Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “dead wife”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

Why do you dream about a dead wife?

According to Miller's dream book, the deceased wife comes in a dream to warn and remind about some unfinished business. An ex-wife in a dream, no matter whether it’s just an ex (living) or a deceased one, speaks of attachment to the past. Whether to break this connection and how to do it must be decided in real life, but the dream only reminds of the urgency of the problem. But if your dead wife passes by you in a dream without looking back, this means that the past is leaving you irrevocably. This indicates your readiness for a new life with another person whom you have already found or will find in the near future.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a dead wife?

Your dead wife worries you because you still have debts to her. Think about whether you kept all the promises you made to her during your life together, or before your death?

Freud's Dream Book

what does it mean if a dead wife is in a dream

If in a dream you continue to have a family relationship with the deceased, this also indicates unfinished business and an unbroken connection with her. This may also mean that soon a new woman will appear in your life to whom you can open up. Moreover, this woman may turn out to be from your close circle, one whom you previously did not perceive as a woman, but rather as a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

dead wife in a dream

The main goal of the ghost of a deceased soulmate is to make you think about the future, about your future life. It is worth reflecting on your former relationships, taking note of everything that was good, discarding everything that was bad, and moving on. The arrival of a dead person in a dream is a symbol of your hopes regarding this person, which are not destined to come true. To start a new life, to meet another person, you need to make room in your heart, in your soul. Remnants of the past leave no room for a happy future.

Dear Evgeniy.

Such dreams can be frightening and alarming. Moreover, your late wife is calling you somewhere. After all, dreams have long been given a special mysticism and meaning. It seems that this is a message from the other world.
Dreams are images of our unconscious. You are busy all day and have no time to listen to what it whispers. Unconsciously uses vivid images to reach us. Your dreams may be associated with the need for laxa and attention that you want to receive from your wife, or they may be associated with your unsaid words to her.

There are different techniques for working with dreams in psychology. I adhere to the Gashtalt approach, and it is customary to consider the heroes of a dream as your appeal to yourself. In any case, the intrusiveness and repetition of the dream speaks of something very important in your current life, or of strong experiences that you have not expressed or experienced.

You can get rid of them by analyzing these dreams together with a psychologist and working through/realizing the neediness or under-experienced feelings that are so actively knocking in your dreams. Sometimes it happens that funeral worries do not allow us to mourn a person, and after a while, he begins to dream, as if to give you the opportunity to say a final goodbye to him.

All these are my assumptions, and a clearer analysis requires eye-to-eye dialogue. If you have Skype on your computer, you can register with me for a consultation and we will definitely analyze the events of your dreams and free your sleep from obsessive scenes at night.

I wish you a peaceful and good sleep.

Biryukova Anastasia Evgenievna, psychologist in St. Petersburg

Deceased relatives and loved ones come to us in a dream to help us and warn us of danger. It should be remembered: everything they say may turn out to be prophetic. Now let’s talk specifically about why a dead wife dreams.

Naturally, very often she comes to her beloved husband in the first time after death to show that the connection has not yet been lost. She loved you, just as you loved her. Seeing her sleeping is a sign that your wife has already passed on to another world.

If you talked to her peacefully, then you will be able to achieve success and a strong financial position. If she is unhappy and cries, then conflicts and quarrels with other people await you. Her voice warns us about receiving important news. Sometimes he says that someone really needs your help. In this case, you need to show nobility and provide support.

If she came to life in a dream, but you clearly understand that she is dead, then serious changes in life await you. Something very important will happen to you or your relatives. Your wife is simply warning you to be prepared for anything.

Taking something from your deceased wife in a dream foreshadows new problems, the solution of which will bring you closer to achieving your goal. If she kisses you, then she warns you about the need to be careful about your health.

