Why do you dream of a dove, doves, a pair of cooing doves? In general, a dove in a dream is a favorable symbol; it means goodness, peace, and good news. Long-awaited or simply extremely welcome guests may come to you. For unmarried women, a dove in a dream often foreshadows a happy marriage.

The good meaning of the dream has no connection with your real attitude towards pigeons. You may not like pigeons and may even be afraid of them. Still, a dove in a dream is always a good sign. Especially if the pigeon is healthy and happy.

A wounded or killed pigeon is an unlucky dream. If you dream that you are harming or killing a dove, your heart has become hardened, and you are capable of irreparable actions that you will regret if you allow them to happen.

The interpretation of the dream is influenced by the general meaning of the dream and the behavior of the dove. White doves are good news, but they can also be the harbinger of the death of a good person. Rock pigeons and wood pigeons bring prosperity and good news. Multi-colored exotic pigeon - the news may greatly surprise and delight you.

A carrier pigeon with a letter on its foot - official recognition awaits you.

  • If pigeons coo, this dream is clearly interpreted as a happy marriage or a successful and long-lasting love affair.
  • Pigeons circling and flying above your head - the solution to problems will come from the outside. If pigeons land on a house, good news will have a direct bearing on you.
  • A dove flying into a house means imminent danger, the possibility of betrayal, slander. This is unpleasant and difficult to prevent, especially over long distances. Just keep your peace of mind and be calm. Then slander and slander will not be able to cause significant harm.
  • Feeding or watering a dove means doing a good deed that will not go unnoticed. Watching a pigeon drink is a quick solution to complex problems.
  • If a dove lands on your shoulder, on your hand, you need support and help. Contact your friends, they will try to help you out.
  • Finding a dovecote is not a good sign. You have a love rival, perhaps even several.
  • If a pigeon brought you an object, try to remember what exactly it was. A twig, a plant - you will receive news from distant friends. A dead mouse, a large beetle - your enemies will be defeated almost without your participation. Tape, a piece of paper - take care of the house. You may soon have to decorate it for a special and important event. A child, a kitten, a chick - your friends will soon have a long-awaited baby.

Dove in a dream from a psychological point of view

In the human consciousness, the dove is firmly entrenched as a symbol of peace, friendship, and unity. From a psychological point of view, pigeons are your desires and aspirations of your soul. If pigeons do abnormal things in your dream, such as acting like birds of prey, you are experiencing severe stress.

Just seeing a dove in a dream means you are striving for peace with all your heart and observing the visible results of your efforts. Pigeons are patient, intelligent, busy and caring birds. To see a dove in a dream, you need to match these qualities in real life. If you see a dove in a dream, you honestly deserve it, and the good news is rightfully yours.

Interpretations of dream books

  • According to the women's dream book, a dove is a sign of a happy family life, wedding, prosperity and peace in the soul. The purring and cooing of pigeons in their sleep enhances favorable forecasts.
  • Veles's dream book interprets a dove as a good groom or a faithful friend.
  • The Apostolic Dream Book believes that seeing a dove means having a well-founded hope, a strong and bright desire. In theory, such a dream should inspire you and give you strength.
  • Freud's dream book considers a dove, and especially a dove, as a hint of platonic, disembodied relationships, deep and tender friendly feelings. The dream book of the great dream interpreter recommends considering the dove as a time of waiting. You should not show violent feelings ahead of time. Sharp actions and unexpected confessions can frighten off emerging feelings and even cause separation.
  • The Vedic dream book considers the dove as a good messenger. A flock of flying pigeons is the intervention of influential people who can change your destiny.
  • If a dove shits in your hand or on your head in a dream, oddly enough, this means money.
  • Miller's dream book is completely unanimous with other interpretations about an imminent wedding and good news. Miller warns against hunting pigeons - this is a sign of cruelty and intransigence. Such a dream should be considered as a warning.
  • Catching a dove and catching luck in love is a common meaning for all dream books. This refers specifically to a happy family life, as a couple.
  • Without exception, all dream books interpret the killing of a dove as a betrayal of a loved one. Try to avoid such a situation. Consider the dream as a warning and give up suspicion and drastic actions. In fact, you are not obliged to quarrel with your neighbors just because you saw a bird being killed in a dream. Be attentive to yourself and those around you.

