Walking in the snow in a dream means getting what you want. Modern dream books reduce the interpretation of dreams to achieving goals and receiving long-awaited profits. At the same time, it is important to remember the slightest nuances of the dream. Then it will be much easier to understand why you dream of walking through white snowdrifts.

Guarantees from Miller's dream book

An American psychotherapist in his dream book claims that snowfall means high spirits, the desire for wealth, and positive changes. It’s very good to see yourself on skates, as well as running on the ice barefoot. It’s even better if you dreamed that you were walking across a clean white field and weren’t freezing at all.

Why you dream of walking barefoot in the snow, Gustav Miller examines in detail precisely from the perspective of his feelings in a dream:

  • to experience joy, comfort - to monetary reward;
  • getting your feet wet and feeling cold means the onset of a disease;
  • glide and enjoy - all your actions will be justified;
  • falling into snowdrifts, feeling heaviness - means a resumption of relationships.

You can get away with anything

Walking through a snow-covered city in a dream is a sign of receiving forgiveness. Traditional dream books explain: if you have previously committed an unseemly act, such a dream guarantees that repentance will be accepted by the person to whom you have offended. All that remains is to apologize.

People who have become victims of intrigue, gossip, and slander will soon be rehabilitated if they dreamed that they had a chance to walk in the snow in a dream. It’s especially good to see yourself barefoot, but not freeze, but experience complete bliss from contact with the ice cover.

Wait for the cash influx

Finding joy while walking through white snowdrifts means a long-awaited bonus, a fee. If you dreamed that the weather was amazing and your mood was good, be prepared for unplanned large purchases and other pleasant expenses. The more precipitation falls before your eyes, the faster the turnover of money in the dreamer’s wallet will be.

Generous gifts from loved ones, relatives, recognition and rewards from management - this is exactly what you dream of walking in the snow, shod or barefoot, with full confidence that you like such walks. Dream books say: the paths you have trodden mean family wealth and stability.

Indulge in wellness treatments

But why you dream of seeing yourself barefoot and shivering should be considered separately. According to Vanga’s dream book, a dream can be a warning from the body about the onset of a disease. The healer recommends taking measures to prevent colds, even without any apparent reason.

And, on the contrary, if you dreamed that walking in the snow seemed funny and exciting to you, be prepared to quickly get rid of problems with your skin, hair, and nails. Snow-white placers in a dream guarantee a surge of strength, complete recovery from illnesses, and the possibility of conceiving a baby soon.

Why do you dream of running in the snow?

Do you dream that you had to run through the snow? Events will happen soon that can change your life for the better. However, obstacles may arise. The cause of problems will be misunderstandings in personal relationships.

I had to push through a snowstorm - I had to go through litigation and trials. They will end successfully for you. At the same time, you still have to be nervous.

In order for changes to have a positive impact on all aspects of life, you will have to make an effort, be vigilant and attentive to everything that happens around you.

Don't lose focus even for a minute until you have dealt with serious obstacles on the path to happiness. This will help save energy and nerves.

  • run barefoot in the snow
  • White snow
  • wallow in the snow
  • snow
  • dirty snow
  • snow with rain
  • lie in the snow
  • snow in summer
  • a lot of snow
  • wet snow
  • snow outside the window
  • snow falls
  • first snow
  • fall into the snow
  • clear snow
  • fall into the snow
  • walk in the snow
  • walk barefoot in the snow
  • clear the snow

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Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Did you dream of running through the Snow, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of running through the Snow in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed from Sunday to Monday

spruce forest, that I am in the winter, in the backyard of my parents’ house, I’m running easily through the white snow with a big tiger after three squirrels, I caught one of them, the smallest one and stroked it, it struggles, I let it go, it goes through the snow and into a snowdrift, there’s a mink, two the other squirrels were already in the hole under the snow. The tiger reached for her with his paw and bit off her head.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why dream of running in the snow - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming about snow means that there are no troubles in the life of the person who saw the dream. To see a girl running or rolling in the snow: she will have to overcome the resistance of her beloved boy.

Vanga's Dream Book

run through the snow according to the dream book

Running in the snow causes the need to repent of sins. A person who sees such a dream needs to come to church and pray.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

what does it mean if you run through the snow in a dream

Running in the snow promises a pleasant and surprising surprise. Possibly a love date.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

running through the snow in a dream

Walking or jogging in the snow means a quick loss of money and wealth.

Freud's Dream Book

running through the snow in a dream

Snow is a symbol of fertilization. Such a dream foreshadows difficulties in understanding with a loved one. The more you have to run, the more serious the conflict will be.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

run through the snow according to the dream book

Running in fresh snow foreshadows the person who sees such a dream, the possibility of soon getting into trouble or major troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Why do you dream of running in the snow?

Traveling through fallen snow means pleasant unexpected news.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

what does it mean if you run through the snow in a dream

Seeing yourself running in the snow means imminent losses and poverty.

People also dreamed of running in the snow

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all days of the month can be found here.

Funny video about man's best friends. or the best alarm clocks? =)

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Dream interpretation of running through the snow naked

Dream Interpretation Running in a dream

People who run lead a healthy lifestyle and feel great. Does running in a dream foreshadow positive changes in the dreamer’s life?

Why do you dream of running in a dream?

If you dream that you are running in a dream, you will be able to escape from danger, perhaps this will happen at the very last moment. Also, such dreams occur during long years of life. When making a personal interpretation, you must remember all the details: where you were running, from what, from whom, after whom, and so on.

Running place

If you ran in your sleep

Dream books emphasize the environment around you. Is it important to remember where you ran? Was it on a park alley, or in a cemetery? Or you ran across the sea, through the sky, through the forest, through the snow - there can be a lot of nuances of what you dream about.

Run across the sky

  • Run to heaven - you grow spiritually.
  • Running up the stairs to the sky - you will get the opportunity for dramatic career growth, the main thing is to be able to take advantage of it.
  • If you dream of clouds running across the sky, your environment is interfering with your spiritual growth. These can be minor troubles and troubles that prevent you from concentrating on spiritual food and soaring your thoughts to the sky.

Dream of running through mud in the rain

  • Why dreams about running in mud? You will find yourself in a situation in which you will have to justify yourself and clear your name. People will try to drag your good name through the mud.
  • Running barefoot through puddles full of mud - you can prove that you are right. Convince people that there is no “dirt” on your hands and that you are clean.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was running through mud, her reputation is not in danger.
  • Running naked, naked, in the rain - your instincts are heightened, trust your intuition.
  • If you dream that you are joyfully running in the rain barefoot and completely naked, naked - you can return the feelings of reckless youth.

Why run around the cemetery?

If you were running through a cemetery

  • Why do I dream that I am running through a cemetery? Because you take the situation in your family or at work too seriously. Your nerves are on edge, you should stop and gain strength.
  • Fast movement through the cemetery indicates your complete moral exhaustion. You are not able to make the right decisions.
  • For pregnant women, dreams about running through a cemetery do not bring anything bad. Your baby will be born on time and healthy.
  • If a young girl dreamed that she was running through a cemetery, then her self-esteem is too low, she should believe more in her own strength.

Dreaming of running on the sea, on water

Seeing yourself running across the sea, while raising hundreds of splashes - you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. Such openness is unacceptable. Why does your inner sea pour out onto all the people around you?

Why run barefoot on a clear and calm sea? You will overcome all the obstacles that stand in your way.

Walking or running quickly on water, no matter the sea, river, or puddles, is a sign of obstacles that will appear in front of you.

Do you see yourself running on water in a dream? The main point is what the water was like:

  • Running through smooth, clean water means the onset of a calm and joyful period in life.
  • Dirty, seething, foul-smelling water - expect troubles to break into your home.

Rush down the road

Racing along the road in a dream - pay attention to small details that will make life more fulfilling.

It is important to remember which road you were running on, leading down or leading up:

  • on the way up - you will be able to mobilize yourself, learn to enjoy life;

If you were running along the road

Running through the forest

Running through the forest in search of a way out means you are in dire need of rest, your body is working at its limit.

If, while you are running through the forest, the elements are raging, you are scared, and you still cannot find a way out - the body gives the “SOS” signal, the risk of getting sick is as high as possible.

Running through the forest in the snow or in the rain, then moving on all fours or crawling, pulling yourself up on your hands - expect an unpleasant and long business trip.

Vanga’s dreams about running through the forest, in search of salvation, are dreams of those people who will soon be disappointed in themselves. You overestimated your strength, it seemed to you that you could move mountains, instantly climb up the steps of the social ladder, but, unfortunately, this did not happen.

Rush across the ice that covers the mountains

In general, moving on ice covering mountains means trouble in business.

If you run upward along the ice covering the mountains, you will eventually achieve success and be able to overcome all obstacles. If you quickly go down the ice covering the mountains, then failure will reduce all efforts to zero.

If you can run up the ice covering the mountains and see the peak of the mountain in the snow, it means that you are pursuing a highly spiritual goal, gather your strength and you will succeed.

Running on the roof

  • Running on the roof means success in business.
  • Running along the roof, with the fear of flying down, with trembling hands and legs - you will be moving towards your goal for a long time, as you are constantly tormented by doubts.
  • For women, running on the roof in the company of a man means success in love.
  • The yogi interpreter says that running on the roof is very positive. Also, running on the roof indicates that your risk will be worth it.

Run across the bridge

if you were running across the bridge

  • Running across the bridge is a compromise with higher management.
  • Getting across the bridge to the other side is a chance for a positive outcome to a protracted case.
  • Running headlong across a bridge means you are afraid of losing a loved one.
  • Running across a bridge that falls down right behind you means you have imaginary friends who want to do harm.
  • Grishina’s dream book says that running quickly across a bridge means separation from a loved one.

Running in other places: along the corridor, stairs, steps

  • To see a crowd running down the corridor and to be a part of it means you will become one of the victims of the disaster.
  • Running along a bright hospital corridor, especially barefoot, means excellent health. If you are sick, then get well soon. But running along the morgue corridor, on the contrary, leads to illness.
  • Running along the corridor looking for a way out, screaming for help - you are confused in reality, you chose the wrong path and now you bitterly regret it.
  • Run along the corridor in which repairs are being carried out, everything is white and you step as if on snow - get ready for the repairs in reality.

Running down the stairs or steps means you have set the wrong priorities for yourself, because of this, you a priori cannot achieve success.

But running up the steps or stairs is a promotion.

Running down the stairs from someone, for example, a man catching up with you, is a risk of becoming infected or getting sick. If you are caught up, then the disease will still overcome you.

Running in circles

You dreamed that you were running in circles, that you had difficult tasks ahead, which required a lot of strength to complete.

The fact that in a dream you were racing in a circle says - play by the rules, relying only on yourself.

Who did you run away from?

Not only the environment is important, but also the character from whom you happened to run away, if there was one. In a dream, you can run away from a dragon or other mythical creature, or you can run away from very real animals: mice, pigs, bears, cows. Perhaps you were being chased by horses, or a bull, or maybe a whole herd?

Run away from the mouse

Running as fast as you can from the mouse means serious and important conversations are ahead, and your future life will depend on their outcome.

If a mouse was chasing you

If you happen to see mice running away from you, reconsider your relationship with people around you, you are often too harsh, which seriously injures them.

A bull is chasing you, a herd of cows

  • If a bull, a herd of bulls, is chasing you, expect a quick inheritance.
  • A bull is chasing, and you see a whole herd of cows in the distance - a risky undertaking with low chances of success.
  • In the Chinese dream book you can find an interpretation - if a bull is chasing you, they will try to seduce you.
  • A bull or a herd of cows is catching up with you - you have serious competitors, they should not be underestimated.

Run away from the bear

  • For a woman, running away from a bear in a dream is a desire to get rid of an annoying admirer.
  • For men, escaping from a bear means quick marriage.

Run away from the pig

Running from a pig - there are unpleasant rumors about you. Also, running away from the pig is your desire to avoid unambiguous situations that arise with your superiors.

If pigs run away from you, keep your mouth shut and don’t trust even those closest to you.

What were you trying to escape from?

In a dream, you can try to hide from anything. For example, from war or prison, even if in reality you didn’t even think about it.

If you fail to escape from war, grief will overtake you.

Escape from prison - at this time you are in an unenviable position, but soon everything will change, you will find the right way out.

Being late for transport, plane, train

If you were running after a departing vehicle

It happens that in a dream we are trying hard to get to a train, plane, or other means of transportation.

Running to the train - colleagues are talking about you behind your back. If the train has already left, but you catch up with it, you will achieve a high social position. Running but not catching up with the train is loneliness, despite the fact that there will be a crowd nearby.

Make it in time before the plane departs - bring your plans to life today.

In general, it doesn’t matter that you dream of a plane, a bus, a ship - it’s positive if you managed to get there, but if you’re late, difficulties and disappointments await you. The only difference is that an airplane represents your hopes and dreams, while other vehicles represent real actions and actions.

Running - interpretation of dream books

Children cannot imagine their lives without playing catch; they run through puddles, in the rain, in the snow. It all starts with running on all fours and ends with running around with a guy. Then we grow up and are already running on the way to work, or on the way home we stop at the store. Running takes up a significant part of our lives. It’s not surprising that we dream about him from time to time. The compilers of dream interpreters also noticed this.

What does Miller's dream book say about running?

Miller believes that seeing yourself running in a group of people is a sign of having a fun time.

Running away from danger, such as war, prison, police, a bear, an armed man, or being chased by a herd of cows, etc. - unfortunately, you will not have the opportunity to solve your affairs the way you are used to. Something will need to be sacrificed.

According to Miller, to see other people running away from danger means your friend may die, expect sad news.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Running barefoot means trouble.
  • To run away from a man, a bear, a mouse, a pig, cows - embark on a risky journey.
  • Running away from the police, war, prison - the fact that you now have a white streak in life will not last long.
  • Watching horses run - circumstances will be in your favor, but soon everything will change dramatically.
  • Mice running away from you will come to you to woo.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Rushing around barefoot means trouble at work and even loss of your job.

If you ran barefoot

Freud's Dream Book

Running in heavy pouring rain, through puddles, snow, water, ice, and not being able to run up to a building or shelter - you don’t like sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend. At the same time, you do not think that “there is something wrong with me,” you are subconsciously trying to find a new partner.

If jogging brings you pleasure, then you are in excellent physical shape and enjoy your intimate life.

Online dream book

Running in a dream to catch a train or plane - start doing your planned tasks today, this is the only way you can manage everything and not miss anything important.

Seeing yourself running and a crowd of people nearby - all your endeavors will be successful, and the crowd of enemies will fall under your onslaught.

A passion for studying natural phenomena and environmental objects was characteristic of cave people. The unknown, the unknown beckoned and attracted. In the modern world, many phenomena already have a scientific basis, and any schoolchild knows how rain is created. However, this does not prevent him from causing a variety of emotions in people.
Seen in a dream, it gives rise to even more mysteries, because it can appear as anything: a fierce hurricane flooding the land; light warm rain in the forest; a gray curtain outside the window, evoking melancholy. For a correct interpretation, remember all the feelings and details you experienced and saw.

  • The dream of “rain” characterizes a person as a sensitive, receptive person, with a very developed perception.
  • To see drizzling rain in a dream portends minor sorrows. You will cry over a small thing that will upset you, but will not harm you.
  • A dream about rain that dragged on for a long time and caused a feeling of despondency and sadness in the dream - predicts the same state in reality. Melancholy and regrets about the past will overtake you. Take care of developing a hobby so as not to fall into despondency and melancholy.
  • Why does a girl dream about rain? The vision talks about her desire for motherhood.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of rain for the birth of twins, who will be similar in behavior and appearance.
  • Dream: rain, which evokes a feeling of fun, daring and recklessness, predicts that sudden activity and turmoil awaits you, causing positive emotions.
  • A dream: the rain is heavy, but gloomy and prolonged - warns against difficult situations in which you will have to use all your vital resources so as not to break down and not retreat.
  • Rain and - talk about a strong feeling of anxiety that overcomes you. A certain situation haunts and torments you. Work on resolving it to get rid of this oppressive feeling.
  • Dream: rain and sun, tells about the appearance of something good in your destiny, giving goodness and light. Expect an improvement in your life position, the arrival of peace and comfort.
  • Dream Interpretation: Rain is a symbol of a threat, warning that you cannot trust others, increase your vigilance.
  • The dream book interprets “rain under an umbrella” as a chance to get an influential defender who will support you and arrange your destiny.
  • Why do you dream of puddles after rain? The past, which worries you somewhat, will recede and let you live in peace.
  • A meteor shower in a dream promises great changes in fate. Perhaps your dreams will finally come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain of fire is an omen of serious disasters that will affect many people.
  • Why dream: the rain stopped in a dream? Expect the end of the negative streak, the clouds will disperse and luck will smile on you.
  • Walking in the rain in a dream, feeling how negativity and fatigue are leaving you, predicts pleasant moments in reality.
  • Getting wet in the rain in a dream means disappointment in life, a loved one will decide to betray and deceive. The situation will most likely end in your tears, quarrel and breakup if you do not take action.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting caught in the rain in a dream and getting your hair wet portends a series of bright events filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions. Try to keep your wits about you, it will be difficult to correct the situation later.
  • Getting caught in the rain in a dream that was warm and pleasant means that an event awaits you, filled with unadulterated happiness and peace.
  • Running in the rain in a dream and not getting wet means that you are worrying in vain, all your plans will come true, the situation will turn out in your favor.
  • Seeing rain outside the window in a dream foretells good luck will favor you, luck will accompany you, and circumstances will develop as you need.
  • Dream: hiding from the rain predicts that you will be able to avoid trouble.
  • Swimming in the rain in a dream means you can get rid of a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time.
  • Dreaming “to the sound of rain” is a harbinger of a dangerous disease. Take care of your well-being in advance so that the illness does not take you by surprise.
  • Dream: rain in the house portends trouble that will occur as a result of your irrational actions. Involvement in dubious pastimes will not bring good, and will aggravate the situation.
  • The dream book “rain, flood” predicts that due to incidents beyond your control, the situation will get out of control, and you will have to go with the flow, adapting to the circumstances.