Hello! Please help me understand the dream. Today I dreamed about my husband’s ex-wife. She died before the New Year, 40 days will be soon... She died strangely, either it was an accident, or a murder. In general, there is a lot of mystery. She still has a son from my husband, we took him to live with us (he is now with my husband’s parents). I never communicated with his wife in real life, only on the Internet and on business (regarding their son and alimony, mainly). Now about the dream: I dreamed that we were in a big bright house, me, her, and our mutual friend... I was surprised to see her. And she lies on the floor and is so playful, cheerful... She says, oh, you’re wearing my pants... I remember them. I used to be as thin as you. (I didn’t have any of her things at all.) I say, these are my pants, just like yours. Well, do you want me to give it to you?! She agreed, but doubted whether they would be the right size... (and I felt so offended that she said that in front of a stranger, why can’t I buy pants for myself, like I wear them for her). I wanted to talk to her alone and called behind you. I left the house, there was a chair with things in the hallway, there was a beautiful jacket there, I think I need to put it away, otherwise he’ll say again that I’ll have to give it away.)) I put it away, I see she never came out, I go into the room and she’s already sitting alone. Then I understand that she died then... And either fear gripped me, or something... In general, I hesitantly start a conversation with her, I say, Yul, are you angry with me for something, just honestly?! She smiled and replied that no, I am not guilty of anything in front of her.. I said, then why are you here? She, I just came to talk. Me: with mom, and with Diniil.. You miss... She: well, yes.. Me: Yulia, you may not believe it, but it hurts me to tears, why do this, why, who drove you there.. (official version of death that she jumped from the 9th floor in a state of intoxication. But I don’t believe in this, and I even suggested to my husband that we start revising and find out the truth for some reason) - (Then I started crying) well, how can it be, Yul. ?!. She: No one is to blame for this. Me myself. I noted.. (Laughs and starts to leave).. Me: - I don’t understand, it was still good, why did you have to die? Did you really want this? She: I myself haven’t yet figured out how to get better. But everything is fine. (Continues to smile and walk). I follow her, try to ask her further, but my tears don’t allow me to concentrate, I understand that I can’t go on, I stopped and said, and I’ll give you the pants, since you like them... And that’s all((help me figure out what she needed. And what should I do For some reason I woke up with the feeling that she needed some black pants...)))

Very often, deceased relatives or loved ones appear in dreams. If this happens in the first time after a loss, then such dreams do not need interpretation - the person grieves, his thoughts always return to the deceased, which is reflected in the world night dreams. But what does it mean in a dream in which a deceased husband appears as alive if some time has passed since his departure and the pain of loss is no longer so acute? You need to look into dream books and find out.

Interpretation from various sources

According to Miller’s dream book, if a deceased spouse appeared in a dream, then this is a symbol of the upcoming changes in the widow’s life. The Wanderer's Dream Book suggests: a deceased husband who calls a woman with him or even takes her away - bad sign, predicting illness and difficult financial situation. According to Vanga’s interpreter, seeing a deceased spouse alive in a dream means getting serious health problems in reality. The esoteric dream book warns: the sleeping woman is surrounded by secret envious people.

Interpretation of dream events

As the dream book explains, dreams of a deceased husband alive indicate minor troubles and troubles that will unexpectedly fill the widow’s life. However, there is no need to be afraid of such a dream, nothing terrible will happen, the dreamer will deal with these problems quickly, without outside help. The only thing, how can they harm her?, - cause a feeling of fatigue. That is why, having completed all your work, you should allow yourself at least a short rest.

However, this interpretation is the most general; to understand in detail what exactly predicts the appearance of the deceased spouse alive will help to analyze the events that occurred in the dream:

  • The husband calls the woman with him- a bad sign; in real life, loss and severe grief are possible. Having seen such a dream, a believing widow should visit the church and light a candle for the repose.
  • Accept a gift from your husband- also a bad dream. The woman may become seriously ill or injured. You should pay attention to your health, do not overwork and be extremely attentive.
  • Dead husband in a dream, alive and well, offends his wife - in reality good luck awaits her. So, it is at this time that a widow can win the lottery, receive a promotion, or some other unexpected gift of fate.

These nuances will help you understand what exactly the dream book suggests. A living deceased husband asks for something - also to serious chagrin in reality.

Special cases

To better understand the intricacies of dream interpretation, you need to remember as many details and details from the night dream as possible:

  • Hearing the voice of your deceased spouse, but not seeing him himself means receiving important (usually bad) news.
  • If the deceased spouse shows her dissatisfaction, reproaches the dreamer, then such a dream suggests: during her lifetime, the woman seriously offended her chosen one, so much that he cannot find eternal peace. It is necessary to apologize, light a candle for the repose in the church, only in this way will the deceased find peace and stop appearing to his other half in his night dreams.
  • Kiss of the spouse- a sign that a bright streak will come in the sleeping person’s life, she will be lucky in all matters, her wishes will come true.
  • If in a dream the deceased husband If you have to give away any things, then in reality you should be wary of betrayal. Among the sleeping woman’s friends and relatives there is an enemy lurking who abuses trust and spreads gossip behind her back. Unfortunately, the dream will not tell you who exactly the ill-wisher is, so you need to be careful, not trust anyone with your secrets, and remain cautious and attentive.


If you dreamed of a deceased husband alive and well at the moment when a woman is ready to unite her fate with a new chosen one, then such a dream can warn the dreamer and predict her future fate. So, a spouse standing aside is a sign that the right choice has been made; harmony and happiness await the woman in her new life. However, if he is trying to push his wife away from her chosen one, then it’s worth thinking about everything again, most likely, the new gentleman is insincere, the marriage with him will be unhappy.

Often seeing a deceased spouse in a dream means that in real life you do not want to part with him. Dream books advise you to make an effort and let go of the deceased, start a new life, leaving your husband a place in your memories. Constant thoughts do not allow his soul to find eternal peace.

Dreaming of a young girl

If the dreamer is very young, you should look into the dream book. I dreamed of a deceased husband being alive - a difficult period in life, serious changes are coming, not always successful. Your financial situation may deteriorate, so you should behave more modestly and avoid thoughtless spending. Such a dream suggests: now is not the best time to take risks; you should not get involved in dubious enterprises. It is better to pay attention to your own health. Also, such a dream warns a young woman: there is a high risk that her next marriage will be unhappy.

Spouse's behavior in a dream

Of particular importance for an accurate interpretation is what exactly the deceased spouse did in his wife’s dream. So, in the case when your husband dreams of being drunk, you should be prepared for unpleasant news and life difficulties. If the deceased spouse dreams of being naked, then the widow, on the contrary, will expect success and prosperity, everything she plans will come true even with minimal effort.

The husband kisses not his wife, but another woman - there are secret envious people surrounded by the dreamer. An intimate relationship in a dream with a late husband is a sign that changes are coming in reality; the sleeping woman can expect bright impressions, perhaps an exciting journey, meeting unusual people who will become true friends.

If the deceased spouse comes to life directly in a dream, then such a vision warns: in reality the woman is surrounded by secret enemies, often hiding behind the masks of friends. It is necessary to choose very carefully those whom she will trust. There is a great risk of becoming involved in a dubious, even illegal business.

A dream in which a woman saw her deceased husband alive, healthy and cheerful is not a nightmare, but a warning; in this situation, you need to be attentive and careful, not trust your secrets to unfamiliar people, monitor your own health and not allow yourself to be drawn into dubious affairs. You should not be afraid of such night dreams, however, if the deceased began to appear often, you should visit the church and pray for the repose of his soul.

Attention, TODAY only!

If you dreamed about your deceased wife, then the dream books recommend that the widower not give in to panic, but figure out why such a situation is happening in the dream. To do this, you need to remember what the deceased did in the dream, what she looked like, and what happened around her in the dream plot.

Financial situation will improve significantly

Interpreting what the deceased wife dreams about, dream books advise to figure out whether this dream is a reflection of reality (perhaps the dreamer was widowed not so long ago and yearns for his wife) or does it still carry some sacred meaning.

If a man sees his long-deceased wife alive and thriving, smiling and talking peacefully, then it is likely that a noticeable improvement in his financial situation awaits him. You can safely invest your money in the project you like - it will bring good dividends, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests.

You will be sad and disappointed

But according to the Eastern Dream Book, the deceased wife is a symbol of disappointment and resentment. If a man who buried his soulmate decided to tie a new knot and saw such a plot on the eve of the wedding, then this is a warning that the new family will not bring the desired peace and joy.

Have you decided to start your own business? If you see your deceased spouse gloomy and unfriendly in a dream, give up your idea, otherwise you will waste your energy, time and finances, receiving nothing in return except disappointment.

Don't be afraid of illness

Seeing your deceased wife alive but seriously ill in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer himself does not have to worry about his health, assures the oracle of dreams of Nostradamus.

But Miller advises “to be proactive.” If you dreamed of a deceased spouse with some kind of illness or wounds, then go to the doctor for prevention and reassurance.

If in reality you are sick, then having seen in a dream how your deceased wife leaves you, without responding to calls and without looking back, you can hope for a speedy recovery.

Learn to make decisions on your own

The medium Miss Hasse in her dream book gives the following interpretation of what the late wife dreams of: seeing your spouse teaching you is a signal that you do not know how to make independent decisions. This will cause others to stop taking you into account.

But the vision in which you repent before your deceased spouse, who accuses you of something, speaks of your dependence on the opinions of others. You focus too much on the opinions of others about your own actions.

You will be overtaken by despondency and sadness

Wondering why the deceased wife dreams of crying? Refer to the Summer Dream Book for clarification.

If your wife tearfully begged you for something in a dream, and you remained indifferent to her pleas, then this means that you will be sad for some reason. But calming a sobbing deceased woman in a dream is a sign of despondency, apathy and bad mood for no particular reason.

Analyze your life

The interpretation of what the deceased wife means in a dream also depends on such a factor as the place where you meet her in a dream. This is what a “date” promises:

  • in the park, on the street - you need a life without outside advice;
  • in church - repent of your sins - it will become easier;
  • at the cemetery - do not forget about loved ones and friends;
  • in the theater, circus, restaurant - you should be in society more;
  • among mutual friends - someone wants to harm you;
  • at home - you should not look for happiness on the side;
  • at work - there is a stagnation in business, it’s time to ask for help.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing your late wife in a dream” with a full description.

Why do you dream about a dead wife?

According to Miller's dream book, the deceased wife comes in a dream to warn and remind about some unfinished business. An ex-wife in a dream, no matter whether it’s just an ex (living) or a deceased one, speaks of attachment to the past. Whether to break this connection and how to do it must be decided in real life, but the dream only reminds of the urgency of the problem. But if your dead wife passes by you in a dream without looking back, this means that the past is leaving you irrevocably. This indicates your readiness for a new life with another person whom you have already found or will find in the near future.

Vanga's Dream Book

interpretation of sleep dead wife

Your dead wife worries you because you still have debts to her. Think about whether you kept all the promises you made to her during your life together, or before your death?

Freud's Dream Book

dead wife in a dream

If in a dream you continue to have a family relationship with the deceased, this also indicates unfinished business and an unbroken connection with her. This may also mean that soon a new woman will appear in your life to whom you can open up. Moreover, this woman may turn out to be from your close circle, one whom you previously did not perceive as a woman, but rather as a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

deceased wife according to the dream book

The main goal of the ghost of a deceased soulmate is to make you think about the future, about your future life. It is worth reflecting on your former relationships, taking note of everything that was good, discarding everything that was bad, and moving on. The arrival of a dead person in a dream is a symbol of your hopes regarding this person, which are not destined to come true. To start a new life, to meet another person, you need to make room in your heart, in your soul. Remnants of the past leave no room for a happy future.

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Why do you dream about a dead husband? To understand the meaning of this dream, the dream book recommends taking into account your relationships during life, your own feelings in the dream and additional details.

Basic Rule

If you experience a surge of joy, then this is truly the spirit of a loved one. And the dead husband appeared to protect or warn about something. Did you dream that he showed his house? Most likely, this is the place of his current habitat.

Are you ready?

If you are lucky enough to talk to a deceased person, then remember every word. Everything he says is true.

If your loved one sings at the same time, then in real life you are protected. The dream in which I happened to walk next to him has the same meaning.

If in a dream you heard a call, then do not rush to meet it halfway. The dream book believes that the deceased husband is calling with him. But are you ready to leave this world?

He's looking after...

Why does a wife dream about her dead husband? If the deceased comes extremely rarely, is silent and does not show activity in the dream, then this means that the weather will change in the morning.

If a wife dreams of a husband periodically, but his presence is only a background, then the interpretation of the dream can be twofold. Either the appearance is caused by regret that her loved one is not around, or he is literally “looking after” her.

It's time to let go...

If your spouse died recently and dreams about you every day, then most likely you yourself cannot let him go. Usually in such visions women behave restlessly.

They try to call or even look for a loved one, which is absolutely forbidden to do in a dream. After all, you can attract the attention of evil entities. The dream book believes that you need to come to terms with the bereavement and move on.

Get rid of the past

If a woman often dreams of her ex-husband, then in real life she is worried about something that is a thing of the past. As soon as she gets rid of this burden, the dead man will immediately stop coming.

By the way, the dream book is sure that driving away or running away from a dead person means a long and prosperous life. But calling him in a dream means that on a subconscious level you want to establish a connection with him. By the way, if you happen to cry in a dream, then in real life there will be a reason for fun.

Favorable interpretation

Why do you dream that your dead husband is alive? To dream that a dead person has risen is a favorable sign. A living dead person who returned home brought happiness and good luck.

A husband who suddenly comes to life, according to the dream book, promises news from afar. The Risen One symbolizes the revival of things that you have long forgotten. If you dreamed that your long-dead husband was alive again, then get ready for changes.

Change your behavior!

If in a dream the deceased husband was drunk, although he did not abuse alcohol during his lifetime, then the dream warns that you are behaving inappropriately. Why else do you dream about a drunken dead man? It symbolizes your helplessness.

If you dreamed of a drunk and even aggressive dead man, then a whole bunch of problems will fall on you. Does your husband come and scold you? You are clearly doing something wrong.

Don't waste your money!

If in a dream the deceased was imprisoned, then it’s time to reconsider your values. A dream in which a washing machine stands next to the deceased has approximately the same interpretation.

If in a dream your deceased husband chokes on bones, then in reality you are spending too much. The dream book thinks that this vision predicts a quarrel over money, perhaps an inheritance. Did you dream that your spouse is a Muslim? In reality, you will be disappointed.

Fateful prediction

The dream book claims that seeing a husband at a wedding is a prediction for the future for a woman. If he was sad and in mourning, then the new marriage will be unsuccessful, but light clothes and a kind face indicate the opposite.

Why do you dream of a place where you happened to see a dead person? A funeral is a sign of fun, a wake is a sign of failure in your endeavors. If the deceased was in a coffin, expect a drunken scandal. A dead man washing himself in a bathhouse means recovery, but washing him yourself means, on the contrary, illness.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book claims that you may dream of your husband's fresh grave as a sign of a dishonorable act that will bring you suffering.

If in real life 40 days have not yet passed, and in the dream the grave was overgrown and abandoned, then your troubles will end with a happy meeting with a new lover.

The troubles are over!

If you dreamed that your deceased husband was leaving, this means that your ordeal has come to an end. If he leaves for someone else, then it’s time for you to change your solitary lifestyle.

By leaving with another woman, the deceased husband hints that it is time to cast aside sorrows and arrange a future life. Was your friend next to your husband in your night dreams? Know that she is the one spreading gossip about you.

Other interpretations

When deciphering, the dream book advises paying attention to your husband’s appearance.

  • Gray hair can dream of sadness or profit.
  • In tears - to trouble.
  • In scars - a big mistake.
  • Smiling - to happy changes.
  • Naked - to his repose in the next world.

Did you dream that your dead husband was sick? Pay attention to yourself and your appearance. He is very worried that you have neglected yourself.

Dreams will come true!

In night visions, does the deceased give a gift? In reality there will be a big profit. Giving him anything means loss.

The dream book believes that the dead man giving money is trying to compensate for the lack of love. According to another interpretation, the one who gives money symbolizes the power through which your dreams will come true.

Love in another dimension

Many people are interested in why they dream of sex with a dead husband. The dream book has several interpretations on this matter. Literally, sex symbolizes dissatisfaction after the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, sex with the deceased warns of troubles.

The most unusual interpretation of the dream book states that you really had the opportunity to kiss and make love with your deceased spouse, but in a different reality. Just sleeping in bed with your husband means success in a hopeless business.

Blessing of Heaven

Why dream of simply hugging your deceased spouse? A long life awaits you. Unfortunately, tenderly hugging and kissing a deceased person in a dream, according to the dream book, means that you will miss him for a long time.

Kissing a dead man and not receiving an answer means losses, and kissing him through force means that in reality you will have to give up hope. If the deceased himself kisses you on the forehead, then the dream book believes that you have received a blessing from the Higher Powers.

Did you dream about your wife? Remember the details - did you see a stranger or your own wife, what did she look like and was she in the mood, in what circumstances did this happen? The more details you can remember, the more accurately you can interpret the vision. Why do you dream about your wife?

Why do you dream about your wife?

Big dream book

What the wife dreamed of is a sign of deception; was beautiful in a dream - happiness or a quarrel is coming; dressed up - expect trouble; in rags - worries lie ahead; sick - you will be happy; affectionate - expect profit; beating your wife is an insult; quarrel with your spouse - one of you will get sick; fight with her - you will make peace.

Middle Ages

You saw the wife of the deceased - expect good things; in position - to the greatest good.

Connected with your wife in a dream - you should expect an illness; dishonored a friend's wife - a sign of future troubles.


A wife in a dream - to disagreement, difficulties in business; affectionate towards her husband - to a quarrel or profit; young, attractive, elegant - to success in business; a slob in worn, sloppy clothes is a sign of failure and trouble; naked - to serious mistakes in business, ruin.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife - a return to your previous business, someone else's - in reality you are doing something other than your own.

Beating your wife is a sign of family peace and love; intercourse with your wife - expect annoying interference and delays.

Cheating on your wife marks the failure of some business.

English dream book

Seeing your wife is an omen of your wife’s illness with a speedy recovery.

To be the wife of a stranger in a dream means never to know loneliness.


I dreamed of an offended wife - promises victory over your enemies; cheerful and dancing - to future joy; happy and beautiful - to deception and deceit; crying - to difficulties; surrounded by household members - expect prosperity, a successful trip; deceased - you will be very upset by the ingratitude of one of the people around you.

Holding your wife in your arms - in reality, your endeavors will be successful or you will learn good news about someone who is far away, or about their return in the near future.

Miller's Dream Book

I dreamed about my wife in a dream - a sign of conflicts in the house and unfinished enterprises; unusually friendly - a harbinger of income from the successful completion of a risky trade agreement.

The wife dreamed of her husband beating her with a whip - to general chaos and turmoil, as well as severe censure by her family for her unsuccessful actions.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, a wife is a sign of success and help; quarrel with her - relations will improve; kissed your wife - expect a scandal; slept with her - to pleasant thoughts and love.

The wife is sick in a dream - in reality everything will work out well; gave birth - will help you in business; died - to her good health in reality.

Erotic dream book

A married man dreams of his wife, and a bachelor dreams of marriage - soon he will meet a woman whom he wants to conquer. The desire can be fulfilled, but you will need to work hard, be sensitive and patient. But both partners will be delighted with the result of their efforts.

Modern dream books

The wife dreams about what this means - the dream warns: be attentive to your wife, be able to consider and apply her talents; pregnant woman - to unheard of luck; sick - you will be deceived; old - a harbinger of unhappy events in life; mute - receive news of someone’s death.

Seeing yourself next to your wife means you will be happy; talk to her - expect unexpected costs; beat your wife - you will be unsuccessful in business.

Seeing a divorce from your wife is fortunate.

Seeing your ex-wife in a dream means changes in life and an imminent pleasant meeting; seeing your spouse's ex-wife is a sign of routine affairs.

Seeing yourself as a wife in a dream means troubles await you due to unfinished business or quarrels with relatives; this role in a dream makes you happy - in reality, all your endeavors will be successful, any risk is justified.

Being a wife in a dream and having a pockmarked face is a harbinger of benefits and receiving a large sum of money.

Seeing your spouse’s ex-wife in a dream is either your unfounded fears or evidence of the incompleteness of their relationship.

The husband in your dream made love to another woman - foretells quarrels and litigation in reality.

Meeting someone else's wife in your house means a loud family quarrel; her friendliness towards your spouse means receiving from her husband a large sum of money of unknown origin; accusations about your relationship with her husband - your husband will accuse you as a negligent wife and mistress.

The young girl saw herself as a wife - to a happy marriage and healthy offspring.

It is believed that the dead foretell a change in weather. But visions involving the dead are not always interpreted so unambiguously. Widows, for example, need to carefully analyze what their husband is up to. It is likely that the soul of a loved one is trying to warn about something or protect from future troubles. Let's ask the dream book: what is the purpose of a deceased husband?

Direct prediction

We live in a rather complex world. The deceased husband often dreams because his soul is looking after the once beloved woman and children. She knows everything that has been and will be. Probably, the soul sees the error of the widow’s behavior or thoughts and tries to warn about impending troubles.

It also happens the other way around, says the Ancient Russian Dream Book. The deceased husband pushes the woman towards new happiness, tries to persuade her to forget grief and open up to joy. Everything the deceased says should be remembered or written down. These words are worth their weight in gold. They contain information that is very important for the dreamer. And it should be taken literally. The departed spouse draws attention to some things or circumstances that will soon prove important.

Just reflect on what you heard. And try to record the meaning of the vision, write it down on paper or in some other way, so as not to forget in the bustle of the world. In the subtle worlds where the souls of the dead live, there is no concept of time. It is likely that the spouse is communicating information not about tomorrow, but about events that will happen in a year or two. Interpreters recommend that women analyze visions about their late husband, and sometimes compare real events with what he said. The work, of course, is not easy, but you will discover a lot of new things.

The deceased husband is alive in a dream

There is one more subtlety in interpretation, which the widow will have to cope with on her own. A living spouse who has gone to another world can speak of a longing for male affection and attention. If you lack communication with the opposite sex, then you should not consider the dream prophetic. It is given out by the subconscious as a stimulus for a more active search for a new personal life. This is especially true for young widows; there is no point in denying it. the husband is alive and cheerful, affectionate and playful - which means it’s time to think about other men. As people say: “He let you go.”

A sad spouse in the country of Morpheus is a harbinger of trouble. For a woman, if you look into the depths of the subconscious, a husband is protection and support. Maybe now our views have changed, we have become more partners, but the brain that forms dreams does not suspect this. It relies on more ancient and natural principles of existence. The husband comes, like a caring father, to warn about the upcoming unrest. And he is sad in his dream because he understands: his wife is making a mistake that leads to worries. If your husband scolds, it means there will be some kind of joy.

Kissing your departed spouse

Another rather ambiguous story. Interpreters advise to treat it philosophically. As the Ukrainian says, the relatives you kiss portend reconciliation with someone currently living. As a rule, we are talking about old family conflicts. They will be resolved, and the harmony of relations will be restored.

In a dream, kissing your late husband with passion means the appearance of a suitor who can become a faithful spouse. Gently caressing a departed lover is a sign of boredom and melancholy. If a kiss causes discomfort, there will be trouble in your personal life. Scandals and attacks of jealousy are likely in the near future. If, on the contrary, your spouse kisses you, talk to his family. Some of these people need help or support. To see a deceased spouse kissing another woman is to learn about the death of a friend in reality. Often the deceased shows exactly the person whose earthly path will soon end.

Emotional component

Sometimes the meaning lies not in the events, but in the feelings that the dream evokes. The late husband brought joy in the astral world - get ready for pleasant changes in reality. If you experience an attack of melancholy, you will receive bad news. If you quarreled with your deceased spouse until you cried, something very pleasant is coming. Often such a vision warns of new love. on a deceased husband - make a mistake. If you felt guilty, you will receive forgiveness for past sins.

Disappointment that suddenly visited you in a dream speaks of an incorrect worldview. You consider something valuable that is not. Try to rethink your life guidelines so as not to cry later.

Feeling happy in the company of your deceased spouse means recovery for the sick. For widows who do not suffer from illnesses, such a vision promises a good day filled with pleasant events. Pay attention to the fact that a meeting with your late spouse left you indifferent - to a loss of interest in life. In the old days they said that it is necessary to remember your husband.

Reliving the funeral

Sometimes in night visions pictures of past suffering come to life. As the English Dream Book suggests, dead relatives whom you are burying again simply foreshadow a change in the weather.

Don't get upset and cry. You probably haven't fully gotten over the loss yet. Go to the temple and order a funeral service, pray yourself - everything will calm down over time. If you again experienced the funeral of a spouse who had passed on to another world, it means that the wound in your soul is still alive. By the way, it may not appear for decades; it seems that everything has already been forgotten, but in a dream the pain of loss comes to life again. Try to cope with your emotions and prevent suffering from corroding your soul and body. This vision also says that a woman has no real incentive to live, no specific goal. It needs to be formed.

Take or give things

In the old days, it was believed that a dead person brings gifts only to trouble. It’s even worse if he calls for you. Such a dream was interpreted as a harbinger of death. For a widow to take some objects from the hands of her deceased husband is a sign of resolving a troubling situation. Giving him things yourself is a sign of rash actions that will lead to major troubles. An old Russian dream book believes that the plot foreshadows frivolous behavior leading to illness. Try to be more reasonable after such a vision. The spouse calls for him - to illness. To refuse an invitation is to avoid an unknown danger. The trouble will pass by, you won’t even have time to realize it.

Someone else's deceased spouse

Sometimes people try to understand why the deceased husband of a relative or friend dreams. Such a vision should be deciphered like everything associated with the dead. If he was alive and cheerful, the weather would be good. I spoke to you - take the words as a warning about certain circumstances in life. Scolded - make an unforgivable mistake, tried to beat - to a promising acquaintance. The funeral that you had to endure in reality returns in night visions to draw your attention to the need to show compassion for your neighbor. Perhaps the widow needs help. Meet and talk to this woman, find some kindness in yourself.

In general, the deceased should be remembered since he appeared in a dream. This is an old folk tradition, remember it when thinking about why your late husband dreams.