wise grandfather suggested a way out. Collect a handful of oats, wheat or bran from each yard, cook jelly and lower it into the city wells.

The next day, envoys were called to Belgorod and said, “You have nothing to do, good gentlemen, stand under our walls.” Even if you live here for 10 years, we don’t care, Mother Earth herself feeds us, and not just with anything, but with oatmeal jelly. The Pechenegs tried the nutritious stew from the well, were puzzled, and went home. This is how the wisdom of the old man and the gullibility of the Pechenegs served as the reason for the salvation of Belgorod.

And then in Rus' for many centuries, grain jelly remained the favorite food of all Slavic peoples - both everyday and festive. Europeans also learned about the usefulness of jelly and called it Russian balsam. And in the Russian North, kiselek was called the word “kicked out”: a plate of liquid oatmeal meant that it was time for the guest to call it a day. So the Pechenegs were carried out according to all the rules!

Medicinal properties of oatmeal jelly

Oatmeal jelly, the benefits and contraindications of which have been glorified for centuries, is a unique drink. Not only does jelly itself have a whole range of healing properties, but oatmeal also adds its own power to it. What can good oatmeal jelly cure?

  • People know many panicles for the body, sweeping away all toxins (beet salad, regular oatmeal), but grain jelly in this series is a real vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. All the remnants of junk food, heavy metals, harmful gases that we absorb every day are gone thanks to one cup of the ancient drink.
  • Regular bowel movements are one of the most pleasant effects of jelly. Thanks to liquid oatmeal, metabolism is normalized, the intestines work like clockwork, and you no longer need to worry that one small sandwich will turn into a whole kilogram on your waist.
  • Thanks to its unique composition - B vitamins, magnesium with copper and phosphorus - the miracle product strengthens blood vessels and nerves, helps cope with stress, get a good night's sleep and feel like a happy, healthy person.
  • Kissel is very nutritious - an oat breakfast will allow you to easily hold out until lunch and save energy - all thanks to long-term carbohydrates.
  • For people with gastrointestinal ailments, oat jelly is a real salvation. It gently envelops the mucous membrane, helps heal small ulcers, normalizes the production of gastric juice and relieves pain.

Recipe for slimness from time immemorial

Does oatmeal jelly help with weight loss and why is it better than oatmeal? On women's forums, the experience of preparing and drinking Russian balsam is tirelessly shared. Everyone knows about the benefits of oats for weight loss, but eating pure oatmeal every day quickly gets boring. It’s like jelly - you can drink it at any time, take it to work in a thermos, add fruits and berries and prepare delicious and unusual oat smoothies.

It is important to understand that grain jelly is not a special means for weight loss and a mono-diet based on it has not been invented. But losing a few extra pounds, getting rid of swelling, cleansing your skin and freshening up with an oatmeal cocktail is quite possible.

Thanks to its cleansing effect, jelly helps restore the skin to a clear and even color, its diuretic properties expel excess water, and a healthy intestine always makes you feel light and cheerful. This grain drink is also very nutritious and will perfectly replace office snacks. And without extra sweets and waffles for tea and kilograms there will be nowhere to come from.

What is unique about Izotov’s oatmeal jelly?

Throughout its history, Russian balsam has undergone virtually no changes. And what new can be made from oats and water, honey and fruits? And all the benefits seem to be known... But in 1992, virologist Vladimir Izotov managed to surprise everyone - he created and patented Izotov’s oat cocktail, the step-by-step recipe of which is now known to almost every healthy food lover.

Let's be honest - at first the doctor tried not for the people, but for himself. He suffered from tick-borne encephalitis and suffered a bunch of complications - hypertension, urinary stones, ischemia, hearing problems and metabolic disorders. The treatment took several years, the home medicine cabinet looked like a suitcase, and the result was no special progress, but a severe allergy. And then he remembered the ancient Russian jelly. 8 years on an oatmeal cocktail - and Izotov got rid of his ailments.

Today, every Russian nutritionist knows Izotov’s oatmeal jelly - its benefits and harms are simply incomparable. The drink improves immunity, treats anemia and weak blood vessels, strengthens the heart, cleanses the body of all kinds of accumulated rubbish and is a real savior for gastrointestinal ailments. The doctor advised everyone to drink jelly, mixing it with any butter - from butter to and. It has absolutely no contraindications, except for one small nuance.

If you drink Izotov’s jelly for pancreatitis, sea buckthorn oil will have to be crossed off the list. But all the rest are up to you (do you know how enchanting it smells or? It’s time to try it!).

How to prepare jelly according to Izotov?

This is a specific dish, jelly according to Izotov... It’s not difficult to tell how to prepare the drink itself, it’s all about the jelly base. Simply put – sourdough. It must be prepared thoroughly, strictly following all stages and dosage. Spend 1-2 days and the sourdough starter for oatmeal smoothies will be ready.

  1. We stock up on all the initial ingredients - a package of cheap rolled oats, half a glass of whole oats, half a glass of kefir or sour milk.
  2. Pour flakes into the jar - about a third. You can add a little oats on top by grinding them in a coffee grinder first. Then add kefir or homemade yogurt. Reviews on forums recommend yogurt - there are almost no living bacteria left in store-bought kefir, and you still have to treat yourself with this jelly.
  3. Then pour about 2 liters of water into the jar - at room temperature or slightly warm, so that the starter ferments faster. Be sure to leave 7-10 centimeters on top so that the jar does not explode and the Russian balm does not splash your entire kitchen.
  4. Close the lid tightly and put it in a dark cabinet (you can simply cover it with a paper bag or box) for 2 days. In the hot summer - even for one. We check readiness by smell - the sourdough should have a barely audible sourish tint.
  5. Strain the finished mixture - first into a saucepan through a colander, and then rinse the remaining oatmeal with 3-4 glasses of water to drain the remaining liquid. You can bake cookies or pancakes for breakfast from wet flakes, and pour the resulting oat milk together, distribute into jars and set aside for 18 hours.
  6. Soon the oatmeal liquid in the jars will clearly separate - there will be transparent oat kvass on top (you can drink it plain or dilute jelly with it), and underneath there will be a thick white liquid. This is the magic sourdough. Carefully drain the kvass and place the starter into one container. If you drink jelly daily, it should last you almost a week.

By the way, here is this procedure as a video recipe:

Now let’s cook the grain jelly ourselves! 3-4 tablespoons of oat base, a glass of oatmeal kvass or water (with kvass you need a little less medicinal base) - and simmer on low heat. We stand over the jelly all the time until it boils - stir, watch how it thickens, and when boiling bubbles appear, immediately remove it. A spoonful of butter, a little fruit or honey, nuts - and Izotov’s classic oatmeal jelly is ready!

Well, the preparation of the jelly itself in the video clip: