God Svarog - God of the Heavens of the Revealed World, Patron God of Vyria (Slavic-Aryan Garden of Eden), Heavenly AsGard (City of the Gods) and the Palace of the Bear in the Svarog Circle.

1. Honor each other, son - Mother and Father, husband and wife live in harmony.

2. The husband must encroach on one wife - otherwise you will not know salvation.

3. Run away from Falsehood and follow the Truth, honor your Family and the Heavenly Family.

4. Read three days a week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read the Great Holidays. Therefore, it is appropriate for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, either by lot or by talent on other days without blemish. The seventh day is given to men, animals and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Go to each other, love each other, you will be happy - sing songs to the Gods.

5. Read Lent, from the burning of Madder to the wedding of Jiva. Beware people, in this time of falsehood, keep your belly strictly from being eaten, your hands from plundering, your lips from blasphemy.

6. Honor the eggs in honor of the egg of the Koshcheev, which our Dazhbog broke, thereby causing the Flood.

7. Read Holy Week - just as our Dazhbog grieved from the crucifixion to his salvation by Swan-Jiva, so you grieve humbly. And don’t drink intoxicating drinks, don’t say a swear word!

8. Read the Kupala Days. Remember the victory of Perunov, how Perun defeated the Skipper beast and how he gave freedom to his sisters, how he cleansed them in the waters of Iria.

9. Read Perun's Day. How Perun wooed Diva on the fifth day, how Perun defeated the Sea King and cast down the violent Veles from heaven, remember Perunov’s wedding!

10. Read Mother Lada and the Heavenly Family. Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clans.

11. After your harvest, remember the Dormition of Zlatogorka, honor the day of Volkh Zmievich, son of Indra, Yasna Falcon.

12. Honor the day of Makosha Mother, the Radiant Great Mother, the Heavenly Mother of God.

13. Honor the day of Tarkh Dazhbog - remember his marriage.

14. Honor the Great Life-Giving England and Your Gods, who are the messengers of the One God of the One Race.

15. Honor old age and protect youth, learn the Wisdom that your Ancestors left you.

16. Live in harmony with other Clans, help when they ask you for help.

17. Do not spare your belly, to protect your Home, to protect your Family and your Holy Faith, to protect your Holy Land.

18. Do not force the Holy Faith on people, and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person.

19. Read PASKHET, and remember the fifteen-year transition from Daariya to Raseniya, as the sixteenth Summer. Our Ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Great Flood.

20. Live in union with Nature, do not destroy it, for it is the support of your Life and the entire living race.

21. Do not bring bloody sacrifices to Alatyr, do not anger your Gods, for it is disgusting for Them to accept innocent blood from God’s creatures.

22. Protect with a strong hand your Temples and Sanctuaries, help with all your might, you to all the Wanderers and Templars who keep that Ancient Secret, the Word of God, the Word of the Wise.

23. Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild animals, and many diseases will take root in you. You eat clean food that grows in your fields, in your forests and gardens, then you will gain many strengths, bright forces, and sickness, illness and torment with suffering will not overtake you.

24. Do not cut your brown or gray hair, for you will not comprehend the wisdom of God and you will lose your health.

25. Father, raise your sons and daughters, teach them to live a righteous life, instill in them hard work, respect for youth and respect for old age. Sanctify their lives with the Holy Faith and Wisdom of the Ancestors.

26. Do not boast of your strength to the weak so that they praise and fear you, but gain glory and strength in battles with the enemy.

27. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor; guard your lips from blasphemy.

28. Do good deeds for the glory of the Heavenly Family, and your great ancestors and your holy land.

29. Whatever deeds people do to you, such you will do to them, for every deed is measured by its own measure.

30. Give a tenth of your wealth to the One God, and a hundredth to the leader and his squad, so that they protect your land.

31. Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown and explain the inexplicable, for the Gods help those who strive to know Wisdom.

32. Do not take the life of your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but God; but do not spare the lives of the enemies who attack you and your lands, for they went against the will of God.

33. Do not accept offerings and rewards for the deeds that you have created with the help of the Gift from God, and for your good deeds, for the Gift of God given to you will be lost and no one will say that you are doing good.


God Perun - Patron God of the warriors of the Great Race, protector of the Lands and Family of the Svyatorus (Rusians, Belarusians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Latgalians, Semigallians, Polans, Serbs, etc.) from the forces of Darkness, God the Thunderer, ruler of Lightning, son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God, grandson of God Vyshnya. Patron God of the Hall of the Eagle in the Svarog Circle. He told the people in Asgard of Iria the Sacred Vedas, recorded by the X’Aryan Priestly Runes in the “Santiyah Vedas of Perun” (Book of Wisdom of Perun).

1. Honor your Parents and support them in their old age, for as you show care for them, your children will also show care for you...

2. Preserve the memory of all the Ancestors of your Clans and your descendants will remember you...

3. Protect old and young, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for these are your relatives, the wisdom and color of your peoples...

4. Foster in your children a love for the Holy Land of the Race, so that they are not seduced by overseas miracles, but can themselves create more wonderful and beautiful miracles, and for the glory of your Holy Land...

5. Do not perform miracles for your own good, but create miracles for the benefit of your Family and the Heavenly Family...

6. Help your neighbor in his troubles, for when trouble comes to you, your neighbors will also help you...

7. Do good deeds, for the glory of your Family and your Ancestors, and find protection from your Light Gods...

8. Help with all your might to build Temples and Sanctuaries, preserve the Wisdom of God, the Ancient Wisdom...

9. Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God...

10. Cleanse yourself in the waters of Iriy, which is a river flowing in the Holy Land, to wash your white body, to sanctify it with God’s power...

11. Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Law that your Light Gods have given you...

12. Honor people, you Rusal days, observe God’s holidays...

13. Do not forget your Gods, burn incense and incense to the glory of the Gods and you will find the favor and mercy of your Gods...

14. Do not offend your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony...

15. Do not humiliate the dignity of other people, and let not your dignity be humiliated...

16. Do not cause harm to people of other faiths, for God the Creator is One over all Earths... and over all Worlds...

17. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you will invite curses upon yourself and there will be no forgiveness for you all your days without a trace...

18. Defend your land and you will defeat all the enemies of the Race with your right weapons...

19. Protect the Clans of Rasen and Svyatorus from Foreign enemies who are coming into your lands with evil thoughts and weapons.

20. Do not boast about your strength when going to Battle, but rather boast when leaving the Battlefield...

21. Keep the Wisdom of God secret, do not give the Secret Wisdom to the pagans...

22. Do not convince those people who do not want to listen to you and heed your words...

23. Save your Temples and Sanctuaries from the desecration of the pagans, if you do not save the Shrines of the Holy Race... and the Faith of your Ancestors, years of sorrow and resentment with suffering will visit you...

24. Whoever runs away from his land to a foreign land, in search of an easy life, is an apostate of his Family, may he not have forgiveness from his Family, for the Gods will turn away from him...

25. Do not rejoice, you, at someone else’s grief, for whoever rejoices at someone else’s grief calls grief to himself...

26. Do not slander or laugh at those who love you, but respond to love with love and find the protection of your Gods...

27. Love your neighbor if he is worthy...

28. Do not take a wife, a brother - his sister, and a son - his mother, for you will anger the Gods and ruin the blood of the Family...

29. Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate the house and destroy your Family, but take wives with white skin, you will glorify your house... and continue your Family...

30. As a wife, do not wear men’s clothing, for you will lose your femininity, but as a wife, wear what is appropriate for you...

31. Do not break the bonds of the Family Union, sanctified by the Gods, for you will go against the law of the One Creator God and lose your happiness...

32. Let no child be killed in the womb of the mother, for whoever kills the child in the womb will incur the wrath of the One Creator God... Love your husbands’ wives, for they are your protection and support, and that of your entire Family...

33. Do not drink a lot of intoxicating drinks, know the limit in your drinking, for whoever drinks a lot of intoxicating drinks loses his human appearance...

From time immemorial, many Clans gave preference to the Heavenly Gods closest in Spirit and Blood, who always came to the aid of white people in all corners of Midgard-Earth. In those ancient times, people and Gods fraternized with each other, and the Heavenly Gods left their Commandments so that happiness and joy would not leave those Clans of the Great Race. There are many Commandments of the Light Gods, as well as the Heavenly Gods who gave them, so that a person can fulfill all the Commandments of the Many-Wise Gods in his life, as mentioned earlier, one should remember the Two Great Principles: To sacredly honor the Light Gods and the Many-Wise Ancestors, and also to live according to Conscience .

Below are some of the commandments of the Heavenly Gods, a few of the many that should be strictly adhered to in our daily lives.


Lada-Mother - Heavenly Mother, Mother of God, Patroness of the Great Race (Slavic-Aryan territories) and the Hall of the Elk in the Svarog Circle.

1. May the firstborns of the Family, blessed by Svarog, be united in a Family Union in the Years of their Wisdom.

2. That of the wives who renounces her husband and his Family is unworthy of being a Mother and she will not know Happiness and Joy in her life, but only the bitterness of loss.

3. If a Mother renounces her child, born in pain, then she will not find peace in her Soul, neither in the Revealed World, nor in the Navi World, and the Most Pure Svarga will hide from her forever.

4. May any Mother put her Soul into all her deeds, and create Peace, Tranquility and Joy in her House.

5. May the daughter of God not renounce her duty to the Family and may she not renounce the birth of children beyond her Duty to the Family.

6. May only Lad and Love reign in the Family Union, and may troubles, hard times and losses not befall the Family Union.

7. Live, people, in Union with Nature, multiplying it, and not destroying it.

8. May the daughter of God accept her betrothed spouse into the Family Union, and love and honor him as God the Protector of her Family.

9. May the son of God accept his betrothed wife in the Family Union and love and honor her as the Guardian Goddess of his home and the successor of his Family.

10. Keep your Family Unions. Sanctified by the Gods, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, and may the Light Gods help you, and may your ancient Clans be multiplied.

11. Take care, daughters of God, from childhood on your light brown hair - the honor of your clans, braid your light brown hair into wondrous braids, cover them with beregins.

12. Wake up from your dreams with the Clear Sun, the Clear Stars will guide you to rest.

13. May the youngest son arrive in Childbirth with his Parents, and may he support his Parents in the days of old age, just as they supported him in the days of his youth.

14. If in your glorious Family there are more than six daughters, then it is better for you to become related to a mighty Family, in which there are more than six sons. And this blessed Kinship of yours will strengthen your ancient and glorious Clans.

15. The more children there are in your Clans, the more Love, Joy and Happiness will remain in your Clans, for your children strengthen your Clans and lead them to greatness and prosperity.

16. Never forget, children of the Great Race, the Patron Gods of your Clans and all the Ancestors of your Clans, for all the Patron Gods and wise Ancestors of yours are the mighty roots of your Clans, the source of life and prosperity of your Clans.


Stribog is the God who controls lightning, whirlwinds, hurricanes and sea winds. Patron God of the Land of Stribog.

1. Spiritualized Family Union, may it be sanctified by all the elements and the Heavenly Gods.

2. A man who does not have children does not fulfill his duty to his Family and the Great Race, for his children are a continuation of his ancient Family.

3. May the Fire of your hearts and hearths not go out, if you live according to your Conscience, and not at the instigation of someone else.

4. May you not desecrate with your corruption the Holy Land of your Ancestors, which is watered with the Blood and Sweat of your Grandfathers.

5. Make it easier for your loved ones to leave through the Great Krody and the spacious Lodya, so that the Souls of your loved ones with the smoke of Krodny can ascend to the Most Pure Svarga to your Ancestors.

6. Honor the memory of your Ancestors with bloodless sacrifices, for what you sacrifice to them is what they will receive.

7. Do not destroy your Souls, striving for earthly blessings, for all the blessings of the Revealed World will not create the smallest benefit of the World of Rule.

8. Failure to fulfill the Commandments of many deprives a person of help from the Gods and his Ancestors, for only those who keep the Commandments and the Two Great Principles are helped by all the Gods.

9. End all disputes between your Clans with fraternal peace, and battles with enemies with a victorious feast.

10. Before creating your Family Union, let your heart always be submissive to your Parental will, for life without a Parental blessing is worse than bondage.

11. Do not go, people of the Clans of the Great Race, against your Clear Conscience and the ancient laws of your Clans, for on the roundabout Paths of your life there is no peace for your Soul.

12. Take care, people of the Clans of the Great Race, your Parents and the Elders of your Clans, for there is no one Kinner and Wiser for you than the Parents and Elders of your ancient Clans.

13. Do not create, people of the Clans of the Great Race, a free wind in your heads, thunder clouds in your speeches and a thunderstorm in your hearts.

14. Remember, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the wealth and prosperity of your ancient Clans was originally contained in your small children, whom you must raise in love, kindness and hard work.

15. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the meaning of life and prosperity of your Clans rests on four ancient foundations, which are Faith, Conscience, Love and Will.

16. Create, people of the Clans of the Great Race, according to the dictates of your heart, for your heart is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and Divine Power.


God Ladaad is the Guardian God of the Highest Truth and Hidden Heavenly Wisdom in all Light Worlds.

1. Let the Family Union, deepened by the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, be built on the great rule bearing the Spiritual Swastika.

2. Know that Harmony flows into the opposite Halls, except for the Swastika and Trisvastika, for these Heavenly Halls do not generate Harmony, but Mutual Love and Fertility.

3. Preserve in your great and small Clans the Ancient Wisdom of your Ancestors and the Heavenly Wisdom of your Light Gods.

4. The Highest Heavenly Truth becomes accessible and understandable only to those people who strive for the heights of creation, moving along the Golden Path of Spiritual and Mental perfection.

5. Protect, people, the Highest Heavenly Truth from dark forces and from ignorant people with sleeping Souls and hard hearts. For, having acquired knowledge about the Highest Truth, they will distort the Truth and hide it from the eyes of those seeking the Golden Path of Spiritual and Mental perfection.

6. Pass on the Wisdom of Creative Creation, which your Clans keep, to your descendants. And let this Wisdom pass from Fathers to Sons and from Grandfathers to Grandsons.

7. Preserve, people, the Beauty of your Native Land for the descendants of your ancient Clans, increasing the Beauty of your Native Land, and to the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.

8. Do not allow, people, evil and unrighteous anger into your Souls, for they will denigrate your Souls, and your hearts will become callous.

9. Do not listen to the voice of those people who say that the Highest Truth and Wisdom of the Light Gods has been lost. Because they themselves do not know what they are proclaiming, for it is impossible to lose what is connected to your Souls and Hearts.

10. The Sacred Duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clans is to give birth to sons so that they become successors of the Ancient Great Clans.

11. The Great Duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race is to give birth to daughters, for they must give birth to children to continue the Ancient Great Clans.


Chislobog is the God who controls the flow of time and the Slavic-Aryan chronology. Chislobog is both the Supreme God and the God-Manager. In his left hand he holds a sword pointing downwards, which symbolizes protection and preservation, and in his right hand Chislobog has a shield on which the Runic Circle (calendar) is inscribed.

1. May those born in Ramhat bring harmony to all children born in the rest of Lethe.

2. Those born in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin, let them not look for their betrothed in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin.

3. Do not waste time, for he who loses a little time loses his Life in parts.

4. From dawn to dusk, create, people, and from dusk to dawn, rest, people.

5. No personal freedom or will can change the flow of the River of Time and duty to the Heavenly Family and your Gods.

6. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the life of each creature has its own course of Time, and therefore do not take someone else’s life, for by disturbing the course of the Life Time of other creatures, you change the Time of your life.

7. If every person strives towards a goal in life, fulfilling his destiny in accordance with the flow of the Time of life, then his life will acquire the Highest Spiritual meaning.

8. Do not waste time, but fill your life with Holiness, and with good deeds, and for the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.

9. Live, people of the Clans of the Great Race, according to your Conscience, and may you find peace in your Souls, and may your Lifetime be filled with meaning.

10. Every event in Nature and your life occurs at a time determined by the Gods and in its own time, and no matter how you reject it, what is destined to happen will definitely happen.


God Odin is the Guardian God of the Wisdom of the Ancient Runes, the Patron God and Protector of the Da’Aryan Family. God-Warrior fighting Dark forces.

1. Let there be no Family Union between those born in the One Summer, except for those born on the One Day and the One Hour.

2. The greatest and most priceless jewels in the World are the Sword, Conscience and Wisdom. Everything else will not bring prosperity to the Family.

3. Master all the arts and ancient Wisdom that your Clans originally preserved, and also learn the arts and ancient Wisdom of other peoples, but do not teach everything to other peoples.

4. Remember that it is not a pity to give your eye for a sip from the source of Ancient Wisdom, for the one who knows the Runes without eyes can see.

5. Do not reveal the secret of the Runes to other peoples, for they use the ancient secret Wisdom and the Greatest Power of Nature against you and your Clans.

6. Each deceased must go to the Heavenly World on the Fire Ship or through the Great Fire of Kroda, and his goods must be ascended to the Ship or Kroda. For everyone must come to Volhalla with the goods that were with him at the stake, and use what he himself buried in the Earth.

7. The ashes of the deceased must be thrown into the waters of a river or sea, or, collected in a jug, buried in the ground, and a Mound must be poured into the Memory of the Knowing People, and a Memorial Stone must be placed over all Standing People.

8. At the beginning of Winter it is necessary to make bloodless sacrifices to the ancient Gods for the harvest, in the middle of Winter - for spring germination, in the middle of Spring - for Victory.

9. Every real man from any ancient Family should know that Conscience and the Sword must be protected from childhood.

10. It is not permissible to forgive someone who deliberately commits evil, for evil left unpunished multiplies, and the guilt for the multiplied evil lies with the one who left the perpetrator of evil unpunished and did not bring him to God’s right court.

11. Always be persistent and decisive in battles with the enemy and do not let go of your swords, protecting your ancient Clans and following the eternal Right Path to the Halls of Volhalla.

12. Do not allow, people, the eternal fear of the unknown into your hearts, and stupidity and ignorance into your thoughts and speeches.

13. Every standing man from any ancient Family should know that only four Great Powers help the development and multiplication of his ancient Family: Clear Conscience and Ancient Faith, Sharp Sword and Hard work.

14. People repay good only with good, and do not do evil and indecent things where you were received with kindness and an open Soul.

15. Do not, people, repay good for evil done to you, for if you repay good for evil, then how will you repay for good?

16. Know, people, that every descendant of the Ancient Gods must have Ancestral Faith, a clear Mind, an inquisitive Mind, a loving and brave Heart, a clear Conscience, strong Hands and a strong Will.


Tarkh is the keeper of universal wisdom.

1. Whoever has the blessing of God Perun for the Family Union, let there be neither Rati nor Fatta between them.*

2. Whoever gives part of his Soul to his children has not diminished his Soul, but has multiplied it.

3. He who squanders Love will lose it, and he who radiates Love will multiply it.

4. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that you must treat with love and kindness all living things created on Midgard-Earth.

5. Whoever caresses and warms an orphan child has committed a small deed, and whoever, having warmed him, given shelter and taught him to work hard, has committed a greater deed.

6. He who does not support his Family and his Faith in the hour of hardship is an apostate of his Family, and there will be no forgiveness for him all the days without a trace.

7. Let Conscience and the Laws of the Family be the measure of everything in all your actions.

8. Good must be given for Good.

9. Reject from yourself foreign thoughts and deeds that lead to the Immeasurable Inferno.

10. Read the Ancient Vedas, and let the Word of the Vedas live on your lips!

11. Save the lives of your Relatives and your neighbors and you will find help from your Most High Gods!

12. He who protects his child from creative deeds destroys the Soul of his child.

13. He who indulges the whims of his child destroys the great Spirit of his child.

14. The Vedas are known through the living Word, for only the living Word reveals the meaning hidden in the Vedas.

15. Do not destroy your Nature and the blood of your Clans, for these are two Great Powers that make it possible for your Ancient Clans to continue to exist.

16. Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that a Family Union created without God’s and Parent’s blessing is not protected from suffering and misunderstandings.


Ra-M-Ha is the One Creator, the Supreme Unknowable Essence emitting the original Life-Giving Light of Joy and the Primary Fire of the Universe, from which all currently existing, as well as visible and invisible Universes that existed in the past, and all kinds of inhabited Worlds appeared.

1. Return to your roots and you will open the gates to the Divine World.

2. Do not enter other Worlds with your own laws, but observe the laws of that World.

3. Observe the Laws of Ramha the Great, be wise and perfect.

4. Do not follow the Darkness, but follow the Light, for those who follow the Darkness will perish untimely.

5. Do not listen to those who call for falsehood, but listen to those who call for Truth.

6. Do not listen to those who say that life is finite, for they themselves do not know what they are proclaiming.

7. Do not listen to those who say that your neighbor is your enemy, but listen to those who say that your neighbor is your friend.

8. Go through many Worlds, getting to know them and improving your Spirit.

9. Learn the Wisdom of the One God and find the Light of God on your path.

10. Do not give the Vedas to those who turn them into evil and to the destruction of all living things.

11. Do not create false commandments and laws that go against the Laws and Commandments of God, for you will destroy yourself and lead your descendants astray from the Path.

12. Do not strive for other Worlds in order to capture them, for whoever has this in his thoughts can lose his World.

13. Do not think that many Earths are lifeless, there is life on them that is not visible to you, not felt by your senses.

14. Do not use the Whitemans and Whitemars for evil in order to seize other Worlds, but use them for good and knowledge of the Worlds, and then you will find the friendship of the inhabitants of those Worlds.

15. Do not show aggression against those who come to you from other Worlds, because how you behave, so they will think about all the inhabitants of your World.

16. Do not destroy your World and its nature, for you will destroy yourself and lose your World.

17. Let the wife not reject her first husband, for the Heavenly Family will turn away from her.

18. A daughter born in the Holy Summer may be united in family union with her husband only in the Holy Summer.

19. Let not the finger of the father touch another wife when his wife carries his child under her heart.

20. May you not have other wives besides your own, and at any time, except in hard times, when the male race dies in defense of its home, in defense of its Land and its Faith.

21. Do not use the Fash Destroyer against your World, for you will destroy your living World and lose the descendants of your Family.

22. Preserve the Memory of all the ancestors of your Family, and you will find the favor of the Gods and your Ancestors.

23. Respect the Wanderers, the messengers of the One God, listen to their Word and their Wisdom.

24. Do not live by the laws that people have created in order to deprive you of Freedom, but live by the Laws of the One God.

25. Do not pronounce the name of the One God in vanity, but speak it only on Great Holidays.

26. Honor the Heavenly Gods, your Father and Mother, for they gave you Life, the Father and Mother gave you Spirit and Body, and the Gods gave you Soul and Conscience.

27. Do not scold those who left your World, for only good things are said about those who have left.

28. Do not judge those who have strayed from the path of Light, but direct them again to the righteous path, for they will answer for their deeds before their Conscience and Family.

29. May you not be ashamed of what has been given to you by your nature and the One Family, but be ashamed of ignorance and ignorance.

30. Give respect to your Gods and the One Creator, and find peace and tranquility in your life, and may the Gates of Interworld be open for you.

31. Build Temples, so that in all the Worlds you may know the Wisdom of God, for whoever does not know the Wisdom of God will lose himself.

32. Honor sacredly all the holidays that your Ancestors left you, decorate your life with joy and good deeds, and for the Glory of the Gods and Your Ancestors.

33. Keep My Commandments that I have given you and find My help at all times.

* let there be neither Rati nor Fatta between them - strangers, men and women.

Since ancient times, Slavic men were known for their strength and valor. We know what the secret of the courage of our knights is. Every man learned from childhood commandments of the Slavic Gods, knew how to preserve and increase the honor of the family. What do ancient laws tell us today? There is no way to appreciate how dear we are to what men do for their family and Motherland; any gratitude for their actions seems too small. However, there is no shame in presenting a gift to your husband, father, brother or son as a sign of love and respect. For this occasion, the Northern Fairy Tale shop has special sets that are worthy of being a gift to a Slavic man who remains faithful to the northern traditions and Native Gods.

What commandments of the Slavic Gods did our men observe?

Our Gods taught that a man is a protector of his Family. He protects not only the health of his household and his home, but first of all, a man protects the honor of the family. It behooves him to follow northern customs, honor the Gods and Ancestors, and teach his children the same.

The men knew that commandments of the Slavic Gods They do not tell a person to live idlely. We must glorify our Family through peaceful labor and put our souls into our favorite work. That is why the glory of our northern masters is so great. Northern fishermen and hunters are also known throughout the world: they always returned to their home with rich catch. Men today know what the secret of a real hunter is: he follows commandments of the Slavic Gods, does not take from nature more than he needs, respects all living things on earth.

Feats of arms of the Slavic knights

Our Ancestors valued a peaceful life in conscience, but they knew how to defend themselves from anyone who threatened to attack their land. A man should not fight for the sake of fame and wealth, but protecting his home and Family is his duty.

That is why our knights are still famous for their courage and bravery. Legends are made up about their exploits and foreigners wonder: where does the Slavic warriors come from so much courage, why are they ready to die themselves, but will always come to the aid of a comrade? These people do not know that for many centuries our men were brought up on commandments of the Slavic Gods. Even though now we ourselves no longer remember what the ancient laws taught, but every person will find within himself a quiet voice that will tell you how to live in truth, and give strength to defend the Motherland in difficult times!

Slavic man today, what is he like?

I am glad that even now there are many worthy men who live according to their conscience! Look around: our fathers, husbands, brothers and sons honor commandments of the Slavic Gods, like their Ancestors many centuries ago. As before, Slavic men take care of the well-being and prosperity of their Family, protect loved ones from evil people, all sorts of troubles and unrest, and show children an example of correct life.

There is no way to appreciate how dear we are to what men do for their family and Motherland; any gratitude for their actions seems too small. However, there is no shame in presenting a gift to your husband, father, brother or son as a sign of love and respect. In spring there comes a time when it is customary to give gifts to men. Socks and razors are, of course, useful things. But maybe right now it’s worth looking into the essence and making a gift that will emphasize the essence of the Slavic man, his role, his following commandments of the Slavic Gods?

As the most ancient Scriptures and Traditions tell, in those ancient times, people and the Heavenly Gods fraternized with each other, helped each other, and the Heavenly Gods left their simple but wise Commandments to their earthly brothers and descendants, so that Happiness and Joy would not leave the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Clans Heavenly.

There are many commandments of the Light Gods, as well as the Heavenly Gods who gave them. In order for a person to fulfill in his daily life, all the Commandments that were given by the Many-Wise Heavenly Gods, he should remember Two Great Principles: “It is sacred to honor the Light Gods and the Many-Wise Ancestors, and also to live according to Conscience”.

In ancient times, the Commandments of the Supreme God Perun were written down by Runes on golden plates in “” (in the Book of Wisdom of Perun). The commandments of other Heavenly Gods were also written down in ancient times in the Sacred. Next we present the Commandments of the Heavenly Gods, a few of the existing multitudes that all Orthodox Christians fulfill and strictly adhere to in their daily lives.


1. Return to your roots and you will open the gates to the Divine World (Rule).
2. Do not enter other Worlds with your own laws, but observe the laws of that World.
3. Observe the Laws, be wise and perfect.
4. Do not follow the Darkness, but follow the Light, for those who follow the Darkness will perish untimely.
5. Do not listen to those who call for falsehood, but listen to those who call for Truth.
6. Do not listen to those who say that life is finite, for they themselves do not know what they are proclaiming.
7. Do not listen to those who say that your neighbor is your enemy, but listen to those who say that your neighbor is your friend.
8. Go through many Worlds, getting to know them and improving your Spirit.
9. Know the Wisdom of the One God () and you will find the Light of God on your Path.
10. Do not give the Vedas to those who turn them into evil and to the destruction of all living things.
11. Do not create false commandments and laws that go against the Laws and Commandments of God, for you will destroy yourself and lead your descendants astray from the Path.
12. Do not strive for other Worlds in order to capture them, for whoever has this in his thoughts can lose his World.
13. Do not think that many Earths are lifeless, there is life on them that is not visible to you, not felt by your senses.
14. Do not use the Whitemans and Whitemars for evil in order to capture other Worlds, but use them for good and knowledge of the Worlds, and then you will find the friendship of the inhabitants of those Worlds.
15. Do not show aggression against those who come to you from other Worlds, because how you behave, so they will think about all the inhabitants of your World.
16. Do not destroy your World and its nature, for you will destroy yourself and lose your World.
17. Let the wife not reject her first husband, for the Heavenly Family will turn away from her.
18. A daughter born on the Holy Summer may be united in Family Union with her husband only on the Holy Summer.
19. Let not the finger of a father touch another wife when his wife carries his child under her heart.
20. May you not have other wives except your own, and at any time, except in hard times, when the male race dies in defense of its home, in defense of its Land and its Faith.
21. Do not use the Fash Destroyer against your World, for you will destroy your living World and lose the descendants of your Family.
22. Preserve the Memory of all the ancestors of your Family, and you will find the favor of the Gods and your Ancestors.
23. Respect the Wanderers, the messengers of the One God (Kin), listen to their Word and their Wisdom.
24. Do not live by the laws that people created in order to deprive you of Freedom, but live by the Laws of the One God.
25. Do not pronounce the name of the One God in vanity, but speak it only on Great Holidays.
26. Honor the Heavenly Gods, your Father and Mother, for they gave you Life, the Father and Mother gave you Spirit and Body, and the Gods gave you Soul and Conscience.
27. Do not scold those who left your World, for only good things are said about those who have left.
28. Do not judge those who have strayed from the Path of Light, but direct them again to the Righteous Path, for they will answer for their deeds before their Conscience and Family.
29. May you not be ashamed of what has been given to you by your nature and the One Family, but be ashamed of ignorance and ignorance.
30. Give respect to your Gods and the One Creator, and you will find peace and tranquility in your life, and may they be open to you.
31. Build, and in all the Worlds, you may know the Wisdom of God, for whoever does not know the Wisdom of God will lose himself.
32. Honor sacredly all the holidays that your Ancestors left you, decorate your life with joy and good deeds, and for the Glory of the Gods and Your Ancestors.
33. Keep My Commandments that I have given you, and find My help at all times.


1. Honor each other, son - Mother and Father, husband and wife live in harmony.
2. The husband must encroach on one wife - otherwise you will not know salvation.
3. Run away from Falsehood and follow the Truth, honor your Family and the Heavenly Family.
4. Read three days a week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read the Great Holidays.
Therefore, it is appropriate for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, either by lot or by talent on other days without blemish. The seventh day is given to men, livestock and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Go to each other, be kind to each other, you will be happy - sing hymns to the Gods.
5. Read the Great from the burning to the wedding. People, beware at this time of Falsehood, keep your belly strictly from being eaten, your hands from plundering, your lips from blasphemy.
6. Honor the eggs in honor of the Koscheev egg that broke ours, thereby causing the Flood.
7. Read Holy Week - just as our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion to the salvation of Swan-Jiva, so you grieve humbly. And don’t drink intoxicating drinks, don’t say a swear word!
8. Read the Kupala Days. Remember the victory, how Perun defeated the Skipper beast and how he gave his sisters Freedom, how he cleansed them in the waters of Iria.
9. Read Perun's Day. How Perun wooed on the fifth day, how Perun won and cast God down from Heaven, remember Perun’s wedding!
10. Honor the Heavenly Family. Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clans.
11. After your harvest, remember Zlatogorka, also read the Day of the Wise Son, Yasna Falcon.
12. Honor the day of the Luminous Great Mother, Heavenly Mother of God.
13. Honor the day of Tarkh Dazhdbog - remember his marriage.
14. Honor Great England and Your Gods, who are the messengers of the One God of the One Family.
15. Honor old age and protect youth, learn the Wisdom that your Ancestors left you.
16. Live in harmony with other Clans, help when they ask you for help.
17. Do not spare your belly to protect your Home, to protect your Family and your Holy Faith, to protect your Holy Land.
18. Do not force the Holy Faith on people and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person.
19. Read PASKHET and remember the fifteen-year journey from Daariya to Russenia, as the sixteenth Summer. Our Ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Great Flood.
20. Live in union with Nature, do not destroy it, for it is the support of your Life and the entire living race.
21. Do not bring bloody sacrifices to Alatyr, do not anger your Gods, for it is disgusting for Them to accept innocent blood from God’s creatures.
22. Protect your Temples and Sanctuaries with a strong hand, help with all your might all the Wanderers and those who keep that Ancient Secret, the Word of God, the Word of the Wise.
23. Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild animals, and many diseases will take root in you. You eat clean food that grows in your fields, in your forests and gardens, then you will gain many strengths, bright forces, and sickness, illness and torment with suffering will not overtake you.
24. Do not cut your brown or gray hair, for you will not comprehend the wisdom of God and you will lose your health.
25. Father, raise your sons and daughters, teach them to live a righteous life, instill in them hard work, respect for youth and respect for old age. Sanctify their lives with the Holy Faith and Wisdom of the First Ancestors.
26. Do not boast of your strength to the weak so that they praise and fear you, but gain glory and strength in battles with the enemy.
27. Do not speak falsely against your neighbor; guard your lips from blasphemy.
28. Do good deeds for the glory of the Heavenly Family, and your great Ancestors, and your Holy Land.
29. Whatever deeds people do to you, do the same to them, for every deed is measured by its own measure.
30. Give a tenth of your wealth to the One God, and a hundredth to the leader and his squad, so that they protect your land.
31. Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown and explain the inexplicable, for the Gods help those who strive to know Wisdom.
32. Do not take the life of your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but the Gods; but do not spare the lives of the enemies who attack you and your lands, for they went against the will of the Gods.
33. Do not accept offerings and rewards for the deeds that you have created with the help of the Gift of the Gods, and for your good deeds, for the Gift of the Gods given to you will be lost, and no one will say that you are doing good.


1. Honor your Parents and support them in their old age, for as you show care for them, your children will also show care for you...
2. Preserve the memory of all the Ancestors of your Clans, and your descendants will remember you...
3. Protect old and young, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for these are your relatives, the wisdom and color of your peoples...
4. Foster in your children a love for the Holy Land of the Race, so that they are not seduced by overseas miracles, but can themselves create more wonderful and beautiful miracles, and for the glory of your Holy Land...
5. Do not perform miracles for your own good, but create miracles for the good of your Family and the Heavenly Family...
6. Help your neighbor in his trouble, for when trouble comes to you, your neighbors will also help you...
7. Do good deeds for the glory of your Family and your Ancestors, and find protection from your Light Gods...
8. Help with all your might to build Temples and Sanctuaries, preserve the Wisdom of God, the Ancient Wisdom...
9. Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God...
10. Cleanse yourself in the waters of Iriy, which the river flows in, to wash your white body, to sanctify it with God’s power...
11. Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Law that your Light Gods have given you...
12. Honor, people, you are Rusal days, observe God’s holidays...
13. Do not forget your Gods, burn incense and incense to the glory of the Gods and you will find the favor and mercy of your Gods...
14. Do not offend your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony...
15. Do not humiliate the dignity of other people, and let not your dignity be humiliated...
16. Do not cause harm to people of other faiths, for God the Creator is One over all Earths... and over all Worlds...
17. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you will bring curses upon yourself and there will be no forgiveness for you all your days without a trace...
18. Defend your land, and you will defeat all the enemies of the Race with your right weapons...
19. Protect the Clans of the Russen and Svyatorus from Foreign enemies who are coming into your lands with evil thoughts and weapons.
20. Do not boast of your strength when going to Battle, but rather boast when leaving the Battlefield...
21. Keep the Wisdom of God secret, do not give the Secret Wisdom to the pagans...
22. Do not convince those people who do not want to listen to you and heed your words...
23. Save your Temples and Sanctuaries from the desecration of the pagans, if you do not preserve the Shrines of the Holy Race and the Faith of your Ancestors, years of sorrow and resentment with suffering will visit you...
24. Whoever runs away from his land to a foreign land in search of an easy life is an apostate of his Family, may he not have forgiveness from his Family, for the Gods will turn away from him...
25. Do not rejoice in someone else’s grief, for whoever rejoices in someone else’s grief invites grief to himself...
26. Do not slander or laugh at those who love you, but respond to love with love and find the protection of your Gods... Love your neighbor if he is worthy of it...
27. Do not marry your brother or your sister, or your son your mother, for you will anger the Gods and ruin the blood of the Family...
28. Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate the house and destroy your Family, but take wives with white skin, you will glorify your house... and continue your Family...
29. As a wife, do not wear men’s clothing, for you will lose your femininity, but as a wife, wear what you are entitled to...
30. Do not destroy the bonds of the Family Union, sanctified by the Gods, for you will go against the law of the One Creator God and lose your happiness...
31. Let no child be killed in the womb, for whoever kills a child in the womb will incur the wrath of the One Creator God...
32. Love your husbands’ wives, for they are your protection and support and that of your entire Family...
33. Do not drink a lot of intoxicating drinks, know the limit in your drinking, for whoever drinks a lot of intoxicating drinks loses his human appearance...


1. May the firstborns of the Family, blessed by Svarog, be united in a Family Union in the Years of their Wisdom.
2. That of the wives who renounces her husband and his Family is unworthy of being a Mother and she will not know Happiness and Joy in her life, but only the bitterness of loss.
3. If a Mother renounces her child, born in pain, then she will not find peace in her Soul, neither in the Revealed World, nor in the Navi World, and the Most Pure Svarga will hide from her forever.
4. May any Mother put her Soul into all her deeds, and create Peace, Tranquility and Joy in her House.
5. May the daughter of God not renounce her duty to the Family and may she not renounce the birth of children beyond her Duty to the Family.
6. May only Lad and Love reign in the Family Union, and may troubles, hard times and losses not befall the Family Union.
7. Live, people, in Union with Nature, multiplying it, and not destroying it.
8. May the daughter of God accept into the Family Union, her betrothed spouse, and love and honor him as God the Protector of her Family.
9. May the son of God accept his betrothed wife in the Family Union and love and honor her as the Guardian Goddess of his home and the continuation of his Family.
10. Preserve your Family Unions, sanctified by the Gods, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, and may the Light Gods help you, and may your ancient Clans multiply.
11. Take care, daughters of God, from childhood on your light brown hair - the honor of your clans, braid your light brown hair into wondrous braids, cover them.
12. Wake up from your dreams with the Clear Sun, the Clear Stars will guide you to rest.
13. May the youngest son arrive in Childbirth with his Parents, and may he support his Parents in the days of old age, just as they supported him in the days of his youth.
14. If in your glorious Family there are more than six daughters, then it is better for you to become related to a mighty Family, in which there are more than six sons. And this blessed Kinship of yours will strengthen your ancient and glorious Clans.
15. The more children there are in your Clans, the more Love, Joy and Happiness will remain in your Clans, for your children strengthen your Clans and lead them to greatness and prosperity.
16. Never forget, children of the Great Race, the Patron Gods of your Clans and all the Ancestors of your Clans, for all the Patron Gods and wise Ancestors of yours are the mighty roots of your Clans, the source of life and prosperity of your Clans.


1. Spiritualized Family Union, may it be sanctified by all the elements and the Heavenly Gods.
2. A man who does not have children does not fulfill his duty to his Family and the Great Race, for his children are a continuation of his ancient Family.
3. May the Fire of your hearts and hearths not go out, if you live according to your Conscience, and not at the instigation of someone else.
4. May you not desecrate with your corruption the Holy Land of your Ancestors, which is watered with the Blood and Sweat of your Grandfathers.
5. Make it easier for your loved ones to leave through the Great and spacious Lodya, so that the Souls of your loved ones with the smoke of Krodny can ascend to the Most Pure Svarga to your Ancestors.
6. Honor the memory of your Ancestors with bloodless sacrifices, for what you sacrifice to them is what they will receive.
7. Do not destroy your Souls by striving for earthly blessings, for all the blessings of the Revealed World will not create the smallest benefit of the World of Rule.
8. Failure to fulfill the Commandments of many deprives a person of help from the Gods and his Ancestors, for only those who keep the Commandments and the Two Great Principles are helped by all the Gods.
9. End all disputes between your Clans with fraternal peace, and battles with enemies with a victorious feast.
10. Before creating your Family Union, let your heart always be submissive to your Parental will, for life without a Parental blessing is worse than bondage.
11. Do not go, people of the Clans of the Great Race, against your Clear Conscience and the ancient laws of your Clans, for on the roundabout Paths of your life there is no peace for your Soul.
12. Take care, people of the Clans of the Great Race, your Parents and the Elders of your Clans, for there is no one Kinner and Wiser for you than the Parents and Elders of your ancient Clans.
13. Do not create, people of the Clans of the Great Race, a free wind in your heads, thunder clouds in your speeches and a thunderstorm in your hearts.
14. Remember, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the wealth and prosperity of your ancient Clans was originally contained in your small children, whom you must raise in love, kindness and hard work.
15. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the meaning of life and prosperity of your Clans rests on four ancient foundations, which are Faith, Conscience, Love and Will.
16. Create, people of the Clans of the Great Race, according to the dictates of your heart, for your heart is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and Divine Power.


1. Let there be no Family Union between those born in the One Summer, except for those born on the One Day and the One Hour.
2. The greatest and most priceless jewels in the World are the Sword, Conscience and Wisdom. Everything else will not bring prosperity to the Family.
3. Master all the arts and ancient Wisdom that your Clans originally preserved, and also learn the arts and ancient Wisdom of other peoples, but do not teach everything to other peoples.
4. Remember that it is not a pity to give your eye for a sip from the source of Ancient Wisdom, for the one who knows the Runes without eyes can see.
5. Do not reveal the secret of the Runes to other peoples, for they use the ancient secret Wisdom and the Greatest Power of Nature against you and your Clans.
6. Each deceased must go to the Heavenly World on the Fire Ship or through the Great Fire of Kroda, and his goods must be ascended to the Ship or Kroda. For everyone must come to Volhalla with the goods that were with him at the stake, and use what he himself buried in the ground.
7. The ashes of the deceased must be thrown into the waters of a river or sea, or, collected in a jug, buried in the ground, and a mound must be poured in the Memory of the Knowing People, and a Memorial Stone must be placed over all Standing People.
8. At the beginning of Winter, it is necessary to make bloodless sacrifices to the ancient Gods for the harvest, in the middle of Winter - for spring germination, in the middle of Spring - for Victory.
9. Every real man from any ancient Family should know that Conscience and the Sword must be protected from childhood.
10. It is not permissible to forgive someone who deliberately commits evil, for evil left unpunished multiplies, and the guilt for the multiplied evil lies with the one who left the perpetrator of evil unpunished and did not bring him to God’s right court.
11. Always be persistent and decisive in battles with the enemy and do not let go of your swords, protecting your ancient Clans and following the eternal Right Path to the Halls of Volhalla.
12. Do not allow, people, the eternal fear of the unknown into your hearts, and do not allow stupidity and ignorance into your thoughts and speeches.
13. Every standing man from any ancient Family should know that only four Great Powers help the development and multiplication of his ancient Family: Clear Conscience and Ancient Faith, Sharp Sword and Hard work.
14. People repay good only with good, and do not do evil and indecent things where you were received with kindness and an open Soul.
15. Do not, people, repay good for evil done to you, for if you repay good for evil, then how will you repay for good?
16. Know, people, that every descendant of the Ancient Gods must have Ancestral Faith, a clear Mind, an inquisitive Mind, a loving and brave Heart, a clear Conscience, strong Hands and a strong Will.


1. Let the Family Union, deepened by the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, be built on the great rule bearing the Spiritual Swastika.
2. Know that Harmony flows into the opposite Halls, except for the Swastichna and Trisvastika, for these Heavenly Halls do not give rise to Harmony, but to Mutual Love and Fertility.
3. Preserve in your great and small Clans the Ancient Wisdom of your Ancestors and the Heavenly Wisdom of your Light Gods.
4. The Highest Heavenly Truth becomes accessible and understandable only to those people who strive for the heights of creation, moving along the Golden Path of Spiritual and Mental perfection.
5. Protect, people, the Highest Heavenly Truth from dark forces and from ignorant people with sleeping Souls and callous hearts. For, having acquired knowledge about the Highest Truth, they will distort the Truth and hide it from the eyes of those seeking the Golden Path of Spiritual and Mental perfection.
6. Pass on the Wisdom of Creative Creation, which your Clans keep, to your descendants. And let this Wisdom pass from Fathers to sons and from Grandfathers to grandchildren.
7. Preserve, people, the beauty of your Native Land for the descendants of your ancient Clans, increasing the beauty of your Native Land, and for the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.
8. Do not allow, people, evil and unrighteous anger into your Souls, for they will denigrate your Souls, and your hearts will become callous.
9. Do not listen to the voice of those people who say that the Highest Truth and Wisdom of the Light Gods has been lost. Because they themselves do not know what they are proclaiming, for it is impossible to lose what is connected to your Souls and Hearts.
10. The Sacred Duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clans is to give birth to sons so that they become successors of the Ancient Great Clans.
11. The Great Duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race is to give birth to daughters, for they must give birth to children to continue the Ancient Great Clans.


1. May those born in Ramhat bring harmony to all children born in the rest of Lethe.
2. Those born in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin, let them not look for their betrothed in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin.
3. Do not waste time, for he who loses a little time loses his Life in parts.
4. From dawn to dusk, create, people, and from dusk to dawn, rest, people.
5. No personal freedom or will can change the flow of the River of Time and duty to the Heavenly Family and your Gods.
6. Know, people of the Great Race, that the life of each creature has its own course of Time, and therefore do not take someone else’s life, for by disturbing the course of the Life Time of other creatures, you change the Time of your life.
7. If every person strives towards a goal in life, fulfilling his destiny in accordance with the flow of the Time of life, then his life will acquire the Highest Spiritual meaning.
8. Do not waste time, but fill your life with holiness, and with good deeds, and for the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.
9. Live, people of the Great Race, according to your Conscience, and may you find peace in your Souls, and may your Lifetime be filled with meaning.
10. Every event in Nature and your life occurs at a time determined by the Gods and in its own time, and no matter how much you reject it, what is destined to happen will definitely happen.


1. Whoever has the blessing of God Perun on, let there be neither Rati nor Fatta between them.
2. Whoever gives part of his Soul to his children has not diminished his Soul, but has increased it.
3. He who squanders Love will lose it, and he who radiates Love will multiply it.
4. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that you must treat with love and kindness all living things created on Midgard-Earth.
5. Whoever caresses and warms an orphan child has committed a small deed, and whoever, having warmed him, given shelter and taught him to work hard, has committed a greater deed.
6. He who does not support his Family and his Faith in the hour of hardship is an apostate of his Family, and there will be no forgiveness for him all the days without a trace.
7. Let Conscience and the Laws of the Family be the measure of everything in all your actions.
8. The Ancient Wisdom that is preserved in your Clans belongs only to your Clans and your descendants, and therefore do not give the Ancient Wisdom to Foreigners, who will use it against your Clans.
9. Reject from yourself foreign thoughts and deeds that lead to the Immeasurable Inferno.
10. Read the Ancient Vedas, and let the Word of the Vedas live on your lips.
11. Save the lives of your Relatives and your neighbors and you will find help from your Most High Gods.
12. He who protects his child from creative deeds destroys the Soul of his child.
13. He who indulges the whims of his child destroys the great Spirit of his child.
14. The Vedas are known through the living Word, for only the living Word reveals the meaning hidden in the Vedas.
15. Do not destroy your Nature and the Blood of your Clans, for these are two Great Powers that make it possible for your Ancient Clans to continue to exist.
16. Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that a Family Union created without God’s and Parent’s blessing is not protected from suffering and misunderstandings.

The entire Judeo-Christian world knows the famous commandments of the prophet Moses. These commandments were also automatically accepted by Christians, and there were very few people who doubted their divinity. The Russian Magi told the people that these commandments are a trap for human souls, but with the arrival of Christians on Russian soil, a real hunt began for the Magi. Moreover, most of all, Christians accused them of not recognizing the commandments of Moses, but, they say, the Russian people like the commandments of the Jewish prophet. And indeed, many people in our time sincerely believe that if people observed these “holy laws” in their lives, then life on Earth would be different.

Actually, what's wrong with them? Here are the main ones:
“Honor your father and your mother, so that it may go well with you and that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” "Dont kill". "Thou shalt not commit adultery." “Thou shalt not steal.” “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife (not his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his livestock, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
At first glance, the commandments are wonderful. Then why did the Russian Magi, and long before them the Druids and priests of the Germanic peoples, consider the commandments of Moses to be the product of the forces of Darkness, for which, as a rule, they had to pay with their lives? And the secret, it turns out, is hidden in the form of their presentation. The Egyptian priests of Amun, descendants of the priestly class of Atlantis, which included the famous Moses, were excellent psychologists.
They knew very well that the commandment only works when it becomes the property of the subconscious.
They also knew that the human subconscious does not accept the negation of “not”, “no”, etc. Moreover, it does not matter in what language these negations are expressed. To be convinced of the above, it is enough to get acquainted with any popular publications on psychology and especially on self-hypnosis - that is the whole secret of the Judeo-Christian commandments.

Firstly, the commandment “honor your father and your mother” is half-hearted. Yes, a child must love his father and mother, but for some reason the Jewish god does not oblige parents to love their child. The answer is simple: Yahweh himself does not love anyone but himself, he constantly demands that they love and honor him, and if people stop doing this, then he severely punishes them, which is easy to see if you read the “holy Pentateuch.” You don’t have to be a particularly educated person to understand that the Jewish Yahweh, in relation to his own Jews, acts not as a father, but as a slave owner, and constantly demands slavish obedience from them. He creates exactly the same relationships through the commandment in Jewish and Christian families. It is no secret that in ancient times the Jews often sold their children like cattle, and the children did not have the right to complain. Let us remember how his siblings - not even his father or mother - sold the same Joseph to the Israelis (Pentateuch). But we know that the ideal destroyer is a person with a slave’s psyche, and a slave must be raised best in the family and from the cradle. Later, this ideology of family slavery migrated to the so-called Russian Domostroy. No one still thinks about who wrote this set of house building laws in Russia and for what purpose. But we’ll talk about it later, and now let’s return to the rest of the commandments.

If the subconscious does not accept and in any form rejects the particle “not” from itself, then the commandments of Moses in it will take the following form:


"...commit adultery."

"... steal."

“...bear false witness against your neighbor.”

“... thou shalt covet thy neighbor’s wife,” etc.

Is it any wonder now that with the advent of Christianity in the world of the Aryans, the descendants of the Hyperboreans, who in their hearts knew neither theft nor animal lust, and were not murderers by nature, suddenly began to sin with all these qualities. The Satanists had to bring the Aryans down to their spiritual level at all costs, and in general (mainly in the West) they managed to do it.


But now we are interested in the commandments of the Great Family, which were inscribed on the Alatyr Stone and transmitted to the Russian people by Svarog himself. Thanks to the guardian magicians, these commandments survived, and we will now get acquainted with them.
The commandments of the Heavenly Family to the Russians (Slavs, Germans) and other Aryan peoples - the descendants of the ancient northern race - consist of three interconnected parts. Let us remember the fiery trinity of the world.

The first place in it is always the foundation - the parent.
In second place is the consequence: son.
On the third is energy: the holy spirit.

In the commandments of the Family, the same structure can be traced, only the place of the father in it is taken by knowledge, the place of the son is love, and the place of the holy spirit is traditions, the memory of ancestors.


1. Every Russian Aryan is obliged from childhood until his death to follow the path of truth through life, and this path for him should become the meaning of his whole life, and there are no other paths for an Aryan other than this.

2. In order to take the path of truth and serve it, the Russian Aryan must raise his spirit to an understanding of the true, and for this the Aryan needs knowledge of Heaven, Earth and himself.

3. The Russian Aryan is obliged to know the heavenly hierarchy headed by the Ancestor Family, understand its laws and follow them in his life.

4. The Russian Aryan is obliged to know the spiritual hierarchy of Mother Earth, to know the laws of the earth, as well as the heavenly ones, and to follow these laws in his life.

5. The Russian Aryan is obliged, based on his life experience, to expand and deepen his understanding of the higher laws of the cosmos, earthly nature and the place of man in the Universe.

6. A Russian-Aryan must work throughout his entire life to understand and improve himself. Only this work is capable of raising the spirit of man to the divine and leading to a higher understanding of truth.

7. A Russian-Aryan must know that the spirit and body of a person are one. The body is dense fiery energy. Therefore, when working with the spirit, it is necessary to influence the body. A truly perfect person is only one who is beautiful not only in his spirit, but also in his body.


1. The Russian Aryan is obliged to know and love the three highest cosmic principles: Nav, Reality and Rule. His understanding and love for them will help him to easily follow the laws of Rule throughout his life, since the principle of Rule is the law of the highest cosmic love, or truth.

2. The Russian Aryan is obliged to love the Heavenly Family and all its cosmic hypostases.

3. The Russian Aryan, in addition to all other gods, is obliged to love Lada the Great as the highest creative potential of the Universe, also the direct ancestor of all Aryan peoples - the solar Dazhbog. For the Aryan Russians, love for Lada and Dazhbog is love for the heavenly mother and heavenly father.

4. A Russian-Aryan is obliged to love Mother Earth not only Russian, but “the whole one.” To love means to fight for its prosperity - so that its rivers and lakes do not dry up, that new forests expand and grow stronger, that its steppes are rich in black soil. Man cannot live without taking anything from nature, but he can return to nature what he has taken from it. This is love for Mother Earth and all her incarnations: Svetobor, Polesvet, goblin, water spirits and other working spirits.

5. A Russian-Aryan is obliged to love the Russian land, take care of its forests and fields, take care of clean waters, take care of fragrant herbs, and its honeyed air. He is obliged to take care of the herds of wild animals living on the land of the Russians, birds in its sky and fish in its waters.

6. A Russian-Aryan is obliged to love his Russian people with all his heart, to love his tribes and clans, to love equally the old and the young, the prince and the commoner. And loving your family, in a dispute between Slavic neighbors, so as not to humiliate it, always follow the truth.

7. A Russian-Aryan is obliged to love his father, his mother, his brothers, sisters, and all other relatives. He is also obliged to love his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and give them all the best of himself. This is where the Russian-Aryan’s love for himself lies.


1. A Russian-Aryan must know his whole life well and preserve the ancient traditions of his people.

2. The Russian Aryan must always remember that the main wealth of a person is his divine soul, and he is obliged not only to preserve this soul, but also to make it even richer.

3. The Russian-Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russians never killed anyone in vain, and that taking the life of a person or animal in vain is a serious sin. The gods forgive the murder of an enemy - the bearer of dark forces, but the murder of an innocent aggravates the punishment, therefore, before striking, the Aryan must clearly understand who is in front of him: an enemy or a person whose guilt is small.

4. The Russian Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russians never tortured anyone. Torture and abuse of humans or animals strengthen the black egregor and give Chernobog greater strength. Therefore, the Russian Aryan is obliged to take the lives of his enemies or domestic and wild animals instantly.

5. The Russian Aryan must always remember that the ancestors of the Russians never took anything that belonged to others. To appropriate someone else’s property means to violate the ancient tradition of one’s people and by this act to lose the right to be called a Russian and an Aryan, and, on top of everything else, to cover one’s family, clan, tribe and one’s fiery people with shame.

6. The Russian Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russians never lied. They considered lying one of the greatest sins. Therefore, a Russian Aryan should never lie. If you need to hide the truth from someone, then it is best to remain silent. But sometimes, in order to defeat evil, a lie is necessary, but then such a lie turns into the holy truth.

7. The Russian Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russians never envied anyone. Therefore, a Russian-Aryan in any life situation should be far from envy. He must always believe in the star of his luck and that his path is his only, and this is the joy of life.

8. A Russian-Aryan is obliged to remember and understand well, and also, if possible, be a participant in the festivities and associated customs of his people. He is also obliged to know the roots of their origin and their sacred meaning.

9. The Russian Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russians were great workers, that they did not know laziness and always brought every task to the end. Therefore, he is obliged to cultivate diligence in himself and firmly know that only hard everyday work is the most reliable source of a person’s material well-being and happiness. The Russian Aryan must remember that the Heavenly Race and all its incarnations, considering a person to be their relative, love him like a son and always strive to help him in any good deed. The forces of the Family do not come to the rescue only when a person is driven by self-interest, envy, ambition and other base feelings. The Russian-Aryan must remember and know that the ancestors of the Russian people, who went to the heavenly Iriy, do not forget about earthly Rus', and in difficult times, if you turn to them, they always come to the aid of their earthly relatives.

10. The Russian Aryan must remember that all four powerful elements: Fire, Water, Air and Mother Earth are not hostile to a righteous person, and he can always turn to them for help at the right time.

11. The Russian-Aryan must remember that the ancestors of the Russian people never humiliated a woman, that they considered her the “beginning of the beginnings” of the human race, and therefore not a man, but a woman has the right to choose. After all, only a woman-mother knows what kind of father her future offspring should have.

12. The Russian-Aryans must remember that the women of the Russian-Aryans, in difficult times of severe cold and long bloody wars, when more than half of the male Russians passed away, by the will of the gods and with their own consent, created families on the land of the Slavs, which consisted of a man and several women. And with this the Russian woman saved all Russians from extinction. Therefore, the Russian Aryan must preserve this tradition among his people, but only a woman can use it. Polygamy on the initiative of a man in the land of the Russians is contrary to the law of Lada and is therefore considered sinful.
G. Sidorov - Secret chronology and psychophysics... of the Russian people... Page 429-434


1. Honor each other, son - Mother and Father, husband and wife live in harmony.
2. The husband must encroach on one wife - otherwise you will not know salvation.
3. Run away from Falsehood and follow the Truth, honor your Family and the Heavenly Family.
4. Read three days a week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read the Great Holidays. Therefore, it is appropriate for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, either by lot or by talent on other days without flaw. The seventh day is given to men, animals and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Go to each other, love each other, you will be happy - sing songs to the Gods.
5. Read Lent, from the burning of Madder to the wedding of Jiva. Beware, people, at this time of Falsehood, keep your belly strictly from being eaten, your hands from plundering, your lips from blasphemy.
6. Honor the eggs in honor of the egg of the Koshcheev, which our Dazhdbog broke, thereby causing the Flood.
7. Read Holy Week - just as our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion to the salvation of Swan-Jiva, so you grieve humbly. And don’t drink intoxicating drinks, don’t say a swear word!
8. Read the Kupala Days. Remember the victory of Perunov, how Perun defeated the Skipper beast and how he gave freedom to his sisters, how he cleansed them in the waters of Iria.
9. Read Perun's Day. How Perun wooed Diva on the fifth day, how Perun defeated the Sea King and cast down the violent Veles from heaven, remember Perunov’s wedding!
10. Read Mother Lada and the Heavenly Family. Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clans.
11. After your harvest, remember the Dormition of Zlatogorka, honor the day of Volkh Zmievich, son of Indra, Yasna Falcon.
12. Honor the day of Makosha Mother, the Radiant Great Mother, the Heavenly Mother of God.
13. Honor the day of Tarkh Dazhdbog - remember his marriage.
14. Honor Great England and Your Gods, who are the messengers of the One God of the One Family.
15. Honor old age and protect youth, learn the Wisdom that your Ancestors left you.
16. Live in harmony with other Clans, help when they ask you for help.
17. Do not spare your belly, to protect your Home, to protect your Family and your Holy Faith, to protect your Holy Land.
18. Do not force the Holy Faith on people, and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person.
19. Read PASKHET, and remember the fifteen-year transition from Daariya to Russenia, as the sixteenth Summer Our Ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Great Flood.
20. Live in union with Nature, do not destroy it, for it is the support of your Life and the entire living race.
21. Do not bring bloody sacrifices to Alatyr, do not anger your Gods, for it is disgusting for Them to accept innocent blood from God’s creatures.
22. Protect with a strong hand your Temples and Sanctuaries, help with all your might, you to all the Wanderers and Templars who keep that Ancient Secret, the Word of God, the Word of the Wise.
23. Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild animals, and many diseases will take root in you. You eat clean food that grows in your fields, in your forests and gardens, then you will gain many strengths, bright forces, and sickness, illness and torment with suffering will not overtake you.
24. Do not cut your brown or gray hair, for you will not comprehend the wisdom of God and you will lose your health.
25. Father, raise your sons and daughters, teach them to live a righteous life, instill in them hard work, respect for youth and respect for old age. Sanctify their lives with the Holy Faith and Wisdom of the Ancestors.
26. Do not boast of your strength to the weak so that they praise and fear you, but gain glory and strength in battles with the enemy.
27. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor; guard your lips from blasphemy.
28. Do good deeds for the glory of the Heavenly Family, and your great ancestors and your holy land.
29. Whatever deeds people do to you, such you will do to them, for every deed is measured by its own measure.
30. Give a tenth of your wealth to the One God, and a hundredth to the leader and his squad, so that they protect your land.
31. Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown and explain the inexplicable, for the Gods help those who strive to know Wisdom.
32. Do not take the life of your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but God; but do not spare the lives of the enemies who attack you and your lands, for they went against the will of God.
33. Do not accept offerings and rewards for the deeds that you have created with the help of the Gift from God, and for your good deeds, for the Gift of God given to you will be lost and no one will say that you are doing good.


1. Honor your Parents and support them in their old age, for as you show care for them, your children will also show care for you...
2. Preserve the memory of all the Ancestors of your Clans and your descendants will remember you...
3. Protect old and young, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for these are your relatives, the wisdom and color of your peoples...
4. Foster in your children a love for the Holy Land of the Race, so that they are not seduced by overseas miracles, but can themselves create more wonderful and beautiful miracles, and for the glory of your Holy Land...
5. Do not perform miracles for your own good, but create miracles for the good of your Family and the Heavenly Family...
6. Help your neighbor in his trouble, for when trouble comes to you, your neighbors will also help you...
7. Do good deeds, for the glory of your Family and your Ancestors, and find protection from your Light Gods...
8. Help with all your might to build Temples and Sanctuaries, preserve the Wisdom of God, the Ancient Wisdom...
9. Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God...
10. Cleanse yourself in the waters of Iriy, which is a river flowing in the Holy Land, to wash your white body, to sanctify it with God’s power...
11. Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Law that your Light Gods have given you...
12. Honor people, you Rusal days, observe God's holidays...
13. Do not forget your Gods, burn incense and incense to the glory of the Gods and you will find the favor and mercy of your Gods...
14. Do not offend your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony...
15. Do not humiliate the dignity of other people, and let not your dignity be humiliated...
16. Do not cause harm to people of other faiths, for God the Creator is One over all Earths... and over all Worlds...
17. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you will invite curses upon yourself and there will be no forgiveness for you all your days without a trace...
18. Defend your land and you will defeat all the enemies of the Race with your right weapons...
19. Protect the Clans of the Russen and Svyatorus from Foreign enemies who are coming into your lands with evil thoughts and weapons.
20. Do not boast about your strength when going to Battle, but rather boast when leaving the Battlefield...
21. Keep the Wisdom of God secret, do not give the Secret Wisdom to the pagans...
22. Do not convince those people who do not want to listen to you and heed your words...
23. Save your Temples and Sanctuaries from the desecration of the pagans, if you do not preserve the Shrines of the Holy Race... and the Faith of your Ancestors, years of sorrow and resentment with suffering will visit you...
24. Whoever runs away from his land to a foreign land, in search of an easy life, is an apostate of his Family, may he not have forgiveness from his Family, for the Gods will turn away from him...
25. Do not rejoice, you, at someone else’s grief, for whoever rejoices at someone else’s grief calls grief to himself...
26. Do not slander or laugh at those who love you, but respond to love with love and find the protection of your Gods...
27. Love your neighbor if he is worthy...
28. Do not take a wife, a brother - his sister, and a son - his mother, for you will anger the Gods and ruin the blood of the Family...
29. Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate the house and destroy your Family, but take wives with white skin, you will glorify your house... and continue your Family...
30. As a wife, do not wear men’s clothing, for you will lose your femininity, but as a wife, wear what you are entitled to...
31. Do not break the bonds of the Family Union, sanctified by the Gods, for you will go against the law of the One Creator God and lose your happiness...
32. Let no child be killed in the womb, for whoever kills a child in the womb will incur the wrath of the One Creator God... Love your husbands’ wives, for they are your protection and support, and that of your entire Family...
33. Do not drink a lot of intoxicating drinks, know the limit in your drinking, for whoever drinks a lot of intoxicating drinks loses his human appearance...