Man has long been accustomed to believing in all sorts of miracles: predictions, damage, parallel worlds, omens, horoscopes and other fables. Dreams are no exception. Dream interpreters claim that while falling asleep a person comes as close as possible to the line separating another world.

And what happens in a dream may be some kind of sign or warning for real life. Is this true or not? No one can confirm. But there are cases when dreams actually came true or helped a person avoid trouble. Many people do not believe in night visions and shrug them off with a smile. But they simply forget. But, one way or another, we all sometimes wonder why this or that object is seen, and sometimes we are even afraid to look into the dream book.

Good sign

Today we’ll figure it out. It’s unlikely that this cute bird can portend trouble! If you dream about pigeons, then this is almost always a good sign. Such a bird is a harbinger of some pleasant events, meetings or news. She represents trust, mutual understanding, peace, tranquility and love. But there are also dreams where a dove dreams of unpleasant events. You just need to be able to correctly interpret these visions.

So, why do you dream of white doves? Such a dream promises a person great luck in all matters, pleasant events in the very near future, success in the family and at work.

Lots of birds

If a person sees in a dream many white doves flying, gathered in flocks and circling chaotically above him, then very soon you can expect news from loved ones. For example, from distant relatives. Perhaps there will also be a meeting with friends whom he has not been white doves for a long time? In fact, there are a lot of interpretations. The symbol of such a light bird itself suggests that the dream brings good luck in love and happiness in marriage.

When in a night vision there are many white doves, and you clearly hear their cooing and noise, then know that this promises “loud” joy, noisy fun, perhaps some kind of holiday or even the birth of children for a young couple, peace, harmony and goodness in family. This means that all bad things will pass by, and loved ones will be pleased only with good news.

Dream for a wedding

A very good sign if a young unmarried girl dreamed of doves, especially if they were white! This means that in real life a happy marriage awaits her very soon. In this case, pigeons promise a long and happy family life. This means that the husband will be very good. And the girl need not worry about her choice.

If white doves appeared in a dream to a future bride who is worried about her wedding, then this is a sign that everything will be fine. Therefore, she can not doubt, but calmly get married. Single men also dream of white doves for an imminent wedding. What does such a dream mean for family people? A dove in night vision is a sign that their relationship will continue to be full of respect and mutual understanding, and they will be able to live a long life together. Such birds also promise the justification of hopes and desires, as well as the implementation of all plans.

Why do you dream of white doves calmly flying across the sky? A dream in which a person saw birds flying high suggests that his dreams will soon come true. Perhaps he will be able to realize his plans. He can take on any business and endeavor. All of them will give a positive result.

Luck and fortune

It’s a great sign if in a dream a person built a dovecote or he already has one, and there are many white birds in it. Such a dream promises unexpected wealth, big profits, luck in the game, good luck in work, perhaps even a sudden gift. If you had such a dream, it would be a good idea to play the lottery. Perhaps that's when Fortune will smile on you.

It is also very good if you dreamed of a white dove with chicks. This dream also promises prosperity, peace, happiness and love. Possible addition to the family.

Dream: a dove flew in. Vision interpretations

If a person had a dream in which a bird was in his house, then this means that there is a very decent and important person next to him. He is my support and closest friend. You may have another dream - a dove, for example, flying in or knocking on a window. This is a sign that good news awaits you. Perhaps your loved one will come.

If a pregnant woman has a dream in which a bird is knocking on the window, this is a “notification” of an imminent successful birth. Quite unexpected news awaits the one to whom a dove appeared, carrying something in its beak. The news may be different. But if the dove was white, then most likely they will be joyful.

Watching a dove drinking clean water in a dream is a sign of pleasant changes in life. Pure means overcoming all problems and getting rid of ill-wishers. If the water was dirty, it most likely means untidiness or poor health. Good news will be received by the one who was able to ring or catch a dove in a dream. Such a person literally caught his luck.

Dreams that will help you get away with it

Seeing a dove drowning in water is a sign to a person that he is doing the wrong thing. In this case, you should avoid dubious, thoughtless measures. If in a dream you have to breed pigeons, it means that you are not satisfied with your work or position in the family. Most likely, you are unable to provide for your family or find a suitable business.

Why do you dream of white doves restlessly circling in the sky, screaming or worrying? After such a dream, it is better to be careful. With this behavior, birds warn you of illness or accidents. It’s bad if you dreamed of a dead dove. He talks about troubles, problems and serious trials.

If you dream that you killed a bird, it means that you will soon incur someone’s wrath or quarrel with your loved ones. A wounded dove warns of a break with loved ones. In addition, such a dream promises worry and troubles. A dream in which the sleeper released a white dove from his hands promises separation from his soulmate.

If a bird sits on a table in a dream, it means illness. And if it lands on the shoulder, it means that health problems will affect the whole family. But the dream does not so much promise illness as it warns you to be attentive not only to yourself, but also to your family. You need to take more care of them and help them.

Hunting pigeons in a dream means that you will soon become the subject of people's mistrust and contempt. It is better to monitor your behavior and actions. For family people, a dream about pigeons sitting on a tree means that it is time to take a break from problems and work. You need to take a vacation and be alone with your significant other.

White birds on the domes of a church or in the yard indicate that God knows about your problems. He will definitely help solve them.


Now you know what it means to see white doves in a dream. It should be noted that these birds rarely dream of trouble. Most often they “fly in” to notify us about something new, good and pleasant!

Dream interpretation of pigeons

The dove is a symbol of spiritual purity, great love and prosperity. But sometimes the appearance of a bird in a dream foreshadows sadness and difficulties. In order to correctly decipher the dream and understand why you dream about pigeons, you need to analyze the vision, remember its plot and emotional load.

Feather color

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the plumage of the birds you dreamed about.

White. A dream in which you saw snow-white birds promises a joyful and bright event. The more of them you have seen, the more happy moments await you. According to the dream book, a dove with white plumage is the personification of the dreamer’s inner world.

The dream in which you held it in your hands symbolizes good thoughts and intentions. For unmarried girls, as a rule, the vision predicts a meeting with a male representative who will become her husband in the near future.

Remember what color the dove was?

Grey. The appearance of dreams in which a gray turtle dove appears indicates a loss of strength and a bad mood. Warns that you need to change your attitude towards life.

Black. Seeing a bird with this plumage color is an unfavorable sign. Black doves symbolize worries or disappointment.

Feathered actions

In order for the interpretation of the vision to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to remember not only the color of the bird, but also its behavior.

Negative dreams

If you see a wounded bird, you may soon be separated from your loved one. The turtledove's suffering predicts sadness and disappointment.

The dream of a dead dove has both positive and negative interpretations. Dead white birds promise conflicts with relatives or friends. But dead birds with black plumage indicate that you will be able to avoid all difficulties. Dreams that feature dead birds tend to haunt people suffering from loneliness.

If you dreamed of a wounded dove, it means that the sleeper regrets his actions. The dream says that the time has come to set priorities.

If you dream of a pigeon pecking at food, it means that there is a huge risk of missing out on something very important. Carefully consider your actions and words, otherwise you will destroy your relationship with your loved one.

What does Miller foretell?

Cooing - for replenishment

The dove in mythology is the personification of peace and piety. According to Miller's predictions, a dream in which a dove is seen carries important information that must be heeded.

  • Seeing pigeons cooing in a dream means a quick addition to the family.
  • According to Miller’s dream book, if you had to hunt birds, this means that a cruel person will soon appear in the dreamer’s life. Its appearance will adversely affect both work and personal life.
  • A lone cooing dove, according to Miller, is a bad sign. He warns the sleeper about the emergence of serious problems and troubles that he cannot cope with.

Other interpretations

As you can see, the interpretation of a dream in which a dove is present is ambiguous. To decipher the vision as accurately as possible, you should pay attention to the interpretations of other dream books.

Vanga's predictions

Why do you dream about pigeons? According to the soothsayer, they symbolize forgiveness and connection with God. If you dream that a bird is knocking on the window, this is a very good sign. The vision predicts a long and happy life. A dream in which a dove lands on your head indicates the onset of a favorable period.

Interpretations of Aesop

If a pigeon drinks, it means good luck

If you dream of a turtle dove drinking water, this means that a bright streak will soon begin in your life. You will easily overcome all difficulties.

A drowned turtledove dreams of failure in all endeavors. The appearance of such dreams suggests that the sleeper needs to carefully consider his every step.

If you dream of a dovecote, this means that you will have significant income, possibly winnings.

Modern dream book

A dove that sits on your shoulder warns of a serious illness. For a girl, a vision in which a dove lands on her head foretells a wedding.

The appearance of dreams in which a turtle dove sat on the dome of a church indicates that the sleeper has many problems and will not be able to cope with them without the help of others.

The famous interpreter of dreams, American psychologist Gustav Miller is convinced that dreams contain warnings, even recommendations for the dreamer. The problem is that it is impossible to correctly interpret the dream: there are too many nuances to take into account.

A wonderful message from the world of illusions. If a sleeping lady watches a snow-white bird settle on her palm, this is good. The birth of a wonderful baby in a legal marriage will soon make her happy. It’s nice to see snow-white pigeons in a dream.

Cooing doves

These words have become an indivisible combination. If special sounds, similar to a cat’s purr, penetrated the dream, this means that the sleeping woman will enjoy love and care among her relatives.

Dove hunting

A warning dream. The woman is too demanding of the people around her. She is often tough, even cruel. To avoid serious problems, you need to change your attitude towards the world.

White birds were wonderful celestial beings for the soothsayer Vanga. They connected the seer with the illusory world of dreams with an invisible lunar thread. Interpretation from Vanga: If a woman dreams that she is treating the snow-white birds of God with grains, this means that her soul is infantilely pure.

A white dove circles directly overhead. Another wonderful iconic dream image. It can be interpreted as follows: all the sorrows and failures remain in the past, and a happy future awaits ahead.

Pigeon in a cage. Such a dream visits a young woman who is overcome by secret desires and feelings.

Aesop's Dream Book is also in demand. Everyone is interested in how the famous fabulist interprets dreams.

White dove with a green branch. A familiar Old Testament image. After the Flood, the people saved in the Ark released birds to find dry land. The first messenger was a dove with a myrtle branch. If a girl dreams of a similar image, wait for news!

Pigeon drinks water

A promising dream. Soon a fresh wind will blow, which will bring new events and acquaintances. The new and unfamiliar will refresh your feelings and outlook on the world.

A choked pigeon

Dangerous image. Warns that you need to make only thoughtful decisions. And that you need to face life’s trials with dignity.

  • If a woman dreams that a dove has flown into her home, she needs to take a closer look at it: what color its feathers are, how it behaves. Most likely, the dream image hides an important person for the sleeping person, a future life partner.
  • If a guest has black feathers, it means someone from the inner circle is planning to harm her. Sometimes a radiant bird flies into the bedroom. This is amazing! You can wait for dear guests.
  • The girl rejoices wildly at the bird that has flown into the window. This speaks of a real joyful meeting with a man. Most likely, he will present an interesting gift.
  • If the dove flew in on its own and then flew out on its own, it means that unpleasant changes will occur. Luckily they won't touch her.

Dead bird in a dream

A dead dove in a dream indicates that you need to become a better person in order to meet your happiness with dignity. Change your lifestyle. A girl needs to take care of her health in order to soon become a good mother.

A dove with a dove is for a wedding. If the birds are sitting on the edge of the cornice, this means news from your beloved. A lot of pigeons means a lot of news.

Inspired lovers fly away, taking love with them... The reason for this is a hot-tempered character, it does the girl a disservice.

If winged guests circle over a house, abundance awaits everyone living here.

Bird in hands

  • The dove nestled in the palm of your hand, as if in a cozy nest. Usually such a dream portends good events. Especially if the bird doesn’t bite. So meek, sweet. She is a symbol of happiness.
  • What if the beauty treats the pigeons directly from her palm? This can be interpreted as follows: her father and mother are dearer to her than anyone else. For the sake of her parents, she will do everything possible and impossible.

  • And high in the sky, snow-white birds play with gilded clouds. Right above your head. It was as if they had outlined a circle with their wings - a talisman. While you are in this circle, white-winged angels protect you from all kinds of troubles.
  • If a young lady contrived and grabbed a dove by the wing, her happiness would be enough for everyone.
  • The dove sat down on the shoulder - wait for the matchmakers!

Feeding and watering birds in a dream – meaning

If in a dream the young lady liked to sprinkle golden grains of wheat on the pigeons, you need to prepare to be without your loved one for a short time.

Crumble the bun together and sprinkle handfuls of sunflower seeds, as long as you don’t end up with anyone! Dream books advise you to take a closer look at the man standing next to you. Perhaps this is fate!

It was interesting to know why there are many pigeons pecking at grain in dreams. It turns out that according to one version, a flock of pigeons are relatives of the sleeping man. They must be treated with respect. It’s better to let them peck at the grain than to circle over the house.