Freud's Dream Book

  • The interpretation of dreams “rain” denotes the process of fertilization, the origin of life.
  • Why does a woman dream of getting wet in the rain? The vision talks about her desire to have a child.
  • Why does a man dream of getting wet in heavy rain? The vision speaks of a passion for self-satisfaction.
  • Why does a woman dream of hiding from the rain? She fears an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: hiding from the rain - the vision warns men about problematic moments in bed.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Rain in a dream is interpreted in a positive way by the dream book as renewing the earth, washing away difficulties.
  • The negative meaning of the dream “rain” comes down to the fact that something will force you to hide your emotions.
  • Walking in the rain in a dream that feels warm and pleasant means that joy awaits you in a love relationship.
  • Dream: it is raining heavily - the vision prophesies difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of planned plans.
  • To see rain in a dream that turns into a flood and washes you away means you are about to get into a whirlpool of incidents. It will give you many strong impressions.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Warm rain in a dream prophesies a light and joyful phase, filled with peace and fun.
  • Cold rain in a dream predicts difficulties that can drag on for a long time if you cannot restrain the bad traits of your character.
  • Why do you dream of torrential rain? Predicts loss of control over your emotions.
  • Why dream of seeing rain outside the window? Difficult and stressful times will not affect you much, you will be able to isolate yourself from it.

Jewish dream book
Seeing rain in a dream portends a big profit.
Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dream: quiet rain - you will have to make excuses.
  • Dream: heavy rain predicts great luck.
  • Dream: summer rain, foretells joyful changes.
  • The dream book “getting wet by rain” predicts an illness.
  • Why do you dream of rain, and? Successful implementation of tasks awaits you.
  • Rain and mud in a dream foreshadow a threat to your position; someone will begin to spread evil rumors about you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain from the ceiling - warns that someone will reveal your personal secret, which means a lot to you and serves as protection.

English dream book

  • What does the dream “rain” mean? The vision foreshadows a series of worries that you have to deal with.
  • Dream: walking in the warm and soft rain means that the situation will improve, joy awaits you in a love relationship.
  • Medieval dream book of Daniel
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “rain” is interpreted as a sign of profit and prosperity.

Family dream book

  • What does rain mean in a dream? Expect important incidents that will greatly affect your destiny.
  • Walking in the rain in a dream, but not getting wet, predicts that in reality you will avoid a serious scandal that could damage your position.
  • Getting wet in the rain in a dream predicts difficulties, a series of quarrels that will aggravate your relationships with people.
  • Dream: rain, downpour - dreams of important matters that will require your full commitment.
  • Taking shelter from the rain in a dream means that you will find a strong and influential defender who will come to your aid in the fight against difficulties.
  • Dream interpretation: walking under an umbrella in the rain predicts that your caution and prudence will help you avoid dangerous situations.
  • Dream: a person in the rain means that a loved one will need help in solving his difficulties.
  • The dream book, summer rain, predicts that great joy awaits you soon.
  • The dream, rain in winter, heralds ruin if you don’t pull yourself together and take care of business.
  • Raindrops in a dream warn of the need to take care of your health.
  • Dream: rain at night - predicts the commission of an offense for which you will have to greatly repent. It is possible to meet a person unencumbered by strict moral principles.
  • A dream: rain outside the window means that future difficulties will not touch you, you will remain aloof from bad events.
  • In a dream, hearing rain means little pleasant troubles; big trouble will not affect you, and your little world will not suffer.
  • Dream: rain, puddles - predicts that memories of the past will go away and dissolve, no longer bothering you.
  • A dream: clouds, rain - foreshadows a streak of adversity and sad events. You should prepare for it in order to get through this period with minimal losses.
  • Why do you dream of rain “downpour” outside the window? By making efforts and taking care of everything in advance, you will eliminate adversity from your path, trouble will not touch you.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Dream: it is raining - predicts war, demonstrations or rallies in the region where the dreamer lives.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain indoors - tells that prosperity and peace await those living in this house; Anxiety and adversity will go away.
  • Dream: rain and thunder for a sick person are a symbol of hope, foreshadowing liberation from illness and recovery.
  • Seeing rain or downpour in a dream - for a person burdened with debts, foretells a quick release from them.
  • Dream: lightning, rain - for a prisoner, the vision promises the acquisition of freedom.

Ukrainian dream book

  • It started to rain in a dream - expect bad things to happen, a waste of time.
  • In a dream, to see: the rain is quiet and shallow - you will make excuses.
  • Seeing heavy rain in a dream is a symbol of great troubles, difficulties in performing an important task.
  • A dream: it was raining, but the sun was shining, means that pleasant changes will touch you.
  • Standing in the rain in a dream predicts a serious illness, the loss of something very valuable to you.
  • The dream “evening, rain” predicts that you will cry soon.
  • Dreams of “rain” predict good stories if it rains during the day.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • What does it mean to see rain in a dream? Wait for good news, strengthening of the economy.
  • Why do you dream about rain? Reality will bring joyful emotions.
  • What does it mean if you dream of rain on a cloudy day? It foretells that you will shed tears.
  • Heavy rain in a dream predicts changes in fate.
  • Seeing yourself in the rain in a dream means you will get sick or lose something important.

Generalized dream book

Esoteric dream book
See why you dream about rain? Expect to find harmony and a protective refuge.
Why do you dream of standing in the rain? Relief will come to you through tears.
Eastern women's dream book

  • Why do you dream about warm summer rain? A feeling of lightness, a feeling from a forgotten youth will return to you.
  • Why do you dream of torrential rain? The vision predicts an increase in your income and an increase in financial investments.
  • If you dream: you get wet in the rain - save your frankness for really close people. Trusting strangers can lead to trouble and seriously damage your position.
  • Seeing clouds and rain in a dream is a harbinger of disturbing news; you will receive information that will disturb you.
  • Why do you dream of a man in the rain? The dream foreshadows that you should not completely trust your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: hiding in a house from the rain means that by showing intelligence, you will avoid unpleasant events and not suffer from their consequences.
  • Why do you dream about pouring rain outside the window? Fortune favors you, take advantage of these circumstances to achieve significant success.
  • Why do you dream of rain in the house? Do not overuse dubious entertainment, it will have a bad effect on your reputation in the future.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why do you dream of drizzling rain? Such a vision predicts special luck in business. For lovers, it predicts the harmonious development of relationships.
  • Why do you dream about thunderstorms and rain? You will face deep disappointment in the near future, a series of adversities and difficulties in many areas of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: water, rain - portends good prosperity and receiving good news.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of seeing rain? A dream represents cleansing from the sins of a past life, a change in worldview.
  • Why dream of being in the rain, but not getting wet? Your wishes are close to fulfillment; you won’t have to spend a lot of effort to make this happen.
  • Why do you dream of walking in the rain? Circumstances will not be stronger than you, you will be able to deal with all adversities and begin the next stage of life's journey.
  • In a dream, hiding from the rain under a tree portends outside interference in order to upset your plans.
  • Why do you dream of running in the rain? When solving problems, you rely on luck, and tasks that require the application of knowledge and work are difficult for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rain outside the window? If you watch streams of water from the window of someone else’s home, it means that strangers will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Lunar dream book
Why do you dream about water and rain? The vision foretells victory.
Seeing strong wind and rain in a dream predicts an accident.
Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • I dream: it’s raining, what does it mean? Predicts the end of a protracted period of disasters, the onset of a bright streak.
  • Dream Interpretation: “getting wet from the rain” predicts harmony in family relationships, finding peace and tranquility.
  • Why do you dream of strong wind and rain? The feeling of anxiety consumes you and prevents you from focusing on truly important things.
  • Why do you dream of a hurricane with rain? Expresses your inner dissatisfaction with what is happening.
  • Why do you dream of rain and flood? The vision is interpreted by the promise of cloudless stories that will delight you and warm your soul with their warmth.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Why do you dream about rain on the street, soaking you through? Predicts a cooling of relationships with a loved one. Pay close attention to this circumstance, otherwise a breakup is inevitable.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting caught in the rain in a dream and getting your head wet predicts an outbreak of passionate love that will suddenly cover you.
  • Why do you dream of light rain? Small difficulties await you in matters that will cause several unpleasant moments.
  • Why do you dream of heavy rain or downpour? The vision warns against a great disaster that will break out soon. Its consequences will haunt you for a long time.

Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: rain - interpreted as a sign of receiving unplanned money.
  • Dream Interpretation: light rain - you will cry.
  • Why do you dream about heavy rain? You have to go through a nervous breakdown.
  • Why do you dream about mushroom rain? You will wake up from apathy and finally decide to act.
  • Why do you dream of strong warm rain? Joyful events will happen that will give you a good mood for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of lightning, thunder, rain? Sad events that bring melancholy and blues.
  • Why do you dream about rain and thunder? Fate protects you from misfortunes.
  • Why do you dream of rain and lightning? Your life will be illuminated by a short but strong and emotional love.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of rain? Miller’s dream book interprets it as rebirth, a new stage of life.
  • Why do you dream of dirty rain? The dream foreshadows the receipt of unplanned income.
  • Miller interprets the dream “rain” for women as the need to beware of dubious connections.
  • Miller's dream book interprets “rain” as advice not to trust others if you are unable to hide from water in a dream.
  • Why do you dream of bloody rain? A terrible omen of great trouble: natural disasters, wars and riots.
  • Why do you dream about rain and snow? Your fears are in vain, everything will work out as well as possible.
  • Why do you dream about a rain umbrella? Events will happen that will greatly annoy and upset you.
  • Dream interpretation: getting wet in the rain - you will be exposed to a disease that will not require long-term therapy, you will soon be cured.
  • Dream: rain of fish - predicts rich gifts of fate and an influx of vital energy. You will be able to do many things that will bring you well-being. For women, vision is a symbol of pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rain, downpour? You will lose something very important and necessary for yourself.
  • Why do you dream of black rain? An omen of great trouble.
  • Why in the rain? A strong joyful feeling from the upcoming changes in your destiny.
  • The dream book interprets “thunder, rain” as a negative stage on the path of life, an omen of troubles and sorrowful events.
  • Why do you dream of rain, downpour, and flood? An extremely negative stage of life, foreshadowing widespread disasters that will affect a large number of people.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

  • Rain - the interpretation according to the dream book comes down to the following: a sign of hope for the best, renewal and the blossoming of new strength.
  • Why dream of getting caught in the rain but not getting wet? Favorable forecast, your dreams are destined to come true.
  • Dream interpretation: getting wet in the rain tells that you yourself are able to solve your difficulties without resorting to the services of others.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking in the rain means you are not fit for serious work, relying on luck in everything. You are often unable to cope with the task on your own.

Women's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what does rain mean? Tears will soon have to be shed.
  • Dream Interpretation: drizzling rain, predicts minor annoying disturbances that will cause tears of powerlessness due to the inability to quickly cope with them.
  • Dream Interpretation: raindrops are a sign of an imminent feeling of loss and disappointment from betrayal by loved ones.
  • Why do you dream of heavy rain? In the near future, sad events will occur on your way that will change many aspects of your life for the worse.
  • Why do you dream of rain, downpour? Predicts the loss of something that is very dear and necessary to you. Your plans will not come true; circumstances beyond your control will seriously interfere with this.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rain outside the window? Sad events will pass very close by, but will not affect your path in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting wet in the rain means that you will not be able to resolve your difficulties without outside intervention.
  • The dream book interprets rain, mud as a prediction of joyless and sorrowful phenomena.
  • Seeing a meteor shower in a dream predicts favorable events if the environment is not damaged. If a rockfall caused a fright, expect bad things that will bring you negativity.
  • Running in the rain in a dream is a warning about caution and attentiveness. Your neglect of others will lead to disaster.
  • Star rain - a dream is interpreted as the fulfillment of desires.
  • Dream: rain and hail - evil gossip can greatly harm your position.

Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: mushroom rain predicts that your endeavors will be successful.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rainbow after the rain promises good luck in a love relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting wet in the rain is a period of adversity and troubles.

Imperial dream book
Why do you dream that it is raining? The vision personifies the internal state of the individual, his emotions and feelings.
French dream book
Dream Interpretation: the sound of rain predicts sad emotions, blues.
Dream Interpretation: thunder, lightning, rain - a dream talks about possible betrayal on the part of a partner.
Muslim dream book

  • The Muslim dream book interprets “seeing rain in a dream” as healing from illnesses, recovery.
  • The Muslim dream book interprets rain for people languishing in captivity as an opportunity to soon leave the walls of prison.
  • The Muslim dream book interprets “seeing rain in a dream” for a person suffocating under the weight of debts as a quick release from them.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets “rain” as an omen of unfortunate events.
Why dream of getting wet in the rain? Illnesses will prevail.
Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga’s dream book “rain” interprets that you have a strong developed intuition, and you will have the opportunity to help many people with the help of this quality.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain with a thunderstorm predicts a quick resolution of a conflict that has been bothering you for a long time.
  • The dream book interprets “hurricane, rain” as an omen of a natural disaster that can cause harm to you and others.

Islamic dream book

  • The Islamic dream book interprets rain in a dream as an omen of a military conflict that will happen in the dreamer’s place of residence.
  • The Islamic dream book interprets “rain” for a sick person as a promise of relief from torment.
  • The Islamic dream book interprets rain in a dream as deliverance from all misfortunes if it floods the dreamer’s home.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of rain - interprets it as an opportunity to get rid of worries and adversity through a stressful situation and conflict with others.
  • Dream interpretation: getting caught in the rain and getting wet is interpreted as the beginning of a serious conflict, on which you will have to spend a lot of energy and emotions.
  • If you get caught in heavy rain, the dream book warns of a threat looming over you. You will experience disappointment in the behavior of others, and a clash may occur on this basis.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rain that was quiet and shallow? Dissatisfaction with what is happening, disappointed hopes.
  • Why do you dream of mushroom rain? Blessed changes and improvements will make you rejoice and give you a good mood for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain and hail, tells that despite all your doubts and fears, the adventure you decided on will end successfully.
  • Online dream interpretation - rain that was warm is interpreted as an increase in financial well-being.
  • In a dream, walking in the warm rain - in reality, you will be able to take control of the situation and the feelings of other people into your own hands.
  • Dream Interpretation: thunderstorm, lightning, rain are seen as a sign of extensive losses. But if they passed by, you can avoid big trouble and not suffer from the consequences.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rain, downpour? Your life's path will take a sharp turn, which will lead you to unexpected wealth.
  • Why do you dream of rain outside the window? Watching water pouring from the sky from a safe place indicates that trouble will happen to one of your relatives.
  • Why do you dream of heavy rain and floods that soak you? Great difficulties in financial matters; you will have to try hard to avoid ruin.
  • Dream interpretation: running in the rain represents your attempts to overcome obstacles that have arisen along the way and prevent you from completing the task as intended.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking in the rain - you prefer to solve matters by leaving them to chance, and not putting significant effort into them.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing in the rain - predicts that you will not take active action when you find yourself in a difficult situation, but will expect how it will be resolved on its own.
  • Why do you dream of sitting in the rain? Your inertia and reluctance to act prevent you from achieving anything meaningful in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain in winter - sad events, loss of valuables.
  • Why do you dream about rain outside your window in winter? Your inaction and attempts to isolate yourself from reality will lead to ruin.
  • Dream Interpretation: the roof is leaking from the rain - peace and harmony will leave your home, a streak of scandals, strife and intrigue will begin.
  • Dream Interpretation: a meteor shower falls on the earth - predicts unusual events and changes, but only if it does not cause destruction. Otherwise, it is considered a harbinger of bad phenomena that destroy the usual way of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: puddles after rain predict denunciations and slander. They will try to discredit you in front of management and others.
  • Dream Interpretation: clouds, rain - an omen of impending danger. Be attentive to the actions of others; it is impossible to predict where the threat will come from.
  • The dream book, rain at sea, warns of a situation in which you will need to show a lot of tact and patience so as not to be drawn into the whirlpool of a major scandal.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking in the rain without an umbrella means you will feel severe pain due to a quarrel with a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain and wind talk about an acute feeling of anxiety that torments you and does not allow you to concentrate on an important matter. It will not go away until you understand what is causing this anxiety.
  • The sky clears up after the rain - the personification of that. That everything will get better in your life: worries and sorrows will go away, harmony and peace will visit you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain and snow warns of trials, after which you will be rewarded.
  • Dream interpretation: rain of beetles, interprets the vision as a harbinger of a serious illness or great disappointment.
  • The dream book interprets rain of rice as unexpected happiness that suddenly fell on you. Peace and prosperity in the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: dancing in the rain means lightness and harmony in the near future. You are unable to be upset by minor troubles and adversities when you look forward optimistically.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain in the apartment predicts that you will not be able to hide from troubles anywhere. No matter how you pretend that everything is in order and what is happening does not concern you, events will still have a negative impact on you.
  • Why do you dream about a drunken husband in the rain? Committing rash acts under the influence of the situation.
  • Why do you dream about rain and a train? The vision tells you that you are significantly behind current events, and in an attempt to catch up and take control, you are spending a lot of effort.
  • Why do you dream about the sun after the rain? Despite the difficult situation, you must believe that the situation will change for the better and give relief from worries and bad thoughts.
  • Why do you dream about hot rain? You will be visited by a desire to commit an evil act; emotions suddenly out of control.

Psychological dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: warm rain is seen as a joyful and carefree state. It is as if you will return to childhood, where no worries had power over you.
  • Dream Interpretation: heavy rain, flood - your salary will be unexpectedly increased or you will be paid a remuneration that you did not expect.
  • In a dream, getting caught in heavy rain means don’t trust strangers, don’t share the details of your fate with them, this will turn into disaster for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain, downpour outside the window - problematic situations will not disturb you, trouble will not touch you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain is pouring from the ceiling - your penchant for dubious amusements will lead to a natural negative result and call into question your future happiness.

Spring dream book

  • Why do you dream of rain in a dream? The vision prophesies emotions that cause you tears and despair.
  • Dream Interpretation: The rain outside is warm - interprets it as a sign of joyful emotions that the future will give you.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting caught in the rain is a sad incident that will unsettle you for a long time.
  • The dream book, heavy rain outside the window, predicts phenomena that can bring you to a nervous shock.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed of rain, it means that in reality glorious events await you; success, love and harmony in relationships with loved ones will accompany you in business.
  • Why do you dream of rain made of ice? Your adventurous venture will end well, don’t be so afraid and worried.
  • Dream: thunderstorm, lightning, rain - phenomena that will happen soon will frighten you very much.

Solomon's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: seeing rain and wind is interpreted as dissatisfaction.
Ivanov’s newest dream book

  • I have a dream: it’s raining – what does it mean? If in the dream it was weak, slightly drizzling, then in reality you will have to repent of your bad deeds.
  • Seeing torrential rain in a dream - beware of a nervous breakdown; You will be greatly undermined by the emerging circumstances.
  • To see in a dream: if you get caught in the rain, you will buy yourself some new product.
  • Dream Interpretation: meteor shower promises news from people who are far from you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain - a warning about heart and respiratory tract diseases.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Looking at the rain in a dream is a waste of time.
  • Dream interpretation: the rain is falling quietly - you have to make excuses.
  • What does heavy rain mean in a dream? Total bad luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking in the rain means illness awaits you.
  • The interpretation of dreams “rain, downpour” warns that you may get hurt while swimming.

Chinese dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: after the rain the sky cleared - sad events will pass, leaving behind a faint joy that everything is over.
  • Dream: heavy rain outside the window prophesies about painful events that will leave a sad mark on the heart.
  • Getting wet in the rain while on the road in a dream means that in the near future you will be invited to a celebration where you will be treated to food and drink.

Vedic dream book
Dream Interpretation: seeing rain in a dream is interpreted as impossible tasks, difficulties and obstacles on the way to the intended goal.
The dream book interprets rain in a dream as a favorable phenomenon if it was small and quiet. This serves as a sign of impending joyful events.
Universal dream book

  • Seeing heavy rain or downpour in a dream is a difficult period, overshadowed by troubles that will arise due to your reluctance to control the impulses of your temperament.
  • Enjoying rain in a dream is a sign of good things happening in reality; something unusual will happen to you that will give you a charge of positive mood.
  • Dream: walking in heavy rain, making it difficult to move - your gullibility greatly harms you and prevents you from achieving significant results.
  • Dream Interpretation: running in the rain - a vision warns of the negative consequences of your ignoring current events.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain outside the window predicts days filled with joy that will linger in your memory for a long time, warming you.
  • Getting caught in the rain in a dream – what does it mean? You will get into an extremely unpleasant story, which will seriously affect your future fate.
  • Dancing in the rain in a dream - the dream talks about you as a person who is able to benefit from any situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone close to you is standing in the rain - in reality, he will need your help.
  • Dream: rain, hail, snow - predicts a streak of bad luck. Don’t start new things, they will all end in failure and at a loss for you.
  • Rain and stars in a dream predict the fulfillment of your deepest desires, the fulfillment of which you did not even dare to hope.
  • Dream: a hurricane with rain warns that seemingly stable and long-term affairs will be in jeopardy.
  • Diamond rain in a dream predicts a significant increase in your income, a sudden win.
  • The interpretation of dreams “rain after prayer” tells that you will have to make very difficult choices in order to find what you want.
  • Dream: the road after the rain signifies the beginning of the next stage of life; At the same time, there remains a slight sadness for the past, which will inspire to accomplish new things.
  • A dream about a meteor shower predicts unusual stories in which you will become a participant. Incidents will be marked by strange phenomena and occurrences.
  • Dream: rain of fish predicts an imminent replenishment of the family, and promises women a long-awaited pregnancy.
  • Rain of ladybugs in a dream warns against small nasty things that envious people will do to you. Reminds you that loved ones need your love and care, and advises you to pay them as much attention as possible.
  • Washing in the rain in a dream predicts a change of place of work, where the new team will be much better than the previous one.
  • Clouds of rain in a dream predict serious illnesses; worry about your health in advance.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain at home - deterioration of family relationships. Quarrels and conflicts will become more frequent, and it will become more difficult for you to find a common language with your family.
  • The dream book “umbrella, rain” predicts that you will be plagued by minor troubles, which you will be able to get rid of.
  • Dream Interpretation: rain, puddles - envious people will try to slander you. If in a dream you were able to cross puddles, then in reality you will brilliantly refute all accusations.
  • Dream interpretation: rain at night - paints a gray and sad picture of your life. It is necessary to revive it with the bright colors of positive emotions and impressions, the joy of new exciting activities and plans.
  • Seeing rain or a thunderstorm in a dream - the vision warns of upcoming alarming events; the threat of a serious conflict is gathering over you, which could cause harm in many areas of your activity.
  • Dream: rain on the sea tells about your doubts in your own abilities, it seems to you that the task at hand is too global for you to complete it.
  • The dream, hot rain, is explained as a surge of joyful emotions, an abundance of new impressions.
  • The dream, the rain of blood, serves as a reminder of sins and that you have forgotten and neglected spiritual covenants.
  • Crying in the rain in a dream means you will find comfort in reality.
  • Dream: golden rain - predicts treason and betrayal of the other half.
  • Dream: dirty rain - you will have to communicate with unpleasant people who do not hesitate to collect rumors and gossip about everyone.
  • Dream: rain of fire - foretells global cataclysms that will greatly affect your life.
  • Dream: rain in the forest - reminds you of the need to repent of bad deeds and sincerely ask for forgiveness. (cm. )
  • Dream: laughing in the rain - a successful start to a new project awaits you, to which you will devote a large amount of time.
  • Dream: rain from the ceiling promises major worries.
  • Dream: in the rain - expect a pleasant surprise from a person dear to your heart.
  • Barefoot in the rain - a dream predicts major adversity and conflicts, which will ultimately come to a natural result.

Italian dream book
The interpretation of dreams “in the rain” says that such visions are a sign of a desire to hide from the outside world. Indicate a tendency towards melancholy and melancholy.
The dream book “rain, heavy rain” speaks of a developed intuitive sense.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki
Seeing heavy rain outside the window in a dream - expect to receive wealth.
Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about rain and wind? You will be angry about something.
Danilova's erotic dream book
Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “rain” means the harmonious development of relationships, if it was warm.
Snow and rain in a dream predict a deterioration in relationships and frequent quarrels.
Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • What does rain mean in a dream? Small and small warns of the need to explain.
  • Dream Interpretation: heavy rain - you will be lucky.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing rain in a dream in sunlight means changes for the better.
  • Dream interpretation: heavy rain is a harbinger of illness.
  • The dream “rain, a lot of water” warns against the danger that threatens during the bathing process.