Sometimes a messenger pigeon flies into a dream through invisible portals. You need to remember what item the feathered employee brought.

  • A letter delivered by a winged postman promises a declaration of love in reality.
  • The mirror brought by the dove suggests that the girl needs to look into herself in order to realize that all the answers are inside.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Hearing cooing in a dream is the same as hearing sounds made by a baby. The dream book convinces that everything will soon smell like breast milk.

Miller's dream book answers the question - what does hunting for pigeons mean? To hunt is to be dexterous, smart and lucky. But hunting God's birds is an unworthy task. The failure of his planned enterprise is what awaits Hunter.

If a dove pecks painfully, it means that your best friend will cause suffering.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the color of the image.

Light shades of bird feathers indicate changes for the better.

  • The white dove is the most prosperous. It personifies purity, purity of thoughts and deeds, cirrus clouds and angel feathers... If you dreamed of a snow-winged bird, it means that changes for the better are ahead. The woman will enjoy family happiness.
  • An orange dove sitting on the shoulder symbolizes danger. Most likely, someone close to you is spreading rumors and gossiping about the young woman’s personal life.
  • The yellow dove is lighter, but this does not mean that compliments are flying towards the girl. Yellow is the color of the sun, but also the color of the desert scorched by it.
  • Black feathers in a multi-colored dream look strange and a little creepy, like an image from someone else’s dream. They symbolize the loss of love and faith. In the real life of the sleeping girl, tragic events occurred. Her rainbow world seemed to have faded, like poor-quality fabric fades after washing.

Everything that’s happening is like a bad dream that just can’t end. Disappointment and indifference grip the young woman. Regaining a bright, multi-colored world and spiritual harmony will not be easy at all. We haven’t yet discussed why dove chicks dream about being released to fly. Children are always children... What can I say. They make noise, play pranks, quarrel, make peace.

Dreams are ephemeral. They are like clouds that float at the will of the wind, change their appearance and dissolve. Sometimes it is difficult to remember the plot of a dream. In such cases, the old reliable method comes in handy - writing down what you saw in a dream in a notebook or a special notebook.

Freud's opinion

Sigmund Freud is true to himself. His dove represents the relationship between friends. For now, this is just friendship without hints of a closer relationship. But the sleeper would like to move to the next level and become even closer. Freud advises maintaining restraint so as not to spoil anything. The friend himself must desire intimacy. Let everything go as it should. In this situation, the most important thing is not to lose what you have dear.

List of used literature:

  • Moss R. The Secret History of Dreams: The Meaning of Dreams in Different Cultures and the Lives of Famous Personalities. Per. from English - St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2010.
  • Dreams. Their origin and role in Christian interpretation. Moscow: Obraz, 2006.
  • Solovyov V. Explanatory dictionary of dreams: An illustrated history of the civilization of dreams. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006.

Find out from the online dream book what the Dove dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Dove in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of a Dove and what does it mean:

Dove - To see flying pigeons in a dream means that you will communicate with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances, to see a lot of pigeons - to happiness and mutual understanding in the family, to see a pigeon at home - to family joys and pleasures. White doves in a dream mean good luck, gray and black ones mean despair, frustration, melancholy.

Hearing doves cooing means receiving friendly advice that is worth listening to; seeing doves kissing means happiness and joy for lovers. Feeding pigeons means being loved, catching them means a date, a wedding, unsuccessfully catching pigeons means trouble, eating them means boredom and disappointment, releasing them means separation. Seeing a dovecote means profit; having one means the quick fulfillment of your plans.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Dove in a dream?

Dove - Seeing pigeons building nests in a dream means that in reality you will experience a calm period of life and joy in a home in which children are obedient and grace extends to everyone. The sad cry of a lonely dove - this dream foreshadows sadness and disappointment, the cause of which will be the death of the one to whom you turned for help. Often this is the death of the father.

A dead dove dreams of a quarrel between husband and wife due to death or betrayal. White doves mean a rich harvest and complete confidence in friends. A flock of white doves promises calm, innocent pleasures and favorable developments. If a dove brings you a letter in a dream, then in reality you will receive pleasant news from absent friends. This dream also foreshadows the reunion of lovers.

If the dove looks exhausted, then joy will be filled with sadness, or good news may be spoiled by the mention of a sick friend. There may be a slight downturn in business. A letter containing a message you were expecting will cause serious pain to you or someone close to you.