Egyptian dream book
Dream about rain: what does it mean? They are plotting against you.
Rain in dreams is not an absolutely negative sign. Most often, it marks some difficult period, during which you will experience hardships and minor hardships. But like any rain, this stage ends and the time of joyful emotions and reward for work comes.
If the rain in your dreams was pleasant to you, this means that warm feelings and amazing events await you in reality.

If in a dream you find yourself barefoot in the rain, then in reality you prefer to openly express your emotions. Sometimes a vision hints that you have literally opened your soul to the wrong person. The dream book will help you find out why this phenomenon occurs most often in dreams.

Miller's Hint

Did you dream that you were wandering around on a rainy night, barefoot, and even in torn clothes? The dream book predicts a complete collapse of hopes and expectations. Moreover, you will clearly feel that invisible dark forces are interfering in your life.

How did you feel?

What does it mean that you lost your shoes and found yourself barefoot in the rain? This is a clear sign of self-doubt. If at the same time you felt discomfort and inconvenience, then get ready for all sorts of difficulties. In addition, mistakes made in the past will cause future failure.

It's good to see that walking without shoes is a real pleasure. This plot means absolute luck in all areas of life. The dream book considers calm and tranquility in a dream a sign of spiritual cleansing and relief.


Why dream of walking barefoot in the rain on a warm day? You are destined for happy love and prosperity in business. Did you dream that it was cold and disgusting to splash through puddles? The dream book guarantees the cooling of romantic relationships.

It’s good to see your bare feet in the mud in a dream. You'll get your money soon. But if there was blood on them, then you will have a serious enemy.

Did you dream that you happily splashed your bare feet on a wet road? Expect great luck. But if you are frozen at the same time, get ready for unrequited feelings.

Think about it..

Why else dream of walking barefoot in the rain? In a dream, this is a favorable symbol, promising the completion of a difficult stage. But only if you felt good and comfortable. Any discomfort indicates unhappiness with your chosen one or even divorce.

Did you dream that you were not only barefoot, but also without clothes? The dream book predicts a serious illness, a loud scandal, public exposure and shame. Sometimes this same vision indicates the commission of stupid acts in the near future.

Decoding the phenomenon

In order to have an extremely complete interpretation of the dream, the dream book recommends recalling the features of rain.

  • Torrential - improvement, growth.
  • Minor - minor troubles.
  • Mushroom - winning, pleasant changes.
  • Warm – hope, good times.
  • Cold - difficulties in love, illness.
  • With a thunderstorm - danger, threats.
  • Strong, but without thunderstorms and wind in a dream - wealth, prosperity.

Definitely fall in love!

Why dream if you managed to be barefoot in the rain during a real hurricane? A particularly turbulent period of life is coming, filled with difficulties, losses and grief.

Did you dream that you were walking in a dream under the warm summer rain? Benefit from a certain enterprise and experience quiet, cozy happiness. It's good to see lightning flashing overhead. The dream book promises fiery love.

Most of them are not remembered, but for some reason some of them get stuck in the memory and are constantly reminded of themselves. Some people think that in a dream, higher powers send them some kind of sign that must be unraveled. Why do you dream of walking barefoot according to various dream books? We will try to answer this question in the article.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud was distinguished by his original thinking and gave all his interpretations a sexual overtones. According to the famous psychoanalyst, if a woman is with her next lover, she will be liberated and will not be embarrassed to demonstrate all her emotions and feelings. This fact will benefit the new relationship, because openness during intimate moments will bring lovers closer and make them feel complete trust in each other.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream interpreter has his own opinion about what this dream means. “I walk barefoot, which means I foresee trouble!” - he claims. True, Miller immediately adds several clarifications to this interpretation. In order to experience the collapse of all your plans and hopes in the future, you need to not only walk barefoot, but at night, and even in a torn outfit. It is this kind of dream that symbolizes some kind of evil that haunts the sleeper and promises him various hardships.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

And this famous medium believes and predicts positive changes in life. If a woman walked barefoot in a dream, it means that in the near future she will have enough money to purchase her own estate. And for men, this dream promises a profitable real estate deal. So, according to Hasse, walking barefoot in your sleep is beneficial.

Correct dream book

This version claims to be completely reliable, so it must be taken seriously. It turns out that such a dream promises the sleeper future troubles, conflicts and annoying gossip. But if a young woman in a dream walked barefoot along the edge of a pond, and even splashed water around her, then in reality she will experience success in all her endeavors. However, if a sleeping woman dreams of a bare foot print in the sand, it means that her triumph will not last long. And one more thing - carefully watch your own shoes in your sleep. While your bare feet are basking on the coastal sand, someone could kidnap her. And to see in a dream that someone else is wearing your shoes means acquiring a serious rival or competitor in reality.

Ukrainian dream book

This dream book has its own opinion about what this dream means. “I walk barefoot, which means I have excellent health in reality,” it says. However, everything is not so simple: this version works when the process brings true pleasure to the sleeper. If walking in the dew without shoes gives the dreamer joy, in reality he is really strong in spirit and body. But if he experiences any unpleasant sensations while walking, in reality he will face hardships and troubles.

Some components

Many people ask the question: “What awaits me in the future if I walk in a dream? In dream books you can find several answers to it at once. Thus, running barefoot along a snow embankment means experiencing a need for attention and love. The sleeper feels that loneliness is consuming him and strives from these unpleasant sensations. And if he collapses in a snowdrift, it means that he will experience serious financial difficulties in the future. Walking in dirty snow barefoot is not worth it at all - this promises the dreamer great humiliation, from which he will have to recover for quite a long time.

Positive events are promised by a dream in which the sleeper walks barefoot on asphalt or sand. If you have such a dream, it means that all your wishes will come true, life will become harmonious, every day will bring joy, and all your endeavors will certainly be crowned with success. So choose a suitable place in your dream for walking, and then feel free to take off your shoes.


Now every woman knows what awaits her ahead if she walked barefoot in a dream. However, everyone is the master of their own destiny, so you should not blindly trust dream books. But if you are a fatalist at heart and consider your dreams prophetic, then remember that it is better to run in a dream on asphalt or sand than in the snow, and carefully watch your shoes when you take them off while walking. Then everything will be under control, and your wishes will certainly come true.