Seeing doves in a dream and hearing their cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage. A dream in which pigeons are someone else’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships, and at the same time the dream will warn you against low and base pleasures. Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you should not be afraid of misunderstandings; news from a distant friend is possible.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream of catching a Dove?

Dove - At all times, pigeons are a symbol of calm and prosperity. A good sign is a dream in which you admire a flock of pigeons high in the sky. Such a dream promises news that will soon change life for the better.

A dove flying into a house is a joyful event. If you pick up a dove, good luck will be your companion for a long time. Seeing a wounded, sick pigeon or a bird that was grabbed by a cat means disappointment will soon befall you; people you trust are weaving intrigues.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Pigeons

Dove - The image of a dove is a direct reflection of our state of mind. If you see beautiful, calm, peaceful pigeons, the dream speaks of living in harmony with yourself, and circumstances are unlikely to disturb your peace of mind.

A dove hit with its beak - think about your attitude towards the people around you. Surely you regularly show selfishness and arrogance, which hurts. Feeding a pigeon in a dream means get ready for the fact that your financial situation will soon begin to improve, and rapidly.

Romantic dream book

Dream about a dove in a dream

Dove for lonely people - soon they will have an interesting acquaintance that will develop into something more than friendship. A white dove that knocked on the window - this acquaintance will be the beginning of a strong and reliable romantic union.

Seeing two soaring doves according to the dream book means you will have to face some disagreements with your other half. But do not take disagreements to heart, as they will quickly fade away, and you will regain harmony and peace.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Dove - Means success in matters of the heart, friendly relations, peace and quiet in your home, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Dove?

The dove is a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. If a girl sees a dove in a dream and hears its cooing, a happy marriage awaits her. Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means a successful resolution of your problem or news from distant friends.

A dead dove in a dream foretells misfortune. Hunting pigeons in a dream is a manifestation of the cruel side of your nature. Also, such a dream can warn the dreamer against low and vile actions; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a dove?

Dove - Bereginya was around, wait for the groom, good, good luck, children (to parents), couple; many pigeons - for luck, good news // illness; pecks - loss; catch - you will get a lot of money, there will be guests; catch - wedding, meeting with a friend, trouble; will arrive - matchmakers; miss - separation; fly away - death; remove from the nest - invite guests; to kill - a quarrel with a friend.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about pigeons

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean. Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, when we see a pigeon near our window, we ask it about the news that it brought.

Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream is a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you. Seeing a dove carrying something in a dream means that you will receive good news from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Watching a dove drinking water in a dream is a sign that changes for the better will soon await you, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one more unhappy in this world than you. If you dreamed that a dove, trying to drink water, drowned in the river, then in real life you will have a task that you will undertake thoughtlessly, and therefore will fail in it.

Raising pigeons at home is evidence that in real life you are not entirely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything. Ringing a dove in a dream in order to send some news with it is a prophecy of imminent news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you. Perhaps such a dream means that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news.

Being in a dovecote in a dream means unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large sum of money in the lottery. Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a sign that you will soon have the opportunity to have a good time in the company of old, cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. Seeing a wounded dove in a dream means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, such a dream prophesies a break in the relationship.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a dove, what does it mean?

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the dreamer, a symbol of good, joyful news. To see cooing doves - fidelity in love, devotion are waiting for you. Flying doves are good news, hope will inspire you.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the dove dreamed

Dove - An image of emotional distribution, but without a serious contribution, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Family dream book

Dove see how to unravel the symbolism

A dove, if it lands on your shoulder, someone close to you will become seriously ill. If it’s on the table, the sleeper himself will get sick. If a bird is sitting on a tree, you need to go out into nature. If a dove flies onto the dome of a church, God reminds of himself and wants to help the soul of the one who had the dream.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will receive a refusal in the matter that you have been busy with for a long time. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foretells that you will safely survive a problematic period and become a participant in some important historical events.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about pigeons?

A dream about a dove indicates that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. A platonic relationship with you suits her quite well, and she is content with it. You look at her solely as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you don’t want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

Seeing a Dove, interpretation:

Dove - A happy incident, an event, as reported by the dream book - a predictor.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of a dove from your dream

Dove - Disease; white - God's providence, spiritual revelation, for good, spiritual love (symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace). Married couple - happiness in love; successful marriage, marriage.

Universal dream book

Dove meaning:

Dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust, but it can also shit on your head; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

What does a dove mean in a dream, interpretation:

Dove - Seeing a dove in a dream means that the love of loved ones and friends, entertainment and joy awaits you.

Tarot dream book

Dove: interpretation of the image

Dove - Love affair. Dove - Success, harmony, rapprochement. To see a dove with a dove in a girl’s dream means marriage, and a single person means marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why do you dream about the Dove, how to understand it?

Dove - If you dreamed of a dove with little chicks, this is a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you.

Simone Kananita dream book

Why do you dream about a dove according to the saint:

Dove - Peace, love, bliss. Seeing a dovecote in a dream means finding out your rival’s address or name.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed of chasing pigeons

Dove - Portends honor and pleasure in family life; to catch a dove for a single person to get married, and for a married person to give birth to a daughter; catching a dove means marriage for a girl, and the birth of a son for a married woman; Killing a dove portends an insult to one of your friends.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the Dove dream book interpret it?

Dove - To illness; peck - to loss, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Dove?

Dove - If you dream of doves, there will be some kind of luck soon; good news. Pigeons are adult children. Why does a girl dream of doves - this is a young one, a guy - a betrothed dove. Letting go of a dove or dove means separation from your wife.

To remove pigeons from their nests - to invite guests. Seeing pigeons is good news; picking it up is a nuisance; flying in the sky - good news. Pigeons fly away from you, run away - to death.

Modern dream book


Dove - Rumor, wedding.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

To see a dove in a dream:

Dove - On the roof - good news; flying - you will recognize joy; to kill - to lose a true friend; eating - anxiety in the family; feed - you will do a good deed; kissing - affection.

Esoteric dream book

Dove in a dream:

A white dove in a dream means your hopes will come true. Gray for news and letters.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about a dove?

Dreaming of a white dove is a very good dream, which means peace, tranquility, love and mutual understanding. Seeing a flock of pigeons means a well-fed, measured life. Scales.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about the Dove, how can you understand it?

Dove - Joy; awareness of one's capabilities; dove with dove - love.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Dove by day of the week?

A dove dreamed of on Thursday or Friday night promises a bride or groom. A lot of pigeons - fortunately. A dove dreamed of on other days can promise relief for diabetics, as well as people with liver disease and kidney disease.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see a dove, what is it for?

Dove - Symbol of purity, peace, freedom, harmony. Feeding pigeons means having honest thoughts. A dove flying to the window is news from a dear person. A pigeon in a cage - to become a victim of your weakness. Seeing a flock of white doves means peaceful joys, contentment with life. The cooing of a lonely dove is a longing for a loved one.

A dove in the sky means good news. Catching pigeons means losses due to your stupidity. Kissing doves - to an affectionate relationship. A dove that flies into a room and flutters or hits a window or wall is a sign of misfortune in the family. Doves circling overhead represent new thoughts and opportunities, a new stage of life in which hopes are destined to come true.

Simeon Prozorov's dream book

Why does the dreamer dream about a dove?

Dove - Happy marriage and addition to the family. Imagine that you are feeding millet to pigeons.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Why do you dream of a Dove, symbolic meaning:

Doves are closely associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, and therefore symbolize love itself. The white dove is also a sign of peace and hope.

Why do you dream: Pigeons become a frequent image in dreams if you are in love. The dove can also represent the Holy Spirit of the Christian religion, especially if you are a believer.

Great modern dream book

Dove - why does the dreamer dream?

Dove - Since the time of Noah and his ark, a flying dove has been a symbol of imminent news; some distant friend will send you a green olive sprig. Doves coo, doves kiss - there is complete agreement in your family, even the most difficult issues are resolved with a smile; and when you come home from work, you are greeted at the door with a smile; your acquaintances are not talked about in the kitchen, your boss is not labeled; your beloved woman is preparing to give you a child.

In a dream you are trying to catch or kill a pigeon - the dream suggests that you are a cruel person; you often seek pleasure in the forbidden; the dream warns: someone starting a fire sometimes gets burned very painfully. You dream of a dead dove - an unlucky dream; most likely to injury; looking up, you will fall into a hole; In your haste to grab it, you will injure your hand.

Universal dream book

Dove meaning:

Dove - Peace, love, bliss; for a young girl - a happy marriage; letter, good news.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Dove - to catch an unfaithful spouse cheating, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Dove - for visiting pleasant guests.

For those born in September, October, November, December

A dead dove is unfortunate.